Breast Cancer and Iodine: How to Prevent and How to Survive Breast Cancer (2001)
By Dr David Derry – 50 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary
In response to my iodine post, a reader, Chris Gupta, wrote this:
You missed: Breast Cancer and Iodine: How to Prevent and How to Survive Breast Cancer by Dr David Derry. He ran into problems with Health Canada as he was curing too many patients...
Here I’m rectifying that omission.
With thanks to Dr David Derry.
Breast Cancer and Iodine: How to Prevent and How to Survive Breast Cancer: Dr. David Derry M.D.
J.CROW'S® Lugol's Solution of Iodine 2% 2oz
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This deep dive is based on the book’s contents.
Discussion No.15: 20 insights about breast cancer and iodine
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Think of your body as a vast city with billions of cellular "citizens." Iodine acts as the city's security system, with two crucial components:
First, imagine iodine as millions of highly trained security guards (like a cellular police force) patrolling every neighborhood (tissue) in the city. These guards are experts at identifying and removing troublemakers (abnormal cells) before they can cause serious problems. However, just like a city needs enough police officers to patrol effectively, your body needs sufficient iodine to maintain this surveillance system.
Second, imagine thyroid hormone as the city's infrastructure - its walls, roads, and barriers. Just as strong city walls and well-maintained checkpoints prevent criminal organizations from moving freely between neighborhoods, proper thyroid hormone levels maintain strong connective tissue that prevents cancer from spreading.
In most Western cities (bodies), there are barely enough security guards to watch the main government building (thyroid gland), leaving other neighborhoods vulnerable. This is like having just enough iodine to prevent goiter but not enough for broader protection. In contrast, Japanese cities maintain a full security force (high iodine intake), explaining their lower crime (cancer) rates.
When people move from a well-protected Japanese city to a Western one and adopt its security practices, their descendants gradually face the same crime rates as other residents - just as Japanese migrants eventually match Western cancer rates.
The book's message is that we've been running our cities with minimal security when we could have comprehensive protection by simply increasing our security force (iodine intake) to optimal levels.
12-point summary
1. Fundamental Iodine Discovery: Iodine's discovery in 1811 revolutionized medicine as the first element proven to cure a specific disease (goiter). Its importance extends far beyond thyroid function, playing crucial roles in cellular health, cancer prevention, and human development.
2. Biphasic Cancer Theory: Cancer development occurs in two distinct phases - an iodine-controlled phase up to carcinoma in situ, and a thyroid hormone-controlled phase governing cancer spread through connective tissue. This understanding explains why some populations have high early-stage cancer rates but low invasive cancer rates.
3. Japanese Health Paradox: Despite having the highest rates of thyroid carcinoma in situ (34%), Japanese populations have the world's lowest rates of clinical thyroid, breast, and prostate cancer, attributed to their high iodine intake (8-10 mg daily) through seaweed consumption.
4. Thyroid Treatment Transformation: The introduction of the TSH test in 1973-1974 dramatically changed thyroid treatment, reducing standard doses to one-third of previous levels and shifting focus from clinical symptoms to laboratory values, despite no correlation between TSH levels and patient symptoms.
5. Evolutionary Significance: Iodine played a crucial role in evolution, with seaweed's concentration of iodine creating conditions necessary for developing multicellular organisms. Thyroid hormone became the first and most fundamental hormone controlling genetic expression.
6. Breast Cancer Prevention: Fibrocystic breast disease, affecting 95% of Western women to some degree, represents a precursor state that responds to iodine supplementation. Adequate iodine intake could potentially reduce breast cancer rates to Japanese levels.
7. Iceland Case Study: Iceland's historic transition from very low to very high breast cancer rates directly correlated with changes in dairy cow feed practices that affected milk iodine content, providing compelling evidence for iodine's role in cancer prevention.
8. Migration Effects: Japanese migration studies show cancer rates matching host country levels by the second or third generation, demonstrating dietary rather than genetic factors determine cancer risk.
9. Constitutional Factors: Patient well-being and constitutional health, largely controlled by thyroid hormone, significantly influence cancer treatment outcomes but are often overlooked in modern protocols.
10. Geographic Influences: Climate affects cancer rates through thyroid hormone demands, with warmer climates showing lower breast cancer rates due to reduced temperature regulation needs.
11. Clinical Applications: The resolution of fibrocystic disease through iodine supplementation can take several months to two years, with effectiveness depending on achieving doses above thyroid saturation levels (>2-3 mg daily).
12. Modern Health Implications: Current iodine supplementation guidelines focus only on preventing goiter, potentially missing opportunities for broader health benefits. Salt reduction campaigns have inadvertently reduced iodine intake, possibly contributing to increased cancer risk.
This book is about the cause, prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Over the last century, enough data and observations have become available to allow the collection of this material into a coherent, understandable and testable thesis of how breast cancer starts and how it progresses. This monograph, therefore, is devoted to the exploration of a new outlook towards breast cancer, with passing mention of related cancers and diseases. When discussing cancer, we are talking about a systemic process, which allows the development of a predictable sequence of biological changes leading to cancer.
This presentation is not meant to be exhaustive, and I hope to complete a more comprehensive treatment of this thesis in the future. Purposely, I have addressed this book to women with breast cancer. Since reading some of the stories of personal experiences with breast cancer, I am full of admiration for the knowledge and enthusiasm with which they pursue this disease and the research connected with it.
