Back in the 80's the WHO admitted that the single most effective way to prevent and treat measles (in an African study) was to give the kids vitamin A. So clearly what we're seeing is a symptom of malnutrition. So did anyone at the WHO decide to distribute the cheap solution to Africans?
NOPE. Instead they went around injecting (maiming and even killing) African kids.
The WHO also used to recommend giving high dosage Vitamin A with the measles vaccine. I think it mitigated some of the vaccine damage.
Synthetic Vitamin A is toxic and contributes to autism. The Weston A Price Foundation site has some excellent articles on true vitamin A vs synthetic vitamin A. True vitamin A from liver is healing, and I doubt if anyone is going to overdose on liver!
"vitamin" A does not mitigate anything. It is an adjuvant, which means it is another toxin added to provoke the body to make "antibodies" which are produced to bind to toxins to protect the body. They claim this is an immune response. It is really a sign of toxicity. I suggest you follow Mike Stone at viroliegy dot com to learn the truth about vaccines and antibodies, and follow Dr. Garrett smith, the Nutrition Detective, to learn the truth about so-called "vitamin" A. He has lots of videos and livestreams on utube debunking the "vitamin" A claims.
All "vitamin" A is toxic, there is no difference between natural and synthetic. Liver is full of other toxins, too. It's the liver's job to protect you by sequestering dangerous com[pounds. Weston A price foundation is gaslighting you.
"vitamin" A is a toxin. WHO is deliberately poisoning children in developing countries by injecting them with high doses of vit A while pretending to help them.
Great article! I don't know if there are "good" and "bad" bacteria. Maybe some bacteria are "bad,' but, like parasites, if they kill the host, where will they live? We can't live without bacteria!
Dr. Tom Cowan is a co-founder of the Weston A Price Foundation. Dr. Price did thousands of experiments by taking infected teeth from sick people and putting them into rabbits. The rabbits got the disease the human had. So, what transferred the disease? What is an infection? I've come to believe that an infection is injured and decaying tissue, not bacteria. I think our bodies send all the healing forces to an area of injury, which creates the infection symptoms. It's not the bacteria. It's the decay and maybe something there that the body can't dispose of such as a chipped bone or some foreign object.
I think with bacteria, it's not "good" or "bad." It's all about balance and habitat. If we do something that kills off a particular bacterial species, an imbalance is created. "Covid" and the jabs kill off the bifidobacteria. Who is going to do their jobs? ... Also bacteria sometimes migrate to the wrong habitat. Think SIBO. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. So bacteria may belong in the colon, but they migrate to the small intestine. They don't belong there. The bacterial colonies are out of balance.
Something in our environment is harming the bacteria that make B vitamins. Likely it is glyphosate and High Fructose corn syrup (which is a pesticide) as well as other things. Bacteria make neurotransmitters. They seem to be short of employees. We seem to have mixed up neurotransmitters.
When it comes to terrain, something that is overlooked is the EMF environment. This is a huge topic particularly with all the Gs... 2G, 3G 4G, 5G, dirty electricity, fluorescent lights, wi-fi, etc. The EMF environment determines who can thrive, who cannot, what grows, as well as behavior. The current EMF environment encourages abnormal growth and aberrant behavior in plants, animals, and humans.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has talked for years about how EMR makes pathogens more virulent. EMFs pump up the volume on overgrowth and bad behavior. Dr. Klinghardt’s videos are hard to find in Covid times. Klinghardt Institute. (Not Klinghardt Academy)
Albert Roy Davis and Walter C Rawls, Jr studied magnetism for over thirty years. They established the effects of magnetic fields on plants and animals.
Positive (south pole) magnetic fields increase pain, growth (including tumors) and aberrant behavior. This includes emotions, sexual behavior, and violent behaviors.
Negative (north pole) magnetic fields decrease growth, and behavior is subdued. Pain is also subdued, and healing time is shortened.
