My wife asked me the other day if our children would get vaccinated. I told her under no circumstances would that happen. Mind you, I am a health professional -- but when you realize the history of modern health and how much pseudoscience has gone into the profession, you begin to wise up.
Vaccines can be a great first step to introduce anyone to the realities of our modern health (sick profit driven) care system. Fortunately, we can do better and we are doing better as more and more people are wising up to the realities out there.
One of the problems in discussing the "vaccine issue" with most people is that it is not a discussion about science or medicine or even a discussion about some product, it has become a discussion about a civic religion. The poisonous injection is the sacrament.
The belief, and that is what it is, that vaccines have been a "miracle" of modern medicine is accepted as an indisputable article of faith. When arguing against such dogma, which must be done, many will take it as a personal attack on their entire belief system. Cutting through that is the greater challenge in my experience.
Anyone who has studied the topic in depth knows that every aspect of the "vaccine story", starting back in the 1800's up to present, is complete fraud. Vaccines have done nothing but harm people and line the pockets of the medical establishment.
Vaccines are barbaric- all of them.
There has never been a product of any kind so filled with historical misinformation, purposeful deception and outright fraud. The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.
From their inception to today's mRNA monstrosities vaccines have done nothing but cause massive and systemic harm to the human biological system.
Vaccination is and has always been a racketeering operation.
Well said. Your last sentence sez it all. Now more than ever. The introduction of SV40 into this mRNA/LNP platform, has made it impossible to know when, how many and for how long your cells (cytoplasm) will be attacked and die off. And die off they will. It is nothing short of maniacal to introduce another round of different, more virulent forms of toxic vaccines when we are still in the midst of the original covid scam. What is absolutely essential for mothers to know is that traditionally cultured vaccines are now a thing of the past. Those who have said, "I got vaxxed and nothing happened to me" will now get a rude awakening as all vax's will now be produced by using this mRNA/LPN platform. They are cheap and are produced faster than gumballs pouring out of a machine. The die-off is just beginning for those who refused to self educate.
This is an excellent piece of journalism, bring attention to a critical issue of social importance.
Along with everything you have said, I would add the issue of GI disturbance in autistic children as a Critical indicator of vaccine pathology. A baby is born with its mother’s biome and is immediately given an Hep-B shot, that can interfere with the development of the child’s biome. There are 100 million neurones in the babies GI tract that connect with the brain via the vagus nerve, that allows the baby to control its feeling and intuition. It’s no surprise that children with autism have GI problems and fail the Sally Ann test for intuition and marshmallow test for impulsivity. Please consider this vital link between the GI track, microbiome and brain development via the babies control of vagal tone, interrupted by Hep-B and pneumonia schedule injections at birth.
Also look at the high divorce rates for couples who have autistic children and consequent social damage.
We seem to be locked into this vaccination paradigm, which parents attach to wellbeing, and the eradication of smallpox and have forgotten the work of Dr. Snow in eradicating cholera with clean drinking water. We are also dangerously locked into the germ theory of hygiene rather than the terrain theory, which better explains how centenarians like my mother, survived without any vaccinations, the smallpox and polio epidemics of the twentieth century. My mother never got any vaccinations and never got any major illnesses or infections and was a centenarian. Explain that?
This is the be-all-end-all of information, truth, about vaccine damage. When I think back to my boys as children, I remember. Things were not right. Boy #1 11 1/2 pounds at birth, loving, careful, happy, God's angel sent to me, couldn't speak more than a 3 word sentence till after 4 yrs old, couldn't read that same 3 word sentence till 7. I bought Hooked on Phonics, expensive, to help.
Boy #2, wild as a new born pup, reckless, no touch, broken bones, asthma, anaphylaxis, ate when he needed to never at mealtime, intrepid urges, an understatement.
As adults, #1 made a good lasting marriage with a wonderful family dynamic. #2 nothing has changed, total chaos. Q & A #1, made me sick. I never thought of it that deeply. It's all around us, the damage we have caused by vaccinating our children goes way beyond their youth. It's not just the physical we can see, it's what they become mentally. Sometimes it stays forever.