Part of the present participation by women is related to the activism which accompanied the AIDS disease outbreak. For the first time, women saw that they too had a place in the decision-making and began to influence research funding towards projects they instinctively knew needed exploring. This is admirable because academic research cannot always see obvious holes in the research fields, and they may not be able or interested in filling in those holes.
It is hard to get away from breast cancer statistics, such as unchanged mortality rates since the records were kept in the 1920s. Also discouraging are the newly designed detection and screening methods, which seem to fail in changing disease outcomes. It is even disappointing that old-fashioned self-examination appears not to help with survival.
These discouraging results and statistics may only be the result of a lack of a coherent, understandable theory of the cause of breast cancer so that a clean new approach to the disease can be started. Slowly, different exploratory approaches to breast cancer are emerging from the periphery of the present established cancer understanding, but none yet show a clear opening to crack the mystery of this disease. It is hoped that this little presentation will give food for thought and maybe lead to some further advances.
The monograph is divided into four parts:
Iodine and its evolution and role in the cell
Iodine and thyroid hormone and its relations to the patient's constitution
Cancer in general as a process
Breast cancer, fibrocystic disease, its prevention and arrest
The first part is information on iodine and its relation to the body and thyroid gland. Iodine appears to be the least understood important element making up the body fluids and cells of humans. Iodine has been neglected, as huge amounts of research funds have not uncovered any other function of iodine than that it makes thyroid hormone and it serves as an excellent antiseptic, which we have known for more than a hundred years.
In spite of all the research, we do not know what biochemical processes it participates in or what part it plays in the overall metabolism of the body other than its role in the formation of thyroid hormone.
I propose primarily that iodine is the trigger mechanism for apoptosis (the natural death of cells) and the main surveillance mechanism for abnormal cells in the body. Iodine triggers the death of cells which are abnormal or which have normal programmed death as part of their life cycle.
This is part of a general thesis that iodine and thyroid hormone act as a team to provide a constant surveillance against abnormal cell development, chemicals that are carcinogenic, and the spread of cancer cells within the body.
Iodine appears to have several more roles in the body. Iodine protects against abnormal growth of bacteria in the stomach (Helicobacter pylori is the most clinically significant). Iodine can coat incoming allergic proteins to make them non-allergic, which likely also applies to the internal equivalent called autoimmune disease.
Iodine binds softly to the double and triple bond of lipids to protect these bonds while they are being transported to synaptic sites in the brain and blood vessels of the body. As well, iodine in the stomach deactivates all biological and most chemical poisons.
All of these new proposed testable functions of iodine are discussed. There is a discussion of the possible role of iodine in evolution in relation to the development of multi-cellularity and maturation of vertebrates.
The general thesis of this book is that there is a specific dose of iodine intake above which it prevents several disease processes including those related to fibrocystic disease and breast cancer.
The second part is related to the thyroid hormones and the thyroid gland. In both of these first two sections, some suggestions as to the evolutionary source of iodine and thyroid hormone are outlined. From here, we can understand that tissue levels of thyroid hormone are just as important, if not more important, than circulating blood levels.
It is proposed that thyroid hormone has controlled the genome (nuclear DNA sequences, etc.) since the beginning. Because of this, control of intracellular low levels of thyroid hormone would tend to let genes, which can cause disease, escape and express themselves. Therefore, thyroid hormone's main purpose, aside from keeping the genome stable, is to run each of the cells in relation to each other and also to permissively allow other hormones to act.
Thyroid hormone came well before any of the other hormones and has taken up the position of the most important hormone. Since iodine came before thyroid hormone, then iodine is more important than the hormone. Some of the clinical aspects of thyroid hormone treatment are discussed in relation to disturbances in the receptor mechanisms and its relation to thyroid hormone resistance.
The third part deals largely with the findings of the intensive cancer investigations of the last 60 years or more. The late Dr. David Clarke Jr. wrote some detailed thoughts on the biological development of the cancer process. Now, along with findings by Dr. Sampson of the Mayo Clinic in the 1970s, it becomes evident that perhaps cancer is a biphasic process (two phases). More clearly stated, cancer has two phases.
The first is controlled by iodine up to the phenomena called "carcinoma in situ" or "occult cancer," and thyroid hormone seems to control the second phase, namely the spread of cancer within connective tissues.
The fourth and last part concerns the application of the first three parts to breast cancer. Much of the material in this part of the book seems to fall into place if the postulates put forward are legitimately representing what is happening in this disease. With these concepts, we can relate the risk factors and epidemiological studies on breast cancer to prevention and treatment.
On a personal note, I want to explain briefly my route to this book. Having become highly trained and qualified to do basic research, domestic rearrangements made the pursuit of this career a financial impossibility.
Hence, I had a complete career change in 1972, from academic halls to the front lines of general practice. It was my overriding philosophy when I entered general practice that I would learn and practice to listen to the patient. Sir William Osler said it clearly, but Sydenham said it first: if you listen to the patient, they will tell you the diagnosis, and if you listen even more closely, they will tell you the correct treatment.
I have tried to hone my skills in this one area of medicine and found it to be a gold mine of interesting new concepts.
50 Questions & Answers
1. What is the historical significance of iodine's discovery and how did it revolutionize medicine?
Bernard Courtois discovered iodine in 1811 while extracting sodium from seaweed ash for Napoleon's army. When he accidentally added too much acid to the vats used for cooking seaweed, purple vapors rose and condensed into beautiful crystals on the sides. This discovery led to one of the most significant medical advances of all time, as iodine became the first single element proven to cure a specific disease - goiter.
