A reader from Victoria sent me a note recently, and at the end she said:
You might be interested in this......
Jonathan Couey has been there from the start of this shitshow, educating people about biology, has great scientists on sharing their knowledge - his most recent episode was with John Beaudoin, engineer, MBA, system modelling & optimisation. This was an amazing presentation - the breakdown of the data for his state is the most comprehensive I've seen to date, including reconciling VAERS with death certificates and IC codes, organising into age groups. He has done a phenomenal job.
Well, this took me a bit by surprise, because I hadn’t heard of Jonathan Couey or John Beaudoin before, which feels a bit odd considering I’ve been meandering, non-stop, through the rabbit-warren since March 2020. It’s yet another reminder that we can all get stuck in our own echo-chambers.
Couey has a Twitch channel (GigaohmBiological) and if the Beaudoin episode is anything to go by, he is doing some amazing work.
This episode is almost two hours long, but it really comes into its own in the second half. It’s worth sticking with.
Beaudoin is a very rare creature. Doing deep analysis of the death data in Massachusetts, but what he is uncovering would be applicable to any other state and any other country. I was watching it through an Australian lens, and I am absolutely confident that the fraud and data manipulation he is highlighting and explaining is rampant here.
Around minute 57 (for about 4 minutes) he shows us the rise in acute renal failure. I’m happy to remove qualifying language; It’s Remdesivir!
This from The Real Anthony Fauci:
For several months, we were the only country treating people with a drug proven to be lethal. That year, 2020, we had almost double the number of deaths per month compared to most other countries. Brazil, one of the first nations to widely use remdesivir, had the second highest death toll.
In May of 2020, New York doctors repeatedly marvelled at the tendency for COVID-19 to cause kidney failure, something that no other respiratory virus does. Doctors began seeing acute kidney failure on day three, four, and five after admission. Hospitals short on ventilators also ran out of dialysis machines. Physician and laboratory CEO Dr. Ryan Cole is one of many doctors who believe that many of those cases were attributable to remdesivir. “COVID-19 can affect the kidneys,” he says. “We know this because we can recover the spike protein from urine. But it’s dubious that the sheer magnitude of acute renal failure we saw among hospitalized COVID patients can all be attributed solely to the coronavirus infection.”
Dr. Cole told me that in the animal studies, one-fourth of the animals died from kidney failure. He explains that kidney collapse can lead to fluid accumulations in the lungs and everywhere and results in multi organ failure and sepsis—all of which are also sequelae of COVID. “Remdesivir shouldn’t be on the market,” he added.
Dr. Fauci’s 2019 Ebola study proved that remdesivir, by day three, four, and five, caused acute kidney failure in upwards of 31 percent of patients. In less than five days of remdesivir treatment, 8 percent of all people died or experienced life- threatening multiple organ failure or kidney failure so severe they had to be taken off the drug. “So it may not be a coincidence that roughly the same number of hospitalized COVID patients—8–10x were dying in the first week,” says Cole.
Dr. McCullough gives us a stark and clear summary: “Remdesivir has two problems. First, it doesn’t work. Second, it is toxic, and it kills people.”
Here is the chart he talks through (don’t click on the arrow, it just a screen grab).
At around minute 1.01.15 and in relation to the rise in Remdesivir deaths he says:
“They’re killing people, they don’t care.”
He’s right.
Australia loves Remdesivir, it was approved early, in July 2020.
But if you go into the Product Information you will find this on page 6.
Renal impairment
In animal studies on rats and monkeys, severe renal toxicity was observed (see section 5.3). The mechanism of this renal toxicity is not fully understood. A relevance for humans cannot be excluded.
Australia has its own special history when it comes to Gilead Sciences and Remdesivir malfeasance. This from Nov 2020 is the best essay on the subject.
Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19 – Quadrant Online
Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson reported in a story on the US program Full Measure on May 18 that eleven members of the NIH’s COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel reported links to a drug company, nine of them declaring relationships to Gilead. Seven more, including two of the committee’s leaders, had ties to Gilead beyond the eleven months they were required to disclose. Two were on Gilead’s advisory board, while others were either paid consultants or had received research support and honoraria. The endorsement of remdesivir and veering away from HCQ was perhaps, therefore, not surprising. (A perhaps even more alarming conflict of interest emerged in the United Kingdom, where it was revealed that the Chief Scientific Officer, Sir Patrick Vallance had £600,000 worth of shares in the vaccine maker contracted by the government to make the UK’s coronavirus vaccine.)