There must be balance between north and south magnetic fields. (North and South can be quite confusing.) Balancing the magnetic field normalizes pH and corrects the energy field of the environment. By correcting the energy field, it can subdue infections including “Covid,” mumps, measles, herpes infections, pertussis, “AIDS,” liver issues, and hundreds of other types of infections and health conditions. This happens in a few minutes to about two hours’ time. It’s helpful or curative in conditions of scarring or sclerosis. (Ref Dr. Raymond Hilu in Spain, Dr. Isaac Goiz, and Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer (NASA).
Their theory of what makes us sick and what heals us is remarkably simple. Mostly pH and electromagnetic energy correction.
Professor Valerie Hunt (UCLA) worked with energy fields. One of the experiments she did was to isolate young college students, male I think, inside of a magnetism-free room. They became weak, disoriented, afraid, tearful. Something similar happened with astronauts who came back from their space time in kind of similar emotional condition with their bodies physically out of alignment.
In other similar experiments with mice in wrong magnetic fields, the mice became completely lethargic, very fat, and wouldn’t do anything. Some of the mice died.
Some of the recent DNA testing done on infected dental root canals has some dozens of specific named and numbered bacteria, with strength like botulism. Can these bacteria be waste products of healing efforts? Dr Price proved, to me, that the poison was and is inside the tooth that had been root canaled. Maybe trauma triggers a Rambo cleaning process, hoping to create an abcess to drain the enemy?
Yes! We're kind of going through one now. There is a whole lot of stuff going on in the space-earth atmosphere. The sun has been having major tantrums and is spitting fire!!
I find all of this fascinating. All I "know" (ie I have seen it and lived it) is that my kids caught chicken pox off my eldest's child's best friend who had just had it. I will never forget it because Elliott was about 4 at the time and I deliberately exposed him to his friend Oliver when the latter had chicken pox because I thought it was a good idea to catch it and get it "out of the way". What I hadnt reckoned on was the incubation period/transmission period. Elliott caught it first but it took longer to appear than I had anticipated, and his younger brother Jackson then caught it off Elliott, and that took another few days to develop. My failure to work out the timing in advance was such that we had to cancel our planned holiday and fly to France the 1st week of September rather than the last week of August. So the beach was empty! Neither my husband nor I caught the chicken pox - we'd both had it as children. My husband has had shingles since very slightly which we are told is because his immune system must have been stressed and the variola virus resurfaces as shingles? ... So the story we have been told does seem to fit and I believe Dr Suzanne Humphries (Dissolving illusions) also cites chicken pox as an example of an illness that DOES seem to transmit between children upon exposure etc... how do the " viruses dont exist" camp explain this?
Cowan doesn’t say they don’t exist, he says this thing that you call a virus, by your own studies, has not been proven to cause the disease you are claiming it causes.
Cowan is open to others forms of communication, and admits that we don’t quite know.
We have a biofield and it’s entirely possible that something is being communicated and triggered by that.
The back of my birth certificate has written by my mother all my childhood diseases and whooping cough is one of them. The rest of my siblings never got it. As I learn more and more, I have placed myself in the "prove it" camp. Boy, does that open up a can of scientific worms. Sometimes things just work. Vit A & C works on childhood diseases. They have found that Vit A after surgery makes recovery far faster than without. They have found that there's no difference in outcomes of surgery from surgeons who wore no gloves and those that do. I even read that patients did better with the ungloved doctors.
If you're selling a product you'll find a way to promote it. Conversely, if a cheap product works they'll find a way to make it unavailable. I recently found a product named DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide). After a serious fall my pain was off the charts and no doctor would give me pain pills. A dentist took pity on me because the fall affected by jaw that I could barely open. My shoulder was destroyed, bones in my face broken and my backside was swollen like JLO's ass.
DMSO is a vet medicine. Of course it is. What better way for the FDA to dissuade human usage? They did that with Ivermectin. It took all of 1 to 2 days application, 3x's a day for my pain to be completely gone. How does it work, what does it do, what's the science behind it? I read a bit, but really don't care. It works. I haven't had a cold in 10 years. When not in the sun I take Vit D. Yet the sun is dangerous, right? Evidence shows when something works and when something harms you. In the end, that's all the "proof" I need.