The discovery revolutionized medicine by providing the first clear example of a direct relationship between a specific treatment and a disease cure. Iodine's effectiveness as an antiseptic was further enhanced when Jean Lugol discovered that potassium iodide made iodine more soluble in water. This led to iodine solutions being used to sterilize every surface and material in hospitals, with unmatched antiseptic potency and safety, killing all single-celled organisms at high dilutions without developing bacterial resistance.
2. How does iodine function differently from other elements in the human body?
Iodine is unique among elements because it appears in every cell and fluid of vertebrate bodies, yet few biological textbooks include it in their index. Unlike other elements, iodine serves multiple functions beyond its well-known role in thyroid hormone production. It acts as a surveillance mechanism for abnormal cells, triggers programmed cell death, provides antiseptic protection, detoxifies chemicals and biological toxins, and protects against allergic reactions.
Most remarkably, iodine functions as a trigger mechanism for apoptosis (natural cell death) and serves as the main surveillance mechanism for abnormal cells in the body. This makes it fundamentally different from other elements as it can initiate cellular death when cells become abnormal or when they have reached their programmed lifespan. Additionally, iodine has the unique ability to concentrate in certain tissues up to 20,000 times the ocean's concentration, a feature not seen with other elements.
3. What are the key functions of iodine beyond thyroid hormone production?
Iodine serves numerous functions beyond thyroid hormone synthesis, including acting as a broad-spectrum antiseptic against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. It plays a crucial role in detoxifying both chemical and biological toxins, particularly in the stomach, and can make both external proteins non-allergic and internal proteins spilled into blood non-allergic, helping prevent autoimmune responses.
The element also protects double bonds in lipids during their transport to cardiovascular system and synaptic membranes in the brain and retina. In fetal development, iodine serves as a source of apoptotic mechanisms and may provide initial sources of thyroxine. Additionally, it provides antiseptic activity in the stomach against helicobacter pylori and serves as a protective mechanism against various diseases, including leukemia and other apoptotic diseases.
4. How does iodine influence cellular death (apoptosis) and why is this significant?
Iodine functions as the trigger mechanism for apoptosis, the natural programmed death of cells. This process is particularly evident in areas of the body where many cells die regularly, such as the stomach lining and nasal passages, where there is always an abundant supply of iodine. The mechanism appears to work through iodine's reaction with exposed tyrosine or histidine molecules on the surface of cells that need to be eliminated.
This function is significant because it provides a surveillance mechanism for abnormal cells in the body, helping to prevent cancer development. Just as iodine kills bacteria by combining with tyrosine and histidine in their membrane proteins, it can trigger death in abnormal body cells that expose these same amino acids. This mechanism is crucial for maintaining healthy tissue turnover and preventing the accumulation of potentially dangerous cells that could lead to cancer.
5. What role did iodine play in the evolution of multicellular organisms?
Iodine played a pivotal role in evolution when seaweeds first began concentrating it from ocean water, creating a unique environment with high iodine concentrations. This new chemical environment, free from bacteria and other single-celled organisms, provided the conditions necessary for the development of new types of cells that could tolerate high iodine levels and eventually led to the formation of nucleated cells.
The presence of high iodine concentrations led to the formation of thyroxine within proteins, which eventually gained control of cellular DNA through thyroid hormone receptors. This process was crucial for the development of multicellular organisms, as it provided a unified control mechanism for multiple cells to work together. The ability to concentrate and utilize iodine became a fundamental characteristic of vertebrate evolution, enabling complex tissue organization and development.
6. How does the thyroid gland capture and process iodine?
The thyroid gland captures dietary iodine from the bloodstream using a transport system similar to the one found in seaweed. This system, known as the sodium-iodide symporter, concentrates iodine within thyroid follicles at levels far above those in the bloodstream. The gland then synthesizes thyroid hormone from this iodine, storing it in a large protein called thyroglobulin within the follicular colloid.
When thyroid hormone is needed, the stored hormone is released through hydrolysis of thyroglobulin, primarily in the form of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Importantly, when daily iodine intake exceeds 2-3 mg, the thyroid becomes saturated within two weeks and significantly reduces its uptake of iodine, allowing the excess to be available for other body functions.
7. What is the relationship between iodine and thyroid hormone in controlling DNA?
The relationship between iodine and thyroid hormone in DNA control dates back to early evolution, when the first nucleated cells developed in an iodine-rich environment. Thyroxine, formed from iodinated proteins, gained control of the genome through thyroid hormone receptors that attached to DNA. This established thyroid hormone as the primary controller of genetic expression, making it the first and most fundamental hormone in cellular regulation.
This control system remains crucial in modern organisms, where thyroid hormone continues to regulate gene expression through nuclear receptors. The hormone acts as a permissive agent for other hormones and maintains genome stability. This relationship explains why adequate iodine is essential not just for thyroid hormone production, but for proper cellular function and development throughout the body.
8. How do nitrates interfere with iodine absorption and what are the consequences?
Nitrates interfere with iodine absorption by blocking the sodium-iodide symporter system that transports iodine into cells. This interference is particularly significant in the thyroid gland, stomach, and breast tissue, where iodine transport is crucial for normal function. The presence of nitrates in fertilizers, drinking water, and food preservatives has increased in modern times, potentially compromising iodine utilization even when dietary intake is adequate.
