Bitter tasting foods are a signal to your body to produce bile. Bitterness has been bred out of many common foods today, so a supplement is probably your best bet (search for bitter herbs). Bitter melon may be the cheapest option. But some leafy greens are still bitter. Celery might do the trick. Lemon/lime juice in plain water would lik…
Bitter tasting foods are a signal to your body to produce bile. Bitterness has been bred out of many common foods today, so a supplement is probably your best bet (search for bitter herbs). Bitter melon may be the cheapest option. But some leafy greens are still bitter. Celery might do the trick. Lemon/lime juice in plain water would likely be helpful. Lemon juice and Bragg's apple cider vinegar in water is a daily routine that a lot of people adopt for the overall benefits to health.
Nitric oxide can help with migraines, as it will relax blood vessels. Magnesium also. Prolonged stress can deplete a lot of nutrients, so you might have multiple deficiencies/insufficiencies.
The Longevity Diet by Valter Longo is a fasting-mimicking diet that will reset your hormones, as well as recycle a lot of the nutrients in your body. It has the benefits of a water-only fast, but is calorie reduced, incorporating foods that will not shut down autophagy. It's much easier to do than a water fast, but not something you want to do while working. Best to take some time off to do it. The diet was commercialized as Prolon, but I'd advise to follow the advice in the book instead. I've done both, and the book version worked better. My hormones were balanced for around six months - I could eat anything and not gain weight. Which eventually screwed things up, and I returned to "normal." Doing intermittent fasting after the Longevity Diet would probably be ideal.
I agree with the first comment posted that considering the McCullough Protocol would be very wise.
Thank you for all the tips! It’s very interesting because I’ve always felt like my body craves bitter foods and also things like lemon. It’s amazing how our bodies give us those signs. I’ll continue adding bitter foods.
Some of your tips I’ve already tried but I’ll look into the others! I did a jab detox protocol recently with natokinase and bromelain.
I had constipation problems all throughout my childhood (1970-80's) and it would cause severe headaches. It wasn't until I discovered magnesium in my late 40's that I began to get relief. I take it nightly. And if I don't, I regret it.
Bitter tasting foods are a signal to your body to produce bile. Bitterness has been bred out of many common foods today, so a supplement is probably your best bet (search for bitter herbs). Bitter melon may be the cheapest option. But some leafy greens are still bitter. Celery might do the trick. Lemon/lime juice in plain water would likely be helpful. Lemon juice and Bragg's apple cider vinegar in water is a daily routine that a lot of people adopt for the overall benefits to health.
Nitric oxide can help with migraines, as it will relax blood vessels. Magnesium also. Prolonged stress can deplete a lot of nutrients, so you might have multiple deficiencies/insufficiencies.
The Longevity Diet by Valter Longo is a fasting-mimicking diet that will reset your hormones, as well as recycle a lot of the nutrients in your body. It has the benefits of a water-only fast, but is calorie reduced, incorporating foods that will not shut down autophagy. It's much easier to do than a water fast, but not something you want to do while working. Best to take some time off to do it. The diet was commercialized as Prolon, but I'd advise to follow the advice in the book instead. I've done both, and the book version worked better. My hormones were balanced for around six months - I could eat anything and not gain weight. Which eventually screwed things up, and I returned to "normal." Doing intermittent fasting after the Longevity Diet would probably be ideal.
I agree with the first comment posted that considering the McCullough Protocol would be very wise.
Thank you for all the tips! It’s very interesting because I’ve always felt like my body craves bitter foods and also things like lemon. It’s amazing how our bodies give us those signs. I’ll continue adding bitter foods.
Some of your tips I’ve already tried but I’ll look into the others! I did a jab detox protocol recently with natokinase and bromelain.
Thanks again for all the advice!
I had constipation problems all throughout my childhood (1970-80's) and it would cause severe headaches. It wasn't until I discovered magnesium in my late 40's that I began to get relief. I take it nightly. And if I don't, I regret it.
I completely forgot to mention magnesium in the interview but it’s helped me a lot too! I take it every night before bed.
What kind and at what dose?
I’m taking magnesium carbonate, about a teaspoon per day.