Yes, DMSO is great for pain and many other things too. A Midwestern Doctor just did a whole series about it on Substack. (The Forgotten Side of Medicine)
Thanks for the link. Appreciate it. DMSO was a miracle. My pain was deep, into the muscle, no position I tried alleviated the pain. Could only stand and bend slightly over a walker for any relief, but who can stay in that position? Took one day for my jaw, two for my hip and two for my face that I could not even touch. DMSO did that for me.
DMSO is proving to be miraculous for me. I also had a serious fall - over twenty years ago. A lot of damage was done including broken ribs and a dislocated jaw. It took me a long time to figure out what had caused my strange symptoms since the symptoms were delayed months and years.
I started taking DMSO orally three years ago. Didn't notice much, but over time, the neuropathy I had diminished and is pretty much gone. Just about two weeks ago I had the thought to put DMSO on my neck area. I thought it might heal upper cervical instability. I mix it with Frankincense or other essential oil and spread it around. Oh my word! I cannot believe the improvements: Sleep - glorious sleep. Brain Smog clearing up. (not fog, smog)... Much improvement in balance and literal physical stability. I have severe dizziness and imbalance. I often have difficulty even standing up. It is also improving my EMF sensitivity. It is a life-changer for me!
Thank you so much for your input Judy. After a lifetime of washing floors on my knees, they started to fail me, BIG TIME. I can't kneel in church, can barely pick up something from the floor, can only lift by foot 6" from the floor to put trousers on. The worst is not being able to walk up stairs so I had a chair lift installed. In other words, my knees don't bend without severe pain.
Getting from a sitting position to stand from a low chair is impossible. I've made sure all chairs and couches in my house are 19" high. That I can manage. This is 2nd day of DMSO for my knees. Today I bent my knee painlessly to put my pants on. Last night no pain in bed stretching my legs out. I could actually find multiple positions to be comfortable. And that was only from applying DMSO once, at night, before bed. Today I'm applying it 3x's a day. If I can walk up stairs in the future, that means I can walk my dog a mile. I've never come across such a product in my life. It is changing my life.
First recognized in the Middle Ages, pertussis, or whooping cough, has held many names over the centuries. The word “pertussis” was coined by English physician Thomas Sydenham in 1670 and came to mean “violent cough.”
In 1906, Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou invented a special medium, called Bordet-Gengou (BG) medium, which they claimed would allow for isolation and identification of the pathogen responsible for this chronic coughing condition.
BG medium was made from “a melted fluid consisting of a glycerin extract of potato, agar, and salt solution, to which an equal volume of defibrinated rabbit or human blood was added.”
Bordet and Gengou claimed their medium could promote the growth of bacterial colonies if inoculated with sputum taken on the first day of the disease. According to Bordet and Gengou this process would create the conditions for isolation of the alleged microbe.
History records that their first "successfully isolated pertussis bacillus" came from the expectorate of Bordet’s son who had just contracted a serious cough.
This “discovery” was published in the Annales de l’Institut Pasteur in 1906 under a paper titled, “Le microbe de la coqueluche“—”The cough microbe.” The alleged bacterium was subsequently named Bordetella pertussis, in honor of Bordet.
Once this microbe was identified as the specific agent leading to widespread respiratory ailments, the daily hazards of the turn-of-the-century industrial era—filthy street sewage, poor nutrition, heavy air pollution, and overall squalid living conditions—were no longer deemed causes for illness. Instead, they were sidelined by those who were in hot pursuit of the opportunity to invent a vaccine.
Wow! Great synopsis. Just finished Dr. Nancy Bank’s book in HIV/AIDS, just mind boggling reconstruction of history since 1600 when Queen Elizabeth granted Royal Charter to British East India Company.
I agree that germ theory is a propaganda term used to make money by alarming the public. Terrain theory explains why centenarians without any vaccinations are still alive.
