Very Well said, and I think this is the key point:
Even if it’s true,
“To accept depopulation as a goal, you have to accept a whole raft of prior axioms; that there are evil people in the world, that they have captured governments and institutions, that they have an overpopulation ideology and have gained the means of enacting a depopulation agenda.“
I also agree that the grief of those who “see” is overwhelming.
Add animal vaccine schedule to that, because people blindly subject their animals to vaccines thinking it is what you do to care for animals whether they are pets or livestock. Veterinarians have known for decades the harms of vaccines and they continue to push the injections for money. Quite often it is the monetary picture of things that can make the change happen. Whaling didn't stop because whales were being massacred and populations wiped out. It was due to the discovery of a cheaper easier to use oil.
Yes I've been thinking about animal vaccines recently. If they have been so reckless with human vaccines what are the chances that vaccines for cats or horses are safer or more effective. Zero I think.
I’m so glad you mentioned animal vaccines! I think they’re making many animals very sick. Just like children. We have to speak up for THEM! My cat is precious to me. A vaccine is getting no where near my cat.
If effective persuasion is the means to adjusting communication strategies fine. But at some point no matter where people are on the 'waking up' spectrum they will arrive at the question: If they know these vaccines are killing hundreds of thousands (millions probably) of people, maiming millions more, resulting in clots, cardiac arrest, "SADS", stillbirths, turbo cancers, infertility, sterility, AND governments haven't stopped them when they stopped swine flu jabs in 1976 after 14 deaths, they will arrive at the population control motive. There's no way to avoid the connection at that point. Because of that inevitability I don't shy away from the topic at all. The connections go back more than a century. Show people the dots and even the slowest among them will get busy connecting them. The sooner the better as their survival now depends on it. Those that don't out of stubbornness, ideological conformity, herd mentality, tribalism, will pay the price for their intentional obtuseness, another inevitability we cannot control.
While I don't agree that this is a planned depopulation event I upvote this comment as I do believe that one would be a fool not to consider the possibility.
The connection can also be the simple fact that vaccines, Big Pharma and Rockefeller Medicine have been maiming and killing people for over a century and this latest mRNA Biotech abomination is a natural evolution of this modality of biological assaults.
I will add that it would also be foolish to completely dismiss the Neo-Malthusian angle to the current set of manufactured global crises though in my view that is not a compelling argument. haven't watched this yet, just looking for a link for you. I've started reading Whitney Webb's book, United States of Blackmail. VERY dense! First chapter has convinced me that the "Deep State" or whatever you want to call it is in fact running the US.... and likely the rest of western democracies.
It's taken 3 years for me to come to this point, where I question EVERYTHING. Early Covid days, a friend sent me Q-Anon videos and I'd say that I thought she was having a nervous breakdown to believe it all. Now... everything has changed. But yes, you can't hit people over the head with everything because it's just too much to handle. Slowly, slowly. It's like when kids ask how babies are made... you give very simple basic info, not the Kama Sutra.
i haven't looked into the "q-anon is a psy-op" thing so I can't comment. my point was just illustrating my agreement that you can't hit people over the head with everything all at once and expect them to be able to absorb and believe. I agree that there is no one coming to our rescue but ourselves.
Yes in deed it is. I’m still on the fence re: viruses mainly because I think it’s far more nuanced than simply yes or no and I think we already suffer enough from medical hubris, thinking we know everything there is to know.
Yes Terrain Theory/exosomes does make sense. My problem is with whether or not viruses "exist". I'm thinking particles that we have been calling viruses may exist but perhaps our interpretation of their function is at fault. Kind of like blaming firetrucks for starting fires because they are always at the scene of a fire. I have asked virologists regarding the "isolation" of viruses and the controversy raised by Dr. Stefan Lanka. The explanation did not satisfy me. I fear that virologists have soooo much at stake in this area that will not be able to see any new evidence. And I whole heartedly agree with your lifestyle choices!
Thank you for this well-reasoned essay and leadership. 1. I love that you have thought through the efficacy of a communication strategy. (I’m guilty here of impatiently dropping too much too soon.) 2. I love that you recognize that adopting beliefs/attitudes deliberately is valuable. Our beliefs, undoubtably, create our personal reality. 3. I agree, the childhood vax schedule is their Achilles Heel. As a longtime red-piller I awakened to the childhood vaxes only after the Covax disaster — it was an “aha!” moment.
