Thank you all for the lively debate and exchanges.

Who would have thought that asking a few questions about genetic matter packed into a protein sandwich could create so much heat.

I know that most of you know this, especially those that read the whole article, but I don't have my mind made up on this issue. I am not a "no virus" guy. I might be that in the future, but that's not where I am right now.

I think the best description of my current state on this question is:

Covid and its vaccine was brought to me by the same charlatans that created virology.

On that basis, what are the chances that virology is wholly or substantially untrue and corrupt.

I think pretty damn high. Bordering on a certainty.

On that basis I would like to try to figure out what and where the untruths are.

Cowan makes some very specific points. If they can be refuted, then I welcome the refute.

This is important stuff. The whole globalist plan is built around the idea of public health.

The primary threat to global public health are viruses, we are told.

The primary solution to that threat are vaccines (a virology product).

So, said another way, the whole world is now being run on ideas birthed out of virology.

If there is any subject at all, that merited rigorous interrogation, seeking its truth; this is it.

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This is from 2015 (pre-Moronic COVIDIUS Era) and you might like it...

The Future of Immunity


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Thank you, I'll definitely watch that.

I think that Obukhanych was in Vaxxed 2 if I am not mistaken.

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The whole globalist plan is built upon The Fear of Contagion that Everyone has...

No matter how much the Rational Mind can see the fraud of virology for what it

is, the nagging (and in many cases, unconscious) Fear of Contagion niggles away

in the background - often expressing itself as (a slight) Doubt...

That Doubt always destabilises the Rational Mind, and turns The Intellect into its

Servant. The Intellect is subverted to serving Self Repression...

Better to be Safe Than Sorry (Pascal's Wager)...

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The whole globalist plan is built upon The Fear of viruses

let's examine this

Are you saying that since the day tapes of 1969 the only thing they ever acknowledged was viruses. Not climate change lack of resources globalists taking over philanthropists making vaccines for bacteria, drugs, GMO's, smart cities... all of that is viral?

Can you say for a certainty that viruses do not exist... globalists are not just taking advantage of them as a means to control people?

I'm not talking about someone telling you what they believe what makes sense throwing out the science that exists for their own personal theoriesaying PCR sucks therefore viruses don't exist they don't like viruses grown in cell culture therefore viruses don't exist

I'm asking you if you click your heels 3 times in the entire world said viruses don't exist would world peace ensue with the globalists give up their plans or would they just double down on other things to gain control?

I think you're altruistic naive uninformed idealistic Theories are based on people's opinions which have the same amount of proof as sand castles

And to top it off they don't take into account real people who are suffering and real science that backs it up

I've communicated with people who don't believe in viruses adnauseum. They only acknowledge what backs up their theory and while I understand the desire to do that it's not honest nor is it respecting vulnerable children who need representation

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You are trying to reverse the burden of proof. The proper question, as the burden is on whoever is claiming the existence of an entity, is: Can you show that viruses exist?

Related: Can you demonstrate contagion? Given that even Spanish “flu” was shown by Rosenau over 100 years ago NOT to be contagious and that contagion has repeatedly been tested and failed to materialize in controlled experiments, anecdotes about daycare and sniffles do not meet the burden of proof.

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Agree… the brainwashing is so severe that we need people to prove something isn’t causing a set of symptoms. I can understand this as the lack of proof of viruses (as attacking nasties) has been avoided for generations. As quantum physics develops we can maybe glimpse at the contagion phenomenon in a new light. Once we accept that we don’t end at our outer skin, we can be ready to accept other possibilities to explain how we infect others.

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Quantum physics is pseudoscience as it is not based on the scientific method.

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To understand the the mindset of the 'no virus' / 'no contagion' camp it's useful to look at how they behaved.

1. They paid not attention to lockdowns and spent the whole time having affairs, secret parties, hookups, business meetings and holidays.

2. They paid not attention to mask mandates, putting them on casually only when public pressure demanded it.

3. They never took the vaccines, and made up a variety of silly excuses for not doing so, or pretended to take them to avoid public persecution for being 'anti vaxxers'.

All of the above describes the behaviour of the ruling elite and expert class over the last 4 years.

We can debate the ins and outs of virology until the cows come home, but the average TV watcher only cares about what the hierarchy (the tribe) is doing, so they can copy them. It might be true that they do not care about the 'virus' issue, but they sure as hell will care when they find out the politicians, experts and billionaire philanthropists who told them to fear 'the virus' and get vaccinated are firmly in the 'no virus' / 'no contagion' / 'anti vax' camp.

What motivated most people in 2020 was the urge to conform. We are social (tribal) creatures. When the mask wearers and fully vaxxed realise they are actually society's mavericks (and dirty drug abusers), and that the anti vax / no virus crowd they were told to sneer at are the true conformists in society they are going to lose their minds.

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If you would please consider children who have autism are especially susceptible to infections. I volunteered at my son's school. Teachers were always distressed over parents sending their children to school sick with a fever, runny nose, sneezing and coughing. When one child came to school sick, most of the children in class would become sick.

I volunteered for multiple years at different schools and this was the case in all instances - parents didn't seem concerned that their child was sent to school sick or that they would infect others. Down syndrome and autistic children are known to have immunodeficiency.

My son had his thymus immune organ removed during heart surgery. This is called thymectomy and is common practice during heart surgery.

50 years of research has been done on the children who have been surgically mutilated in this way showing the negative effects of thymectomy. My substack is devoted to my son and raising awareness for the hundreds of thousands of children who have been surgically mutilated without parental knowledge or consent.

I ask that people respect the suffering these children go through along with special needs kids.

I have discovered people who do not believe in viruses are extremely disrespectful and cruel towards anyone who is susceptible to viruses. The only way their theory can exist is by denying the existence of solid science.

I have gone around and around with these people and they don't want to answer questions nor do they want to take any responsibility for trying to determine what is making people sick in a way that appears to be contagious and has an incubation. They deny the appearance of contagion, even saying viruses don't act like they spread.

Anyone who works in a day care or a special needs classroom understands that when one child comes in sick, most of the children catch it within a few days to 1 week.

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I think that this is a fair point Heidi. Like Unbekoming, I too am operating in a gray space as it relates to viruses, and germ theory in general. Working in an integrative pediatric clinic, I routinely observe contradictions on both sides, and frankly don't know what to make of it exactly. I remain a student and open to all possibilities.