HIV/AIDS is a Fauci psy-ops term, not a scientific term.
What's frustrating with folks in the no-virus camp is that they fail to clearly explain that all virology and vaccine development is based on creating synthetic clones aka Gain of Function where sequences are cobbled together by CRISPR keyboard gene jockeys.
As Mike Yeadon noted above there is no evidence these sequences reflect reality just a high volume of pure synthetics that can never exist in nature. What's equally frustrating is failure to note that these pure RNA clones can NEVER change the laws of nature and have the fidelity to pandemic. The 2016 NIH funded study for GoF Risks and Benefits clearly states that this GoF process for creating vaccines do not reflect "wild type virus" or human immune system response. Most fun way to go through the study is search for key terms "however" has disclaimers for every GoF section that notes models do not reflect reality but "vaccine stockpiles" or "pandemic plan" go to sections that explain these models are all about funding not about public health.
For sure the terrain theory is where it's at, inclusive of a connectivity between inside and out. (A reminder that what we do to our bodies we do to the earth, as has been said.) I have another theory about antibiotics: they could very well function as a false flag inside the body, distracting the system from any acute condition and forcing the body to respond to the dire onslaught of a different foreign invasion, the antibiotic. The symptoms of the acute appear to resolve but they've only retreated into deeper levels, bound to resurface when given half a chance.
Where is the vaccine to protect against the relatively common cold? This is the simplest of ills and yet these virology clowns have no clue. The real reason might be that no one dies from a cold (or it is extremely rare) whereas all the other viral diseases can be linked to the fear of death. That sells billions of doses of vaccines and mRNA poisons every year. Yet the protection is nil and the claims of safe and effective are hardly reassuring as they are 100% lies.
> When it comes to bacteria, I am still trying to figure it out.
REPLY: You can do no better than the work of Dr. Lynn Margulis. She has written many books on the subject all geared to the common person. I have talked briefly with her daughter Jennifer. She told me her mother after years of study concluded bacteria are the smartest beings on planet Earth.
She was the chief collaborator with James Lovelock the scientist who put forward the Gaia Hypothesis in approximately the early 1970s (if memory correct), In 2020 the Gaia Hypothesis was finally accepted as Theory and dropped from public memory.
Bacteria are at least 3.5+ billion years old and are responsible for Earth being habitable. They live in our guts, facilitate all forms of life and are able to work with all forms of minerals and transform them at room temperature. One example is water. Bacteria have for the last 2 billion years been breaking the H2O molecule into Hydrogen and Oxygen at room temperature. This done with a net energy gain. Humans have been studying how they do this for many decades now. Humans are still clueless as to how to do it.
I hope the above wets your curiosity to dig into the work of Dr. Lynn Margulis (deceased). She is amazing. Also the Gaia Hypothesis and theory. If I can be of any help in your digging my email is
Another great post! Your summary of the pros and cons of belief in viruses and bacteria is well done. The bacteria that seems to be hard to argue not being infectious is syphilis.
What killed millions of Native Americans Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders before the white man even got there if it hadn’t been because Europeans had coexisted with farm animals for thousands of years while people of the New World hadn’t? The farm animals, particularly cows and pigs, transmitted woke little MickeyMousicles into the humans that killed a lot of them off at first and the ones that survived developed immunities in their genes. (I’m really sorry if you can’t even believe in Levi Strauss.)! 😁
Back in the 80's the WHO admitted that the single most effective way to prevent and treat measles (in an African study) was to give the kids vitamin A. So clearly what we're seeing is a symptom of malnutrition. So did anyone at the WHO decide to distribute the cheap solution to Africans?
NOPE. Instead they went around injecting (maiming and even killing) African kids.
The WHO also used to recommend giving high dosage Vitamin A with the measles vaccine. I think it mitigated some of the vaccine damage.
Synthetic Vitamin A is toxic and contributes to autism. The Weston A Price Foundation site has some excellent articles on true vitamin A vs synthetic vitamin A. True vitamin A from liver is healing, and I doubt if anyone is going to overdose on liver!
