Dude, I'm still your fan, but you can't be serious about this post.

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Robert, I love your work and respect you as a person.

But on this we disagree.

It is not the first time you have publicly criticized me for something I have chosen to publish, or someone I have chosen to interview.

If you have an issue with Jerry's work and conclusions, you are welcome to critique it directly, as several readers have already done by making the case that they think it is brain injury. Fine.

But if you are implying (as I think you are) that Jerry shouldn't get the opportunity to make his case, then let's just agree to disagree on that one.

He is not some fly by night hack, who came up with this view yesterday.

As far as I am concerned, he has earned the right to a perspective that he has paid a very high price to arrive at.

It is my view also that his work is helpful to many.

What is "true" can change based on the angle of observation.

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This post is serious and the truth. Great job Unbekoming for writing of topics that need to be heard. Demons exist. They are real. Mental illness has always been related to demonic oppression/possession. Of course one can't talk about *that* in the year 2024...

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I guess it depends on whether you consider there is a spiritual dimension to life.

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Given the lies that have been revealed so far on this substack - I feel it wouldnt take much of a stretch for it be so.

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Your opinion is fair enough. But care to explain why?

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I 100% believe him, and actually stumbled onto this accidentally in early 2022.

I had struggled with high anxiety most of my life. The kind that sets off panic attacks, wakes one up in the middle of the night, starts up like a firestorm in the morning ... the works. There were times I was sure I would have a heart attack or stroke it was so bad. I think the only thing that kept me going was a love of exercise, which I often did to excess. I was never willing to accept drugs as a solution (fortunately.)

A few years ago, I noticed a fellow swimmer who was once of the most peaceful people I'd ever met. He swam for hours each day. When I asked him how many miles he did, he said "I don't know, I just keep going until I finish my rosaries."

Not being Catholic, I had no idea what a rosary was, and had to look it up. It was then I decided to try my own version of a rosary. I started repeating some of my favorite "prayer shorts" over and over in my head. (Included the Serenity Prayer, the Lord's Prayer, and the first verse of Amazing Grace.) Anytime I awoke with the anxiety winding up, I did the same thing.

Long story made short, I've been virtually anxiety-free ever since. I contacted Jerry and he was kind enough to respond to my email. He shared that many with anxiety problems are actually a person being under attack by demonic forces. Jerry is the one that turned me onto the Off the Left Eye YouTube channel (about Swedenborg's work).

Swedenborg felt that we always have at least 2 demons and at least 2 angels around us at all times. If those demons get hungry and want to parasitically feed off of a person, it will show up as anxiety, depression, and all forms of negativity. A person can ask their angels for help. (One has to recognize the attack, and ask for the help ... thais is part of the spiritual strengthening process.)

I also use this tactic all the time -- asking for help.

Thanks so much for this interview. I've been telling people about Jerry's work, and this gives me an awesome link to share.

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I really like the the swimming rosary approach. That is just incredible. I'm saving and savoring that to create my own.

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"After over 40 years of dealing with these things tormenting my patients I have absolutely no doubt that they are evil spirits or destructive demonic entities and energetic parasites."

This. Spiritual warfare explains everything in human existence. We can zombifiy everyone with legal and illegal drugs and the attacks will continue. Demonic oppression, obsession, and possession are real and can only be cured by spiritual means.


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May 18Liked by Unbekoming

Such a powerful, empowering interview! Wholly illuminating and sobering. I LOVE YOUR STACK! Your interviews are a great gift to the world.

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Thank you Katherine!

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May 18Liked by Unbekoming

Well researched and thorough. I understand the spiritual aspect but why not also consider nutrition?



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100% accurate in my own personal experience. I just turned 62 on May 14 and I have memories from 1 1/2 years old and up that speak to what Jerry is discovering. Everything he describes, I have been through, and more. And, I have gotten myself to a point where I consistently listen only to the Voice Of Love I Am, and remain deeply surrendered and unattached to any particular "outcome", simply doing my best to allow LOVE THAT IS to LIVE ME. And, my connection with Psalm 23 and Loves' Prayer and other scriptures have had a lasting and profound effect/affect on me for sure. It definitely has been a profound journey. 1+1+1+1 ad-infinitum=1. May we all be guided by LOVE. Thank you "Lies are Unbekoming" for all that you are and all that you do to bring illusions to the Light of Love.

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May 18Liked by Unbekoming

I have to disagree with Marzinsky's concept that the voices are REAL entities and not from the infected person's mind. He has this reversed--they are REAL voices from the mind that are disassociated and projected to an outside source. How this occurs, I will touch upon later, but first to critique Jerry's grand "proof" that hallucinations are unreal and thus by definition cannot have patterns.