The consequences of this interference are particularly evident in Japan, where high nitrate consumption from food preservatives may explain the paradox of high thyroid carcinoma in situ rates despite high iodine intake. In the stomach, nitrate interference with iodine transport may contribute to increased rates of gastric cancer by reducing the protective antiseptic effects of iodine and disrupting normal cell turnover through apoptosis.
9. What makes cancer a biphasic process according to the text?
Cancer development appears to occur in two distinct phases, with different controlling mechanisms for each phase. The first phase, controlled by iodine, extends up to the development of carcinoma in situ, where abnormal cells remain contained within their original compartment. This phase is characterized by cellular changes that can potentially be reversed or controlled with adequate iodine levels.
The second phase, controlled by thyroid hormone, involves the spread of cancer cells through connective tissue and potential metastasis. The strength and integrity of connective tissue, maintained by adequate thyroid hormone levels, determines whether cancer cells can spread beyond their original site. This biphasic understanding explains why some populations might have high rates of carcinoma in situ but low rates of invasive cancer, depending on their iodine and thyroid hormone status.
10. How does iodine's antiseptic action relate to its anti-cancer properties?
Iodine's antiseptic action works by combining with exposed tyrosine and histidine amino acids in the membrane proteins of single-celled organisms, leading to their death. This same mechanism appears to be utilized by the body for identifying and eliminating abnormal cells that expose similar amino acids on their surface. This dual function suggests that nature has repurposed a simple chemical reaction for both external and internal protection.
The relationship between iodine's antiseptic and anti-cancer properties represents an elegant evolutionary adaptation. Just as iodine can protect against external threats by killing harmful microorganisms, it can also protect against internal threats by triggering the death of potentially cancerous cells. This surveillance mechanism is particularly active in tissues with high cell turnover rates, where maintaining normal cell population control is crucial for preventing cancer development.
11. What is the significance of the Japanese thyroid paradox described by Dr. Sampson?
Dr. Sampson discovered that Japanese populations had a 34% rate of thyroid carcinoma in situ, compared to only 4% in Minnesotans, yet Japanese had the lowest rate of clinical thyroid cancer mortality in the world. This paradox suggested cancer development had two distinct phases. The high rate of carcinoma in situ despite high iodine intake was later linked to the Japanese consumption of nitrate-containing food preservatives, which interfered with iodine transport.
The paradox helped establish that while Japanese might develop early-stage cancerous changes, their high iodine intake and well-functioning thyroid systems prevented progression to invasive cancer. This finding supported the concept that thyroid hormone maintains connective tissue integrity, preventing cancer spread even when carcinoma in situ is present.
12. How does thyroid hormone control connective tissue defense against cancer?
Thyroid hormone serves as the primary controller of connective tissue throughout the body, maintaining its strength and integrity. When thyroid hormone levels are optimal, connective tissue provides a strong barrier against cancer cell invasion and spread. This explains why some populations with adequate thyroid function have lower rates of invasive cancer despite having high rates of carcinoma in situ.
In cases of low thyroid hormone, connective tissue becomes weak and accumulates mucin, a condition first described in the 1888 Report on Myxedema. This weakening allows cancer cells to more easily spread through tissues and establish metastases. The strength of connective tissue defense is directly related to tissue thyroid hormone levels, making thyroid function crucial in preventing cancer progression.
13. What is the relationship between iodine and fat metabolism?
Iodine interacts with fats in a unique way that was historically measured as the "iodine number" - the amount of iodine 100 grams of fat would absorb. Higher fat intake can remove iodine from the diet, as demonstrated by early experiments showing puppies fed high-fat diets developed goiters. This relationship suggests dietary fat might deplete available iodine for other body functions.
Iodine appears to protect double bonds in fats while they are being transported to critical areas such as blood vessels and brain synaptic membranes. This protective function may explain why high fat intake has been linked to increased cancer risk - it might reduce available iodine for cancer prevention functions.
14. How does iodine transport work at the cellular level?
Iodine transport occurs through a sodium-iodide symporter system that evolved from the original mechanism used by seaweed to concentrate iodine. This system moves both sodium and iodide ions across cell membranes and is particularly active in the thyroid gland, breast tissue, stomach, and salivary glands, allowing these tissues to concentrate iodine up to 30 times the levels found in blood.
The transport system is sensitive to interference from substances like nitrates, which can block iodine uptake. This mechanism helps explain why certain tissues can maintain high iodine concentrations necessary for their specific functions, such as hormone production in the thyroid or antiseptic action in the stomach.
15. What is the evolutionary significance of thyroid hormone control of the genome?
Thyroid hormone gained control of the genome during the early evolution of nucleated cells in an iodine-rich environment. This control occurred when thyroid hormone receptors attached to DNA, establishing the first hormonal control system of genetic expression. This early development made thyroid hormone the most fundamental and important hormone, arriving before all others in both evolution and fetal development.
This evolutionary heritage explains why thyroid hormone has such widespread effects throughout the body and why it acts as a permissive agent for other hormones. The hormone's control of the genome helps maintain genetic stability and proper cell function, making it essential for normal development and health maintenance.
16. How did the treatment of thyroid conditions change after 1973-1974?
Before 1973-1974, thyroid treatment focused on clinical symptoms and patient well-being, with typical doses of 200-400 micrograms of thyroxine or equivalent amounts of desiccated thyroid. The introduction of the TSH test in 1973-1974 led to a dramatic reduction in dosing, with standard doses dropping to about one-third of previous levels, or 100 micrograms or less.