"vitamin" A does not mitigate anything. It is an adjuvant, which means it is another toxin added to provoke the body to make "antibodies" which are produced to bind to toxins to protect the body. They claim this is an immune response. It is really a sign of toxicity. I suggest you follow Mike Stone at viroliegy dot com to learn the truth about vaccines and antibodies, and follow Dr. Garrett smith, the Nutrition Detective, to learn the truth about so-called "vitamin" A. He has lots of videos and livestreams on utube debunking the "vitamin" A claims.
All "vitamin" A is toxic, there is no difference between natural and synthetic. Liver is full of other toxins, too. It's the liver's job to protect you by sequestering dangerous com[pounds. Weston A price foundation is gaslighting you.
"vitamin" A is a toxin. WHO is deliberately poisoning children in developing countries by injecting them with high doses of vit A while pretending to help them.
I had no idea they were inserting the deadly synthetic A into these kids as well. Far be it from them to FEED the children proper nutrition.
They are using these children as guinea pigs. All vitamin A is toxic. These kids need meat and calories, not injections of toxins.
Great article! I don't know if there are "good" and "bad" bacteria. Maybe some bacteria are "bad,' but, like parasites, if they kill the host, where will they live? We can't live without bacteria!
Dr. Tom Cowan is a co-founder of the Weston A Price Foundation. Dr. Price did thousands of experiments by taking infected teeth from sick people and putting them into rabbits. The rabbits got the disease the human had. So, what transferred the disease? What is an infection? I've come to believe that an infection is injured and decaying tissue, not bacteria. I think our bodies send all the healing forces to an area of injury, which creates the infection symptoms. It's not the bacteria. It's the decay and maybe something there that the body can't dispose of such as a chipped bone or some foreign object.
I think with bacteria, it's not "good" or "bad." It's all about balance and habitat. If we do something that kills off a particular bacterial species, an imbalance is created. "Covid" and the jabs kill off the bifidobacteria. Who is going to do their jobs? ... Also bacteria sometimes migrate to the wrong habitat. Think SIBO. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. So bacteria may belong in the colon, but they migrate to the small intestine. They don't belong there. The bacterial colonies are out of balance.
Something in our environment is harming the bacteria that make B vitamins. Likely it is glyphosate and High Fructose corn syrup (which is a pesticide) as well as other things. Bacteria make neurotransmitters. They seem to be short of employees. We seem to have mixed up neurotransmitters.
When it comes to terrain, something that is overlooked is the EMF environment. This is a huge topic particularly with all the Gs... 2G, 3G 4G, 5G, dirty electricity, fluorescent lights, wi-fi, etc. The EMF environment determines who can thrive, who cannot, what grows, as well as behavior. The current EMF environment encourages abnormal growth and aberrant behavior in plants, animals, and humans.
Thanks Judy, a very helpful comment.
EMR, Environments, bacteria and humans:
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has talked for years about how EMR makes pathogens more virulent. EMFs pump up the volume on overgrowth and bad behavior. Dr. Klinghardt’s videos are hard to find in Covid times. Klinghardt Institute. (Not Klinghardt Academy)
Rosanne Lindsay “Covid” and EMFs:
Albert Roy Davis and Walter C Rawls, Jr studied magnetism for over thirty years. They established the effects of magnetic fields on plants and animals.
Positive (south pole) magnetic fields increase pain, growth (including tumors) and aberrant behavior. This includes emotions, sexual behavior, and violent behaviors.
Negative (north pole) magnetic fields decrease growth, and behavior is subdued. Pain is also subdued, and healing time is shortened.
There must be balance between north and south magnetic fields. (North and South can be quite confusing.) Balancing the magnetic field normalizes pH and corrects the energy field of the environment. By correcting the energy field, it can subdue infections including “Covid,” mumps, measles, herpes infections, pertussis, “AIDS,” liver issues, and hundreds of other types of infections and health conditions. This happens in a few minutes to about two hours’ time. It’s helpful or curative in conditions of scarring or sclerosis. (Ref Dr. Raymond Hilu in Spain, Dr. Isaac Goiz, and Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer (NASA).
