Masterjohn is in agreement with Brecka on many issues but provides a critique of Brecka on several issues but primarily methylation and the value of his genetic test.
Before anyone spends any money on genetic testing, I think this is a good bit of additional information from a credible source.
From klimer
Good info, but this is Mainstream Medieval Medicine V. 2.0: Where ostensibly they can give up failed cancer and heart therapies, and replace the revenue stream with new "personalized medicine" designed to keep you from getting ill. It's still a religion, so it needs to maintain a role for all the priests and other members of the church hierarchy. "Genetic testing" is just a way to say that you aren't capable of steering your own ship - you need to trust the "experts." They are the only ones Mother Nature endowed with real brains. You and I got the whimpy, pathetic brains.
The reality is that letting go of the cash cows for a new revenue stream is a non-starter. Why wouldn't they want to have their cake and eat it too, as they've always done? No doubt they'll find genetic markers for imperfect methylation that will put you at risk for certain cancers. And then they'll have a magic potion to fix that for you. Or they'll rush you in for early treatment to "save" you from the future threat.
Right. The only things they fix - like replaced knees, hips, discs and heart valves - are the things where they covered up your symptoms for years with pain meds and other drugs, waiting for the day when things got bad enough that they could finally cash in on their investment of deceiving you. A large percentage of such issues could be avoided, or at the very least postponed for decades.
Look for simpler answers. Have faith in your body's ability to heal itself. Avoid the toxins lurking everywhere as best as possible (especially the plastic fats made from seed oils, but mercury and pesticides, food additives, etc). Trust in Mother Nature. And make the most of what She gives us (sunshine, grounding, physical activity, natural foods, and so on).
From T Cell
Dan, you are right about the Methylation issues being long well known, including MTHFR Theory.
I warn the Rogan Millions however the thrust of this Rogan Piece is overly linking Health to Genetic Testing. An already untrustworthy and insecure INDUSTRY.
Herein lies the hidden danger to us all, i.e. Digital Control via a Eugenics Genetically Mapped Population, denied freedom, travel, wealth, location, autonomy in food, or medication choices, including Quackcines. All according to the 'New Genetic Bible'
This is The Cabal Wet Dream.
I for one do not trust the speaker. He is using Methylation as if newly discovered. Despite quite sensible urgings to breathe, exercise, and eat well etc. (which IS the way to Good Health) the Genetic Testing Emphasis is an unnecessary, and in my opinion, Sinister Dimension.
I like the fact Brecks brought attention to synthetic folic acid in prenatals n fortified foods. If u have this snp u just build up useless folic acid ur cells can’t use well. I saw this with a niece who was on prescription prenatal n baby was born with severe lip tie and tongue tie n abnormal chin. A midline defect caused by low Folate! Of course pediatrician missed it the babysitter found it. Better off eating a lot of folate rich foods then taking these prenatals if u don’t know ur snps. Dr Berg has great info on this.
Thank you for posting this alternative perspective. I always appreciate the chance to review divergent views and weigh the evidence as I learn more. Thank you for all of your thought provoking essays and critical analyses.
I had my kids tested for methylation with Dr Amy Yasko back in 2005. Dr Ben lynch has a lot of great info too. I just had a conversation with a young resident about the MTHFR gene. Never heard of it! Because the treatment is lifestyle n nutrients not pharma. A homocysteine level should be standard screening
Good info, but this is Mainstream Medieval Medicine V. 2.0: Where ostensibly they can give up failed cancer and heart therapies, and replace the revenue stream with new "personalized medicine" designed to keep you from getting ill. It's still a religion, so it needs to maintain a role for all the priests and other members of the church hierarchy. "Genetic testing" is just a way to say that you aren't capable of steering your own ship - you need to trust the "experts." They are the only ones Mother Nature endowed with real brains. You and I got the whimpy, pathetic brains.
The reality is that letting go of the cash cows for a new revenue stream is a non-starter. Why wouldn't they want to have their cake and eat it too, as they've always done? No doubt they'll find genetic markers for imperfect methylation that will put you at risk for certain cancers. And then they'll have a magic potion to fix that for you. Or they'll rush you in for early treatment to "save" you from the future threat.
Right. The only things they fix - like replaced knees, hips, discs and heart valves - are the things where they covered up your symptoms for years with pain meds and other drugs, waiting for the day when things got bad enough that they could finally cash in on their investment of deceiving you. A large percentage of such issues could be avoided, or at the very least postponed for decades.
