I hadn’t heard of Black Salve until Kelli Swan told a personal story about it.
Inner Voice - Lies are Unbekoming (substack.com)
It was in that story that I came across Greg Caton for the first time.
I decided to follow both the Black Salve and Greg Caton threads, and here we are.
It’s yet another story of Cartel Medicine’s suppression of necessary, safe and effective therapies.
It’s most definitely a story of hunting heretics.
But first, a wonderful comment from CM Maccioli (a reader):
I remember that black salve. My mother had a tube of it. It smelled. My brother was playing in a forest with friends building a fort and got stuck with a thorn. He never mentioned it and days later my mother noticed him limping when he said his leg hurt. His leg was inflamed so she put this black salve on it. It got worse and she saw what she thought was a splinter, took a tweezers and pulled it. And pulled it and pulled it. It was 4" long. We were all shocked that he managed to go about so long with that stuck in his leg, but that salve forced that thorn out just a bit so it became visible. My mother did the exact same. Wrapped my brothers leg with gauze and within 2 days my brother was back into that forest to complete his fort with friends.
We used that salve on all skin related disturbances. Boils, inflammation, severe poison ivy, bee stings, my brother again thought kicking around a wasp hive might be fun until it exploded. My mother wrapped him like a mummy. There was another product I'll never forget and it was called Ecco Powder. Astounding what that powder did. My father used to kick off his shoes to stretch out on the couch for 1/2 hour nap after work and dinner. No one was able to walk into that living room. My mother made a foot bath with this Ecco powder, maybe 2 times. Never and I mean never again did my father have footatosis. All yeast infections, irritations gone overnight. Boy do I miss those cures.
Those were the days of traveling salesmen, selling sewing machines, encyclopedias, vacuum cleaners etc. One day I answered the door, called my mother and this man with a big black briefcase entered to show his wares. Nothing but salves, ointments, tinctures, and powders covering just about every known malady a large family would encounter. Iodine was another. Worked like a charm on any cut or abrasion.
With thanks to, and in memory of, Greg Caton.
Black Salve (gregcaton.com)
Black Salve
Its correct use in removing cancers and treating other conditions
By Greg Caton
Questions and Answers
Question 1: Who was Greg Caton, and what are his reasons for advocating the use of Black Salve based on his experience and background?
Greg Caton was an herbalist and pioneer in the use of escharotic preparations like Black Salve for treating cancer. He worked with these formulas since 1989, founded Alpha Omega Labs and Herbologics, and developed the Cansema brand. Despite persecution and imprisonment, Caton's decades of experience, research, and successful treatment of thousands of patients establish his credibility and expertise on the subject.
Escharotics are substances that cause tissue to die and form a scab or eschar. They are often used in alternative medicine for the removal of skin lesions, including warts, moles, and some types of cancerous growths. Escharotic preparations typically contain caustic agents like zinc chloride, bloodroot, or other herbal extracts, which induce necrosis in targeted tissue. The use of escharotics can be controversial due to potential risks and side effects, such as pain, scarring, and incomplete removal of cancerous cells.
Question 2: What are the "Ten Conditions" that Caton identifies as integral to the "Suppression Pattern" of effective, natural cancer remedies?
The "Ten Conditions" are:
1) The products cure cancer
2) They're cheap
3) No doctor is required
4) They're non-toxic
5) They expose fraud within the cancer industry
6) They're non-patentable
7) They can't be monopolized for profit
8) Indigenous sources are shown as superior
9) True democracy is exposed as a sham, and
10) Their use would decimate the medical industry financially.
Question 3: How does Caton argue that the suppression of simple, effective medical remedies has been embedded into the fabric of the prevailing medical establishment throughout recorded history in Western culture?
Caton presents evidence that since the fifth century B.C., Greek and Roman influences have shaped a medical establishment that favors complex, expensive, and profitable systems over simpler, natural remedies. This suppression is driven by political and economic motives rather than genuine medical efficacy or patient wellbeing.
Question 4: Who was Paracelsus and how did his work with escharotics lead to professional jealousy and his eventual demise?
Paracelsus was a pioneering 16th century physician who used escharotics to successfully treat cancers and other conditions. His remarkable results threatened the practices of his less skilled colleagues. Despite being hailed as the "father of modern medicine," professional rivalries likely led to Paracelsus being murdered by assassins.
Question 5: What were the escharotic formulas used by Paracelsus in treating cancer and other conditions?
Paracelsus used caustic agents like sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride), arsenic sulfide, and zinc chloride in his escharotic cancer preparations. He also pioneered an early chemotherapy using his "arsenic paste" to treat syphilis 400 years before Paul Ehrlich. For less intense treatments, he employed lead monoxide.
