Great essay. I have been thinking the same for awhile. The information feeds have become so different that most people are still three years behind on what is going on. The depopulation argument is a bridge too far. Just mention the word hydroxychloroquine to most people and they will cringe like they are dealing with an awful person .I …
Great essay. I have been thinking the same for awhile. The information feeds have become so different that most people are still three years behind on what is going on. The depopulation argument is a bridge too far. Just mention the word hydroxychloroquine to most people and they will cringe like they are dealing with an awful person .I always have to state; hydroxy is not Donald Trump, hydroxy is not the Haitian voodoo queen ,nor is it the Haitian voodoo queens DEMON SPAWN CHILD. It is going to be a lot easier to sell this as assholes who are trying to lie to you and steal your money rather than a cabal of central bankers trying to murder you
Thanks Dag. Yes, anything with "cabal of..." in it is not going to win friends and influence people.
When it's all said and done, it might turn out that depopulation is at least one of the goals...maybe...but we are going to have to keep that idea to ourselves. We need to help them to stop taking the poison with much simpler arguments.
Great essay. I have been thinking the same for awhile. The information feeds have become so different that most people are still three years behind on what is going on. The depopulation argument is a bridge too far. Just mention the word hydroxychloroquine to most people and they will cringe like they are dealing with an awful person .I always have to state; hydroxy is not Donald Trump, hydroxy is not the Haitian voodoo queen ,nor is it the Haitian voodoo queens DEMON SPAWN CHILD. It is going to be a lot easier to sell this as assholes who are trying to lie to you and steal your money rather than a cabal of central bankers trying to murder you
Thanks Dag. Yes, anything with "cabal of..." in it is not going to win friends and influence people.
When it's all said and done, it might turn out that depopulation is at least one of the goals...maybe...but we are going to have to keep that idea to ourselves. We need to help them to stop taking the poison with much simpler arguments.