Look for simpler answers. Have faith in your body's ability to heal itself. Avoid the toxins lurking everywhere as best as possible (especially the plastic fats made from seed oils, but mercury and pesticides, food additives, etc). Trust in Mother Nature. And make the most of what She gives us (sunshine, grounding, physical activity, natural foods, and so on).
Please read Chris Masterjohn, PhD’s corrections of Brecka’s claims. Chris is arguably a greater authority and a long-term dissemination of extremely well-researched health information, whereas Brecka’s formal educational background, FWIW, seems flimsy.
I wish I could read all of this stack! I’ve restacked to hopefully look back on. I get about 30-60 minutes per day to read, otherwise my other important live sustaining activities are harmed. Hopefully some of you future stacks will be condensed summaries, with links to dive deeper. How do you find the time to write so many, very, VERY long stacks?
The best presentation on methylation I watched was done by Graham Downing, back BC (Before Con). There were not many of them, but the quality of presentation was a lot like early Andrew Kaufman - factual, informative, nicely explained for lay audience, undeniable.
Some of these go as far back as 2015 - at that time, it was almost science fiction. Mere 8 years later, and every inhabitant of the Earth colony knows these subjects first hand. Truly amazing.
Dan, you are right about the Methylation issues being long well known, including MTHFR Theory.
I warn the Rogan Millions however the thrust of this Rogan Piece is overly linking Health to Genetic Testing. An already untrustworthy and insecure INDUSTRY.
Herein lies the hidden danger to us all, i.e. Digital Control via a Eugenics Genetically Mapped Population, denied freedom, travel, wealth, location, autonomy in food, or medication choices, including Quackcines. All according to the 'New Genetic Bible'
This is The Cabal Wet Dream.
I for one do not trust the speaker. He is using Methylation as if newly discovered. Despite quite sensible urgings to breathe, exercise, and eat well etc. (which IS the way to Good Health) the Genetic Testing Emphasis is an unnecessary, and in my opinion, Sinister Dimension.
As I was putting the summary together, there was something gnawing away at me in the background...I couldn't quite put my finger on it (in and amongst all the great talk about grounding and breathing)...and now you've helped me see thank you.
Agree, he is over emphasizing genes and genetic testing as a pathway to health.
He will likely get a TED invite now, maybe even a WEF talk.
I have found nothing sinister about knowing my own snps. What they do with the info may of course be sinister but why not know how your own body works? Another great discussion is Dr Jordan Vaughn n the PAI-1 gene n its connection to microclots post vax AND covid. That would be great interview too.
Knowing your own snips is one thing, giving your entire genetic fingerprint to an industry already found to be willing to easily and greadily sell on to the highest bidder, is of course your choice.
The belief that Genetics (aka Eugenics) is about Health is a Marketing Scam.
Educate yourself with a knowledge base that's relevant to the majority of health measures, lifestyles and mindsets that impact you in life for good or ill. That is the true path to true health.
I want to be a doctor. No, a doctor scientist researcher. In genetics and with EM work. You know, the one job with no liability, no accountability, seven zeroes in annual salary, and “Mind for hire, unconditional, fresh, rarely used” on the business card. Will swap my two PhDs for this. Anyone?
For ordinary people, I believe that again, "A little learning is a dangerous thing"??
I have known too many intelligent, but non professional people, who have become obsessed with some arcane aspect of their personal health. I think this is the most "Unhealthy" possible pursuit.
I am simple and any self-treatment is similarly simple: I believe that my physical body is a very complex and self-regulating machine. I was taught (Mother) that the human body can identify which materials are beneficial or otherwise whenever those are presented. For example: A paralytic shellfish toxin can be identified within moments by simply rubbing the flesh of a bivalve on the lower lip. If the lip goes numb, don't eat the clam! Otherwise, the toxin can't be identified without extensive laboratory testing? Other "symptomatic" effects can be detected for both deficiencies and over consumption
Over millions of years, we have developed, and now are discarding, biologic defence mechanisms..
I'm tired of putting all the "work" on the populace to stay healthy while "They" continue to poison us. Every health issue can be attributed to RADIATION SICKNESS. A person cannot properly assimilate nutrients when they are constantly being exposed to non-native radiation. I see healthy people doing everything they are supposed to be doing and they are still sick. Stop blaming the victims.
