"I've had a heart attack, should I get the vaccine?"
Another question from a good friend, and an email reply.
A good friend of mine read my letter to my two adult kids and asked:
Wondering your take on me getting vaccinated. I’m in the very high risk category if I get Covid19 I’ve been told. Heart Attack etc. What do you think?
Here was my reply…
Hi Mate
Assuming you have read all of my letter and the Steve Kirsch “living” article, please also watch the short vids/audio I have pointed you to.
OK, here is how I would think about it if the shoe was on the other foot.
Personal Risk
First go to section in my letter that discusses the QCovid Risk Calculator that has a fair amount of medical questions…that will give you the risk to you personally (I think it’s the best calculator going around), but two things to note:
There is one question about address, and it is asking for a UK postcode, which means it will show your the risk ASSUMING YOU LIVE IN THE UK, one of the hardest hit countries in the world. The UK risk is FAR higher than the risk of living in Australia (and you don’t even live in the city). It is fair to say we do not have Cov-sars-2 in Oz. Certainly not in a statistically relevant sense. A case here and a case there is nothing. You need to go back to my Sept 20 email to understand how much bullshit there is in the Covid test numbers (PCR tests), CASES the way they are defining them and reporting on them is pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT.
The risk calculator (which for me was 1 in 16,129) takes into account the risk (odds) of first catching it, THEN of it killing you…living in OZ and then specifically outside of the city…the risk of catching it for you is as close to zero as you can get.
Asymptomatic Spread
Let’s now look at the risk of catching it…as I said in Oz and on the farm, it is basically zero, but then you would counter and say, what about in the city when I visit? To that I would say you need to look at the data on ASYMPTOMAIC SPREAD, or in other words, catching it from someone who doesn’t have symptoms.
Let me first say, that one of the primary foundations of this whole fiasco is the myth (lie) that Asymptomatic Spread is a thing. That it is statistically relevant. It is not a thing.
This section is from this piece I wrote earlier:
Rogan vs Fauci: The 0.7% problem
My evidence your honour is the meta-analysis published by JAMA in December 2020 titled: Household Transmission of SARS-CoV-2A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
In simple English, this was a study of studies, 54 studies in fact with 77,758 total participants. It studied households with at least one member of the family having the virus, and how many other people in that family they infected. In other words, “secondary transmission”.
Buried in the bowels of this study is this innocent looking partial sentence: Household secondary attack rates…from asymptomatic index cases (0.7%; 95% CI, 0%-4.9%)
When this societal debacle is honestly reviewed and studied, good people will focus on this study and this number and what it means.
For every 100 people that have the virus without symptoms, living with their families, kissing, hugging, arguing, shouting, sexing, and sleeping together without masks, distancing, or vaccines, less than ONE other person caught the virus from them. POINT SEVEN to be precise.
Please pause and reflect on this. This is how hard it is to catch the virus from someone without symptoms, while LIVING with them. Let alone passing them in the shopping centre, or at the park or simply walking down the street.
So, in a nutshell, if you can barely catch it from someone you live with, the chance of you catching it from someone you pass in the street of at a restaurant etc. is essentially zero.
So, if people you deal with are NOT ILL and have NO SYMPTOMS…don’t worry, you wont catch anything…even if they have symptoms the data is not terrifying, even within a household, let alone outside of in normal business dealings…the threat of this thing has been exaggerated out of all proportion.
Vaccine Risk
Well, we don’t know what the risk is…see Bullets Analogy in my letter.
What we do know, is that it seems the death rate is taking the shape of about 1 in 10,000 (excluding the mild to severe disability risk).
Governments are are not breaking down the data, they don’t want you to know what the personalised risk to you is. But it would be fair to say that because the vaccine brings on some form of symptom (mild to sever) in most people, then the older and frailer you are, the higher the vaccine risk is to you…but I don’t think we really can put a number on it at this stage because we are so early in the data phase and because of all the censorship and obfuscation.
You will have to come to terms with the general shape of the risk today and come to terms with not knowing what the long term risks are (not knowing how many bullets there are in the barrel).
So, in summary:
Figure out your personal Covid risk (use the calculator and make an adjustment for where you live)
Weigh it up against your intuition (after reading all the material I sent) about the vax risk
And don’t worry about catching it…just don’t go around French-kissing people with cold/flu like symptoms
If you want to discuss any part of this with you, at length, just pick up the phone.
Hope this helps mate.