Their theory of what makes us sick and what heals us is remarkably simple. Mostly pH and electromagnetic energy correction.
Professor Valerie Hunt (UCLA) worked with energy fields. One of the experiments she did was to isolate young college students, male I think, inside of a magnetism-free room. They became weak, disoriented, afraid, tearful. Something similar happened with astronauts who came back from their space time in kind of similar emotional condition with their bodies physically out of alignment.
In other similar experiments with mice in wrong magnetic fields, the mice became completely lethargic, very fat, and wouldn’t do anything. Some of the mice died.
Sound familiar?
Some of the recent DNA testing done on infected dental root canals has some dozens of specific named and numbered bacteria, with strength like botulism. Can these bacteria be waste products of healing efforts? Dr Price proved, to me, that the poison was and is inside the tooth that had been root canaled. Maybe trauma triggers a Rambo cleaning process, hoping to create an abcess to drain the enemy?
I have seen a list of plagues that corresponds to various electrical changes over many many years. Its a very plausible explanation.
Yes! We're kind of going through one now. There is a whole lot of stuff going on in the space-earth atmosphere. The sun has been having major tantrums and is spitting fire!!
This is one of my favorites.
I find all of this fascinating. All I "know" (ie I have seen it and lived it) is that my kids caught chicken pox off my eldest's child's best friend who had just had it. I will never forget it because Elliott was about 4 at the time and I deliberately exposed him to his friend Oliver when the latter had chicken pox because I thought it was a good idea to catch it and get it "out of the way". What I hadnt reckoned on was the incubation period/transmission period. Elliott caught it first but it took longer to appear than I had anticipated, and his younger brother Jackson then caught it off Elliott, and that took another few days to develop. My failure to work out the timing in advance was such that we had to cancel our planned holiday and fly to France the 1st week of September rather than the last week of August. So the beach was empty! Neither my husband nor I caught the chicken pox - we'd both had it as children. My husband has had shingles since very slightly which we are told is because his immune system must have been stressed and the variola virus resurfaces as shingles? ... So the story we have been told does seem to fit and I believe Dr Suzanne Humphries (Dissolving illusions) also cites chicken pox as an example of an illness that DOES seem to transmit between children upon exposure etc... how do the " viruses dont exist" camp explain this?
Cowan doesn’t say they don’t exist, he says this thing that you call a virus, by your own studies, has not been proven to cause the disease you are claiming it causes.
Cowan is open to others forms of communication, and admits that we don’t quite know.
We have a biofield and it’s entirely possible that something is being communicated and triggered by that.
The back of my birth certificate has written by my mother all my childhood diseases and whooping cough is one of them. The rest of my siblings never got it. As I learn more and more, I have placed myself in the "prove it" camp. Boy, does that open up a can of scientific worms. Sometimes things just work. Vit A & C works on childhood diseases. They have found that Vit A after surgery makes recovery far faster than without. They have found that there's no difference in outcomes of surgery from surgeons who wore no gloves and those that do. I even read that patients did better with the ungloved doctors.
If you're selling a product you'll find a way to promote it. Conversely, if a cheap product works they'll find a way to make it unavailable. I recently found a product named DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide). After a serious fall my pain was off the charts and no doctor would give me pain pills. A dentist took pity on me because the fall affected by jaw that I could barely open. My shoulder was destroyed, bones in my face broken and my backside was swollen like JLO's ass.
DMSO is a vet medicine. Of course it is. What better way for the FDA to dissuade human usage? They did that with Ivermectin. It took all of 1 to 2 days application, 3x's a day for my pain to be completely gone. How does it work, what does it do, what's the science behind it? I read a bit, but really don't care. It works. I haven't had a cold in 10 years. When not in the sun I take Vit D. Yet the sun is dangerous, right? Evidence shows when something works and when something harms you. In the end, that's all the "proof" I need.