Without exception, every disease has specific symptoms where there is a basic pattern that also allows for individuation; one grouping of symptoms differentiates one disease from another (i.e., whooping cough and diabetes). The fact that Jerry lists over 20 symptoms that ALL schizophrenics individuals have shows it is not by chance that they ALL have the same medical disorder of paranoia, but it’s due to certain causes and thus are reality-based. Jerry mentions that all have had trauma and toxic lives.

They all are "injured" in their brains with the terrible disorder of disassociation. This means that they are severely out of touch with themselves and (thus also) their environment and cannot connect their thoughts to their minds, but feel it as an "alien" force. Jerry is correct that these voices are (usually) exclusive to this population as they are "weaker" due to trauma, but never-the-less, they are severely dysfunctional individuals who ALSO have other well-studied thought disorders besides the voices, supporting the idea of an overall disturbance of consciousness with hallucinations at times.

Jerry unfortunately tries to blame an external factor, which I believe hinders the real work. Basic psychology would answer the question Jerry broached--why are these hallucinations the domain of very traumatized individuals? Jerry again answered correctly, their psycho-physiological selves have been injured, with the same "pattern" of traumas.

Jerry is also correct that many "normals" have some of these symptoms that makes it a universal facet of life (and thus not a mysterious entity). Specifically speaking, the very common symptom of Negative Thoughts generally occurs under these conditions: physiological malaise (bowels, nerves), chronic humiliation and suppression of feelings. Why? Because we "realize" there is some stuck negative force in our body and we correctly and unconsciously "blame" ourselves since it is so visceral. The term "blame" is used loosely and in fact it is more "assign the cause". Also, what I mean by "unconscious", is that we do not understand the root reasons (see above) and end up furthering these feelings of misery. Imagine how terrified an individual who is suffering from a thought disorder feels!

Disassociation is a surreal feeling where reality is uncertain as our perceptions are not connected to our feelings, in other words, lack of contact. As with most pathologies, this runs on a continuum and we all suffer from some level of disassociation and thus are at risk of Negative Thoughts. Two examples, the denial of the dangers of the Covid injection, and forgetting painful events (PTSD)--we lose contact and thus part of reality. This is the schizophrenic's modus operandi, he has very little contact between the brain and the body and thus a large distortion of thought.

About treatment--there seems to be a lot of emphasis on repetitive activities such as rosary, chanting and exercise. I believe there are two reasons for their efficacy. One, there is a diversion of one's troubled state of mind with something neutral or pleasurable, and second, one makes more contact within--humming, yoga, and running all bring us in touch with our senses. One might argue the first reason given lessens contact as you "deny", but this is not really the case as it is a CONSCIOUS decision with full control.

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I am also a huge fan of Walsh Institute’s work on brain chemistry. 80-85% response rate optimizing micronutrients strictly using nutraceuticals. I have personally done testing to determine neurotransmitter levels and micronutrient levels in depression, anxiety, ptsd and ADHD before making treatment recommendations. Every doc has this option but many haven’t even made themselves aware of the testing capabilities that have been there for years now. Prescribing a pill is what is reimbursed at the highest “risk/complexity” level for that 5-10 minute visit (which equals the reimbursement rate of a 60 MINUTE face to face visit with a “low risk/complexity”, education/counseling/non-prescribing visit). Docs can prescribe and bill 5-10 times in one hour what they receive for “talking” with 1 or 2 patients in that same hour. Insurance companies and the government know this and yet they continue to financially reward the prescribing behavior instead of the listening, educating, troubleshooting and advising behavior. At this point in my career, I realize that this system is intentional (and grotesque) in a cannibalistic way. I am so grateful have exited the hamster wheel a decade ago to become a part of the parallel movement of medical physics and natural healing.

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Has Jerry studied Congress? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyqEnJqqJwY

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It is all around us, isn't it. Sometimes you can feel the malevolence of our current government directed at us peasants....they do indeed want us dead..and very shortly. They will use bird flu starvation, illegals..etc to get the prize.

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Wow. Looks like Schumer might be talking with an entity...possibly. But a small part of me thinks he could be talking to the seated woman behind the chair, asking if it's already taken. ????

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Also, the viewers' comments beneath the vid are quite interesting.