Well thought out and I would agree since I am not convinced that depopulation is the goal vs the unintended consequence. RFK Jr is a light that creates other lights as he gives cover to others.
I love your thinking, but frankly, asking the "middle" to change their catechism on childhood vaccines- is like asking them to change religion. Or diets. Or give up their mobile phone. 🤔🤔😐😐😑🤐 They have to face too much contemplation that makes them feel bad, and deal with the trauma of betrayal and ignorance- neither are feelings that humanity traditionally copes well with! 🙄
The same uncomfortable, squirmy feeling that comes up when people have been caught out in some way, = that feeling we identify as "shame". It will come up when those that are parents, remember blithely taking their child to the Drs, without a second thought, hearing their child screaming/crying/looking at them silently asking " why? Why would you let someone hurt me?"
The gut-wrenching, soul-scarring punch of guilt.
Then there will be those that remember having their parents/carers casually, even happily, have some health professional, shoot them full of "vaccines" as a child or young adult, that strangely, coincidentally damaged them, in a subtle, insidious way. Where they didn't keel over, or die but, that spark of energetic, boundless, healthy life force that they felt before, never quite came back, and they never, felt quite the same after. THAT feeling we as a species don't like to face or deal with is called rage. 😐
That's just 2 of the myriad of emotions that will be flying around at a mass, collective level in the coming years. This is why "forgiveness is divine". Frankly, Im just not sure humanity has matured enough to forgive on the scale that will be required, to be able to move forward collectively.
I know it will all come out eventually, but I think it will be a JFK files thing- they will need to lock all the disgustingly grubby callous evidence of harm, away for 100 years, until the rage ebbs and memory adds a rose-coloured foggy lens.
But I could just be grumpy about writing a stupid paper!🤔🤣🤣😉😉#itcantrainallthetime #thesunwillcomeout #wearemany
I have found the minute one questions the historical childhood vaccines, they are most usually met with comments such as… “Oh, so you think polio and smallpox just went away by themselves do you?” What’s your thoughts on that?
He's removed the first 100 episodes of My Incredible Opinion from YT, which were all the great vaccine and disease clips. No idea why. I haven't been able to find them anywhere, and I've contacted him multiple times to see how to get access to them again, without reply.
his website made it look like he may have decided to go the breakaway society route. Which optics wise will make him come off as cultish. I think he had what was made to look like a hysterical outburst on Twitter as he was emotionally caught up on how it may be a combination of vaccine and a child having a stressful outburst/tantrum that may drive the adjuvant into the vulnerable part of the brain. So you take a upset kid out from just being vaccinated and strap them into a car seat you may be exacerbating the injury further. People smeared him as saying car seats cause autism.
Other than that I think his attitude on all studies going forward is that the FDA/CDC will rig them whatever they are. My impression is he was in a blackpilled state of mind. Which makes sense if you've been fighting this fight for years on end.
I mean Polio seems like it was a man-made disease more associated with DDT and Paris Green than a natural childhood disease. Some diseases we didn't vaccinate for went way such as scarlet fever I believe. Basically I'd point to Dissolving Illusions on this front and note a brilliant example Forest Maraedy used in Measles. The Brady bunch had an empisode about it before the vaccine and the disease was a backstory, an excuse to talk about how some Doctors could be women, not some plague of death we were in dire need of a vaccine for. Nutrition and sanitation did most of the lifting. The impression that the vaccines keep the plagues away is a myth.
I agree that anything so out of the realm of the norm is not helpful. The same is true of denying viruses. Even if it were the case that viruses don't exist or that viruses are less harmful or whatever and however one's theory goes, the premise sounds loony enough that this should not be anyone's starting point.
I think a good starting point with covid-19 is the premise of how people can be excluded from society anytime in the future merely on the basis of whether they wish to take any particular vaccine. The only reason there are no exclusion policies for the bivalent booster currently is because too few people were willing to take it. However, should one's rights to access society be determined merely by how many people agree with a specific government policy?
"In fact, I think that the Achilles heel of Global Scientific Totalitarianism is the childhood vaccine schedule."
While I pray that you are correct, vaccination, along with the perfect accuracy of vote counting machines and the necessity of continual economic growth, is still currently one of the Holy Trinity of That Which Shall Not Be Questioned.