That being said, I observe illness as from perspective of accumulation and immune status. Accumulation being exposure periods (duration, volume, etc.). Immune status is self explanatory.

From my observations, daycare centers appear to offer the most abundant source for accumulation of toxins, virus, or whatever you want to call it. As it relates to immune status; genetics, vaccinations, c-sections, formula feeding, nutrition/diet, and of course medical procedures such as thymectomy play a critical role. It's uncommon for me to see a sick vaginally born, unvaccinated, breast-fed kiddo not in daycare.

Granted, observations are very low on the hierarchy of evidence but given where we are, and have been, with the interest driven capture of science, it's provided me a more valuable resource.

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I fully back this. My mom delivered my sister and me vaginally, breast fed us until over 1 year of age and we both never got sick despite having some vaccinations.

My concern is those who are vulnerable, a category of people who deserve respect obviously not everybody especially not the most healthy are going to be susceptible to severe illness but that doesn't mean it's impossible to become ill just because some people don't get sick doesn't mean viruses don't exist and if we operate on that principle we're dismissing all the people in the world who are getting sick for a reason is this ethical?

Viruses are not toxins. People don't build immunity to toxins as long as viruses exist there will be children who are immunodeficient unable to build immunity or fight infections and those Children need a voice not to be treated as if their issues are a toxin because "if they were breastfed and unvaccinated' they would not be susceptible

I dont think thats compassionate or fair

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Stephanie Seneff has some interesting research on the role of virus, particularly flu, and its role carrying sulfur from tissue into the blood stream. When in it's active form, sulfate (SO4), sulfur is responsible for many processes in the human body. Eliminating toxin or waste included. Is it far fetched to consider that perhaps our body creates inflammation or oxidation to provide available oxygen species for sulfur? With that said, I would agree with you on virus not being toxins...

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Sorry if I'm being abrupt and overly passionate my speech it's 6 AM I haven't slept all night and I'm tired of people who don't believe in viruses infiltrating every single substack because people aren't knowledgeable enough to go against them. Their tactics for manipulating people are legendary if they can't get a person to agree with them based on knowledge and truth they will try to get them to agree based on the fact that it's in everybody's best interest if nobody believed in viruses but they're dismissing truth and people who are suffering. When they get on a page with autistic children trying to say their illnesses do not exist I have to put my foot down.

A renowned immunologist fighting for autistic children diagnosed him chronically ill testing positive with low t-cells because cytomegalovirus kills Tcells continuing to make him more immunodeficient


Rockefellers did not make up the existence of buttholes to sell toilet paper... if it weren't for butt holes toilet paper wouldn't exist. That is NOT acceptable reasoning to me and neither are their arguments regarding viral isolation and study

Everything in science has contradictory articles and studies not everything is 100% not every single person who is infected with a virus will get sick some people have excellent immune systems there will be extenuating circumstances but just because very strong people exist doesn't mean viruses do not exist

They are making assumptions based on half-truths and exaggerations throwing out good science and dismissing people who are vulnerable

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I love Stephanie Seneff and agree with much of what she says.

My research and understanding of the thymus role in health and disease affords me a different view of our immune system and how it works to fight pathogens prevent autommunity and keep us healthy

I spent over a decade addressing my son's terrain getting getting him every single detox possible lots of antioxidants glutathione, juicing veggies, never taking in sugar, only organic, IV therapies, hyperbaric oxygen cranial sacred you name it, we tried it yet still he ended up in the hospital with chronic pneumonia despite everything I did until I finally address his immune system which helps to fight viruses

My son had chronic CMV because of severe immunodeficiency.

Therapies for toxin removal will not rebuild the immune system. They won't give a child back their thymus, enable them to mature t-cells to fight infections

When I found out my son's Thymus was taken from him after I ordered his medical records no doctor would help him doctors refused to give him referrals I had to pay cash to take him to a special immunologist at UC Irvine who published medical articles healing children with autism with IVIG. His name was Dr.Gupta. his articles are renouned.

He was the first doctor to acknowledge my son has severe imunodeficiency following thymectomy and his chronic viral infections would be the death of him if he didn't receive Immune therapy

Unfortunately our insurance would not cover I had to do my best to help him on my own and it was a huge struggle the idea that people exist out there who would completely dismiss what my son went through because they feel it's more convenient for their theory to be bolstered they think somehow it's going to save the world I think it's delusional

I think their theories are based on misguided untrue information they only see part of the picture because they refuse to acknowledge a vast amount of medical research on viruses they don't like the way viruses are isolated cultured they don't take into account they can be strained they say it's all fake. When I tell them I would be willing to accept their beliefs if they would examine exactly what happens to people when they are sick with a virus testing positive they say they don't have to do that they don't have to prove anything to me well I'm here to say that if you want to prove something to people who are suffering from a disease we need more than someone to say it's in everybody's best interest if we pretend viruses don't exist

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What about the vaccines that most all of these kids recieve ? Emf? Environmental? Water? Prepared school lunches? Way too many factors. The human body detoxes at various stages and for many at the same time.

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You should ask yourself the following questions:

- how something can be proven in our perceived reality?

- can a direct real time observation of all vital occurring processes prove what occurs?

- can an experimentation on something which is in a form of independent variable prove what that variable leads to?

- has anything been directly observed in real time that behaves like a theoretical biological virus?

- has any alleged virus been identified to be a candidate for isolation and experimentation?

- has any virus been isolated for experimentation?

- has any virus been experimented on?

You can use the same questions in regards to alleged nucleotides and immune system.

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lol what?

Are you emotionally triggered?

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Not at all. I'm Gen X, you?

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It does not matter who I am as it is not an argument here.

The thing is that your "lol" does not debunk my initial comment.

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You thought it was? That is even funnier.

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First, I really appreciate this substack!

Cowan, the Baileys, Kauffman (and others) have been championing this "no-virus" information for years now. My journey to realization happened much like yours, but I am a bit further down the road than you are.

My virus awakening:

Whut???? Surely the experts know what they are talking about.

That's weird.

Never isolated? Prove it.

Proved, but we must still misunderstand what they mean.

No, I understand and somebody is BAD WRONG. But which 'side'.

These bastards have lied to us.

Hang 'em high!


That's about where I reside right now. The next step for me is offering to pull the levers that hang them when they are prosecuted.