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May 18Liked by Unbekoming

OMG!!! While I have always believed there are negative entities I never thought they were so wide spread and can influence every single one of us. I will never forget a thought that popped up in my head one day while rinsing my hair in the shower. I had been going through a trying time in my marriage and was rightly so, depressed and sad, but this thought actually horrified me. It wanted me to blow my brains out with a gun. It scared the crap out of me because it came out of no where. This was an EXCELLENT interview and I will be sharing it far and wide. We are spiritual beings and our society has denied our spirituality.

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May 18Liked by Unbekoming

I listened to a great interview with Jerry Marzinsky on SheepFarmStudios.co.uk - https://youtu.be/xLv3oGLDbDs?si=P7XgulZIrJwQJdDA some years ago. It was late and I had to go bed with the light on - scary stuff. Totally believable.

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by Unbekoming

Very timely interview.

There were many connections from my life and my practice - thankyou.

The primary principle in my work and my life that I lean on is "energy precedes biochemistry". The more I accept this as guiding principle the higher the probability of getting to the root cause of whatever is in the way of the life I want, moreover the health that I want. But importantly the more I realise how deep the lies go, and how much more I have to learn.

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by Unbekoming

Thank you.

Good stuff. I didn't read the whole thing. Most of it though.

My recent experience (last several years and more common all the time) is unexpected insight into the smallest things. Also wise suggestions relating to how I may want to do things. Or not even a suggestion, just a larger vision of the situation that shifts your point of view.

For most of 55+ years I struggled with depression. I abhor drugs and inebriation and prefer life straight even when I am depressed. Anger has been my drug of choice. It can definitely change your biochemistry. So can love. The Buddhist process of compassion and wisdom has been most helpful over the years to change my biochemistry and I have become much more flexible and open.

Now new ways of seeing are filtering through.

Thanks again for this interview. I hope folks that read it will be helped.

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May 18Liked by Unbekoming

This makes me want to meditate on the possible conversation between Marzinsky and Jon Uhler. Uhler is a therapist(forget the title) who spent many years working with imprisoned psychopaths. His descriptions of the psychology are very interesting. I am interested in understanding how the process of corruption occurs within a person, and Uhler has offered some thinking about that trajectory, as has Marzinsky.

For Marzinsky, I am imagining that it is an outside influence, the parasite, who tries to introduce the changes and actions, and the mistaken identification of the person with the harmful and evil thoughts. It appears to me that one must protect oneself and refuse to engage with that influence.

In my sense of Uhler, recalling, it seemed to me that there is this process possible, a kind of slippery slope, which engages and enters one upon the path to evil. There are psychopaths who are apparently born that way, but then there is this pathway that it seems to me is possible. Uhler talks about porn and how (me possibly entangling my own thoughts with his) this sexual activation leads to an enticement to a further excess and edge. I am bringing the Marquis de Sade into the conversation at this point. You need more provocation and it binds with the sexual energy (also ties to SRA influences).

I also think about integrity disorders (see Omar Minwalla). For example, the unfaithful man who creates a secret compartmentalized place ("basement") where he goes to have his sexual and romantic affairs or split life. I think about what happens when a person loses integrity because they... Lie a little, then more. When they obfuscate or manipulate, leveraging against others, and even their own other split self. When they *feed* their investment of self in a corrupt and other self/practice/path/submission.

I am thinking about all of this in conversation.

The next question for me is: what is the practice of integrity? What is the positive path? What can that look like? Another commenter gave a beautiful description of the swimming prayers. I myself have practices of meditation/improvisation/prayer through dance and other mediums which allow engagement, agency, focus, body as a medium, and so on. I would love to hear what others do.

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May 18Liked by Unbekoming

A few years ago I attended a conference in Arizona and there was a man who was hired as “entertainment” on the floor. I was intrigued. He chose me to hand him my watch. He told me to think of a time in my head. After he did his dog and pony show he handed my watch back to me and it was set to the time I thought of. I always got chills when thinking about it because I thought he read my mind! I figured out not long ago that he put that thought into my mind! This Substack has just confirmed it. An Indian man I was there with said “He has help from the other side”.

Thank you for this information

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Something about brain inflammation facilitates this process (or intrusion of these thoughts). I suspect pineal gland involvement. I am of the opinion that we will eventually find an inflammatory origin (infectious, autoimmune or both) for every single mental diagnosis rendering them more appropriately in the symptom category than the “root cause” or primary diagnosis category. Inflammation definitely weakens us to the influence (and sometimes overt invasion) by dark energy entities. It is no coincidence that many of the dictates in Leviticus would be preventative in regards to infectious diseases, parasites and guilt-driven autoimmunity (physical cellular self attack mirroring emotional and spiritual self attack). Bless you for putting this information out there!

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