Excellent stack… I found using PEMF devices helpful along with your suggestions…. they simply use magnetic pulses to make polarity switching between blood cells thereby reducing roulette stacking…stop carrying mobile phones in pockets nearer your skin or switch them into airplane mode… keep your distance from microwave ovens when in use… all forms of EMF can disrupt the zeta potential…. Electric cars are a case in point.

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Totally agree. Not only are cell phones going to be the death of you ( I never had one) but they will usher in the slavery system THEY have planned for you.

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Too true - electric cars also emit tons of dirty electricity, another form of EMF that can make us even more susceptible to radiofrequency.

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You know what, I never considered that. Thanks. While electric cars were becoming en vogue I started reading about them and nowhere did this make sense. What a catastrophe these things are. Lack of charging stations, the cost, explosions of batteries all over the Internet, kill switches and the amount of fuel needed to charge a car was far greater than driving a traditional car, destroying their ridiculous narrative for alternative energy/ clean planet theory. What a joke.

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Absolutely - I hear you. Here's a link to an article I wrote on that in case you're interested: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/i/141704568/do-electric-vehicles-ev-emit-dirty-electricity

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Great article. I learn so much from Unbekoming interviews and the commenters here. This article helped to fill in the gaps and the timeline as to what caused the death of my mother. The final piece I needed to understand how she was taken out so quickly and deadly after a lifetime of good health. I know it sound macabre but I need to come to terms in understanding how and why I lost her. This article helped me in that search for understanding.

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'Making peoples' lives hell': When he couldn't pay for cancer treatment, the hospital sued

In North Carolina, a state hard hit by the national crisis of medical debt, Terry Belk has spent 20 years struggling to get free of "this ... anvil I'm dragging around."


“I’ve been battling this for over 20 years,” Belk, 68, said of his medical debt. “This has been like an albatross around my neck, like an anvil I’m dragging around every day.”

Americans owe at least $220 billion in medical debt, according to KFF, a nonprofit health policy research, polling and news organization. The top three states for medical debt are South Dakota, where 18% of the population is affected, followed by Mississippi at 15% and Belk’s home state of North Carolina at 13%, KFF says. The burden of medical debt has contributed to financial anxiety among voters and has become an issue in the 2024 presidential campaign.

Medical debt is a “problem that is uniquely American,” said Berneta Haynes, senior attorney at the National Consumer Law Center, a nonprofit organization, and an expert on the topic. “Even if you have insurance, if you have chronic health conditions that require you to interface more often with the health care system, you are putting yourself at greater risk for medical debt every single time you make" an appointment.

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This "medical debt" you mention is high up on the list of why the US pokes their nose into the policies of other countries and accuses them of being corrupt, dangerous, dictatorial etc. And we the people believe these accusations. It has always been thus. A leader, say like Hugo Chavez and Ghaddafi (there are so many more) who gave free healthcare, free education, cheap energy to their people by nationalizing their natural resources cannot be allowed to do this. Word would surely get out and questions asked as to why this kind of governance is not happening in our Western world.

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True. Free started the kids jabs. I'm the eldest of 4, none of use had them. They were not required. 1 Smallpox as it was Free, but TB was rampant, so TB Tine tests were Free and yearly. We caught the 2 measles, mumps, and chickenpox early in life. Since the only boy was the last, mom made sure he had them early. He never married or had kids. Introvert, loner, couldn't remember to even put gas in his car. Smart, but scattered brained. Babied his whole life. Became an alcholic after she passed. Grocery stores were the next issue. Didn't have to farm. I still garden and raise some hens. 76 nearly a month ago.

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"Riddick and subsequent researchers advocated for eating more fresh produce (which retains its potassium), substituting potassium chloride for sodium chloride in seasoning, and reducing the frequency of eating at restaurants. They observed that a single restaurant meal could significantly stagnate the system in individuals with zeta potential impairment."

Fun fact about sodium chloride which was jogged lose from decades old memory from gmo soy research but applicable to all commercially produced tofu... even most organic tofu is made with sodium and calcium chloride rather than traditional kombu and other seaweed that makes the commercial products chemically different from traditional or fermented soy products thus eliminating any of the health benefits touted by soy promoting PR claims... There are so many terrible things associated with commercial soy as food and before Nazi science to remove the stink it was fit only for animal bedding in the Western world.. as a protein substitute with over 95% of US soy as gmo varieties adding Zeta effects of industrial tofu to its hormone altering properties makes the stuff look even more toxic than my original assessment. Weston Price had some work on this back in the late 1990s and given the huge marketing push for "Plant Based" processed foods that rely heavily on soy it might be a topic you would find worth exploring.

My own general picky eating, extreme observation of organic and viceral opposition to anything pitched as a health benefit on a food package always had anything but a dash of organic soy sauce on the taboo list but so many folks embrace the idea of soy as a better option it is almost a poster child for marketing fraud along with the low-no fat seed oils. Too bad folks forget the tobacco boys bought our major food brands and the health claims on the packages are brought to you by Joe Camel & Marlboro Man.. the brands we were assured most doctors preferred to smoke... food history trivia!

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Great summary.

This interview also speaks about polyethylene glycols (found in covid shots) effect on Zeta Potential


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Wonderful article - the car analogy never fails! One thing I would add: grounding/ earthing in North America is no longer possible as it is in the rest of the world, as the power grid was never wired correctly.

Since electric companies use the Earth as the return path, rather than a separate cable to the power station, the Earth has now become a conductor of electricity:


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have you considered taking all your content and making a https://notebooklm.google.com out of it - that'd be an amazing wiki without all the financially compromised pharma papers...

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Good stuff. Food for thought and application. Thank you.

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re Q25

Covid 19 is a depraved psychological operation. Illness is not caused by an imaginary virus. I can't imagine why anyone would continue repeating this bullshit.

Ivermectin is a dangerous toxin that should not be taken by anyone for any reason.

These two points indicate that whoever's nonsense you are repeating here is a despicable shill not to be trusted.

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Agree with the first two points because RNA molecules cannot pandemic and testing fidelity purported is far from reality. However, it is unfair to categorically dismiss folks still misinformed about elements of the Covidian psyop as untrustworthy shills rather than still suffering from lies by scientific literature and peers about a subject that virology and medicine has lied about for generations. The goal should be to take folks with open minds and critical skills to the point of exposing the fraud not dismissing them all as shills but allies who may not know yet.

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Absolutely agree. It's like say Kennedy; with all his knowledge about vaccines, he still begins with the premises that vaccines are basically needed and he has taken them. The "it's the sanitation, stupid" argument.

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