Now, the covid stellar bettor Steve Kirsch had his admin ban me (twice). First time was temporary because I kept asking Steve (on his substack and emails) to sit down on video (or in person, even better) with his choice of debate mates (I suggested Malone, McCullough, or Kory) opposed to Bailey, Cowan and Kauffman (or whatever team they decide to assemble) to hash out the glaringly obvious real questions these anti-virus people are articulating (good enough to educate this dumb ole redneck).

They grew tired of my insistence and banned me for a month. No, I was not being ugly. Just insistent.

The second time Kirsch's admin banned me (a month or 2 later, and permanent) was when I asked Steve (on substack and emails) why he would not bet Ron Unz after Unz took him to task over death numbers on the phone (multiple calls/discussions) where Unz claims Kirsch agreed with him, yet every post at his substack was ignoring Unz's claims.

I pointed them out and asked why the king of bettors was not betting Unz.


I am to the point that I see this entire thing as a scam (virology) and we have several gate keepers that are ostensibly COVID hunters, yet they refuse to acknowledge (or even debate) what many see as obvious.

There. I said it.

So, if viruses are not real, then we have what is an obvious genocide with the covid attack.

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Like Kary Mullis. He once requested to see the original AIDS proof onto which everything else was built, and there was none.

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And then the healthy surfer dude Kary dies just three months before COVID game day. (Tin foil pulled firmly down over my ears)

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There is also a chapter in his autobiography where it is titled something like "Have slides, will keep my mouth shut" or so.

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Thanks, great comment. Shame that Kirsch and others are taking such a position against people of Cowan's standing especially.

Yes, you are further down the road that me.

I still need to wrap my head around infection and contagion and the relationship between disease and electricity.

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Thanks. I am clear that there are issues with Steve Kirsch. I no longer follow as I was being asked to confirm email before making comments, a change from the earlier situation. i challenged him on viruses and I imagine this is why this has happened.

As regards viruses I do not say there is nothing to look at, but that what is shown is part of the body's defense system, cell debris if preferred, bagged up for disposal.


As you say "These bastards have lied to us." and have persuaded many to accept poison vaccines and drugs as being a Good Thing.

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Following your blog.

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Thank you.

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No one has proven existence of alleged exosomes.

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Well, if they exist or don't exist then we have nothing to worry about anyway. If viruses exist as agents of disease we might, and which is what big pharma etc. want us to think.

But it seems logical that like the factories we can see and inspect, cells work in similar fashion. They generate and need to dispose of waste otherwise it clogs up the works. One gets faulty products, accidents etc. Waste is technically hazardous to varying degrees but not harmful in and of itself if properly packed and disposed of.

So it is reasonable that exosomes as waste going for disposal is realistic.

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We do not have a clue how our bodily tissue works on micro levels.

And no one has proven existence of exosomes.

If you claim otherwise, then the burden of proof is on you.

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I have explained the logic. Macro and micro levels show similar patterns. That's how the universe works. The main thing we agree on is that any particles that may exist called viruses do not cause disease, therefore we need not fear them.

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No, you did not as there is no logic behind your claims.

Also you do not see patterns on micro levels as there is no tools and methods to check it.

You have no clue how universe works as you only perceive reality within limits of perception.

I do not agree with you as no particle has been identified or observed. Thus no particle is called a virus. There is only a no scientific theory about existence of viral particles.

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The entire virus thing/discussion gives me a headache...I am not smart enough to puzzle it out myself. I know people get sick...and I wonder if we know what we think we know. They have just come across something in our junk DNA...Line 1 somethings or other...My thoughts are we don't know anything about how our bodies really work, or our immune system, so that is where I have to leave it...we just don't know.

And if viruses don't exist, what has Baric been doing and patenting?

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I think that's true. There is a complexity to "life" that we are still staggeringly ignorant of.

I guess that is another one of my reasons of being suspicious of virology...they are so damn certain about everything. That's usually a tell.

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Shermer had a think piece about how conspiracies are like a dude saying he has an alien spacecraft in his garage. You go in to see it and he shows you an empty garage and says..yeahs its got an invisiblity cloak. I stopped reading there because I got bored and got the idea...if the claim in unfalsifiable then i you can claim anything. Meanwhile in virology you have a particle too small to be seen with light that causes disease except when it doesn't but when it doesn't thats because asymptomatic but we still know it causes it. Causation comes real easy when saying its a virus. Now try to say the same about a medical treatment and autism and watch how tricky proving causation gets. There is more proof aluminum causes alziemers and autism than there is Sars causes Covid from what I can gather from the marquee studies in question. Love to have someone who is a better writer than me lay it out side by side this double standard when it comes to causation.

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"junk DNA" you say?

I'm reminded often that God doesn't make junk.

I'm also reminded that the universe wastes nothing.

If these two statements are true then more like is the case that we simply don't know what the function of the DNA is that we are being told is "junk DNA".

I'm also reminded of my highschool science classes on this subject wherein I was taught viruses were very small things on the edge of life. Primarily dormant. Unable to reproduce on their own. Lacking DNA. Yet when introduced into a host produced illness. So clearly something afoot.

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No one has proven existence of nucleotides.

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Agree. I think what we THINK we know about the human body vs the way it ACTUALLY works are as far apart as 2023 and 1523.

Tom Cowan talks about structured water, about the blood moving throughout the body - not because it's being pumped, but from a very different mechanism (which I can't recall now, but I think it had to do with charge and repelling - not flow).

And Brendan D. Murphy elaborates on our biofield (aka: the New Ager's "aura") as being photons and electricity, and "contagion" being nothing more than exchange of information between biofields which become entrained with those within our social and family groups.


Medicine (for all its hubris, bragging and arrogance) actually moves at a snail's pace. We're only just now coming out of the 70 year funk caused by Ancel Keys and his cherry-picked "7 Countries Study" that convinced every doctor that meat causes heart attacks (when meat consumption has been the one constant of human evolution all over the world for millions of years. We didn't all have access to blueberries or spinach. What we all had access to was animal proteins).

I suspect we are a very long way from understanding how this extremely complex creation really works.

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Funny, you should mentionAncel Keys. My first published paper was about Angel Keys, and we used the hypothesis that massive anti- bacterial rinsing of the teeth and gums prevent periodontal disease. I guess I didn’t realize that he was on the take to big Pharma everywhere.

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Would "zeta potential" have something to do with it?

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Pathogens come in all sorts of reality. We hardly know all of them because of the complexity of life. We breath in, ingest, walk through toxins everyday, many created by human activity. Trillions of bacteria and pathogens wash over us just by living our day. 6 pounds of bacteria inhabit just our guts. Human hubris knows nothing.

