You will be pleased to know that when the Queensland government said our water had to be fluoridated, our Mayor at the time ran an awareness campaign. Adding fluoride to the water would increase council rates. The community (Atherton Tablelands) managed to veto it. As far as I know, we are still unfluoridated.
You will be pleased to know that when the Queensland government said our water had to be fluoridated, our Mayor at the time ran an awareness campaign. Adding fluoride to the water would increase council rates. The community (Atherton Tablelands) managed to veto it. As far as I know, we are still unfluoridated.
Back in the '90's Tenterfield in NSW managed to keep chlorine out of their municipal water. I don't know if that's still the case.
The population needs to get involved with their local councils. As Jeff Childers says "local, local, local"
You will be pleased to know that when the Queensland government said our water had to be fluoridated, our Mayor at the time ran an awareness campaign. Adding fluoride to the water would increase council rates. The community (Atherton Tablelands) managed to veto it. As far as I know, we are still unfluoridated.
Back in the '90's Tenterfield in NSW managed to keep chlorine out of their municipal water. I don't know if that's still the case.
The population needs to get involved with their local councils. As Jeff Childers says "local, local, local"
Good to know, thanks!
Increased cancer rates?