This change shifted treatment focus from clinical evaluation to laboratory values, despite no correlation between TSH levels and patient symptoms. The medical establishment began discarding 80 years of clinical experience, instructing physicians to find alternative diagnoses for common hypothyroid symptoms if TSH values were within normal range, even when patients remained symptomatic.
17. What are the signs and symptoms of mild hypothyroidism?
Mild hypothyroidism presents with varying degrees of nervous disorders, including headaches, depression, fears, anxieties, poor memory, and difficulty concentrating. Physical symptoms include fatigue, subnormal temperature, cold sensitivity, dry skin, brittle nails, and tendency toward drowsiness, though some patients paradoxically show marked nervous energy or insomnia.
Gastrointestinal symptoms are extremely common, including poor appetite, distress after eating, gas, and constipation. Menstrual function is particularly susceptible to mild thyroid deficiency, with disturbances ranging from absent periods to heavy bleeding. Joint symptoms, muscular aches, and various minor disorders also commonly occur, making the condition highly variable in its presentation.
18. How does thyroid hormone resistance develop and what are its implications?
Thyroid hormone resistance appears to develop from early childhood experiences, particularly in cases of abuse or prolonged fear before age 12. This resistance manifests as a decreased cellular response to thyroid hormone, requiring higher doses for effectiveness. The mechanism likely represents a biochemical survival adaptation, altering receptor sensitivity to help cope with stress.
The implications are significant for treatment, as affected individuals may require much higher doses of thyroid hormone to achieve therapeutic effects. These patients often show puzzling reactions to standard doses and may be labeled as having normal thyroid function based on blood tests, despite significant symptoms that could benefit from higher dose thyroid therapy.
19. What is the significance of fibrocystic breast disease?
Fibrocystic breast disease represents accumulation of breast tissue changes that failed to properly resolve after menstrual cycles. While often dismissed as benign, it affects approximately 95% of Western women to some degree (55% clinically detectable, 40% microscopic) and represents a precursor state that places breasts at risk for cancer development.
The condition's heterogeneity comes from different cell types responding differently to hormones and resolving menstrual cycle changes in various ways. While not all fibrocystic disease leads to cancer, its presence indicates an underlying iodine deficiency that may increase cancer risk over time. The condition's widespread presence helps explain why breast cancer risk has become so common.
20. How does iodine therapy affect fibrocystic disease?
Iodine therapy effectively resolves fibrocystic disease when daily intake exceeds the thyroid saturation point of 2-3 mg per day. At these levels, iodine triggers appropriate apoptosis of accumulated abnormal cells and helps restore normal breast tissue architecture. The effectiveness has been demonstrated in both animal studies and human clinical trials.
The resolution of fibrocystic disease through iodine therapy can take varying amounts of time, from several months to up to two years in more difficult cases. Success has been observed with various forms of iodine supplementation, with the key factor being adequate dosage rather than the specific form used. This therapeutic approach addresses the underlying cause rather than just treating symptoms.
21. What is the relationship between childhood trauma and thyroid hormone resistance?
Childhood trauma, particularly sexual or physical abuse before age 12, appears to create a permanent alteration in thyroid hormone receptor sensitivity. These individuals often require unusually high doses of thyroid medication and show inconsistent responses to standard treatments. This adaptation likely developed as a survival mechanism, allowing the body to function under prolonged stress conditions.
The relationship explains many previously puzzling cases where patients could tolerate extremely high doses of thyroid medication without benefit or with only partial benefits. These patients often show improvement in their ability to process traumatic memories and cope with flashbacks when given adequate thyroid hormone doses, suggesting the hormone helps modify well-worn brain pathways of trauma.
22. How do different forms of thyroid medication compare in effectiveness?
Desiccated thyroid was the standard treatment for 80 years, proving remarkably reliable and effective despite claims to the contrary. The only recorded instance of unreliability was traced to a 1963 hoax where iodine-containing tablets without thyroid hormone were distributed. Natural thyroid preparations remained effective and well-absorbed, with consistent clinical results until the 1970s.
The shift away from desiccated thyroid occurred after the introduction of the TSH test, not due to effectiveness issues. By 1976, about half of thyroid prescriptions were still for desiccated thyroid or other natural products. The best pharmacological authorities confirmed desiccated thyroid's reliability, with slight variations in T3 levels being clinically insignificant.
23. What is the significance of carcinoma in situ in breast tissue?
Carcinoma in situ represents a critical stage in cancer development where abnormal cells form a mass within one compartment but haven't crossed the basement membrane. These lesions grow slowly but continuously, though some may regress or differentiate back to normal. They have greater potential to convert to invasive cancer than other forms of fibrocystic disease.
What makes this stage particularly significant is that it appears to be reversible with adequate iodine therapy. It represents the limit of the first phase of cancer development, before cells begin invading surrounding tissues. Understanding this stage is crucial because it represents the last opportunity for prevention before potential progression to invasive cancer.
24. How does iodine deficiency progress to more serious conditions?
Iodine deficiency initially manifests as subtle cellular changes and fibrocystic disease in breast tissue. Over time, continued deficiency leads to progressively more abnormal cellular changes and potentially more malignant forms of cancer. This progression mirrors the pattern seen in thyroid cancer, where long-term iodine deficiency leads to increasingly aggressive forms of cancer.
The progression occurs slowly over many years or decades, similar to how thyroid cancer patterns in populations change gradually with iodine supplementation. This explains why raising iodine intake above saturation levels could take years to show population-level changes in cancer rates, but also suggests why maintaining adequate iodine levels throughout life is crucial for prevention.