But what of Australia’s resistance to accepting HCQ? Gilead Science funds research fellowships to the tune of $300,000 annually, so doubtless enjoys considerable goodwill in the medical community, but the history of recommendations on HCQ reveals another motivation for rejecting the drug for Covid: the preservation of supplies for existing patients for other maladies.
At around minute 1.01.25 Beaudoin talks about 7 year old Cassidy, killed by the vaccine and listed as dying from Covid. Simply put, medical fraud.
At around minute 1.18.28 he coins the term “Fraud by Omission” and much of the presentation is about the details of how it is being done. I like that term especially because I’ve been at pains to explain to people that “they are LYING by omission”, it’s what they are NOT telling you that matters. But to Beaudoin’s point, if you put the lies on paper, and stand to gain from those lies, then you have committed a fraud…a fraud OF omission…a fraud BY omission.
At 1.20.00 he goes into the details of death certificates of people that died from fentanyl overdoses but were classified as Covid deaths.
At 1.21.00 he names specific Medical Examiners who are writing and signing off on death certificates in Massachusetts. That’s the first time I’ve seen anyone do that, actually name the Medical Examiners.
At 1.24.30 he discusses an internal report where 6 doctors all discuss that the vaccine caused the stroke, but on the death certificate it said it was a Covid death.
From 1.38.00 for about 6 minutes Beaudoin discusses some incredible analysis on average ages of death, how they have come down and how much excess death is required in the younger groups to do that. It’s incredible work that I haven’t seen anyone do before.
At 1.50.45 right at the end, Couey says something very interesting about individual sovereignty and the inversion that is occurring…it’s worth hearing him say it.
Smalley reported on Beaudoin’s work and the medical fraud and corruption occurring in Massachusetts here.
PANDA Open Science Session - Analysis of Massachusetts Death Certificate Data 2015 to 2022
Kirsch highlights Beaudoin’s work here also.
The COVID death data from Massachusetts shows vaccinating kids is INSANE
Moving on…
Up the road from our house is a wonderful café run by an awake ex-naturopath and has family. I think he’s been awake since the early 90s. At one point he had a chef called Brandon, so they had a burger special for a while called Let’s Go Brandon…what a legend!
As I was paying for lunch the other day, he gave me a printout that one of his awake customers had given him (an engineer…off course) of excess death analysis in Australia.
As you can see in the circled section, there is a clear jump in 2021 in the older population. It’s NOT Covid…we know what it is…and the Beaudoin analysis explains it in detail.
Also, you can see a sharp rise in the deaths of 10-14 year old boys.
Here is Campbell on the subject (let it be remembered that he was pro jab for a very long time).

Thank you for reading this Substack.
Please consider a small paid subscription (donation). The money goes to a good cause.
I am always looking for good, personal GMC (pandemic and jab) or childhood vaccination stories. Shared stories are remembered and help others.
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com
If you are Covid-jab injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment
Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:
FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein
I "met" John Beaudoin back in 2020 on LinkedIn when I was still living in Massachusetts. We have both since been permanently banned. I knew this was a crime in progress out of the gate. So obvious.
My husband and I left the hellhole that is Massachusetts (He's retired; I left my job with nothing in the offing. Would not wear a snot pouch, much less be "ordered" to undergo a medical intervention with unknown junk to do who-the-hell-knows-what.). We made a short-term move to NH, the "No Longer Live Free or Die" state followed by our long-term move to the free state of Florida. Best thing we've ever done.
I have kept in touch with John via email, as well as his Substack. His work is so stunning, it boggles the mind. I'm so grateful to him, to you, to all who are bringing their own unique talents, perspectives, and knowledge to expose, explain, and reveal the depth of this depravity -- the depravity and degradation that set the stage for and enabled this greatest of all crimes against humanity.
Ethical skeptic's big "gotcha cdc" post from the other day has some comments from Australians about how to examine a hypothesis with Australian data