“While conventional medicine focuses on symptomatic relief, holistic and functional paradigms address root dysfunctions.” That is it in a nut shell! Allopathic medicine cartel and big pharma have NEVER been in business,to prevent or cure anything, period. They have been in business for $$$ not for health improvement in the end. Over the years through many mechanisms they have created the majority of our health problems, triggered genes to express many of the so called autoimmune disorders through toxic ingredients added to food and water supplies, as well as the drugs pushed to only control symptoms, but never cure you.
There have always been natural ways to not only prevent illness/disease, but also to cure. Many Pharma meds have been created from natural ingredients that cannot be patented. So you add artificial ingredients created in a lab, many that are toxic to human beings, do testing to identify the potential negative effects, and calculate what the return on investment (ROI) will be. That ROI also includes the likely possibility that subjects will then need additional drugs to control the symptoms of the previous drug, and so on, and so on...until you have as many,people,as possible taking multiple Pharma drugs,daily to ‘maintain’ what they believe is their health!
This was the stated end goal of BIG Pharma since at least the 70s when the head of the Pharmaceutical Society told everyone ‘our goal is,that within the next 50 years EVERYONE will be prescribed at least 3-4 drugs, taken daily to maintain their health’. Yes, that is what was said in a nut shell at the time. I remember listening to that speech and being horrified. It was the beginning of my journey down the rabbit hole of what constitutes true health and how to maintain it naturally. Didn’t happen over night for me, and along the way I too succumbed to some of the propaganda at times. It is why I urge everyone to NEVER take a drug or injection of any kind until you have looked up what the risks and benefits are for you and your life style, and what natural alternatives would do the same but with no adverse reactions.
Sadly, over the years media and propaganda machines have convinced the average person that they do NOT have the intellectual abilities to understand and make true informed decisions...just listen to your doctor or that advertisement you see everywhere on what YOU need to survive life!
A reader sent me this critique of the Rogan/Brecka discussion by Chris Masterjohn (thank you Palerider).
Masterjohn is in agreement with Brecka on many issues but provides a critique of Brecka on several issues but primarily methylation and the value of his genetic test.
Before anyone spends any money on genetic testing, I think this is a good bit of additional information from a credible source.
From klimer
Good info, but this is Mainstream Medieval Medicine V. 2.0: Where ostensibly they can give up failed cancer and heart therapies, and replace the revenue stream with new "personalized medicine" designed to keep you from getting ill. It's still a religion, so it needs to maintain a role for all the priests and other members of the church hierarchy. "Genetic testing" is just a way to say that you aren't capable of steering your own ship - you need to trust the "experts." They are the only ones Mother Nature endowed with real brains. You and I got the whimpy, pathetic brains.
The reality is that letting go of the cash cows for a new revenue stream is a non-starter. Why wouldn't they want to have their cake and eat it too, as they've always done? No doubt they'll find genetic markers for imperfect methylation that will put you at risk for certain cancers. And then they'll have a magic potion to fix that for you. Or they'll rush you in for early treatment to "save" you from the future threat.
Right. The only things they fix - like replaced knees, hips, discs and heart valves - are the things where they covered up your symptoms for years with pain meds and other drugs, waiting for the day when things got bad enough that they could finally cash in on their investment of deceiving you. A large percentage of such issues could be avoided, or at the very least postponed for decades.
Look for simpler answers. Have faith in your body's ability to heal itself. Avoid the toxins lurking everywhere as best as possible (especially the plastic fats made from seed oils, but mercury and pesticides, food additives, etc). Trust in Mother Nature. And make the most of what She gives us (sunshine, grounding, physical activity, natural foods, and so on).
From T Cell
Dan, you are right about the Methylation issues being long well known, including MTHFR Theory.
I warn the Rogan Millions however the thrust of this Rogan Piece is overly linking Health to Genetic Testing. An already untrustworthy and insecure INDUSTRY.
Herein lies the hidden danger to us all, i.e. Digital Control via a Eugenics Genetically Mapped Population, denied freedom, travel, wealth, location, autonomy in food, or medication choices, including Quackcines. All according to the 'New Genetic Bible'
This is The Cabal Wet Dream.
I for one do not trust the speaker. He is using Methylation as if newly discovered. Despite quite sensible urgings to breathe, exercise, and eat well etc. (which IS the way to Good Health) the Genetic Testing Emphasis is an unnecessary, and in my opinion, Sinister Dimension.
I like the fact Brecks brought attention to synthetic folic acid in prenatals n fortified foods. If u have this snp u just build up useless folic acid ur cells can’t use well. I saw this with a niece who was on prescription prenatal n baby was born with severe lip tie and tongue tie n abnormal chin. A midline defect caused by low Folate! Of course pediatrician missed it the babysitter found it. Better off eating a lot of folate rich foods then taking these prenatals if u don’t know ur snps. Dr Berg has great info on this.