It's truly hard for me to discuss the subject of vaccination with anyone because the vast majority of people, even those who are intelligent enough to know that corporate capitalism is not benign, have somehow come to believe that all vaccines ever invented to date and all vaccines yet to be tested in the future are the Holy of Holies of modern medicine.
I instead simply believe that all mandated or recommended vaccines should be tested for safety and efficacy like other drugs and medical interventions. And what to me is a patently logical stance somehow puts me directly in the crosshairs of the faith-based fervor of vaccination true believers who constitute the majority of the supposedly scientifically informed population and effectively 100% of our public health policy makers.
Vaccines are the only medical interventions that are routinely administered to currently perfectly healthy people. In particular, vaccines are the only pharmacologically active substances that governments mandate must be injected in currently healthy people, even in lieu of personal or custodial consent. As such, vaccines and entire vaccination schedules must be subject to the most rigorous safety standards of all medicines, and vaccine manufacturers must be held liable when the vaccines they manufacture injure people.
But because all vaccination is always sacrosanct to vaccination true believers, the herd of vaccine manufactures must be protected against scientific inquiry and legal liability at all costs to the point that an obvious corporate PR flacks like Orac and Skeptical Raptor become huge heroes (even to otherwise intelligent, scientifically-minded people to whom their 100% pro-corporate allegiance should be perfectly transparent) because they reliably feeds the confirmation bias that all scientific data that have ever questioned or will ever question the safety or efficacy of any specific vaccine must have been produced by the scientific equivalent of cartoon villains intent on destroying the hard-earned immunity of the herd.
Robert Kennedy, Jr. provides an instructive example. He is an environmental lawyer, and most people I know find little disagreement with any of his other positions on protecting the environment and public health from corporate negligence and our regulatory agencies from corporate capture. However, as soon as he applies the same principles to the vaccine industry that he applies to all other industries, mass hysteria ensues among the guardians of conventional wisdom. Suddenly, Robert Kennedy, Jr. becomes a crackpot pariah, public health enemy number one, and, of course, the subject of scads of scathing invective from both Skeptical Raptor and Orac. Why?
The vast majority of even the informed segment of scientists against mass fluoridation and even the doctors who devote their lives to sounding alarms against the evils of prescription drug manufacturers typically carve out a special exemption for vaccine manufacturers. Why? Obviously, this is not because rigorous experimentation has been performed to prove that the benefits of each recommended vaccine far exceeds its risks and costs. Instead, blind faith in the inherent wonderfulness and "pharmacological inactivity" of each and every vaccine ever developed or yet to be developed makes such experimentation "unethical."
It is as if all vaccines, even those yet to be developed, are protected in perpetuity from objective scientific scrutiny by some sort of ontological argument: "By definition, all vaccines are medical interventions that which none greater can be imagined. ... "
Since our blind faith in the monolithic good of VACCINATION tells us that the benefits of vaccines MUST always exceed their costs and risks, it is clearly and inherently unethical ever to deprive any population of any specific untested vaccine, and thus it is also unethical ever to design any scientific experiment with the potential to demonstrate that any specific untested vaccine's risks and costs exceed its benefits. Why? As far as I can tell, this whole ontological argument is based on nothing but a completely circular appeal to the overwhelming "scientific consensus" that until very recently assured us the exact same of fluoridation and circumcision (and currently still tries to assure us that the only safe place for mercury in our entire environment is the "full containment" of children's mouths).
Why does this remind of my initial reaction when I discovered my baby teeth in my mother's sewing kit and was informed that the tooth fairy was not real? "But, but, Santa Claus is still real. He must be! Right?"
Great essay. I have been thinking the same for awhile. The information feeds have become so different that most people are still three years behind on what is going on. The depopulation argument is a bridge too far. Just mention the word hydroxychloroquine to most people and they will cringe like they are dealing with an awful person .I always have to state; hydroxy is not Donald Trump, hydroxy is not the Haitian voodoo queen ,nor is it the Haitian voodoo queens DEMON SPAWN CHILD. It is going to be a lot easier to sell this as assholes who are trying to lie to you and steal your money rather than a cabal of central bankers trying to murder you
Thanks Dag. Yes, anything with "cabal of..." in it is not going to win friends and influence people.