25. What role does thyroid hormone play in patient well-being?
Thyroid hormone is fundamental to a patient's sense of well-being, affecting everything from mental clarity and emotional stability to physical energy and stress tolerance. It influences coping abilities, constitutional health, and overall resistance to disease. Before the 1973 changes in treatment protocols, physicians used patient well-being as a primary indicator of proper thyroid hormone levels.
The hormone's effect on well-being extends beyond simple symptom management to influence how patients handle illness, stress, and recovery. When thyroid levels are optimal, patients show improved coping mechanisms and better overall health outcomes. This suggests thyroid hormone's role in well-being is not just symptomatic but fundamentally tied to the body's ability to maintain health and respond to challenges.
26. How do constitutional factors affect cancer outcomes?
Constitutional factors, including vitality, health, strength, and overall well-being, significantly influence cancer outcomes. These factors, largely controlled by thyroid hormone levels, determine how well patients tolerate treatment and their body's ability to resist disease progression. Dr. Haagensen identified constitutional factors as one of four key elements in breast cancer prognosis, though this aspect has been largely ignored in modern treatment approaches.
The patient's constitution can be strengthened through proper thyroid hormone therapy, potentially improving treatment tolerance and outcomes. This suggests that addressing constitutional factors through thyroid optimization could be an important adjunctive approach to standard cancer treatments, helping patients better withstand therapy while maintaining quality of life.
27. What is the significance of the "precursor state" in cancer development?
The precursor state represents the earliest stage of cancer development, characterized by scattered abnormal cells that typically either die or return to normal through programmed differentiation. This state marks an entire organ as at risk for cancer development, even though progression to cancer is rare. The state can be triggered by various factors, with iodine deficiency being a significant one in breast tissue.
Understanding the precursor state is crucial because it represents the earliest opportunity for intervention. While most cells in this state will not progress to cancer, the presence of this state indicates an underlying condition that needs addressing. In breast tissue, adequate iodine levels can help resolve this state before it progresses to more serious conditions.
28. How does cancer spread through connective tissue?
Cancer spreads through connective tissue after breaking through the basement membrane that separates tissue compartments. The ability of cancer cells to traverse connective tissue depends largely on the tissue's integrity, which is maintained by thyroid hormone. Weak connective tissue, often associated with low thyroid hormone levels, provides less resistance to cancer cell movement.
Notably, when cancer cells metastasize through the bloodstream, they can only establish new tumors in connective tissue at distant sites. This explains why some cancers may recur in their original location - the local connective tissue environment may be most conducive to tumor growth. The strength of connective tissue defense thus becomes a critical factor in preventing cancer spread.
29. What are the clinical implications of iodine's multiple functions?
Iodine's multiple functions - from triggering apoptosis to providing antiseptic protection and detoxification - suggest that maintaining adequate levels is crucial for overall health beyond just thyroid function. Clinical implications include the need for higher iodine intake than currently recommended, particularly in populations at risk for breast cancer or other iodine-responsive conditions.
The clinical approach should consider iodine's role in preventing various diseases, not just treating them. This includes maintaining adequate iodine levels during pregnancy, addressing fibrocystic breast disease, and potentially preventing cancer development. Understanding these multiple functions helps explain why Japanese populations with high iodine intake show lower rates of several diseases.
30. How does thyroid hormone affect cancer treatment outcomes?
Thyroid hormone significantly influences cancer treatment outcomes by affecting patient constitution, treatment tolerance, and tissue resistance to cancer spread. Patients with optimal thyroid levels often show better tolerance to chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The hormone's effect on connective tissue integrity may also help contain cancer spread during treatment.
When thyroid hormone levels are properly maintained, patients generally maintain better overall health status and coping abilities during treatment. This suggests that monitoring and optimizing thyroid function should be considered an important part of cancer treatment protocols, potentially improving both quality of life and treatment outcomes.
31. What explains the different cancer rates between Japanese and Western populations?
The primary difference lies in iodine consumption, with Japanese populations consuming 8-10 mg of iodine daily through seaweed and seafood, compared to much lower Western intake. This higher iodine intake saturates the thyroid gland, leaving excess iodine available for other protective functions throughout the body. The Japanese diet has maintained this high iodine content through centuries of traditional seaweed consumption.
However, when Japanese people migrate to Western countries, their descendants gradually adopt Western dietary patterns and show increasing cancer rates over generations. By the second or third generation, their breast cancer rates match those of the host country, strongly suggesting dietary iodine as the protective factor rather than genetic differences.
32. How did Iceland's unique situation affect breast cancer rates?
Iceland historically had the world's lowest thyroid gland weights and extremely low breast cancer rates due to an unusual practice of feeding fish remnants to dairy cows. The cows concentrated the iodine from fish into their milk, providing the population with exceptionally high iodine intake. This resulted in thyroid glands averaging just 12 grams in females and 14 grams in males, the smallest recorded anywhere.
The situation changed dramatically after World War II when modernization of the fishing industry led to more efficient distribution of fish parts to international markets. As the practice of feeding fish remnants to dairy cows decreased, and milk iodine content fell to international standards, breast cancer rates increased tenfold, reaching levels comparable to the United States.
33. What happens to cancer rates when populations migrate?
When populations migrate from areas with high iodine consumption to those with lower intake, cancer rates typically remain low in the first generation but increase dramatically in subsequent generations. This pattern is particularly well-documented in Japanese migrations to North America, where breast cancer rates approach those of the host country by the second or third generation.
