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The best presentation on methylation I watched was done by Graham Downing, back BC (Before Con). There were not many of them, but the quality of presentation was a lot like early Andrew Kaufman - factual, informative, nicely explained for lay audience, undeniable.

I found some survivors of his great talks here:

Free will https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Pe0gNPmPGU&ab_channel=AlternativeView

The rise of the machines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VplvDYAvBLA&ab_channel=AlternativeView

The BG agenda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9aGdFRzsDc&ab_channel=AlternativeView

AI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrQW_y7QBhI&ab_channel=AlternativeView

Dead doctors don’t talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iBg7a5sdEQ&ab_channel=AlternativeView

Vaxxed story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfdQlOb0lLg&ab_channel=AlternativeView

Creating zombies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTs9KZ_p1bg&ab_channel=AlternativeView

Some of these go as far back as 2015 - at that time, it was almost science fiction. Mere 8 years later, and every inhabitant of the Earth colony knows these subjects first hand. Truly amazing.

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Dan, you are right about the Methylation issues being long well known, including MTHFR Theory.

I warn the Rogan Millions however the thrust of this Rogan Piece is overly linking Health to Genetic Testing. An already untrustworthy and insecure INDUSTRY.

Herein lies the hidden danger to us all, i.e. Digital Control via a Eugenics Genetically Mapped Population, denied freedom, travel, wealth, location, autonomy in food, or medication choices, including Quackcines. All according to the 'New Genetic Bible'

This is The Cabal Wet Dream.

I for one do not trust the speaker. He is using Methylation as if newly discovered. Despite quite sensible urgings to breathe, exercise, and eat well etc. (which IS the way to Good Health) the Genetic Testing Emphasis is an unnecessary, and in my opinion, Sinister Dimension.

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Thank you.

As I was putting the summary together, there was something gnawing away at me in the background...I couldn't quite put my finger on it (in and amongst all the great talk about grounding and breathing)...and now you've helped me see it...so thank you.

Agree, he is over emphasizing genes and genetic testing as a pathway to health.

He will likely get a TED invite now, maybe even a WEF talk.

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I have found nothing sinister about knowing my own snps. What they do with the info may of course be sinister but why not know how your own body works? Another great discussion is Dr Jordan Vaughn n the PAI-1 gene n its connection to microclots post vax AND covid. That would be great interview too.

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Knowing your own snips is one thing, giving your entire genetic fingerprint to an industry already found to be willing to easily and greadily sell on to the highest bidder, is of course your choice.

The belief that Genetics (aka Eugenics) is about Health is a Marketing Scam.

Educate yourself with a knowledge base that's relevant to the majority of health measures, lifestyles and mindsets that impact you in life for good or ill. That is the true path to true health.

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I want to be a doctor. No, a doctor scientist researcher. In genetics and with EM work. You know, the one job with no liability, no accountability, seven zeroes in annual salary, and “Mind for hire, unconditional, fresh, rarely used” on the business card. Will swap my two PhDs for this. Anyone?

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Good stuff, thanks!

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