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A reader sent me this critique of the Rogan/Brecka discussion by Chris Masterjohn (thank you Palerider).


Masterjohn is in agreement with Brecka on many issues but provides a critique of Brecka on several issues but primarily methylation and the value of his genetic test.

Before anyone spends any money on genetic testing, I think this is a good bit of additional information from a credible source.


From klimer

Good info, but this is Mainstream Medieval Medicine V. 2.0: Where ostensibly they can give up failed cancer and heart therapies, and replace the revenue stream with new "personalized medicine" designed to keep you from getting ill. It's still a religion, so it needs to maintain a role for all the priests and other members of the church hierarchy. "Genetic testing" is just a way to say that you aren't capable of steering your own ship - you need to trust the "experts." They are the only ones Mother Nature endowed with real brains. You and I got the whimpy, pathetic brains.

The reality is that letting go of the cash cows for a new revenue stream is a non-starter. Why wouldn't they want to have their cake and eat it too, as they've always done? No doubt they'll find genetic markers for imperfect methylation that will put you at risk for certain cancers. And then they'll have a magic potion to fix that for you. Or they'll rush you in for early treatment to "save" you from the future threat.

Right. The only things they fix - like replaced knees, hips, discs and heart valves - are the things where they covered up your symptoms for years with pain meds and other drugs, waiting for the day when things got bad enough that they could finally cash in on their investment of deceiving you. A large percentage of such issues could be avoided, or at the very least postponed for decades.

Look for simpler answers. Have faith in your body's ability to heal itself. Avoid the toxins lurking everywhere as best as possible (especially the plastic fats made from seed oils, but mercury and pesticides, food additives, etc). Trust in Mother Nature. And make the most of what She gives us (sunshine, grounding, physical activity, natural foods, and so on).


From T Cell

Dan, you are right about the Methylation issues being long well known, including MTHFR Theory.

I warn the Rogan Millions however the thrust of this Rogan Piece is overly linking Health to Genetic Testing. An already untrustworthy and insecure INDUSTRY.

Herein lies the hidden danger to us all, i.e. Digital Control via a Eugenics Genetically Mapped Population, denied freedom, travel, wealth, location, autonomy in food, or medication choices, including Quackcines. All according to the 'New Genetic Bible'

This is The Cabal Wet Dream.

I for one do not trust the speaker. He is using Methylation as if newly discovered. Despite quite sensible urgings to breathe, exercise, and eat well etc. (which IS the way to Good Health) the Genetic Testing Emphasis is an unnecessary, and in my opinion, Sinister Dimension.

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I like the fact Brecks brought attention to synthetic folic acid in prenatals n fortified foods. If u have this snp u just build up useless folic acid ur cells can’t use well. I saw this with a niece who was on prescription prenatal n baby was born with severe lip tie and tongue tie n abnormal chin. A midline defect caused by low Folate! Of course pediatrician missed it the babysitter found it. Better off eating a lot of folate rich foods then taking these prenatals if u don’t know ur snps. Dr Berg has great info on this.

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Thank you for posting this alternative perspective. I always appreciate the chance to review divergent views and weigh the evidence as I learn more. Thank you for all of your thought provoking essays and critical analyses.

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