Thank you for posting this alternative perspective. I always appreciate the chance to review divergent views and weigh the evidence as I learn more. Thank you for all of your thought provoking essays and critical analyses.
I had my kids tested for methylation with Dr Amy Yasko back in 2005. Dr Ben lynch has a lot of great info too. I just had a conversation with a young resident about the MTHFR gene. Never heard of it! Because the treatment is lifestyle n nutrients not pharma. A homocysteine level should be standard screening
I have yet to meet a physician who knows anything about SAMe, which I began taking 12 years ago as an anti-inflammatory
Love Ben Lynch. His Dirty Genes book is fascinating.
Thank you for the suggestions for further reading. Very interested in MTHFR mutation and whether relevant for our children.
Good info, but this is Mainstream Medieval Medicine V. 2.0: Where ostensibly they can give up failed cancer and heart therapies, and replace the revenue stream with new "personalized medicine" designed to keep you from getting ill. It's still a religion, so it needs to maintain a role for all the priests and other members of the church hierarchy. "Genetic testing" is just a way to say that you aren't capable of steering your own ship - you need to trust the "experts." They are the only ones Mother Nature endowed with real brains. You and I got the whimpy, pathetic brains.
The reality is that letting go of the cash cows for a new revenue stream is a non-starter. Why wouldn't they want to have their cake and eat it too, as they've always done? No doubt they'll find genetic markers for imperfect methylation that will put you at risk for certain cancers. And then they'll have a magic potion to fix that for you. Or they'll rush you in for early treatment to "save" you from the future threat.
Right. The only things they fix - like replaced knees, hips, discs and heart valves - are the things where they covered up your symptoms for years with pain meds and other drugs, waiting for the day when things got bad enough that they could finally cash in on their investment of deceiving you. A large percentage of such issues could be avoided, or at the very least postponed for decades.
Look for simpler answers. Have faith in your body's ability to heal itself. Avoid the toxins lurking everywhere as best as possible (especially the plastic fats made from seed oils, but mercury and pesticides, food additives, etc). Trust in Mother Nature. And make the most of what She gives us (sunshine, grounding, physical activity, natural foods, and so on).
Very well said...thank you.
Stuff in freezing cold MN & thought about bare feet on the frozen grass... Yikes! But may feel exhilarating?
Oops! “Stuck”..
Wow the range of interesting topics that you manage to cover is astounding 🙏
Please read Chris Masterjohn, PhD’s corrections of Brecka’s claims. Chris is arguably a greater authority and a long-term dissemination of extremely well-researched health information, whereas Brecka’s formal educational background, FWIW, seems flimsy.
I wish I could read all of this stack! I’ve restacked to hopefully look back on. I get about 30-60 minutes per day to read, otherwise my other important live sustaining activities are harmed. Hopefully some of you future stacks will be condensed summaries, with links to dive deeper. How do you find the time to write so many, very, VERY long stacks?
The best presentation on methylation I watched was done by Graham Downing, back BC (Before Con). There were not many of them, but the quality of presentation was a lot like early Andrew Kaufman - factual, informative, nicely explained for lay audience, undeniable.
I found some survivors of his great talks here:
Free will
The rise of the machines
The BG agenda
Dead doctors don’t talk
Vaxxed story
Creating zombies
Some of these go as far back as 2015 - at that time, it was almost science fiction. Mere 8 years later, and every inhabitant of the Earth colony knows these subjects first hand. Truly amazing.
Dan, you are right about the Methylation issues being long well known, including MTHFR Theory.
I warn the Rogan Millions however the thrust of this Rogan Piece is overly linking Health to Genetic Testing. An already untrustworthy and insecure INDUSTRY.
Herein lies the hidden danger to us all, i.e. Digital Control via a Eugenics Genetically Mapped Population, denied freedom, travel, wealth, location, autonomy in food, or medication choices, including Quackcines. All according to the 'New Genetic Bible'
This is The Cabal Wet Dream.
I for one do not trust the speaker. He is using Methylation as if newly discovered. Despite quite sensible urgings to breathe, exercise, and eat well etc. (which IS the way to Good Health) the Genetic Testing Emphasis is an unnecessary, and in my opinion, Sinister Dimension.
Thank you.
As I was putting the summary together, there was something gnawing away at me in the background...I couldn't quite put my finger on it (in and amongst all the great talk about grounding and breathing)...and now you've helped me see thank you.