I knew Greg Caton for over 25 years, and across that entire time, he was diligently working to help uplift fellow human beings with knowledge of food, nutrition, herbs and self-healing. At his core, Greg has always been a seeker of truth, and he combined that with the courage to speak the truth, even against powerful interests that wanted him silenced.
Like all truth seekers who achieve a measure of success, Greg was hounded by the corrupt State for daring to teach people how to save their own lives through the power of self-healing. Despite the obstacles thrown in his way, Greg was hugely successful at spreading advanced knowledge and conducting more research to discover and share new solutions for humanity.
"Humanitarian" is truly the right term to describe Greg Caton, in my view. He was 100% pro-human, pro-knowledge and pro-truth through his entire journey in this realm, and he also knew that this plane of existence was just a testing ground, with far more important work to be done on the other side, in a truly cosmic context.
No doubt, the immortal soul of Greg Caton is pursuing that work right now, applying everything he learned from his time on planet Earth ... a time during which we were all blessed with his presence, his spirit and his courage. I feel blessed to have known Greg Caton in this time, and I realize the best way we can honor his gifts for humanity is to carry on with his work of universal enlightenment and the pursuit of truth.
We traditionally say something like, "Greg Caton will be missed," when someone of his enormous impact passes from this realm, but in this case, it somehow doesn't seem to capture the greater truth. Greg Caton is STILL WITH US, and we shall all see him again in due time because his spirit is eternal and his contributions are unbounded. Greg has woven his intentions for healing and knowledge into the very fabric of this plane of existence. He has made a positive impact on a cosmic scale, and I have a feeling that his real work has only just begun.
See you in time, Greg.
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, founder of NaturalNews.com and Brighteon.com
Question 6: What did the 1844 survey compiled by Dr. Leroy d'Etoilles and published by the French Academy of Science conclude about cancer survival rates with surgery versus doing nothing at all?
The survey, still the most extensive ever released, followed 2,781 cases over 30 years. It concluded that in most instances, cancer patients who had surgery fared worse than those who did nothing at all. This evidence has been ignored or suppressed to maintain the dominance of profitable surgical intervention.
Question 7: Who were Dr. J. Weldon Fell and Dr. John Pattison, and what were their pioneering contributions to escharotic treatment of cancer in the mid-1800s?
Dr. J. Weldon Fell and Dr. John Pattison were pioneering physicians who published works in the 1850s establishing the effectiveness of escharotic preparations containing zinc chloride and bloodroot in curing cancer. Their formulas were detailed in Fell's "A Treatise on Cancer" and Pattison's "Cancer: Its Nature and Successful and Comparatively Painless Treatment."
Question 8: How did the escharotic cancer treatment work of Dr. Fell gain acceptance by the London medical community while Dr. Pattison was ostracized and slandered as a quack?
Despite the two doctors using functionally identical escharotic formulas, Dr. Fell's work with London's Middlesex Hospital led to its acceptance and endorsement by the medical board. In contrast, Dr. Pattison was denied similar support, labeled a quack, and professionally slandered for years until vindicated by Parliament.
“For the medical profession this era may well be one of the most shameful and ethically questionable in its history.”
Stanley Wohl, M.D. American Physician, Author, Consumer Advocate
Question 9: What were the key details about the extraordinary 60-year history of successfully treating cancer with escharotics at the Dr. Nichols Sanatorium in Savannah, Missouri from 1896-1956?
The Dr. Nichols Sanatorium used escharotics to cure over 70,000 patients, including many deemed terminal, from 1896-1956. Its founder, Dr. Perry Nichols, developed the formula and opened his first clinic in 1896 before expanding to a 200-bed hospital. Detailed records, annual reports, and long-term follow-ups documented the remarkable success rate.
Question 10: What are the main ingredients in Cansema Black Topical Salve and how do they work to treat cancerous tissue?
The main ingredients in Cansema Black Topical Salve are zinc chloride and bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis). Zinc chloride acts as a caustic agent while bloodroot and other synergistic herbs selectively target and kill cancer cells. The escharotic preparation triggers an immune response to expel the necrotic tumor.
Question 11: What precautions and contraindications does Caton provide for areas of the body where Black Salve should never be applied?
Caton advises never applying Black Salve to the eyelids due to risk of perforation, the temples because of potential damage to the temporal artery, the neck area over the cervical lymphatic chain and jugular, and the genital regions of the scrotum and vulva unless under expert supervision.
“Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.”