When it's all said and done, it might turn out that depopulation is at least one of the goals...maybe...but we are going to have to keep that idea to ourselves. We need to help them to stop taking the poison with much simpler arguments.
I read that 25% of the population now believes they know someone who was killed or injured by the experimental, liability-free jab. Prior to the plandemic, I came to the conclusion that until misfortune crosses someone’s threshold, they are unable and/or unwilling to see the carnage caused by vaccines. Although, this realization has not stopped me from sharing MISSEDinfotmation. I wonder what will happen, if the majority of people finally become aware of the failure of ACIP and the CDC Vaccine Schedule. Qatar now leads the world in the rate of Autism.
Super post and accurate in how to proceed in reaching out to the 'middle' imho and for the awake to pay heed to. I don't know that the 'middle', the 'go along to get alongs', can be reached to the extent that they will become awake and more importantly awake and ACTIVISTS. For some probably but for the majority of the middle? Their behavioural modus operandi does not bode well for their enlightenment as I see them living their lives. Ignoring the warnings and carrying on like this will all pass as they pay for their purchases with their smart phones. It is my guess that for the g.a.t.g.a to become active in resisting globalism - totalitarianism, the bodies of the dead and injured will have to pile so high that the fabric of society is torn...the supply chain of food, energy, money disrupted to extreme and the political iron fist removes any reasonable logic for the middle's continued acquiescence. The point being will it be much too late to turn things around then, either through non violent or even violent means at this point?
this is brilliant. especially since the childhood vax schedule and the stupid flu vax are being pivoted to genetic engineering platforms.
agree that depop does not work on the gentler people in our circles. very well written and revealing piece on what may be motivating icke
Just read it now, brilliant and thank you for pointing it out.
Very Well said, and I think this is the key point:
Even if it’s true,
“To accept depopulation as a goal, you have to accept a whole raft of prior axioms; that there are evil people in the world, that they have captured governments and institutions, that they have an overpopulation ideology and have gained the means of enacting a depopulation agenda.“
I also agree that the grief of those who “see” is overwhelming.
On the other hand - once you see someone standing with a gun to your (or your child’s) head - no axiomatic thinking is required.
People are gonna disagree on how visible the gun is, obviously. That determines the level of urgency
Add animal vaccine schedule to that, because people blindly subject their animals to vaccines thinking it is what you do to care for animals whether they are pets or livestock. Veterinarians have known for decades the harms of vaccines and they continue to push the injections for money. Quite often it is the monetary picture of things that can make the change happen. Whaling didn't stop because whales were being massacred and populations wiped out. It was due to the discovery of a cheaper easier to use oil.
Yes I've been thinking about animal vaccines recently. If they have been so reckless with human vaccines what are the chances that vaccines for cats or horses are safer or more effective. Zero I think.
People are more concerned about the effects of vaccines on their pets than on humans, I’ve noticed! Bizarre disconnect.
I’m so glad you mentioned animal vaccines! I think they’re making many animals very sick. Just like children. We have to speak up for THEM! My cat is precious to me. A vaccine is getting no where near my cat.
I think that animal vaccines are also part of the "readiness" logic that I wrote about here.
Plus the global animal vaccine market is worth $10b annually, so there's that motive also.
Many of the objectionable practices ceased because of costs (the new alternative was cheaper). But this author actually ties it to species survival:
If effective persuasion is the means to adjusting communication strategies fine. But at some point no matter where people are on the 'waking up' spectrum they will arrive at the question: If they know these vaccines are killing hundreds of thousands (millions probably) of people, maiming millions more, resulting in clots, cardiac arrest, "SADS", stillbirths, turbo cancers, infertility, sterility, AND governments haven't stopped them when they stopped swine flu jabs in 1976 after 14 deaths, they will arrive at the population control motive. There's no way to avoid the connection at that point. Because of that inevitability I don't shy away from the topic at all. The connections go back more than a century. Show people the dots and even the slowest among them will get busy connecting them. The sooner the better as their survival now depends on it. Those that don't out of stubbornness, ideological conformity, herd mentality, tribalism, will pay the price for their intentional obtuseness, another inevitability we cannot control.
While I don't agree that this is a planned depopulation event I upvote this comment as I do believe that one would be a fool not to consider the possibility.