I honestly don't believe the people who created these vaccines knew the damage they created initially, they just wanted to kill natural medicine for profit. They weren't that smart. The smart ones came afterwards. They DO KNOW now. Not that they give a wit because nothing seems to stop this careening train picking off the entire world to their lies.
I believe it's the mothers who need to really look at their children and not brush it off as normal or eccentric childhood behavior. If you vaccinated your child THERE WILL ALWAYS BE evidence of damage your busy life will overlook. One side effect will set the stage for an avalanche to follow. And there you'll be, like me, unable to fix it later. Both times I got it wrong.
I got it wrong too and then had to live through the decade-long accusations of being a bad parent when neurological disorders caused behavior problems. That and all the drugs they experimented with on her.
Yet I still didn't figure out it was vaccine damage until 7 or 8 years ago.
I have deep regret but she did grow up to be a decent, contributing member of society. If I had to take responsibility for the early misbehavior, I'll take at least partial credit for the success too!
When mothers the world over wake up to what's been and is being done to their children, with their unwitting consent, there will be hell to pay!
..” the medical profession's monopoly on health-related matters should be curtailed”. Amen to that! It is a terrible injustice to humanity that the medical associations through lobbying and lawfare have positioned themselves as the sole arbiter of health and illness, when the medical profession understands so little about health and causes so much harm.
As a parent of one child whose immune system was damaged by vaccines (and fortunately later recovered thanks to methods not found in the medical industry) and another child I didn’t vaccinate, I have had several decades to study this issue.
As a healthcare provider I see the incredibly damaged health of young people today, and can only hope that the overreach during Covid has awakened a large enough percentage if the population to change the trajectory of this miserable state of affairs.
It is important to understand that vaccination, like all "preventatives that cannot cure" is entirely rationalized by statistics - as in "lies, damn lies, and statistics." It is not scientifically nor medically possible to prove that any specific case of disease was prevented. In addition, it is not statistically possible to prove that a vaccination event decreased the severity of a disease case. All justification is based on statistics. Statistics are remarkably easy to manipulate and generally very difficult to debate intelligently because little real information actually exists.
With just a small amount of reason, logic and common sense, it becomes illogical to pump foreign matter into the body you were gifted with from your creator. The lie is so simple and yet hidden in plain view for every one with eyes to see and ears to hear that it is pitiful to me that so many don't. We are being inundated with toxins as it is. Read the ingredients to the vaccines in this post and tell me that they aren't toxic!!!
Hepatitis B (and C through to Z) is another fake invented disease. It was first "discovered" by an immunologist and pediatric researcher from the Bronx named Dr Saul Krugman at a home for mentally retarded children on Staten Island called Willowbrook. Krugman was the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants. His experiments broke all ethical guidelines. Suffice it to say, this medical charlatan was an out and out creep. His work led to various "vaccines" being developed to "prevent" common childhood illnesses. Illnesses which more likely arose from neglect, poor hygiene, and bad nutrition. Krugman reminds me of another faker, Dr Robert Gallo, who in 1984 claimed that a virus called HIV causes a disease called AIDS. Gallo's incorrect paradigm still holds today - despite there being no evidence for a viral cause of the collection of diseases grouped as AIDS.
I really hate these slimy characters and snake oil purveyors who have wrecked so many persons' health with their unnecessary and harmful "vaccines". Good health does not derive from someone in a lab coat or from pharmaceutical chemicals.
NB. Krugman was apparently a nephew of oral polio vaccine inventor Alfred Sabin, and was also a "Rockefeller Institute-trained virologist at New York University". What a surprise. That's the Rockefeller method: invent a disease and then cash in on the "cure". Controlling the game - as always. Through their apparatchiks like Saul Krugman and Sabin. Keeping it in the family - medical mafia style. With John D Rockefeller as the godfather. Someone ought to make a movie about it:).
This is the best overview of the consequences of vaccination, all in one place, that I've ever seen.
This also describes my family history to a T. We have autism (the nonverbal, wear a helmet and diaper 24/7 type), ADHD, Addiction (died of alcoholism), Criminality (San Quentin inmate), PANS (neurological behavior disorder where you wish your kid had autism instead because then people would not judge you) and so much more. We are a large family of adopted and foster children if that helps explain a bit. So, different genetics, different early childhood experiences, not breast fed.
