I came across this letter via Jamie Andrews, someone I’d love to interview.
It remined me of something I wrote in Aug 2023.
Poisoning Babies - Lies are Unbekoming
But it’s not just mothers that have been fooled and damaged.
The doctor that they outsource to, is also fooled and damaged.
Their ignorance was skilfully manufactured over many expensive university years. That is not to say that they are off the hook, for they are the poisoning foot soldiers that should know better.
An updated framing:
Dads outsourced their thinking to Mums who outsourced their thinking to Doctors who outsourced their thinking to The State. And the State, captured by the Medical Cartel, wants nothing more than to poison your baby. [Substitute Dad with Mum as necessary.] There is nothing more profitable than a poisoned baby.
That’s exactly what happened within our family.
Brownstein succinctly captures the message when he writes:
Stop obeying people urging you to hurt your own children.
I wanted to amplify this letter because it’s simply excellent and heartfelt, and also because it highlights the magnificent Katherine Watt, whose work I hope to promote more.
As we know, communicating with those that don’t know about The Poisoning is incredibly difficult and sometimes impossible. But we have to keep trying.
With thanks to Graham Brownstein.
An Open Letter to Dads
I am writing this to my fellow dads for one reason: to convince you to stop pushing for your children to be injected with vaccines. Whatever you think you are doing, the tragic truth is that you are maiming, sterilizing and killing your kids. You are decimating your family line. Please stop before it is too late.
Stop pushing “immunization” and “vaccination” shots on your kids. There are no “good shots.” They are all bad. Please do not dismiss that last sentence; let it sink in. None of the “vaccine” or “immunization” shots are beneficial. All that they present to your child is risk of physical harm, possibly serious or even life-threatening, with no therapeutic or health-supporting benefits.
The agencies that were supposed to be overseeing these products have not been. The entire history of U.S. federal “regulation” of “biological products” (including “vaccines”) has been a massive fraud. This history has been meticulously documented by Katherine Watt, recently joined by Lydia Hazel, on the Substack blog, “Bailiwick News.”
As for the science, it turns out that there are no – zero – objective studies or data supporting any claims of “safety” or “effectiveness” for any of the “vaccines” or “immunization” shots approved for use in the United States. All of the real-world, objective, uncorrupted data that we do have – all of it – is unequivocal: every “vaccine” and “immunization” shot is dangerous and deleterious to human health – some extremely more so than others – and none of them provide any real benefits. Please peruse the links in the footnotes. Your kid’s life might depend on it.
I write this as the father of a vaccine-injured child. Her being injured is largely my fault. I own this. I pushed against her mother’s wishes to insist that our kid get multiple shots when she was very young. It does not matter what “reason” I had or how “rational” I thought I was being. My daughter’s mother was right. She had the correct protective instinct. Mothers generally do.
Learning curve. - by Katherine Watt - Bailiwick News
I only stopped pushing for the continued poisoning of my kid when she was two, after the severity of her reactions to the shots became too extreme to ignore and after my wife threatened to leave. It should not take that. Some years have passed and my wife and I do everything possible to heal our kid. But she is still injured and has an extreme auto-immune response to various environmental triggers. The government scientists call this an “enhanced immune response” but it’s not; it’s an extreme auto- immune/allergy response. Again, read the links in the footnotes.
For myself and my family, we are still to this day engaged in an ongoing process of education aimed at fully understanding and figuring out how to address the chronic adverse effects of these injections. If you are at the beginning of this journey, you need to understand a few things.
First, no matter how “reasonable” a particular doctor or health care professional may seem to you, if that person works inside the mainstream health care system, they are almost certainly compromised in some way. They may not even realize it. And if they do realize that there are dangerous risks with shots, they still may not want to readily admit or discuss it.
Most mainstream doctors have very little understanding of even the most common adverse internal physical responses associated with vaccine shots. They have a strong incentive to not look into it: doctors get paid extra by insurance and also receive, in some cases, bonuses from the government and pharmaceutical companies for meeting benchmarks for patient vaccination rates, based on the federal immunization schedule and other federal and state guidelines. Doctors’ offices – particularly pediatrician’s offices – that fail to keep all or almost all their patients on “the schedule” lose large amounts of money and often find it difficult to stay in business.
Second, vaccine injuries are tragically common and very expensive, as they are chronic in nature. If not dealt with (or if compounded by further injections), vaccine injuries can lead to severe lifelong challenges. You – dads – will bear the burden of caring for your sick kids over the years. If your wife leaves you because you did not listen to her and your kids get injured, then you will have to bear all of that separation and divorce cost burden too.
There is nobody else liable or on the hook to help out. Since 1986, the federal government has granted full immunity to pharma and the doctors for all harms, including death, caused by any shots on the schedule. Try to name another product that maims and kills thousands of children every year for decades yet for which all responsible parties are granted full immunity.
Third, since my own kid’s injury, I have witnessed and heard of seemingly endless cases of dads pushing shots on their kids against mom’s wishes. Then the kids get hurt. I frequently see this in the context of marital separation or divorce (I’m an attorney but not a family law practitioner). In these cases, it often appears as if the dads are pushing the shots on their kids in some sort of twisted way of “getting back at” their ex-wife or “getting in with” their new wife or wife-to-be (stepmom to the kids).
Dads, you must swallow your pride long enough to see that your thinking has been dangerously wrong; your thinking has been corrupted. Stop obeying people urging you to hurt your own children. What you are doing is so much worse than just abdicating your proper role as their father; you are actively participating in their destruction.
Dads – we need to trust the mothers of our kids to know when something is going to be bad for our kids. This is one of many things mothers are almost magically good at. Definitely not the state. And not doctors who get bonuses for patient vaccine uptake rates. When your kids’ mom tells you that she is questioning the shots, listen to her. Follow her lead.
The horrible fact that I participated in the chronic harming of my child is the greatest regret of my life. I will spend the rest of my days working to make this right and also working to stop the great poisoning of our kids. If I can help stop even just one more dad from pushing this dangerous madness and hurting the people we are supposed to protect, then I will sleep better. I implore you, man-to-man, father-to-father, please stop poisoning your kids.
Graham Brownstein
Vaccine Curriculum • Children's Health Defense
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For COVID vaccine injury
Consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment as a resource.
Baseline Human Health
Watch and share this profound 21-minute video to understand and appreciate what health looks like without vaccination.