Agree, he is over emphasizing genes and genetic testing as a pathway to health.
He will likely get a TED invite now, maybe even a WEF talk.
I have found nothing sinister about knowing my own snps. What they do with the info may of course be sinister but why not know how your own body works? Another great discussion is Dr Jordan Vaughn n the PAI-1 gene n its connection to microclots post vax AND covid. That would be great interview too.
Knowing your own snips is one thing, giving your entire genetic fingerprint to an industry already found to be willing to easily and greadily sell on to the highest bidder, is of course your choice.
The belief that Genetics (aka Eugenics) is about Health is a Marketing Scam.
Educate yourself with a knowledge base that's relevant to the majority of health measures, lifestyles and mindsets that impact you in life for good or ill. That is the true path to true health.
I want to be a doctor. No, a doctor scientist researcher. In genetics and with EM work. You know, the one job with no liability, no accountability, seven zeroes in annual salary, and “Mind for hire, unconditional, fresh, rarely used” on the business card. Will swap my two PhDs for this. Anyone?
Good stuff, thanks!
My opinion only:
For ordinary people, I believe that again, "A little learning is a dangerous thing"??
I have known too many intelligent, but non professional people, who have become obsessed with some arcane aspect of their personal health. I think this is the most "Unhealthy" possible pursuit.
I am simple and any self-treatment is similarly simple: I believe that my physical body is a very complex and self-regulating machine. I was taught (Mother) that the human body can identify which materials are beneficial or otherwise whenever those are presented. For example: A paralytic shellfish toxin can be identified within moments by simply rubbing the flesh of a bivalve on the lower lip. If the lip goes numb, don't eat the clam! Otherwise, the toxin can't be identified without extensive laboratory testing? Other "symptomatic" effects can be detected for both deficiencies and over consumption
Over millions of years, we have developed, and now are discarding, biologic defence mechanisms..
I'm tired of putting all the "work" on the populace to stay healthy while "They" continue to poison us. Every health issue can be attributed to RADIATION SICKNESS. A person cannot properly assimilate nutrients when they are constantly being exposed to non-native radiation. I see healthy people doing everything they are supposed to be doing and they are still sick. Stop blaming the victims.
It does seem like everything is poisoning us down to the paper receipts full of BPA.
So great. Thank You very much for this recent "writing binge"!!! :-)
“While conventional medicine focuses on symptomatic relief, holistic and functional paradigms address root dysfunctions.” That is it in a nut shell! Allopathic medicine cartel and big pharma have NEVER been in business,to prevent or cure anything, period. They have been in business for $$$ not for health improvement in the end. Over the years through many mechanisms they have created the majority of our health problems, triggered genes to express many of the so called autoimmune disorders through toxic ingredients added to food and water supplies, as well as the drugs pushed to only control symptoms, but never cure you.
There have always been natural ways to not only prevent illness/disease, but also to cure. Many Pharma meds have been created from natural ingredients that cannot be patented. So you add artificial ingredients created in a lab, many that are toxic to human beings, do testing to identify the potential negative effects, and calculate what the return on investment (ROI) will be. That ROI also includes the likely possibility that subjects will then need additional drugs to control the symptoms of the previous drug, and so on, and so on...until you have as many,people,as possible taking multiple Pharma drugs,daily to ‘maintain’ what they believe is their health!
This was the stated end goal of BIG Pharma since at least the 70s when the head of the Pharmaceutical Society told everyone ‘our goal is,that within the next 50 years EVERYONE will be prescribed at least 3-4 drugs, taken daily to maintain their health’. Yes, that is what was said in a nut shell at the time. I remember listening to that speech and being horrified. It was the beginning of my journey down the rabbit hole of what constitutes true health and how to maintain it naturally. Didn’t happen over night for me, and along the way I too succumbed to some of the propaganda at times. It is why I urge everyone to NEVER take a drug or injection of any kind until you have looked up what the risks and benefits are for you and your life style, and what natural alternatives would do the same but with no adverse reactions.
Sadly, over the years media and propaganda machines have convinced the average person that they do NOT have the intellectual abilities to understand and make true informed decisions...just listen to your doctor or that advertisement you see everywhere on what YOU need to survive life!
If you ever find the name of the person and the speech, please let me know.
Podría la glicina controlar el exceso de homocisteina y controlar la hipertensión?
I’ve been searching and trying to remember…no luck so far with this old brain, yet. But when I do I will forward it on.
Check out dr levy’s talks about iron