My experience is that when you add pharmaceuticals to the above mix, it makes things markedly worse.
There is healing that can happen. It is VERY difficult.
I do think people are slowly waking up. My daughter was 9 when an integrative MD (outside of insurance network) told me it was the vaccines that had made my daughter so sick. I mention this to say that it took me a good five years of research before I got over my shock and disbelief and chose to start speaking up. I think there may be many others in this stage of shock and disbelief. Just because we don't see a chorus of voices shouting "vaccines are harmful" in unison, doesn't mean they aren't starting to question it. It's just NOT fast enough, of course.
Given what researchers are discovering about the role of aluminum and mercury (present in most vaccines) in autism and other neurological disorders, it appears there are multiple ways in which vaccines cause harm.
And the suffering doesn't end with childhood. Just as autism rates have skyrocketed, the incidence of Alzheimer's are on a similar trajectory. This disease is also linked with heavy metals.
Neurological disorders are the new normal. Just the other day I saw stickers in a shop celebrating "neuro-diversity." Acceptance? Yes. Celebration? Not so much.
every person place or thing that would "force" any person place or thing to do or say or try to be any other person place or thing except who we each truly are .... drum roll please .... is a liar a cheat a duplicitous criminal manipulator greedy grimey slimey poop bucket. that makes it all soooooo easy for discernment purposes. no person place or thing of true beauty aka pure loving goodness (and oh soooo mucho amore) would everrrrrrrr do any thing to harm an other. ever. ever. ever.
so many have asked me over my lifetime how one can know when someone is telling the truth or who to believe, etc. and the answer is so simple that often it evades the one asking and/or gets a condescending laugh or shrugged off as more "proof" that i am a looney tune or nutter etc. ... truth is easy to discern. truth aka infiniteloveiam harms not a one. and a true leader would only always in all ways want to only lead an other to their own truth. 1+1+1+1 ad infinitum = 1. you be you. i am me. and weeeee let it be so and t-here-for we sow goodness for one and all. my intuition which is freely give-in to all isssss freeeeeeeeeee. boom diggity boom! i wuv you and appreciate you sooooo mucho unbekoming!
My son is 100% unvaccinated. I am continually blown away by the integrity of his character. He wants to resign from his job but will not hand in his letter of resignation until after his boss returns from his holiday to Hawaii, so he can enjoy his holiday not worrying about staff issues.
Excellent article, as usual. Of the many, many Substacks I read and browse, this one is consistently excellent.
Some to,Ema go you featured Marc Giradot’s book “The Needle’s Secret” in which he posits that the primary cause of vaccine related illnesses is the fact that a significant portion of them go IV, with devastating consequences. His theory is the ONLY one that attempts to explain why many, many people show no adverse reactions, or, if there are some, they remain sub-clinical. I really wish that all of the “alternative” medical people would confront this issue and really talk about it instead of pretending it isn’t true.
One of the hardest things to deal with when dealing with the true believers in the medical cartel is when they truthfully say “well, I got all my shots and I am doing just fine”. Girardot is the only one who has come up with a theory which acknowledges this truth, while also pinning the autism/chronic disease epidemics squarely on the vaccines (same dose, same lot, radically different outcome).
We in the “alt-med” community need to honestly deal with this. We can’t just keep saying “vaccines are bad!” (Although they are) because for many people, they aren’t, or at least not in a measurable way. The question of whether they are efficacious or ever a good idea is a whole other bowl of wax….
Not sure what you’re referring to when you talk about the “alternative” medical people; but in the world of holistic medicine, it’s understood that the degree and timing of a reaction depends on the individual’s susceptibility. Someone can say they’re doing fine; then when some kind of physical or mental deterioration occurs, they may not link it to the vaccines. Likewise, many children don’t become autistic post-vaccination. That doesn’t mean they don’t have compromised health in terms of allergies, behavioural problems, etc. I agree that no one can merely say “vaccines are bad!” without backing that up with points like they’re not necessary, the supposed benefits do not outweigh the risks, et al.
My wife asked me the other day if our children would get vaccinated. I told her under no circumstances would that happen. Mind you, I am a health professional -- but when you realize the history of modern health and how much pseudoscience has gone into the profession, you begin to wise up.
