Robert, I love your work and respect you as a person.
But on this we disagree.
It is not the first time you have publicly criticized me for something I have chosen to publish, or someone I have chosen to interview.
If you have an issue with Jerry's work and conclusions, you are welcome to critique it directly, as several readers have already done by making the case that they think it is brain injury. Fine.
But if you are implying (as I think you are) that Jerry shouldn't get the opportunity to make his case, then let's just agree to disagree on that one.
He is not some fly by night hack, who came up with this view yesterday.
As far as I am concerned, he has earned the right to a perspective that he has paid a very high price to arrive at.
It is my view also that his work is helpful to many.
What is "true" can change based on the angle of observation.
Robert, I love your work and respect you as a person.
But on this we disagree.
It is not the first time you have publicly criticized me for something I have chosen to publish, or someone I have chosen to interview.
If you have an issue with Jerry's work and conclusions, you are welcome to critique it directly, as several readers have already done by making the case that they think it is brain injury. Fine.
But if you are implying (as I think you are) that Jerry shouldn't get the opportunity to make his case, then let's just agree to disagree on that one.
He is not some fly by night hack, who came up with this view yesterday.
As far as I am concerned, he has earned the right to a perspective that he has paid a very high price to arrive at.
It is my view also that his work is helpful to many.
What is "true" can change based on the angle of observation.