Linus Pauling Two-time Nobel Laureate 1901-1994
Question 12: What are the step-by-step instructions for properly applying Black Salve, managing the eschar, and completing the decavitation and healing process?
First, mix the salve and apply a thin layer over the lesion, covering with a bandage. Expect some stinging and inflammation as the immune response is triggered. After 24 hours, remove any excess salve, reapplying if the eschar is incomplete. Allow the eschar to dry and separate naturally from the surrounding tissue over the following days and weeks. Once expelled, keep the decavitation clean and protected as it heals over several weeks to months.
Question 13: How can Black Salve be used in a diluted form or applied to restricted areas to help minimize potential pain or discomfort during treatment?
For sensitive areas, Black Salve can be diluted 50/50 with aloe vera gel or coconut oil and applied in smaller amounts over a larger number of applications. This extends the overall treatment time but reduces inflammation and discomfort. Applying salve to restricted peripheral areas of larger tumors also minimizes pain.
Question 14: What are some of the natural and pharmaceutical options Caton recommends for managing pain that may occur when using Black Salve?
Natural pain management options include topical herbal anesthetics like Izulant tincture, acetic acid solutions, ice packs, and oral anti-inflammatory herbs. Over-the-counter NSAIDS or analgesics can provide relief, while prescription narcotic agonists may be needed for more intense discomfort during extended treatments.
Question 15: How does Caton distinguish between treating cancer "in situ" with Black Salve versus a "systemic" approach needed for widespread malignancies?
Caton explains that Black Salve is most effective for treating localized "in situ" cancers like skin lesions. However, when numerous tumors appear across the body, it indicates systemic cancer that requires a holistic approach. This includes addressing pH imbalances, boosting immunity, oxygenating the body, cleansing, and herbal medicines.
“ . . . there is no disease whose prime cause is better known. That the prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in cancer.”
Otto Warburg Also a Two-time Nobel Laureate 1883-1970
Question 16: What lifestyle and dietary changes does Caton advise to create an internal bodily environment hostile to systemic cancer growth?
Caton recommends an alkaline diet rich in anti-cancer foods like cruciferous vegetables, mushrooms, and berries, along with targeted herbal and nutritional supplements. Detoxification protocols, oxygenation therapies, stress reduction, adequate sleep and hydration all help to restore a healthy internal terrain inhospitable to cancer.
Question 17: What are some of the "inputs" Caton says to avoid, like GMO foods, EMF pollution, smoking, dental issues, and emotional factors that can contribute to carcinogenesis?
Caton advises strictly avoiding carcinogenic inputs like genetically modified foods, artificial additives, chemical pollutants, and toxic body care products. Reducing exposure to EMF radiation from wireless devices and geopathic stress is crucial. Smoking cessation, removing dental amalgams and root canals, and managing emotional trauma are also key preventive measures.
Question 18: How does Caton rebut claims that Black Salve ingredients like zinc chloride and bloodroot are caustic, corrosive or dangerous?
Caton clarifies that while zinc chloride is caustic, its action in Black Salve is pH neutral and does not "burn" tissue indiscriminately. Bloodroot and other herbs provide a selective cytotoxicity against cancer cells. When properly formulated and applied, Black Salve does not damage healthy skin and the temporary inflammation is part of the healing process.
“The American public has no idea how politics secretly control the practice of medicine. If a doctor dares to introduce a natural, less costly method, no matter how safe or effective, Organized American Medicine can target this doctor for license revocation using fear tactics and legal maneuverings. Why do holistic therapies threaten medicine? (Firstly) They involve a major change in scientific thought. (Secondly) They imply that current methods are inadequate, and, (Thirdly) they threaten huge profits . . .”
James P. Carter, M.D., Ph.D. American Physician, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Author: Racketeering in Medicine
Question 19: What historical evidence does Caton present for the safe and effective use of zinc chloride in escharotic cancer formulas going back hundreds of years?
Caton's research shows that zinc chloride has been a key ingredient in escharotic cancer preparations since the 1500s. He cites its use by Paracelsus, Fell, Pattison, Nichols, and many others, as well as its inclusion in patented formulas like Mohs paste. Zinc chloride's long history and documented results demonstrate its efficacy.
Question 20: How does Caton address concerns about Black Salve causing excessive pain, disfigurement, or "gaping holes" in the body?
Caton explains that while some temporary discomfort is normal, severe pain is rare when Black Salve is properly used. Scarring and disfigurement are minimal compared to surgery, and the decavitation left by the expelled tumor naturally fills in and heals over time without leaving a "gaping hole." These claims are fear-mongering from the cancer industry.