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"I know people get sick"

No they don't.

I mean, half the time they don't. Like, when half a family, or half an office DOESN'T 'catch' a cold that's 'going around'. Funny how we don't use that as evidence AGAINST viruses.

Also every experiment for the last 100 years designed to demonstrate contagion has failed to make anyone sick by exposing them to sick people (and their snot, lung fluid etc). Contagion is a property of viruses. No contagion = no virus.

The model of contagion used to dictate government policy in 2020 was based on a 2017 experiment conducted by the BBC, Cambridge University and the LSHTM. They infected 30,000 people with a virus and then observed them all getting sick and spreading the virus around the country.

Actually they didn't do that.

What they actually did was get 30,000 people to download an app onto their smartphones which allowed them to be tracked. This tracking data was then used to create "a new gold standard in pandemic modelling".

So the 2020 pandemic was actually based on smartphones and not people (biology).

The entire field of virology is now moving away from biology and into the digital realm. Moderna are proud to say they are all about 'digitising biology'.

Over the last century virology completely failed in the biological realm. In the digital realm anything is possible. Most people today cannot distinguish between CGI and reality... and they treat their smartphone as an extension of their senses.

So in that sense 'viruses' are real. The only place they are not real is the old fashioned analog realm of physical reality.

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Just like viruses, nucleotides are not proven to exist too.

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You are 200% right about Tom Cowan. I’ve been reading, re-reading, watching and re-watching his work quite a lot. There are two layers. One is what he says, and that is pretty “normal”, although it is still far and away and behind the horizon of a typical “scientist”. Still, if you read a few informative Substacks, you will find echoes in a number of places.

The second layer of Cowan’s work is far more important. It’s the way of thinking. It’s about HOW he extracts small bits of information from a flood of scientific gibberish and decodes what is there, or, usually, what is missing there. His way is absolutely unique. It shouldn’t be. There is nothing special in going from A to B to C. Except that Cowan does it, and the rest of the “science” world don’t.

I have started examining his approach in more detail with the example of two presentations he gave. Thank you for this article, and the reminder that I should finish my writing about a man whom I consider the single most important voice in today’s medicine. (https://www.bitchute.com/channel/CivTSuEjw6Qp/)

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Thank you. I need to read far more of Cowan.

On this subject but also on his take on structured water and cancer.

There's something special about the way he thinks.

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I'll finished the text in 2-3 days. It's not about Tom (I don't know him in person, so I am in no position to "assess" him), but about the way he analyzes and processes information. A bit like my take on Harari https://thepathishere.substack.com/p/meet-yuval-noah-harari

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Structured water in our body is the most interesting and mysterious part of this IMO.

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Agree. I don't think if we should call it water, though. Elixir of life? :-)

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It gave me shivers reading about it. I see God so clearly in the complexity of life—and this elixir seems very true to me. Cheers, Dan

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We are all here for only a few seconds. It seems to us like 50 or 70 or 90 years, but it’s just a blink of the eye. Forget all ethics, morality, religion or psychology - being yourself, not a product of the local and temporary community.

If it is so short, why not be a decent person - for these two or three seconds that we have left before going to the next learning ground that we call “life”.

The above is obvious for the elderly. It used to be obvious for everybody, just a few generations back. Humbleness was the key value then.

Why the scientists and the media people - the most privileged and recognized, the elite of the humanity - why they don’t see this?

This is the choice they made. We are still free to choose.

Janet, thank you for this inspiring exchange. Have always tomorrow better and brighter than today.

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Water is God's energy and it is in the words of the chemistry. I have yet to do a post on the matter explaining in full.

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Page not found on bitchute link

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You need to turn off either of these addons: 1) Self-Censorship, 2) Clean-Truth, 3) Common-Mind, 4) One-Science.

The link is ok, if it doesn’t work, be grateful to your net provider. Or hardware/software incompatibilities.

Or you can start with the latest: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZciVTlWkGaol/ and then click on “Dr.TomCowan”.

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Yeah it must have been my browser (using Brave).

I followed that last link and worked, thanks

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I get this occasionally, too.

Have a great New Year.


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Interesting... Your link seems to be broken🤔

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Link is ok, tested. Maybe you could start from here https://www.bitchute.com/video/tpd6L34ssJ2O/

and then click on the whole archive (the original link).

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Got it. Thanks

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I’m persuaded that something is very wrong with claims about viruses.

BUT the theory that there is no particle of contagion cannot account for my reality.

1. I go to adult choir camp. 60 people in an enclosed room for five days. Day 2, three go home with covid. Day 4 I get a hoarse throat. Day 5 I realize i am getting sick, throat pain and congestion. Positive covid test that night. (Camp later informs that 60% got Covid--since I didn’t report mine, true number is higher). I’m woozy and sick for several days, low fever and positive test persist for 10 days. **Temp returns to normal and quick test negative within hours.** To call all of this a coincidence beggars belief.

2. In 2006, my 3 yo kid is not vax for chicken pox. My friends kid also unvax gets it--blisters and fever. I take my kid over to share a lollipop and hopefully get it. She does, blisters and fever. This is not “deficiency” or imagined contagion, this is clear direct vector of transmission.

In sum, there is clearly a something that transmitted disease from a sick person to a well person in each of these experiences.

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That's pretty much the stage I'm at.

"This is not “deficiency” or imagined contagion, this is clear direct vector of transmission."

My gut feel says that the environment (including other people) communicates with our internal system.

I am open to the idea that disease is the body attempting to detox.

If that is true, then can a signal or trigger come from the outside?

Also, where does electricity sit in this whole picture.

Oxidative stress is wholly an electron story.

Where and how do virology and electricity find their peace with each other?

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Dr. Stillwagon is a guy that seems to be offering a position that matches this where the virus isn't as much of germ as it is an information exchange. Which I haven't heard him fully flesh it out but the idea of all animals that count on respiration perhaps having a biological way to communicate problematic particles/toxins to deal with makes sense and is interesting. To think of immunity, or adapting to toxins, beyond the individual level but a community phenomena is intriguing and feels true to me on a gut level. In this case these particles could very will be part of our immunity, or ability to adapt to knew toxins...which means lumping them in with aluminum to teach the body to look out for them may just be about the worst thing you could do. In the case of HPV in particular it could mean in an oddly spiritually corrupt way, the paternalistic nature of medicine is teaching women's bodies to fight themselves. This is yet another potential story of our life times that you aren't allowed to talk about. But maybe a bit of typing about it back and forth on Substack for awhile longer.