When you fundamentally realize the fallacies that are in the diseases (viruses) that we have to "vaccinate" against, you begin to wise up:
When you realize, that most of modern medicine and modern science is like this, you really begin to wise up:
Vaccines can be a great first step to introduce anyone to the realities of our modern health (sick profit driven) care system. Fortunately, we can do better and we are doing better as more and more people are wising up to the realities out there.
One of the problems in discussing the "vaccine issue" with most people is that it is not a discussion about science or medicine or even a discussion about some product, it has become a discussion about a civic religion. The poisonous injection is the sacrament.
The belief, and that is what it is, that vaccines have been a "miracle" of modern medicine is accepted as an indisputable article of faith. When arguing against such dogma, which must be done, many will take it as a personal attack on their entire belief system. Cutting through that is the greater challenge in my experience.
Anyone who has studied the topic in depth knows that every aspect of the "vaccine story", starting back in the 1800's up to present, is complete fraud. Vaccines have done nothing but harm people and line the pockets of the medical establishment.
Vaccines are barbaric- all of them.
There has never been a product of any kind so filled with historical misinformation, purposeful deception and outright fraud. The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.
From their inception to today's mRNA monstrosities vaccines have done nothing but cause massive and systemic harm to the human biological system.
Vaccination is and has always been a racketeering operation.
Well said. Your last sentence sez it all. Now more than ever. The introduction of SV40 into this mRNA/LNP platform, has made it impossible to know when, how many and for how long your cells (cytoplasm) will be attacked and die off. And die off they will. It is nothing short of maniacal to introduce another round of different, more virulent forms of toxic vaccines when we are still in the midst of the original covid scam. What is absolutely essential for mothers to know is that traditionally cultured vaccines are now a thing of the past. Those who have said, "I got vaxxed and nothing happened to me" will now get a rude awakening as all vax's will now be produced by using this mRNA/LPN platform. They are cheap and are produced faster than gumballs pouring out of a machine. The die-off is just beginning for those who refused to self educate.
I do wish people would wake up faster
This is an excellent piece of journalism, bring attention to a critical issue of social importance.
Along with everything you have said, I would add the issue of GI disturbance in autistic children as a Critical indicator of vaccine pathology. A baby is born with its mother’s biome and is immediately given an Hep-B shot, that can interfere with the development of the child’s biome. There are 100 million neurones in the babies GI tract that connect with the brain via the vagus nerve, that allows the baby to control its feeling and intuition. It’s no surprise that children with autism have GI problems and fail the Sally Ann test for intuition and marshmallow test for impulsivity. Please consider this vital link between the GI track, microbiome and brain development via the babies control of vagal tone, interrupted by Hep-B and pneumonia schedule injections at birth.
Also look at the high divorce rates for couples who have autistic children and consequent social damage.
We seem to be locked into this vaccination paradigm, which parents attach to wellbeing, and the eradication of smallpox and have forgotten the work of Dr. Snow in eradicating cholera with clean drinking water. We are also dangerously locked into the germ theory of hygiene rather than the terrain theory, which better explains how centenarians like my mother, survived without any vaccinations, the smallpox and polio epidemics of the twentieth century. My mother never got any vaccinations and never got any major illnesses or infections and was a centenarian. Explain that?
This is the be-all-end-all of information, truth, about vaccine damage. When I think back to my boys as children, I remember. Things were not right. Boy #1 11 1/2 pounds at birth, loving, careful, happy, God's angel sent to me, couldn't speak more than a 3 word sentence till after 4 yrs old, couldn't read that same 3 word sentence till 7. I bought Hooked on Phonics, expensive, to help.
Boy #2, wild as a new born pup, reckless, no touch, broken bones, asthma, anaphylaxis, ate when he needed to never at mealtime, intrepid urges, an understatement.
As adults, #1 made a good lasting marriage with a wonderful family dynamic. #2 nothing has changed, total chaos. Q & A #1, made me sick. I never thought of it that deeply. It's all around us, the damage we have caused by vaccinating our children goes way beyond their youth. It's not just the physical we can see, it's what they become mentally. Sometimes it stays forever.