Question 21: What has been Caton's personal experience and observation from decades of working with zinc chloride based escharotic formulas taken both internally and externally?
In over 30 years of working with Black Salve personally and with thousands of patients, Caton has found it to be safe and effective when used properly. He has observed a consistent success rate with minimal scarring or complications, and he has personally used zinc chloride based formulas internally and externally without any toxicity or intestinal damage.
“It is very difficult to believe that the very centers entrusted with research in cancer at such enormous expense are ‘inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in cancer’ but it is not so difficult to understand once the economics of cancer is grasped.
“The treatment of cancer is, after all, a business which is very lucrative and very expensive for the customer. The goal of most exclusively profit-minded business men is to sell their commodity at the highest price possible in a market where they can eliminate all competition and customers have no choice but their commodity. Such entrepreneurs secure a monopoly by convincing their customers that theirs is the only valid product available and that competitors are frauds whose product is worthless.
“A monopoly of any market is a sure source of profit; a captive clientele has no other choice. The sellers can charge any price the market will bear and can evade any responsibility for bad results because they do not and cannot give any guarantees. They eliminate all critics of their products and challenges to their authority. Their business prospers; thousands of new customers constantly replace those that disappear.
“The original John D. Rockefeller was no mean hand at spotting the commercial possibilities in any enterprise. As his millions came in, he kept reinvesting in the most profitable businesses. One day when appendectomies were the rage in the medical profession, a surgeon told John D. that everyone should have an appendectomy before the age of sixteen as a preventative. The oil wizard saw the point at once . . . ‘Why, you’ve got a better thing than Standard Oil’ . . .”
Nat Morris The Cancer Blackout (1959)
Question 22: What role did Caton's companies Alpha Omega Labs and Herbologics play in pioneering the use of escharotics and developing the Cansema brand?
Caton's Alpha Omega Labs, founded in 1995, was the first company to produce and sell escharotic preparations online under the Cansema trademark. His research led to numerous variations tailored for specific cancers, and Herbologics continues to provide these formulas to patients worldwide along with training to practitioners.
Question 23: How did Caton's legal disputes with the FDA and medical authorities lead to his arrest, imprisonment, and being listed alongside Osama Bin Laden as one of the "world's most wanted criminals"?
Caton's success in treating cancer with Black Salve brought him into direct conflict with the medical establishment and regulatory agencies. False charges were brought against him for "selling unapproved drugs" despite Cansema's long history of safe use. He was arrested, imprisoned, and listed on the Interpol wanted list in an attempt to discredit him.
Question 24: What efforts have been made by the medical establishment, media, and government agencies to suppress and discredit Caton's work with escharotics as an effective alternative cancer treatment?
Caton and his companies have been targeted by the FDA, AMA, and FTC. Media hit pieces have presented false information and FDA-sponsored disinformation campaigns have tried to paint escharotics as dangerous quackery. Caton's books and websites have been censored and he has been personally vilified to suppress awareness of his work.
Question 25: How have Caton's books like Meditopia and The Joys of Psychopathocracy documented and exposed the political and economic forces behind the suppression of natural cancer cures?
In Meditopia, Caton traces the history of medical suppression of natural cancer cures to protect the profits of the drug and radiation industries. The Joys of Psychopathocracy exposes the use of state power and corporate greed to maintain a medical monopoly at the expense of public health. These books reveal the sinister dynamics underlying the war on holistic cancer treatments.
Question 26: What role did Dr. Frederic Mohs and his "chemosurgery" technique play in co-opting escharotic cancer treatment and making it more profitable for the medical industry?
Dr. Mohs appropriated the basic escharotic formula and technique but added unnecessary surgical intervention. By branding it as "chemosurgery" and insisting on selective tissue biopsies, Mohs made the process highly profitable while still relying on the core action of the zinc chloride and bloodroot preparation to kill the tumor.
Question 27: How did Harry Hoxsey's escharotic cancer formula and clinics become a target of the medical establishment despite their remarkable success rates in treating patients?
Harry Hoxsey's clinics used an escharotic paste similar to Cansema with an 80% success rate in treating external cancers. Despite well-documented results and endorsements from satisfied patients, Hoxsey became a target of the AMA and FDA. His clinics were shut down and he was smeared as a quack for threatening medical profits.
Question 28: What are the functional differences between Caton's Cansema Black Salve and other escharotic preparations compared to the Curaderm and Dr. Hoxsey formulas?
Caton's Cansema is a refined descendant of the Mohs and Hoxsey formulas, using higher quality ingredients and advanced processing methods for superior potency and efficacy. Curaderm, in contrast, relies on a single active ingredient, solasodine glycosides, and lacks the synergistic herbal components that enhance delivery and cytotoxicity in true escharotic preparations.