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Your second point carries far more weight in my opinion as this has been recognized for a long time. But the nefariousness of what has become our medical industry insists on chicken pox vaccine for what is a harmless issue for any healthy child who then has life long immunity. Typically chicken pox is only a problem due to malnutrition, specifically Vit. A deficiency. SOMETHING is being transmitted between these kids-- is it a virus is the simple question.

As for point 1, were any or some or all adults and/or kids wearing masks during this camp? Very easy and efficient way to create bacterial-related illnesses, maybe even fungal. That's one thing that could complicate the issue, but as for the test and 60% 'got covid' claim what does that mean? Sounds like 60% tested positive which is known to mean nothing in itself. How many people actually got ill like yourself, or even carried a more minor illness in which there were some visible symptoms but perhaps very mild. What was it, like 90 or 95% of "cases" (aka positive PCR) were asymptomatic which means they weren't even sick. The genetic markers on the test are most likely markers that all of us have present in our bodies at times, and it's quite possible these markers appear in greater amount when our bodies begin going through something in which an immune response (even a stress response) occurs and there is detection--- even if someone has little to no symptoms. So these could be proteins produced via an immune system reaction itself. Just a hypothesis, but positive PCR is totally unreliable and not meant as a diagnostic anyway.

Last thing that would seem relevant to me is what happened in previous years if this wasn't the first time you've gone to this camp where you're all gathered together for a 5 full days. I would guess some people might have caught colds, actually became sick after, etc... simply for the sudden shift in environment and being around so many people so intensely in a short period. Again, 'got covid' vs. were actually sick like yourself is the big distinction here. When was this camp you refer to? 2021? 2022? I wouldn't underestimate the subconscious fear factor, especially in adults, of being worried about 'catching covid' if it were in 2020 or 2021 and how this can affect health. And what about vaccine status of adults and kids if it was after they came out, if you would have any idea? Shedding/transmitting was definitely real so could this be a cause? I just see many ways point 1 can be problematized whereas your second point needs to be well-addressed by scientists suggesting there may not be such things as viral pathogens that effect our health negatively.

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Since, as you point out, the recipient of the lollipop was conferred with lifelong immunity to an illness that might be serious later in life, we might call this infectious entity "love".

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Agreed. Cowan is just contrarian for the sake of it. There is way too much real world experience in everyday life for sensible people to believe what he says. It's those who choose contrarianism as a lifestyle choice who fall for his glib arguments.

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Cowan just presents logical arguments. So far no one has been able to debunk them.

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You just jump to conclusions without having logical evidence for them.

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"My answer is Yes." as Unbekoming said himself.

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The history of each and every so-called dIsease is defined by manipulation, dishonest scientific inquiry, medical fraud and socio-political opportunism and profiteering. Most of this was and is done for the express purpose of racketeering and to cover up the social conditions created by the same social class that has enslaved the people and destroyed their worlds creating the conditions that cause what is fraudulently named-“disease.”

This is happening at breakneck speed right now which is why it is imperative that those who perpetuate the lies that there was some pandemic caused by unique pathogen must be called to the carpet at every turn.

This includes virtually ALL of the suppose “leaders” of the “health freedom movement.” It is no accident that those who sit atop that “movement” have been allowed to be in that position OR have been PLACED into that position to steer the conversations away from the truth of what happened and TOWARDS the lies like “lab leak”/GoF/“early treatment” that SUPPORT the medical establishment and Bio-Security State.

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Thanks Allen, I'll email you.

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Bingo!!! I finished reading.. Murder by injection. It's about all kinds of medical fraud. With all the proof I need.

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I have that book and read it. It’s fascinating and now that I know we are lied to about everything, I’m heading to the same conclusion as Cowan and others. I’m kind of over the shock realizing how much deception is around us and always has been. I pray for discernment.

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My cousin (ex Harvard) has a lab freezer full of viruses. Let me know which one you would like to be infected with. Syphilis? HIV? Hepatitis? For the sake of science, I am sure you will volunteer to debunk this virus nonsense. Okay?

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No he doesn't. He has a lab full of who knows what labeled syphilis, HIV, etc. Viruses don't exist. They have never ever been proven to exist. They CREATE the appearance of viruses in their experiments. They starve and poison the tissues, the tissues break down, they then point at the little bits of dead cell debris and proclaim "that's a ____virus, and it' is what caused the cell to break down, eureka!" It's absolute horseshit form a legitimate scientific perspective.

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And add chemicals and animal serums!

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HIV (whatever that may be since it can hardly be found in so-called AIDS patients) has already been done... a big fat nothing happened. And yeah, he doesn't (if he exists) have a

freezer full of viruses, though he may have viral cultures with all sorts of other stuff in the fluid. I think all of us here vote for you to test them out to validate your claims.

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There was no proven HIV in any experiment.

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You might want to read and comprehend what I was responding to and the entire context. My comment that HIV "has already been done" refers to the comment from the liar above talking about injecting one of the "freezer full of viruses" directly into somebody. Already done with so-called HIV long ago.

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There was some guy who made a TV show allegedly injecting himself with HIV.

The thing is that there was no proof that there was any alleged HIV in a syringe.

That is why I said that there was no HIV experiment in response to "HIV (whatever that may be since it can hardly be found in so-called AIDS patients) has already been done... a big fat nothing happened. "

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I'm willing to try them all, if your Harvard educated cousin will purify those viruses, so I will get ONLY viruses, and no other toxic drugs and shit that comes in that brew.

Give me the 'viruses' only.

I already know what your cousin will say, it is not possible to purify the viruses, or they don't survive outside the toxic brew of chemicals he calls an 'isolate'.

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I will volunteer is he will prove that he has any alleged biological virus.

Contaminating bodily tissue by injection of some matter and getting effects of damage and inflammation is not a proof of them.

And yes, for the sake of real science based on the scientific method.

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Dec 17, 2023
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It is not hard to create them from scratch though. Labs do it all the time. That is precisely JJ Couey's theory.

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viruses don't exist, so they can't possibly create them. JJ Couey is very misguided on all this and refuses to step back and look at the methodology of virology which is an absolute joke. Utter unscientific nonsense. Just because they are doing fancy things with their experiments and next gen sequencing and labeling things they see in a microscope a virus doesn't mean it's true. Show me the proof they created a virus, show me proof it acts like a virus, show me proof it causes disease, show me proof it is contagious....