I honestly don't believe the people who created these vaccines knew the damage they created initially, they just wanted to kill natural medicine for profit. They weren't that smart. The smart ones came afterwards. They DO KNOW now. Not that they give a wit because nothing seems to stop this careening train picking off the entire world to their lies.
I believe it's the mothers who need to really look at their children and not brush it off as normal or eccentric childhood behavior. If you vaccinated your child THERE WILL ALWAYS BE evidence of damage your busy life will overlook. One side effect will set the stage for an avalanche to follow. And there you'll be, like me, unable to fix it later. Both times I got it wrong.
I got it wrong too and then had to live through the decade-long accusations of being a bad parent when neurological disorders caused behavior problems. That and all the drugs they experimented with on her.
Yet I still didn't figure out it was vaccine damage until 7 or 8 years ago.
I have deep regret but she did grow up to be a decent, contributing member of society. If I had to take responsibility for the early misbehavior, I'll take at least partial credit for the success too!
When mothers the world over wake up to what's been and is being done to their children, with their unwitting consent, there will be hell to pay!
..” the medical profession's monopoly on health-related matters should be curtailed”. Amen to that! It is a terrible injustice to humanity that the medical associations through lobbying and lawfare have positioned themselves as the sole arbiter of health and illness, when the medical profession understands so little about health and causes so much harm.
As a parent of one child whose immune system was damaged by vaccines (and fortunately later recovered thanks to methods not found in the medical industry) and another child I didn’t vaccinate, I have had several decades to study this issue.
As a healthcare provider I see the incredibly damaged health of young people today, and can only hope that the overreach during Covid has awakened a large enough percentage if the population to change the trajectory of this miserable state of affairs.
Excellent piece, thank you.
It is important to understand that vaccination, like all "preventatives that cannot cure" is entirely rationalized by statistics - as in "lies, damn lies, and statistics." It is not scientifically nor medically possible to prove that any specific case of disease was prevented. In addition, it is not statistically possible to prove that a vaccination event decreased the severity of a disease case. All justification is based on statistics. Statistics are remarkably easy to manipulate and generally very difficult to debate intelligently because little real information actually exists.
Excellent the photo as well.....
Wow thank you
With just a small amount of reason, logic and common sense, it becomes illogical to pump foreign matter into the body you were gifted with from your creator. The lie is so simple and yet hidden in plain view for every one with eyes to see and ears to hear that it is pitiful to me that so many don't. We are being inundated with toxins as it is. Read the ingredients to the vaccines in this post and tell me that they aren't toxic!!!
Hepatitis B (and C through to Z) is another fake invented disease. It was first "discovered" by an immunologist and pediatric researcher from the Bronx named Dr Saul Krugman at a home for mentally retarded children on Staten Island called Willowbrook. Krugman was the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants. His experiments broke all ethical guidelines. Suffice it to say, this medical charlatan was an out and out creep. His work led to various "vaccines" being developed to "prevent" common childhood illnesses. Illnesses which more likely arose from neglect, poor hygiene, and bad nutrition. Krugman reminds me of another faker, Dr Robert Gallo, who in 1984 claimed that a virus called HIV causes a disease called AIDS. Gallo's incorrect paradigm still holds today - despite there being no evidence for a viral cause of the collection of diseases grouped as AIDS.
Here's more on Krugman's "work":
I really hate these slimy characters and snake oil purveyors who have wrecked so many persons' health with their unnecessary and harmful "vaccines". Good health does not derive from someone in a lab coat or from pharmaceutical chemicals.
NB. Krugman was apparently a nephew of oral polio vaccine inventor Alfred Sabin, and was also a "Rockefeller Institute-trained virologist at New York University". What a surprise. That's the Rockefeller method: invent a disease and then cash in on the "cure". Controlling the game - as always. Through their apparatchiks like Saul Krugman and Sabin. Keeping it in the family - medical mafia style. With John D Rockefeller as the godfather. Someone ought to make a movie about it:).
"Devastating" and "Excellent"
This is the best overview of the consequences of vaccination, all in one place, that I've ever seen.
This also describes my family history to a T. We have autism (the nonverbal, wear a helmet and diaper 24/7 type), ADHD, Addiction (died of alcoholism), Criminality (San Quentin inmate), PANS (neurological behavior disorder where you wish your kid had autism instead because then people would not judge you) and so much more. We are a large family of adopted and foster children if that helps explain a bit. So, different genetics, different early childhood experiences, not breast fed.
