I am a columnist for a newspaper and have written several articles about fluoride. I’ve done the deep dives and have tried to sound the alarm. It is my opinion that we are being attacked on so many fronts it’s hard to know what to prioritize when it comes to our health and safety. I’m getting rid of harsh cleaners in my house, toothpaste with fluoride, and pesticide-laden food, among other things.

It takes a lot of effort for most people to make even small changes in their lives. They believe it’s just easier not to care, sadly.

Thanks for an excellent article. Share far and wide, people!

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If you write a newspaper column in Australia I am begging you to write about the following two things: Australia's Novavax contract (1) and Australia's gain-of-function research (2). I have done all the research for you. Please for the love of God this needs to get to the legacy media. You don't even have to give me credit. Just please we need to stop this.

1. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-novavax-contract

2. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-gain-of-function-research

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I’m an American columnist, and not for a newspaper the size of the NYT. I’m surprised my editor has allowed me to publish my thoughts on all manner of topics, including the NWO, fluoride, and the media, etc. It’s very hard to have a voice that speaks truth in the media these days, as you know.

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The reason why Australia's GOF research program is so relevent to Americans is because it was occurring totally out in the open in Melbourne in a Level 4 facility while Fauci and Rand Paul were arguing about whether the 'US did it or not.'

While Americans were getting FOIAs about their GOF program, finding emails from NIAID, obfuscating things, Australia just...put out the report from the NHMRC (our equivalent body) detailing everything that was occurring. This includes Guardasil and how it was developed using GOF.

Like I said above, I have done all the research above for you including base case fatality rates of the taxa Australia is working on (with references). Here is a direct link to the NHMRC report: https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/sites/default/files/2022-04/NHMRC-Gain-of-Function-Research-Review-Report-March-2022.pdf

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Thank you.

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Well done! It is DUMBFOUNDING how many people still think fluoride is good for your teeth.

Why aren't people waking up? I thought after the Covid jabs they would start getting a clue...by examining every damn thing they think they know is true...all the assumptions...but Nope....they just can't transfer the "well, this has been a lie all my life" to wondering what else they've been told .....Sigh.

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Thank you.

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Flouride didn't stop the loss of my bottom teeth, and mom instill the brushing habit early. Medications damaged them. And shrunk the jaw bone. I smell the chorine in the shower. That needs an article.

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OMG, chlorine in tap water, sometimes it just stinks.

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Do you have hypertension? This can cause tooth loss.

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No, just an enlarged Heart with a small Mitral Valve leak. See the Cardio once a year for him to check the valve. What T's me off none of my various Primaries over 74 yrs said a single word about it. My youngest sister our parents were told as an infant she had a Mumur. Never had a cavity until I was 17. Course never had much medication or vaccines either.

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I love your 3 legged stool analogy. ❤

Thank you for this informative article.

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That model has helped me alot!

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Thank you for this. Like do many other issues with industrial civilization and its profound impacts on the human species, it needs to be kept in the public's awareness. I don't see Canada anywhere in this article. We do fluoridate water and this website is one of the best sources of Canadian fluoride information: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/

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Great, thanks for the link.

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Masterful job with this post. Thank you!

since waking to the bamboozling, that has been in operation for tens of thousands of years, I marvel at the ineptitude we have as collective society and species (that would be homo-sheeplous).

They (insert any leader, tyrant, despot, opportunist, profiteer, ideolog, radical, snake oil salesman, industrialist, politician and religious scam artists) have been preying on the masses since they figured out how to and we keep swallowing the poisoned bait.

I was happy to see that you mention Bernays in this piece. I would say that everyone should read his book "Propaganda", but it would do little good or sink in, as the masses would be too busy getting back to the espn, netflix or their door dash order. The same could be said for Solzhenitsyn's works.

We (collectively) never really learn or more accurately - want to learn - the truths of the world/system we live in. If it's too messy, we run in the opposite direction and grasp the first, ready made distraction we can find, in order to escape - "oh yes, that fluoride sounds terrible, I'm sure someone will take care of that soon...would you excuse me, the commercial is over and I have to see what the ladies on the view just said about racist conservatives".

Tell the people what they are supposed to think, enough times and they will happily think it.

Great work and thanks again.

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Thank you, what a great comment! It surely is a bamboozling! My 24 yo son just watched The Truman Show for the first time, he was ready to understand what it meant. It really struck a cord.

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Have him listen to Miranda Devine's audio book "The Laptop from hell". It will be the same effect, but 100 fold, since it all had to do with real life.

I don't think many Americans, much less people from other nations, know the depths of the corruption, that was documented on crackhead hunter's abandon laptop. The book chronologically and succinctly, explains the - to my mind - criminal connections with the Chinese, Russians and Ukranians, that few knew about or were told...except of course the corrupt biden bastards.

The other thing that came through loud and clear was, these people are in another self appointed class - and you and I do not factor into their reality - in the least. And their reality, is what is steering the global ship, we all are riding on.

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Great article! A keeper. Vermont had a citizen hero that took it upon himself to lower the fluoride content in municipal water. His rationale was that the fluoride was contaminated as it was sourced from...wait for it...China. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/08/1127681843/fluoride-lowered-vermont-town-richmond

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Thanks for the link!

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Comprehensive, clear, and well-researched. Thank you for filling the void created by mainstream media's abdication of their purpose! Now if we could somehow repair the brains of the millions of children -- now adults -- whose IQs were decimated...

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Thank you. Yes, the scale of the destruction to well-being is incomprehensible.

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We are working on similar issues. Here is a more macro version. This is a draft that disappears when it its posted and then must be accessed at robertyoho.substack.com. https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/1ff80bd0-9448-490a-a2d6-374887dab536

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Thanks Robert!

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Thank you for this.

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Saving for later. Thank you. Did you write about how the man in the women's admiral outfit in the US covered up/held back the US government metastudy on fluroide harms? That was a month or so ago.

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Yesa, got a mention at the end.

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Excellent post!!

I started learning about fluoride toxicity when I started having children 30+ years ago. I took my children to a holistic dentist and we used fluoride-free toothpaste at home. Their father probably told them I was crazy about this after we divorced, same with the childhood vaccines, which I also learned about around the same time.

This explains a great deal about the US population, unfortunately. The population has been dumbed down for decades. #CrimesAgainstHumanity

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Yes, as I assume you know, there are so many studies that point to an IQ reduction from fluoride. We are all diminished because of it.

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You will be pleased to know that when the Queensland government said our water had to be fluoridated, our Mayor at the time ran an awareness campaign. Adding fluoride to the water would increase council rates. The community (Atherton Tablelands) managed to veto it. As far as I know, we are still unfluoridated.

Back in the '90's Tenterfield in NSW managed to keep chlorine out of their municipal water. I don't know if that's still the case.

The population needs to get involved with their local councils. As Jeff Childers says "local, local, local"

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Good to know, thanks!

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Increased cancer rates?

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Recently at the dentist in Brisbane and he claimed that the fluoride added to the water supply was minimal to non existent so recommended an extra coating!

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