The connection can also be the simple fact that vaccines, Big Pharma and Rockefeller Medicine have been maiming and killing people for over a century and this latest mRNA Biotech abomination is a natural evolution of this modality of biological assaults.
I will add that it would also be foolish to completely dismiss the Neo-Malthusian angle to the current set of manufactured global crises though in my view that is not a compelling argument. haven't watched this yet, just looking for a link for you. I've started reading Whitney Webb's book, United States of Blackmail. VERY dense! First chapter has convinced me that the "Deep State" or whatever you want to call it is in fact running the US.... and likely the rest of western democracies.
It's taken 3 years for me to come to this point, where I question EVERYTHING. Early Covid days, a friend sent me Q-Anon videos and I'd say that I thought she was having a nervous breakdown to believe it all. Now... everything has changed. But yes, you can't hit people over the head with everything because it's just too much to handle. Slowly, slowly. It's like when kids ask how babies are made... you give very simple basic info, not the Kama Sutra.
Thanks for the reminder about Webb's book, just ordered it. And perfect analogy about kids and babies!
i haven't looked into the "q-anon is a psy-op" thing so I can't comment. my point was just illustrating my agreement that you can't hit people over the head with everything all at once and expect them to be able to absorb and believe. I agree that there is no one coming to our rescue but ourselves.
Yes in deed it is. I’m still on the fence re: viruses mainly because I think it’s far more nuanced than simply yes or no and I think we already suffer enough from medical hubris, thinking we know everything there is to know.
Yes Terrain Theory/exosomes does make sense. My problem is with whether or not viruses "exist". I'm thinking particles that we have been calling viruses may exist but perhaps our interpretation of their function is at fault. Kind of like blaming firetrucks for starting fires because they are always at the scene of a fire. I have asked virologists regarding the "isolation" of viruses and the controversy raised by Dr. Stefan Lanka. The explanation did not satisfy me. I fear that virologists have soooo much at stake in this area that will not be able to see any new evidence. And I whole heartedly agree with your lifestyle choices!
Thank you for this well-reasoned essay and leadership. 1. I love that you have thought through the efficacy of a communication strategy. (I’m guilty here of impatiently dropping too much too soon.) 2. I love that you recognize that adopting beliefs/attitudes deliberately is valuable. Our beliefs, undoubtably, create our personal reality. 3. I agree, the childhood vax schedule is their Achilles Heel. As a longtime red-piller I awakened to the childhood vaxes only after the Covax disaster — it was an “aha!” moment.
Well thought out and I would agree since I am not convinced that depopulation is the goal vs the unintended consequence. RFK Jr is a light that creates other lights as he gives cover to others.
I love your thinking, but frankly, asking the "middle" to change their catechism on childhood vaccines- is like asking them to change religion. Or diets. Or give up their mobile phone. 🤔🤔😐😐😑🤐 They have to face too much contemplation that makes them feel bad, and deal with the trauma of betrayal and ignorance- neither are feelings that humanity traditionally copes well with! 🙄
The same uncomfortable, squirmy feeling that comes up when people have been caught out in some way, = that feeling we identify as "shame". It will come up when those that are parents, remember blithely taking their child to the Drs, without a second thought, hearing their child screaming/crying/looking at them silently asking " why? Why would you let someone hurt me?"
The gut-wrenching, soul-scarring punch of guilt.
Then there will be those that remember having their parents/carers casually, even happily, have some health professional, shoot them full of "vaccines" as a child or young adult, that strangely, coincidentally damaged them, in a subtle, insidious way. Where they didn't keel over, or die but, that spark of energetic, boundless, healthy life force that they felt before, never quite came back, and they never, felt quite the same after. THAT feeling we as a species don't like to face or deal with is called rage. 😐
That's just 2 of the myriad of emotions that will be flying around at a mass, collective level in the coming years. This is why "forgiveness is divine". Frankly, Im just not sure humanity has matured enough to forgive on the scale that will be required, to be able to move forward collectively.
I know it will all come out eventually, but I think it will be a JFK files thing- they will need to lock all the disgustingly grubby callous evidence of harm, away for 100 years, until the rage ebbs and memory adds a rose-coloured foggy lens.