My experience is that when you add pharmaceuticals to the above mix, it makes things markedly worse.
There is healing that can happen. It is VERY difficult.
I do think people are slowly waking up. My daughter was 9 when an integrative MD (outside of insurance network) told me it was the vaccines that had made my daughter so sick. I mention this to say that it took me a good five years of research before I got over my shock and disbelief and chose to start speaking up. I think there may be many others in this stage of shock and disbelief. Just because we don't see a chorus of voices shouting "vaccines are harmful" in unison, doesn't mean they aren't starting to question it. It's just NOT fast enough, of course.
Given what researchers are discovering about the role of aluminum and mercury (present in most vaccines) in autism and other neurological disorders, it appears there are multiple ways in which vaccines cause harm.
And the suffering doesn't end with childhood. Just as autism rates have skyrocketed, the incidence of Alzheimer's are on a similar trajectory. This disease is also linked with heavy metals.
Neurological disorders are the new normal. Just the other day I saw stickers in a shop celebrating "neuro-diversity." Acceptance? Yes. Celebration? Not so much.
every person place or thing that would "force" any person place or thing to do or say or try to be any other person place or thing except who we each truly are .... drum roll please .... is a liar a cheat a duplicitous criminal manipulator greedy grimey slimey poop bucket. that makes it all soooooo easy for discernment purposes. no person place or thing of true beauty aka pure loving goodness (and oh soooo mucho amore) would everrrrrrrr do any thing to harm an other. ever. ever. ever.
so many have asked me over my lifetime how one can know when someone is telling the truth or who to believe, etc. and the answer is so simple that often it evades the one asking and/or gets a condescending laugh or shrugged off as more "proof" that i am a looney tune or nutter etc. ... truth is easy to discern. truth aka infiniteloveiam harms not a one. and a true leader would only always in all ways want to only lead an other to their own truth. 1+1+1+1 ad infinitum = 1. you be you. i am me. and weeeee let it be so and t-here-for we sow goodness for one and all. my intuition which is freely give-in to all isssss freeeeeeeeeee. boom diggity boom! i wuv you and appreciate you sooooo mucho unbekoming!
My son is 100% unvaccinated. I am continually blown away by the integrity of his character. He wants to resign from his job but will not hand in his letter of resignation until after his boss returns from his holiday to Hawaii, so he can enjoy his holiday not worrying about staff issues.
A healthy brain doesn't harm anyone.
Excellent article, as usual. Of the many, many Substacks I read and browse, this one is consistently excellent.
Some to,Ema go you featured Marc Giradot’s book “The Needle’s Secret” in which he posits that the primary cause of vaccine related illnesses is the fact that a significant portion of them go IV, with devastating consequences. His theory is the ONLY one that attempts to explain why many, many people show no adverse reactions, or, if there are some, they remain sub-clinical. I really wish that all of the “alternative” medical people would confront this issue and really talk about it instead of pretending it isn’t true.
One of the hardest things to deal with when dealing with the true believers in the medical cartel is when they truthfully say “well, I got all my shots and I am doing just fine”. Girardot is the only one who has come up with a theory which acknowledges this truth, while also pinning the autism/chronic disease epidemics squarely on the vaccines (same dose, same lot, radically different outcome).
We in the “alt-med” community need to honestly deal with this. We can’t just keep saying “vaccines are bad!” (Although they are) because for many people, they aren’t, or at least not in a measurable way. The question of whether they are efficacious or ever a good idea is a whole other bowl of wax….
Not sure what you’re referring to when you talk about the “alternative” medical people; but in the world of holistic medicine, it’s understood that the degree and timing of a reaction depends on the individual’s susceptibility. Someone can say they’re doing fine; then when some kind of physical or mental deterioration occurs, they may not link it to the vaccines. Likewise, many children don’t become autistic post-vaccination. That doesn’t mean they don’t have compromised health in terms of allergies, behavioural problems, etc. I agree that no one can merely say “vaccines are bad!” without backing that up with points like they’re not necessary, the supposed benefits do not outweigh the risks, et al.