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They are creating real things in these labs and they can see them infect tissues and replicate. That is all very measurable.

Basic observation of Chicken Pox combined with chicken pox vaccination also provides plenty of evidence to fit the idea of infectious respiratory virus'. I would love to understand how you explain the observed behaviour of chicken pox symptoms and chicken pox vaccines outside the model of infectious virus'.

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There is not even one scientific paper which proves infection.

No one has proven that chicken pox symptoms are caused by a virus.

No one has made an experiment where they injected someone with something, then waited until there is alleged immunization effect, then exposing them to alleged viruses.

The bottom line is no one has proven any bio virus.

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Dec 18, 2023
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The sequence of a virus defines the blueprints of a virus. If they have the blueprint then they can create the virus.

"You realize that viruses are not alive, right?"

Precisely why they can be created in a lab. Right?

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Existence of nucleotides is not even proven. So Couey's claims do not hold water.

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Dec 18, 2023
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It’s the middle of the night here. I might comment more later. Glad to see Lanka mentioned. To a virologist, everything is a virus. Are we looking at pathogens or at a protective response to illness? Who knows.

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Do we just have to be comfortable with not knowing, it seems to me doctors and scientists suffer from hubris (describes a personality quality of extreme or excessive pride or dangerous overconfidence and complacency, often in combination with arrogance). The way the world actually is, is an enormously complex interrelated organism. The same problem arises in medicine, because the body is a very complexly interrelated organism, we just don't know but nobodies wants to admit that.

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On this particular subject, I don't think we can afford the luxury of not knowing.

The global political system has been rewired around the ideas of virology. If they are true, fine. If they are not, we need to figure out a way out of the spell and the political grip over us that these ideas have allowed them.

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I agree virology and germ theory are unscientific, I was more referring to the fact that the people who promote virology/germ theory believe they can take a few cells out of the human body and do things to the cells and that proves something, without even considering how they work and interact as a whole in a system. The not knowing was also referring to when someone questions germ theory people will reply well what is it then, we can reply at this stage we can't be 100% sure, but germ theory has been disproved.

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Dec 19, 2023Edited
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It might be the ultimate tell.

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Humans know very little about what’s really going on around and in us. To think we do is laughable and dangerous.

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Thanks for the good read. I'm also a fan of Tom Cowan, not least for the fact that he makes me guffaw out loud quite often. These days, if I become interested in a virus claim, e.g. African horse sickness (here in the antipodes we have a shortage not only of electricity, but also of AHS vaccine), I dig around on the web until I find the 'isolation' information. For AHS, 'intracranial innoculation of suckling mice'. Pardon? Yup, I repeat, 'intracranial innoculation of suckling mice', and incidentally, the same method is used to isolate Rabbit Haemorrhagic Fever (also hopping around here at the moment according to the globalist environmental money-making scams, and Crimea Congo Haemorrhagic Fever 'viruses' ... It gives me great pleasure to yell, to noone in particular, 'Pull the other leg! That one's getting tired.'

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You learn something new every day :)

Thanks for an interesting comment!

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On mouse brains, etc ...

People still worried about whether make-up or deodorant is tested on animals but completely blind to what's behind the scenes of pharmaceuticals.

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Torture and cruelty to animals. Really, the whole lot of them (the people who subject animals to this cruelty) should be strung up. Totally worthless nonsense science, but a damn good industry presumably, providing animals for these beastly experiments.

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I must rebut your statement here: "It was not the flu, and it was not a cold. People got sick, and it was something else. Personally, I had covid for about 3 days and then was left with a 6-week cough that seemed like it would never go away. It wasn’t my imagination. Obviously, there were millions around the world who came down with something."

For years and years, people including myself have suffered a 'bad flu' (with loss of taste and smell) followed by protracted symptoms including the one you mention here. Not only that, but in the Fall of 2018 I had the worst case of flu ever in my life (having had many) which lasted weeks, and left me with ME/cfs. The latter of which, by the way, I miraculously recovered from, a year later, upon being told about Vitamin D.

So I very much refute that this illness was "novel". It was the flu. Which in less healthy or very elderly souls, easily morphs to pneumonia. Besides which, most data from everywhere showed a curious lack of good old fashioned flu, in favour of the latest craze of "Covid."

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It might well turn out to have been the flu (but I suspect not)

This is a worthwhile read and includes good commentary on the flu question


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Could there have been flu around at the same time as the illness known as "COVID" sure. But prior weren't testing for flu like they were testing for the illness known as "COVID" and then there's this curious thing called viral interference. That said there I would refer the lady to the Japanese study (https://thehighwire.com/editorial/japanese-scientists-find-indisputable-evidence-that-all-covid-variants-are-man-made/)

confirming all, that's "ALL" of the variants including the one claimed to be "WILD TYPE" were man made. And there's one other curious trait of this "respiratory bug", it attacked the circulatory system, specifically the lungs producing micro clots the mimicked a pneumonia.

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No one has created any alleged biological virus.

Also they can't even make any bacteria pathogenic.

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Thanks, Steve. I'll watch/read this along with Unbekoming's link above. But will say now that then again, Sasha Latypova maintains it's not possible to create such thing in a lab; and that "viruses" (if they do exist) are either highly transmissable, or lethal but not both together. If I've got all that right, from her many articles.

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Yes you have that right. I made that same point in a previous post. I believe it's a law of nature.

Your familiar with the law of motion, objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest untill acted upon by an external force.

Similarly living things tend toward living and to do so they must propagate. All living things require other living things in order to live. In the case of viruses which are solely dependent upon a host for propagation, Killing the host works against that singleness of purpose.

Another practical example would the addict and the drug dealer. The drug dealer wants repeat customers. It does the drug dealer no good if his product kills the customer. It's not that the dealer gives a shit about the customer. Rather the dealer only gives a shit about enriching himself and that's not going to happen if he kills the customer aka the host.


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PCR testing created the jab market; hospital murder protocols took care of the herd culling project. So, "two things at once" ha ha.

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No, there is no case of viruses.

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Dec 19, 2023
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There are folks on either side of that coin. I recall being taught viruses were on the edge of life. Life I was taught is defined by the ability to replicate/reproduce. Viruses can't do that on there own but do replicate and mutate within a host.

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Thank-you. I'll set aside time this evening to read this.

