Back in Sept 2020 I wrote to all my family and friends about the COVID (PCR) Tests.
I wanted to help them see the range of problems with the tests and avoid them as much as possible. Certainly not to go and voluntarily submit themselves to a test with a dubious outcome and a decent false positive rate.
Every time you submitted to the test you were rolling the dice on 2 weeks of house arrest. Why would any clear-minded and thinking person do that voluntarily?
Anyway, I recently came across the email and thought that it has held up quite well with the passage of 10 months.
This whole fiasco is a table built on several primary legs. Each one of these legs is a lie and the sum of all of them create this alternate reality (big lie) that our family and friends have inhaled since March 2020.
These legs are:
Infection Fatality Rate (IFR): Letting people think that the Case Fatality Rate (much higher) is the IFR (much lower and flu like)
PCR Tests (with ridiculous Cycle Thresholds) generating “Cases”
Asymptomatic Spread is real
NPIs: None Pharmaceutical Solutions until the “vaccine” arrives
“Safe” “Vaccines” as the ONLY solution
There are more, but you get the gist. Each of these legs are a story in their own right. But that’s for another day.
Here is my email from Sept 2020…
Hello All
If you are getting this then you are family or a friend. It’s a bit long but hopefully you’ll find it worthwhile. You might even share it with other family and friends.
You all know my position on lockdowns, it hasn’t changed since March, this email isn’t about that. Specifically, it’s about PCR Tests, the ones that all governments are using to find and eliminate this virus.
I have been reading quite a bit since March and the following 2 articles are the best so far to explain to us lay people the problems with PCR Tests. The combination of the two will help you see them for what they are.
They are like pregnancy tests, they simply say you are positive or negative, but they are not testing for what you think they are testing for.
I am sending you this for the following reasons:
I think that knowing is better than not knowing
I know that it feels that we cannot do anything about it…but we can at least dial down our own fear levels and try to help those around us do the same
And the main reason…if you choose to be tested, it would be good for you to know what you are being tested for
Article 1
Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.
29 August 2020
3 highlights:
In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.
But yes-no isn’t good enough, he added. It’s the amount of virus that should dictate the infected patient’s next steps. “It’s really irresponsible, I think, to forgo the recognition that this is a quantitative issue,”
The CDCs own calculations suggest that it is extremely difficult to detect any live virus in a sample above a threshold of 33 cycles. Officials at some state labs said the C.D.C. had not asked them to note threshold values or to share them with contact-tracing organizations.
Bottom line:
Most positive tests are picking up dead virus or virus in such small quantities that it is not infectious.
Now onto the pièce de résistance.
Article 2
COVID-19: Vaccine ‘Not Possible’ For A Virus Not Yet Quantifiable
6 August 2020
3 highlights:
Without going into technical details, one may consider that these tests monitor specific types of proteins or related chemicals which are produced by the presence of viruses, not only by SARS-CoV2 or COVID-19, but by all pathogenic viruses as a defence mechanism to get rid of the viruses and/or to protect our bodies from their ill effects.
However, at present no COVID-19 test is used (or is even available) which has such validation. As such, the current practice is ordinarily considered as a cardinal sin in the scientific community.
The Irony Is That These Markers Are Not Specific To COVID-19, But Are Generic To All Viruses To Which We Are Exposed.
Bottom line:
PCR tests are picking up all virus markers, not actual virus and not just COVID virus.
Ok, that’s it about PCR Tests…hopefully that was helpful.
While on the subject, this is the best website I’ve found that explains all the different threads that have been used to lock us down, in normal person language. I think it’s important to understand this stuff so that we are better tooled to process the information that is being given us from mainstream channels.
Just know that if you decide to share this with family and friends some might take the position of one of these gentlemen.
On rereading the email, I thought it held up well.
There has been so much since then calling bullshit on the PCR Tests, but unfortunately, they are still being used en masse and should be avoided where possible.
There has been plenty of vindication least of which was the court case in Portugal.
Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests “Unreliable” & Quarantines “Unlawful”
Most importantly, the judges ruled that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection.
And then there was the WHO (not that I would trust them as far as I could throw them) recommending, shortly after Trump left office in January 2021, to reduce the cycle thresholds of the tests. I guess they could dial down the charade a bit with him gone.