This generational change in cancer rates correlates with the adoption of Western dietary patterns and abandonment of traditional high-iodine foods like seaweed. The pattern provides strong evidence that dietary factors, particularly iodine intake, rather than genetic factors, determine cancer risk.
34. How does iodine consumption vary globally and why does it matter?
Global iodine consumption varies dramatically, from very low levels in many Western countries to very high levels in countries like Japan. Most Western populations consume amounts that prevent goiter but fall well below the thyroid saturation point of 2-3 mg daily. Japan's consumption of 8-10 mg daily through seaweed represents the high end of the spectrum.
These variations matter because iodine levels above thyroid saturation provide additional protective functions throughout the body. Countries with higher iodine intake typically show lower rates of breast cancer, thyroid cancer, and other conditions. The difference becomes particularly evident when comparing disease rates between high-iodine consuming populations and those with minimal intake.
35. What are the implications of salt reduction campaigns on iodine intake?
Salt reduction campaigns, while intended to address hypertension and cardiovascular health, have inadvertently reduced iodine intake in many populations. Women, in particular, have reduced salt consumption since the 1950s, especially during pregnancy to avoid eclampsia. This has made it nearly impossible to achieve adequate iodine intake through iodized salt alone.
The situation is particularly concerning because many health-conscious individuals who restrict salt intake may be unknowingly compromising their iodine status. Historical evidence suggests that Lugol's solution of iodine actually prevented hypertension and eclampsia in pregnancy, though this finding hasn't been widely followed up in modern research.
36. How do geographical factors influence thyroid function and cancer rates?
Geographical factors affect thyroid function through several mechanisms, including soil iodine content and climate. Areas stripped of topsoil by glaciers, such as the North American Great Lakes region, became endemic goiter areas due to iodine depletion. Conversely, older soils like those in New Mexico contain more iodine due to longer exposure to iodine-containing rain from oceans.
Climate also plays a role in thyroid function and cancer rates. Warmer climates show lower breast cancer rates because less thyroid hormone is needed for temperature regulation, leaving more available for other protective functions. This explains why moving hypothyroid patients to warmer climates historically improved their condition.
37. What is the significance of Japan's high iodine consumption?
Japan's high iodine consumption, primarily through seaweed, has resulted in the lowest rates of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and thyroid cancer in the world. Their average intake of 8-10 mg daily provides protection far beyond simple goiter prevention, allowing for optimal function of iodine's multiple protective mechanisms throughout the body.
This high consumption also contributes to Japan having the lowest rate of birth defects and perinatal mortality globally. Japanese mothers traditionally understand seaweed's cancer-preventive properties, passing this knowledge through generations. Their multi-century experience provides valuable evidence for iodine's protective effects.
38. How does soil iodine content affect population health?
Soil iodine content directly influences the iodine content of local food supplies and, consequently, population health. Regions with iodine-depleted soils historically showed higher rates of goiter, cretinism, and other iodine deficiency disorders. The process of soil iodine depletion through glaciation or erosion is very slow to reverse naturally.
Modern agriculture can further deplete soil iodine, while fertilizers containing nitrates can interfere with iodine absorption in plants and humans. This creates a complex relationship between soil health, agricultural practices, and human health that continues to affect population iodine status even in areas with iodized salt programs.
39. What are the public health implications of iodine supplementation?
Iodine supplementation at levels preventing goiter has been one of the most successful public health interventions in history, virtually eliminating cretinism and visible goiter in supplemented populations. However, current supplementation levels may be too low to provide optimal protection against cancer and other diseases.
The evidence suggests that raising population iodine intake to levels above thyroid saturation could dramatically reduce cancer rates and improve overall public health. However, this would require a significant shift in current supplementation guidelines and public health policy, which currently focus only on preventing obvious deficiency symptoms.
40. How do dietary changes affect population cancer rates?
Dietary changes that reduce iodine intake correlate with increased cancer rates, as demonstrated by both migration studies and historical events like Iceland's transition from high to low iodine consumption. These changes often occur gradually over generations as populations adopt Western dietary patterns with lower iodine content.
The effect of dietary changes becomes particularly evident when comparing traditional diets high in seaweed or fish-based foods with modern processed diets. The increase in fat consumption and decrease in iodine-rich foods creates a double impact: removing iodine from the diet while increasing factors that may promote cancer development.
41. How do reproductive factors influence breast cancer risk?
Reproductive factors affect breast cancer risk through their impact on breast tissue changes and hormonal cycling. Early onset of menstruation or late menopause increases risk by exposing breast tissue to more hormonal cycles, each requiring adequate iodine for proper resolution of tissue changes. Without sufficient iodine, these cycles can lead to accumulation of fibrocystic changes.
Pregnancy and lactation typically reduce breast cancer risk because the breast's iodine transport mechanism becomes more active, concentrating iodine up to 30 times in breast milk. However, miscarriage or abortion can increase risk if adequate iodine isn't available to resolve the significant breast tissue changes that occur during pregnancy.
42. What is the relationship between menstrual cycles and breast tissue changes?
Each menstrual cycle triggers marked microscopic changes in breast structure, including cell proliferation, enlargement, and secretory changes in preparation for potential pregnancy. At cycle end, these changes should resolve through programmed cell death (apoptosis). Without adequate iodine, this resolution may be incomplete, leading to gradual accumulation of abnormal tissue.