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Thank you for this. I just skimmed it, and have downloaded it to read more carefully later.

I also suspect everything we've been told about viruses/contagions. Hopefully these materials will hint as to: "What in the Hell are they patenting?!"

I know someone who didn't "get covid." In late 2021, he and bunch of others (most un-jabbed btw) went to a casino in youngstown. Nearly all came down with "severe covid."

Interesting tidbit: The person and most of the people him have well water at home. When they went to youngstown, they drank quantities water away from home for the first time in 2 years. Probably a coincidence, but still.

I think Dr. Ardis and others are right. It's not about contagions - that a ruse for global control. We're being systematically poisoned and exterminated. (And that's my more optimistic take on it...)

You you convince people that other humans are little more than disease vectors ... divide&conquer becomes much easier.

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Indeed, there's something about virology that lends itself beautifully to totalitarians. I'm trying to now figure out whether that is just a coincidence or by design.

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Countries themselves are mental constructs created by a group of usurpers-parasites.

They just control slaves in them by using various schemes. Thus all of them are more or less totalitarian for slaves.

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Dang it! I just recommended you to someone as a good source of comprehensive articles about all the rabbit holes we’ve discovered and now you’ve blown it. I’m a retired doctor and have spent a lot of the last three years learning immunology/virology/molecular biology etc to try and understand what’s been going on. I was fascinated by the no virus crowd when I first heard it, and as with most new ideas that contradict everything I’ve ever thought before I listened to all their videos and podcasts for about a year thinking maybe the reason I didn’t ‘get’ what they were saying is because I wasn’t listening carefully enough. After about a year of listening to both sides and seeing the body/verbal language and behaviour of the no virus crowd I concluded that viruses do exist ( though maybe what we’re told about them can be open to interpretation). I watched hours of DrBeen videos on YouTube ( medical lectures basically) where he discussed the latest papers and mechanisms discovered about not only covid/sarscov2 but other viruses such as EBV. Watch those and tell me what exactly are they studying then to get all those complicated diagnostic tests to make sense of just when you were infected and whether it’s reactivated. I watched loads of people explaining why viruses exist but I can’t remember them now to refer you to them. I subscribe to a zillion substacks and plenty have addressed this exact problem but I didn’t catalogue them thinking I’d need to use them as evidence in the future. I’m guessing now but probably James Lyons Weiler and Jessica Rose have written about it. I do remember Kevin McCairn trying to explain to someone called Tim Truth about viruses.

To my mind the argument goes like this between the two sides -

‘That car is blue’ - ‘No, that bike is red’

The mental gymnastics and denial of demonstrable science of the no virus crowd seems exactly like the people claiming that a woman can be a man or vice versa.

Once you start spouting that they don’t exist you lose all credibility for the rest of us and damn it this fight is hard enough without people on ‘our’ side self sabotaging. It’s like fighting a war on two fronts.

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I appreciate the comment though. I'm much earlier in the journey than you are and might end up at the same place.

In the stack, I don't say that they don't exist, just that I'm open to understanding virology differently from the official story and Cowan, as a good faith actor in my opinion (he still might be wrong, makes a series of claims, with evidence, that are there to be falsified.

No one has yet directly contradicted anything specific from his two chapters that were the basis of the piece.

I remain open to any and all falsification.

Also, as I added in my pinned comment; the charlatans that brought us covid and its vaccines also built virology. The odds of it being wholly or primarily truthful and sound are low.

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How do you contend with what is displayed in this very piece, namely that Dr. Cowan very specifically breaks down the "science" behind how they "isolate" a virus in a cell culture filled with all sorts of other genetic material and add anitbiotics and starve cell tissue to get a reaction? Sounds like you've already reached your conclusion and didn't read what is elaborated upon here. I don't know the answer, but I know the medical industry is run by charlatans(the three letter agencies) and criminals (pharma & some bureaucrats) and they will never have a real debate upon any scientific matter because, you know, "consensus" among everyone who is in on the game and the vast majority who either ignorantly go along without questioning or who won't say a word because they need their jobs.

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As you concluded that biological viruses exist, could you provide scientific or logically observational evidence for it?

Again. Only logical evidence, please. No speculations, assumptions, guesses, made up stories, etc.

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I'm definitely on the fence re virus issue... I'm always happy to listen and read both arguments... I find Dr Cowan's work very interesting, and, while not an expert to decipher if he's at the right conclusions or not, the points he makes really do cast doubt onto the virology field...

Apparently (with caveats) Covid was isolated via research here:


The only reason to doubt the above research, which I would have swallowed hook line and sinker a few years ago, is two things:

1.) Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTPCR) was used, which means that the Melbourne researchers "must have had the information from Chinese authorities" on the selections of primers... Really they must have had the primers from the Chinese?? Neat trick to get the right primers to detect "covid" so early... What were these primers?

2.) ... Which really leads on from point 1.).... They detected and determined "covid" in Australia on Jan 24, 2020??!!!! Seriously one sick guy, a sample from him yielded the elusive covid... At Monash University ... Where "Moderna's vaccine production factory will be based at Melbourne's Monash University under a 10-year deal inked with both state and federal governments."... So sus that THIS IS THE PLACE to isolate covid in January 2020 isn't it?

Oh and they took a photo... Of a coronavirus... Hmmmm ... Could be any coronavirus to be honest.

I'm not 100% sure covid was exactly the virus it's made out to be... Number of points made everywhere...

Coronaviruses (yes, if they exist) mutate quickly replicate poorly, and very seldom create anything more than a localised outbreak, to travel the world is virtually impossible... Therefore why did this one?

Infectious clones, is a good theory, would require localised releases in select spots...

A selected aerosolisied poison, or mRNA "vaccine" (like project DEFUSE) or even a nanoparticle irritant... I say this because a lot of initial covid reports were respiratory distress, loss of taste and smell, which are the symptoms of a poison rather than a normal virus.

My covid was almost non existent (to the point I think I was a false positive), while your Covid Unbekoming sounds very much like the childcare colds I caught from my kids in 2016 and 2017, both were hard to shake, so doctor took a swab the second time around (which determined a normal human coronavirus - and not the flu... Although I now doubt most PCR tests for Covid, for many reasons) therefore was a lot of "covid" the normal flus and coronaviruses... Sure some people definitely had something else, more akin to a poison as described before, but the rest seemed to have a cold or flu....

