since waking to the bamboozling, that has been in operation for tens of thousands of years, I marvel at the ineptitude we have as collective society and species (that would be homo-sheeplous).
They (insert any leader, tyrant, despot, opportunist, profiteer, ideolog, radical, snake oil salesman, indu…
since waking to the bamboozling, that has been in operation for tens of thousands of years, I marvel at the ineptitude we have as collective society and species (that would be homo-sheeplous).
They (insert any leader, tyrant, despot, opportunist, profiteer, ideolog, radical, snake oil salesman, industrialist, politician and religious scam artists) have been preying on the masses since they figured out how to and we keep swallowing the poisoned bait.
I was happy to see that you mention Bernays in this piece. I would say that everyone should read his book "Propaganda", but it would do little good or sink in, as the masses would be too busy getting back to the espn, netflix or their door dash order. The same could be said for Solzhenitsyn's works.
We (collectively) never really learn or more accurately - want to learn - the truths of the world/system we live in. If it's too messy, we run in the opposite direction and grasp the first, ready made distraction we can find, in order to escape - "oh yes, that fluoride sounds terrible, I'm sure someone will take care of that soon...would you excuse me, the commercial is over and I have to see what the ladies on the view just said about racist conservatives".
Tell the people what they are supposed to think, enough times and they will happily think it.
Thank you, what a great comment! It surely is a bamboozling! My 24 yo son just watched The Truman Show for the first time, he was ready to understand what it meant. It really struck a cord.
Have him listen to Miranda Devine's audio book "The Laptop from hell". It will be the same effect, but 100 fold, since it all had to do with real life.
I don't think many Americans, much less people from other nations, know the depths of the corruption, that was documented on crackhead hunter's abandon laptop. The book chronologically and succinctly, explains the - to my mind - criminal connections with the Chinese, Russians and Ukranians, that few knew about or were told...except of course the corrupt biden bastards.
The other thing that came through loud and clear was, these people are in another self appointed class - and you and I do not factor into their reality - in the least. And their reality, is what is steering the global ship, we all are riding on.
Masterful job with this post. Thank you!
since waking to the bamboozling, that has been in operation for tens of thousands of years, I marvel at the ineptitude we have as collective society and species (that would be homo-sheeplous).
They (insert any leader, tyrant, despot, opportunist, profiteer, ideolog, radical, snake oil salesman, industrialist, politician and religious scam artists) have been preying on the masses since they figured out how to and we keep swallowing the poisoned bait.
I was happy to see that you mention Bernays in this piece. I would say that everyone should read his book "Propaganda", but it would do little good or sink in, as the masses would be too busy getting back to the espn, netflix or their door dash order. The same could be said for Solzhenitsyn's works.
We (collectively) never really learn or more accurately - want to learn - the truths of the world/system we live in. If it's too messy, we run in the opposite direction and grasp the first, ready made distraction we can find, in order to escape - "oh yes, that fluoride sounds terrible, I'm sure someone will take care of that soon...would you excuse me, the commercial is over and I have to see what the ladies on the view just said about racist conservatives".
Tell the people what they are supposed to think, enough times and they will happily think it.
Great work and thanks again.
Thank you, what a great comment! It surely is a bamboozling! My 24 yo son just watched The Truman Show for the first time, he was ready to understand what it meant. It really struck a cord.
Have him listen to Miranda Devine's audio book "The Laptop from hell". It will be the same effect, but 100 fold, since it all had to do with real life.
I don't think many Americans, much less people from other nations, know the depths of the corruption, that was documented on crackhead hunter's abandon laptop. The book chronologically and succinctly, explains the - to my mind - criminal connections with the Chinese, Russians and Ukranians, that few knew about or were told...except of course the corrupt biden bastards.
The other thing that came through loud and clear was, these people are in another self appointed class - and you and I do not factor into their reality - in the least. And their reality, is what is steering the global ship, we all are riding on.