Yes, DMSO is great for pain and many other things too. A Midwestern Doctor just did a whole series about it on Substack. (The Forgotten Side of Medicine)
Thanks for the link. Appreciate it. DMSO was a miracle. My pain was deep, into the muscle, no position I tried alleviated the pain. Could only stand and bend slightly over a walker for any relief, but who can stay in that position? Took one day for my jaw, two for my hip and two for my face that I could not even touch. DMSO did that for me.
DMSO is proving to be miraculous for me. I also had a serious fall - over twenty years ago. A lot of damage was done including broken ribs and a dislocated jaw. It took me a long time to figure out what had caused my strange symptoms since the symptoms were delayed months and years.
I started taking DMSO orally three years ago. Didn't notice much, but over time, the neuropathy I had diminished and is pretty much gone. Just about two weeks ago I had the thought to put DMSO on my neck area. I thought it might heal upper cervical instability. I mix it with Frankincense or other essential oil and spread it around. Oh my word! I cannot believe the improvements: Sleep - glorious sleep. Brain Smog clearing up. (not fog, smog)... Much improvement in balance and literal physical stability. I have severe dizziness and imbalance. I often have difficulty even standing up. It is also improving my EMF sensitivity. It is a life-changer for me!
Thank you so much for your input Judy. After a lifetime of washing floors on my knees, they started to fail me, BIG TIME. I can't kneel in church, can barely pick up something from the floor, can only lift by foot 6" from the floor to put trousers on. The worst is not being able to walk up stairs so I had a chair lift installed. In other words, my knees don't bend without severe pain.
Getting from a sitting position to stand from a low chair is impossible. I've made sure all chairs and couches in my house are 19" high. That I can manage. This is 2nd day of DMSO for my knees. Today I bent my knee painlessly to put my pants on. Last night no pain in bed stretching my legs out. I could actually find multiple positions to be comfortable. And that was only from applying DMSO once, at night, before bed. Today I'm applying it 3x's a day. If I can walk up stairs in the future, that means I can walk my dog a mile. I've never come across such a product in my life. It is changing my life.
First recognized in the Middle Ages, pertussis, or whooping cough, has held many names over the centuries. The word “pertussis” was coined by English physician Thomas Sydenham in 1670 and came to mean “violent cough.”
In 1906, Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou invented a special medium, called Bordet-Gengou (BG) medium, which they claimed would allow for isolation and identification of the pathogen responsible for this chronic coughing condition.
BG medium was made from “a melted fluid consisting of a glycerin extract of potato, agar, and salt solution, to which an equal volume of defibrinated rabbit or human blood was added.”
Bordet and Gengou claimed their medium could promote the growth of bacterial colonies if inoculated with sputum taken on the first day of the disease. According to Bordet and Gengou this process would create the conditions for isolation of the alleged microbe.
History records that their first "successfully isolated pertussis bacillus" came from the expectorate of Bordet’s son who had just contracted a serious cough.
This “discovery” was published in the Annales de l’Institut Pasteur in 1906 under a paper titled, “Le microbe de la coqueluche“—”The cough microbe.” The alleged bacterium was subsequently named Bordetella pertussis, in honor of Bordet.
Once this microbe was identified as the specific agent leading to widespread respiratory ailments, the daily hazards of the turn-of-the-century industrial era—filthy street sewage, poor nutrition, heavy air pollution, and overall squalid living conditions—were no longer deemed causes for illness. Instead, they were sidelined by those who were in hot pursuit of the opportunity to invent a vaccine.
Wow! Great synopsis. Just finished Dr. Nancy Bank’s book in HIV/AIDS, just mind boggling reconstruction of history since 1600 when Queen Elizabeth granted Royal Charter to British East India Company.
I agree that germ theory is a propaganda term used to make money by alarming the public. Terrain theory explains why centenarians without any vaccinations are still alive.
HIV/AIDS is a Fauci psy-ops term, not a scientific term.
What's frustrating with folks in the no-virus camp is that they fail to clearly explain that all virology and vaccine development is based on creating synthetic clones aka Gain of Function where sequences are cobbled together by CRISPR keyboard gene jockeys.