One thing for sure if you had pneumonia or went to hospital, it seems you weren't given normal pneumonia treatment, but rather a protocol likely to kill you, ventilation to destroy your lungs and dangerous remdesivir or Midazolam...

The PCR determination of covid is also super suspicious... Not only is it ramped up to 40 cycles, where you could find "just about anything in anyone" as inventor Kary Mullis said ... The caveats in the diagnostic panel relay that it's very inconclusive exactly what they're looking for...

Important to note re PCR used for Covid CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel Page 38:

"Detection of viral RNA may NOT indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the CAUSATIVE agent for clinical symptoms"

"This test CANNOT rule out diseases caused by OTHER BACTERIAL or VIRAL pathogens.”


Starting at that reference, what vague thing were they testing for ?? Looking for lots of anything it seems?...

Therefore what were they testing for??


☝️This link no longer works, but it said (luckily I copied pasted when I saved the reference):

"During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, CLINICAL SPECIMENS WERE NOT READILY AVAILABLE to developers of IVDs to DETECT SARS-CoV-2.

Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDS based on available data from CONTRIVED samples generated from A RANGE of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these CONTRIVED SPECIMENS provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is NOT FEASIBLE to PRECISELY COMPARE the performance of VARIOUS TESTS that used CONTRIVED specimens because EACH TEST validated performance USING SAMPLES DERIVED from DIFFERENT gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid SOURCES.

From February through the middle of May, the FDA issued a total of 59 EUAS for IVDs for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 based on validation data using contrived specimens derived from SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA."

Also the non universality of different tests, found in paper below is probably even more sus as it makes determining "covid" very individualistic as there is no standardization and high variability in determining "covid"... Let alone using PCR as a diagnostic tool, let alone not distinguishing between live virus versus exposure and non viable sequences.

"Although PCR Ct (cycle threshold) values have been shown to be inversely associated with viral load and infectivity, there is NO international standardization across laboratories, rendering PROBLEMATIC the interpretation of RT-PCR tests when used as a tool for mass screening."



More info that the original CDC test may have been using pre-existing virus sequences, rather than covid specific found in link below (same link as first referenced by providing it again)


Page 40

"Since NO quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with CHARACTERIZED STOCKS of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of KNOWN TITER (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.”

Characterised stock (so pre existing samples in Genebank) of known titers, that mimics a clinical specimen??? A "CONTRIVED" specimen...

Words mean a lot... This sounds incredibly sketchy as to what they were really looking for... Pre existing, known gene sequences from other viruses??

PS the info came fully trusted from China (who are owned by the WEF, but save that rant for another day)

Anyway, long comment I know... At the end of it all still on the fence about "viruses" I'm open to be convinced either way as to existence... But "covid" as a virus... Whether it ever existed, (and if it did, certainly impossible to spread worldwide... Absolutely impossible) ... I don't think the vast majority of cases were covid ... All based on a sus sequence from China... The same sequence basically the vax made everyone produce and shed 🤔

Great article thanks Unbekoming...

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Thanks Steve. That was long and interesting :)

The thing with the covid show is that it has so many moving parts. It was hyper compartmentalized. It's possible that all the pieces of the puzzle will never be put together. People are still trying to figure our JFK and 911.

It was the most sophisticated and synchronized global false flag in history. We know they lied about everything, but on the stuff that matters we don't know just how they did it.

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100%... Keeping it compartmentalized was key to the plan, everyone was a bit player and trusted the info they were given from above, with no follow up required or pursued.

They have been planning and practicing for ages... They've also been studying human behaviour for ages too... We're in a real life Asch conformity experiment... We're the few who go against the obvious lies, rather than "go along to get along"...

As we know they're not shy about it... They actively brag about it... Yuval talking about how we all co-operate because of our ability to believe fictions and stories ... When we all believe the same story, we all co-operate and obey... Very important words in his 2015 TED Talk... I think it's second clip in this montage


Also Klaus not only doing the famous penetration of the cabinets line, but also listing off all the infiltrated sectors of society from academia to trade unions, also social media "influencers" - certainly they have an army of comment trolls, using every insult trick in the book to quash dissent. SPECTRE in a Bond movie could have only dreamed of such reach...


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Could you provide scientific or logically observation evidence that proves existence of alleged biological viruses and existence of alleged nucleotides?

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As I said above,

"I'm definitely on the fence re virus issue... I'm always happy to listen and read both arguments."

Very happy to read any evidence you have to reinforce your point of view.

PS the existence of the alleged nucleotide sequences of covid are very sus...

"Since NO quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with CHARACTERIZED STOCKS of in vitro transcribed full length RNA"


Page 40

But supposedly here's there research and the complete sequence


But how did they achieve this within days of covid being announced as a new disease? It would take years to identify such a virus (if they exist)... But they had this by January 2020...?!!!! How??

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This is my argument that I present to those who claim that existence of viruses and nucleotides is proven:

existence of such things have never been proven by direct real time observation of all vital occurring processes or by experimentation on them in a form of independent variable. Thus no one can make a logical conclusion that they exist.

The burden of proof is always on those who make positive claims, not on those who question or deny unsubstantiated claims.

Your links do not prove what I asked for either.

No observation, no identification, no isolation and no experimentation.

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It needs some verification, not saying you're wrong, I'd love to hear your side ... But it's like saying "prove you exist", it is a tough ask... Do you have a source that can provide the arguement for your claims?

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"This fallacy originates from the Latin phrase "onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat"). The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim, not on the person who denies (or questions) the claim. The fallacy of the Burden of Proof occurs when someone who is making a claim, puts the burden of proof on another party to disprove what they are claiming."

It is easy to prove that I exist.



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Prove you exist... Harder than you might think...

But thanks for the links... I'm always open to both sides, I've continually said I'm not on one side or the other, even though you seem to think I'm arguing one side only...

You've made the claim viruses do not exist therefore

"The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim"

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Oh and regarding the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 from living sick people; where do they get what they claim they're looking at from? Where do they get the what their looking at to claim they discovered variants?

And then there's this 👇

Recent Japanese peer reviewed study confirmed every strain including the "ORIGINAL WILD" type was engineered by man.


Which leads me to my big question: is it highly likely that simply arranging DNA from real living pathogens into small incomplete strands of code wrapped in a liped nano particle delivery system which directs cells to produce toxic proteins which then produce illness?

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I don't know the answer to your question...I would be guessing.

But it's a good question.

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The thing is that existence of nucleotides is not proven either.

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EXCELLENT analysis.

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