Question 29: How have online testimonials, pictorials, and detailed case studies demonstrated the effectiveness of Cansema salves in diagnosing and treating cancerous lesions?
Caton's websites have featured hundreds of detailed reports from Cansema users, including photographic documentation and descriptions of their treatment process and results. These case studies cover a wide range of cancers in patients of all ages and prior treatment histories, with the vast majority experiencing complete remission.
Question 30: What are some of the other conditions and ailments besides cancer that Caton says can be treated effectively using Cansema Black Salve?
In addition to basal cell, squamous cell, and melanoma skin cancers, Cansema has proven effective in treating breast, liver, and prostate tumors. It can also alleviate warts, moles, skin tags, keratoses, and neurodermatitis. Caton has developed specialized Cansema formulas for psoriasis, candida, and HPV as well.
Question 31: How does Caton advise using Cansema in combination with other natural anti-cancer protocols like pH adjustment therapy, oxygenation, herbal formulas and detoxification?
Caton recommends a multi-pronged approach to treating cancer naturally. Cansema salves can be combined with high-dose vitamin C, ozone therapy, DMSO, hydrogen peroxide, and detox protocols to correct pH and oxygenate the body. Immune-enhancing herbs and supplements complement the external escharotic treatment for best results.
Question 32: What have been the long-term outcomes and absence of cancer recurrence for patients who have properly used Cansema to treat malignant lesions and tumors?
In most cases, patients using Cansema as directed experience rapid tumor necrosis and expulsion within days to weeks. The cancer site heals completely over the following months with minimal scarring and no recurrence. Even patients with stage IV diagnoses have enjoyed years of cancer-free health after treatment. Caton defines cure as no remanifestation within 5 years.
Question 33: How does Caton's personal story of persecution, imprisonment and having his parents' cancer deaths exploited by the medical establishment reflect the wider suppression of natural cancer cures?
Caton's own journey illustrates the larger pattern of systematic suppression of natural cancer therapies. The deaths of both his parents from conventional treatment complications mirror the experience of countless other families. His persecution by regulatory agencies and the media for advocating alternatives reflects the institutionalized bias against non-patentable, low-cost solutions that threaten entrenched profits. Caton's story personalizes the ruthless war against holistic cancer pioneers and their patients.
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Mom had stage 4 “incurable” lung cancer but “they could buy her some time”. She took the horrible chemo awhile but became weak as a kitten, unable to even hold a cup
of coffee, fell, fractured bones and spent 23 hours a day in her lazy boy. I begged her to take a few weeks off chemo to regain strength. For those weeks, I was determined to at least stall the growth of her tumors. I prayed for wisdom and guidance. I found Greg Caton’s site, alpha omega labs.com / .net and read every single
testimonial. I didn’t believe it. So for days, I searched up to 12 hours a day for other things. I kept coming back to the
miracle that was black salve, aka Amazon paste, aka Blood Root. I ordered some from AZ, and some from Greg. AZ came in first so we used it. It was a WILD healing but heal her it did!! Within 30 days of smearing it onto her BACK over the tumors in her 1 lung, little canker sores emerged. They “migrated together” forming 2 big canker sores DIRECTLY OVER her tumors! It’s smeared it all over the entire lung zone like a big peanut butter sandwich but these canker sores were directly over AND exactly the size of her tumors. Imagine a while PBJ sandwich but the peanut butter migrated to 3 areas, 1 the size of a quarter, 1 a nickel and 1 a pencil eraser! THAT’S when I knew!! These oozed GROSS gunk— GROSS 🤢 gunk 🤢, then eventually stopped draining and closed! We took Mom back in for an MRI or Cat Scan?, blood tests and x-rays. I’ll never forget it. He said, “Mrs. Patterson, you have NO LIVING CANCER CELLS in your body!” He had said “incurable”, initially and here we are!!! Since then, we have pulled out mega splinters, facial cancers that were inoperable due to the damage of optic nerves and inability to control eye movement, and many more. The stuff just DRAWS OUT TOXINS. It MAY even be able to draw out spike…?
I have seen black salve used many times on skin cancers and warts, and I have made my own and used it successfully quite a few times.
Once I worked in a pediatric clinic and we kept getting kids with repeated burning off of the same warts using liquid nitrogen. I told the physician that I worked with about black salve and she had me make some up for her. It kills those words with a single treatment and they would not come back.
We used it successfully on quite a few patients before the head of the medical department shut it down and told her not to use it.