As Mike Yeadon noted above there is no evidence these sequences reflect reality just a high volume of pure synthetics that can never exist in nature. What's equally frustrating is failure to note that these pure RNA clones can NEVER change the laws of nature and have the fidelity to pandemic. The 2016 NIH funded study for GoF Risks and Benefits clearly states that this GoF process for creating vaccines do not reflect "wild type virus" or human immune system response. Most fun way to go through the study is search for key terms "however" has disclaimers for every GoF section that notes models do not reflect reality but "vaccine stockpiles" or "pandemic plan" go to sections that explain these models are all about funding not about public health.
The Best Part Of A Psy-Op
Is When They Argue About
Natural Origin vs. Lab Leak.
When Their Wasn’t An Airborne
Pathogen That Even Existed.
Now That’s Gain Of Function.
I worked on the Pfizer z-pack COPD studies in clinical monitoring. Good substack today.
For sure the terrain theory is where it's at, inclusive of a connectivity between inside and out. (A reminder that what we do to our bodies we do to the earth, as has been said.) I have another theory about antibiotics: they could very well function as a false flag inside the body, distracting the system from any acute condition and forcing the body to respond to the dire onslaught of a different foreign invasion, the antibiotic. The symptoms of the acute appear to resolve but they've only retreated into deeper levels, bound to resurface when given half a chance.
Where is the vaccine to protect against the relatively common cold? This is the simplest of ills and yet these virology clowns have no clue. The real reason might be that no one dies from a cold (or it is extremely rare) whereas all the other viral diseases can be linked to the fear of death. That sells billions of doses of vaccines and mRNA poisons every year. Yet the protection is nil and the claims of safe and effective are hardly reassuring as they are 100% lies.
Be careful what you ask for 😂
And that's the one country I wanted to visit. I would never make it out of there alive.
its like another planet, i been to delhi , no problems except overcharging, they expect you to bargan hard ,but i was nice with humor
Good day Unbekoming,
> When it comes to bacteria, I am still trying to figure it out.
REPLY: You can do no better than the work of Dr. Lynn Margulis. She has written many books on the subject all geared to the common person. I have talked briefly with her daughter Jennifer. She told me her mother after years of study concluded bacteria are the smartest beings on planet Earth.
She was the chief collaborator with James Lovelock the scientist who put forward the Gaia Hypothesis in approximately the early 1970s (if memory correct), In 2020 the Gaia Hypothesis was finally accepted as Theory and dropped from public memory.
Bacteria are at least 3.5+ billion years old and are responsible for Earth being habitable. They live in our guts, facilitate all forms of life and are able to work with all forms of minerals and transform them at room temperature. One example is water. Bacteria have for the last 2 billion years been breaking the H2O molecule into Hydrogen and Oxygen at room temperature. This done with a net energy gain. Humans have been studying how they do this for many decades now. Humans are still clueless as to how to do it.
I hope the above wets your curiosity to dig into the work of Dr. Lynn Margulis (deceased). She is amazing. Also the Gaia Hypothesis and theory. If I can be of any help in your digging my email is
The terrain people are denying the existence of viruses. So, if viruses don't exist, then of course they can't cause disease.
Another great post! Your summary of the pros and cons of belief in viruses and bacteria is well done. The bacteria that seems to be hard to argue not being infectious is syphilis.
I’m still waiting for a convincing refutation of the Guns, Germs, and Steel hypothesis that UCLA professor Jared Diamond expounded 25 years ago.
What killed millions of Native Americans Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders before the white man even got there if it hadn’t been because Europeans had coexisted with farm animals for thousands of years while people of the New World hadn’t? The farm animals, particularly cows and pigs, transmitted woke little MickeyMousicles into the humans that killed a lot of them off at first and the ones that survived developed immunities in their genes. (I’m really sorry if you can’t even believe in Levi Strauss.)! 😁
Wilhelm Reich disproved germ theory in his Bion experiments.