But I could just be grumpy about writing a stupid paper!🤔🤣🤣😉😉#itcantrainallthetime #thesunwillcomeout #wearemany
I have found the minute one questions the historical childhood vaccines, they are most usually met with comments such as… “Oh, so you think polio and smallpox just went away by themselves do you?” What’s your thoughts on that?
Dissolving Illusions is the book, if they read that then everything changes.
Maready's short book The Moth in the Iron Lung fixes the polio myth.
Maready himself was woken up by the Illusions book.
I watched Maready's youtube clips but I think they've been taken down now. Now that you mention its a shorter book I'll consider reading that as well
He's removed the first 100 episodes of My Incredible Opinion from YT, which were all the great vaccine and disease clips. No idea why. I haven't been able to find them anywhere, and I've contacted him multiple times to see how to get access to them again, without reply.
his website made it look like he may have decided to go the breakaway society route. Which optics wise will make him come off as cultish. I think he had what was made to look like a hysterical outburst on Twitter as he was emotionally caught up on how it may be a combination of vaccine and a child having a stressful outburst/tantrum that may drive the adjuvant into the vulnerable part of the brain. So you take a upset kid out from just being vaccinated and strap them into a car seat you may be exacerbating the injury further. People smeared him as saying car seats cause autism.
Other than that I think his attitude on all studies going forward is that the FDA/CDC will rig them whatever they are. My impression is he was in a blackpilled state of mind. Which makes sense if you've been fighting this fight for years on end.
I mean Polio seems like it was a man-made disease more associated with DDT and Paris Green than a natural childhood disease. Some diseases we didn't vaccinate for went way such as scarlet fever I believe. Basically I'd point to Dissolving Illusions on this front and note a brilliant example Forest Maraedy used in Measles. The Brady bunch had an empisode about it before the vaccine and the disease was a backstory, an excuse to talk about how some Doctors could be women, not some plague of death we were in dire need of a vaccine for. Nutrition and sanitation did most of the lifting. The impression that the vaccines keep the plagues away is a myth.
Thanks for sharing the great video clip of Bobby Kennedy.
For those who are interested in seeing more from RFK, I tracked down the video series from which this clip was extracted:
Great, thank you!!
Thank you!
I agree that anything so out of the realm of the norm is not helpful. The same is true of denying viruses. Even if it were the case that viruses don't exist or that viruses are less harmful or whatever and however one's theory goes, the premise sounds loony enough that this should not be anyone's starting point.
I think a good starting point with covid-19 is the premise of how people can be excluded from society anytime in the future merely on the basis of whether they wish to take any particular vaccine. The only reason there are no exclusion policies for the bivalent booster currently is because too few people were willing to take it. However, should one's rights to access society be determined merely by how many people agree with a specific government policy?
"In fact, I think that the Achilles heel of Global Scientific Totalitarianism is the childhood vaccine schedule."
While I pray that you are correct, vaccination, along with the perfect accuracy of vote counting machines and the necessity of continual economic growth, is still currently one of the Holy Trinity of That Which Shall Not Be Questioned.
It's truly hard for me to discuss the subject of vaccination with anyone because the vast majority of people, even those who are intelligent enough to know that corporate capitalism is not benign, have somehow come to believe that all vaccines ever invented to date and all vaccines yet to be tested in the future are the Holy of Holies of modern medicine.
I instead simply believe that all mandated or recommended vaccines should be tested for safety and efficacy like other drugs and medical interventions. And what to me is a patently logical stance somehow puts me directly in the crosshairs of the faith-based fervor of vaccination true believers who constitute the majority of the supposedly scientifically informed population and effectively 100% of our public health policy makers.
Vaccines are the only medical interventions that are routinely administered to currently perfectly healthy people. In particular, vaccines are the only pharmacologically active substances that governments mandate must be injected in currently healthy people, even in lieu of personal or custodial consent. As such, vaccines and entire vaccination schedules must be subject to the most rigorous safety standards of all medicines, and vaccine manufacturers must be held liable when the vaccines they manufacture injure people.
But because all vaccination is always sacrosanct to vaccination true believers, the herd of vaccine manufactures must be protected against scientific inquiry and legal liability at all costs to the point that an obvious corporate PR flacks like Orac and Skeptical Raptor become huge heroes (even to otherwise intelligent, scientifically-minded people to whom their 100% pro-corporate allegiance should be perfectly transparent) because they reliably feeds the confirmation bias that all scientific data that have ever questioned or will ever question the safety or efficacy of any specific vaccine must have been produced by the scientific equivalent of cartoon villains intent on destroying the hard-earned immunity of the herd.