The cyclical nature of these changes makes breast tissue particularly vulnerable to iodine deficiency. Multiple cycles without adequate iodine for proper tissue resolution can result in fibrocystic disease, creating a foundation for potential cancer development. This explains why longer reproductive periods (early menarche or late menopause) increase cancer risk in iodine-deficient populations.
43. How does pregnancy affect iodine requirements?
Pregnancy dramatically increases iodine requirements as the placenta actively concentrates iodine, raising fetal circulation levels to five times maternal levels. This high demand supports extensive cell death and renewal during fetal development, particularly in the developing brain where apoptosis is especially active.
Early fetal development appears particularly dependent on adequate iodine, as maternal thyroid hormones cross the placenta to guide development. Evidence suggests that primitive cells in early fetal development may retain the ability to synthesize thyroid hormone from iodine, making pre-conception iodine status crucial for preventing developmental problems.
44. Why do Japanese women have lower breast cancer rates?
Japanese women maintain high iodine intake through regular consumption of seaweed, providing approximately 8-10 mg of iodine daily. This level ensures thyroid saturation and provides abundant iodine for breast tissue protection. Their consistent intake from early life, including during pregnancy and lactation, provides optimal conditions for breast health.
Additionally, Japanese women have historically followed dietary patterns that maintain this high iodine intake across generations. However, when Japanese women migrate to Western countries, their descendants who adopt Western diets show increasing breast cancer rates, demonstrating that the protective effect comes from dietary patterns rather than genetic factors.
45. How does iodine affect breast tissue during different life stages?
Iodine's influence on breast tissue varies with life stages, playing crucial roles during development, reproductive years, and post-menopause. During puberty, adequate iodine ensures proper tissue development. Throughout reproductive years, it facilitates the resolution of cyclical changes and prevents accumulation of fibrocystic changes.
During pregnancy and lactation, breast tissue actively concentrates iodine for milk production, providing protection against cancer development. Post-menopause, iodine continues to maintain tissue health through its surveillance and apoptotic functions. Adequate iodine throughout all life stages appears necessary for optimal breast health and cancer prevention.
46. What is the connection between family history and breast cancer risk?
Family relationships and breast cancer risk appear strongly connected through shared dietary patterns rather than purely genetic factors. Families typically maintain similar eating habits across generations, including their iodine intake levels. When iodine consumption consistently remains below thyroid saturation levels, family members share increased cancer risk through these learned dietary patterns.
This understanding is further supported by studies showing foster children of parents who die from cancer have five times the normal cancer risk, suggesting environmental and dietary factors rather than genetics. Mother-daughter and sister relationships showing higher cancer rates likely reflect shared nutritional patterns and similar iodine intake levels rather than inherited risk.
47. How does iodine supplementation affect breast health?
Iodine supplementation above the thyroid saturation point (2-3 mg daily) consistently resolves fibrocystic breast disease, often within several months to two years. This improvement occurs regardless of the form of iodine used, with the critical factor being adequate dosage. The resolution of breast symptoms brings both physical and psychological benefits, reducing anxiety about breast cancer risk.
Clinical cases demonstrate that even severe forms of fibrocystic disease, including atypical hyperplasia, can be reversed with adequate iodine supplementation. This suggests that iodine supplementation could be an effective preventive measure against breast cancer development, particularly when initiated before significant tissue changes occur.
48. What role does thyroid function play in women's health?
Thyroid function profoundly influences women's health throughout life, affecting menstrual function, fertility, pregnancy outcomes, and breast health. Even mild thyroid deficiency can cause menstrual irregularities ranging from absence of periods to heavy bleeding. The thyroid system is particularly stressed during adolescence, pregnancy, and menopause, when increased hormone demands may reveal underlying deficiencies.
The hormone's influence extends beyond reproductive function to affect emotional well-being, energy levels, and disease resistance. Proper thyroid function appears crucial for maintaining constitutional health and managing stress responses, making it a key factor in women's overall health status and disease prevention.
49. How do environmental factors affect women's breast cancer risk?
Environmental factors influence breast cancer risk primarily through their impact on iodine availability and utilization. Soil depletion, agricultural practices, and food processing methods can all affect dietary iodine content. Modern environmental factors like nitrates in fertilizers and food preservatives can interfere with iodine absorption and utilization, even when intake appears adequate.
Climate also plays a surprising role, with warmer climates showing lower breast cancer rates due to reduced thyroid hormone demands for temperature regulation. Additionally, modern lifestyle changes like reduced salt consumption and increased fat intake can affect iodine status, potentially increasing cancer risk even in health-conscious individuals.
50. What are the preventive strategies for breast cancer based on iodine research?
Primary prevention strategies should focus on maintaining iodine intake above thyroid saturation levels, ideally approaching the 8-10 mg daily consumed in low-cancer-risk Japanese populations. This can be achieved through dietary changes or supplementation, with particular attention to maintaining adequate levels during critical periods like pregnancy and lactation.
Supporting strategies include optimizing thyroid function through appropriate hormone supplementation when needed, especially in cases of fibrocystic disease or cancer treatment. Constitutional factors should be addressed by ensuring adequate thyroid hormone levels for optimal well-being and stress resistance. Early intervention with iodine supplementation when fibrocystic changes appear could prevent progression to more serious conditions.
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Let us not forget the importance of a whole and vibrant immune system, which runs on having ample vitamin D in the bloodstream! Over 50 ng’s
Love the details on high fat and nitrates having the potential of reducing the effectiveness of the iodine in our system. MANY people are eating a high fat keto diet that includes bacon. It's helpful for them to know that they need to significantly increase their iodine intake!