Robert Kennedy, Jr. provides an instructive example. He is an environmental lawyer, and most people I know find little disagreement with any of his other positions on protecting the environment and public health from corporate negligence and our regulatory agencies from corporate capture. However, as soon as he applies the same principles to the vaccine industry that he applies to all other industries, mass hysteria ensues among the guardians of conventional wisdom. Suddenly, Robert Kennedy, Jr. becomes a crackpot pariah, public health enemy number one, and, of course, the subject of scads of scathing invective from both Skeptical Raptor and Orac. Why?
The vast majority of even the informed segment of scientists against mass fluoridation and even the doctors who devote their lives to sounding alarms against the evils of prescription drug manufacturers typically carve out a special exemption for vaccine manufacturers. Why? Obviously, this is not because rigorous experimentation has been performed to prove that the benefits of each recommended vaccine far exceeds its risks and costs. Instead, blind faith in the inherent wonderfulness and "pharmacological inactivity" of each and every vaccine ever developed or yet to be developed makes such experimentation "unethical."
It is as if all vaccines, even those yet to be developed, are protected in perpetuity from objective scientific scrutiny by some sort of ontological argument: "By definition, all vaccines are medical interventions that which none greater can be imagined. ... "
Since our blind faith in the monolithic good of VACCINATION tells us that the benefits of vaccines MUST always exceed their costs and risks, it is clearly and inherently unethical ever to deprive any population of any specific untested vaccine, and thus it is also unethical ever to design any scientific experiment with the potential to demonstrate that any specific untested vaccine's risks and costs exceed its benefits. Why? As far as I can tell, this whole ontological argument is based on nothing but a completely circular appeal to the overwhelming "scientific consensus" that until very recently assured us the exact same of fluoridation and circumcision (and currently still tries to assure us that the only safe place for mercury in our entire environment is the "full containment" of children's mouths).
Why does this remind of my initial reaction when I discovered my baby teeth in my mother's sewing kit and was informed that the tooth fairy was not real? "But, but, Santa Claus is still real. He must be! Right?"
Great essay. I have been thinking the same for awhile. The information feeds have become so different that most people are still three years behind on what is going on. The depopulation argument is a bridge too far. Just mention the word hydroxychloroquine to most people and they will cringe like they are dealing with an awful person .I always have to state; hydroxy is not Donald Trump, hydroxy is not the Haitian voodoo queen ,nor is it the Haitian voodoo queens DEMON SPAWN CHILD. It is going to be a lot easier to sell this as assholes who are trying to lie to you and steal your money rather than a cabal of central bankers trying to murder you
Thanks Dag. Yes, anything with "cabal of..." in it is not going to win friends and influence people.
When it's all said and done, it might turn out that depopulation is at least one of the goals...maybe...but we are going to have to keep that idea to ourselves. We need to help them to stop taking the poison with much simpler arguments.
I read that 25% of the population now believes they know someone who was killed or injured by the experimental, liability-free jab. Prior to the plandemic, I came to the conclusion that until misfortune crosses someone’s threshold, they are unable and/or unwilling to see the carnage caused by vaccines. Although, this realization has not stopped me from sharing MISSEDinfotmation. I wonder what will happen, if the majority of people finally become aware of the failure of ACIP and the CDC Vaccine Schedule. Qatar now leads the world in the rate of Autism.
Super post and accurate in how to proceed in reaching out to the 'middle' imho and for the awake to pay heed to. I don't know that the 'middle', the 'go along to get alongs', can be reached to the extent that they will become awake and more importantly awake and ACTIVISTS. For some probably but for the majority of the middle? Their behavioural modus operandi does not bode well for their enlightenment as I see them living their lives. Ignoring the warnings and carrying on like this will all pass as they pay for their purchases with their smart phones. It is my guess that for the g.a.t.g.a to become active in resisting globalism - totalitarianism, the bodies of the dead and injured will have to pile so high that the fabric of society is torn...the supply chain of food, energy, money disrupted to extreme and the political iron fist removes any reasonable logic for the middle's continued acquiescence. The point being will it be much too late to turn things around then, either through non violent or even violent means at this point?