I didn't like the guy, Freud and Einstein neither. The book burning in Germany during Hitler's time was not about destroying free speech, but rather burning pornography . I did read a few chapters of the Kama Sutra as a youngin, then threw it away. I don't read, promote or care about a personal subject that one inherently learns through …
I didn't like the guy, Freud and Einstein neither. The book burning in Germany during Hitler's time was not about destroying free speech, but rather burning pornography . I did read a few chapters of the Kama Sutra as a youngin, then threw it away. I don't read, promote or care about a personal subject that one inherently learns through life where books on the subject, in my opinion, are nothing but literate porn. Alfred Kinsey, whom I've never read but know about, was a pervert and should have been jailed for his experiments. Elevating these 4 men, intelligent maybe, worthy of praise hell no, are less than irrelevant to me, as I apply zero credence to their opportunistic efforts.
Reich's ravings are simply a modern rewrite of ancient religious doctrine, namely that the ultimate reality is an androgynous,omnipresent, impersonal force variously named Chi, Prana, Mana, and many other names from other primitive cultures. The belief that the ultimate sensual-PHYSICAL act, that of sexual union of male and female somehow is a spiritual act, a means of becoming one with God is also ancient esoteric religious doctrine. The two most common religious symbols, the cross and yin-yang symbols represent sexual union of male and female. Reich's emphasis on orgasm and orgone is simply a variation of the basic theme.
Most edifying. Thank you, but I just had to laugh while reading. The sex act as spiritual in nature? Hogwash. That would mean rape is spiritual. Since when? Not ever. These sex gurus are nut cases. They write books to justify their perversions.
Back in the 70's I believe, The Kinsey Report came out, a book heralded as a masterpiece. My younger sister was tickled pink and couldn't wait to read it. I read the table of contents as she showed me the book, and said Hell No! not reading this crap. She called me a prude. Damned right. Thanks for the link
After Kinsey they levelled up their game and moved on to far more effective psyops like the Beatles and James Bond movies. Daniel Craig moved through about four serious women relationships before ending up with his current Jewish-Hungarian handler:).
I didn't like the guy, Freud and Einstein neither. The book burning in Germany during Hitler's time was not about destroying free speech, but rather burning pornography . I did read a few chapters of the Kama Sutra as a youngin, then threw it away. I don't read, promote or care about a personal subject that one inherently learns through life where books on the subject, in my opinion, are nothing but literate porn. Alfred Kinsey, whom I've never read but know about, was a pervert and should have been jailed for his experiments. Elevating these 4 men, intelligent maybe, worthy of praise hell no, are less than irrelevant to me, as I apply zero credence to their opportunistic efforts.
Reich's ravings are simply a modern rewrite of ancient religious doctrine, namely that the ultimate reality is an androgynous,omnipresent, impersonal force variously named Chi, Prana, Mana, and many other names from other primitive cultures. The belief that the ultimate sensual-PHYSICAL act, that of sexual union of male and female somehow is a spiritual act, a means of becoming one with God is also ancient esoteric religious doctrine. The two most common religious symbols, the cross and yin-yang symbols represent sexual union of male and female. Reich's emphasis on orgasm and orgone is simply a variation of the basic theme.
Most edifying. Thank you, but I just had to laugh while reading. The sex act as spiritual in nature? Hogwash. That would mean rape is spiritual. Since when? Not ever. These sex gurus are nut cases. They write books to justify their perversions.
Reich should not be elevated. Jung, Watson, Kinsey, Rogers, Coulson et. al, manipulated people and destroyed lives.
Yup. Rockefeller Tavistock strike again.
Totally agree. Pure smut, all.
Says it all, really:).
Back in the 70's I believe, The Kinsey Report came out, a book heralded as a masterpiece. My younger sister was tickled pink and couldn't wait to read it. I read the table of contents as she showed me the book, and said Hell No! not reading this crap. She called me a prude. Damned right. Thanks for the link
After Kinsey they levelled up their game and moved on to far more effective psyops like the Beatles and James Bond movies. Daniel Craig moved through about four serious women relationships before ending up with his current Jewish-Hungarian handler:).
True, yes, Some got by me during that era, saw it so clearly in later years, but thought the exact same about Daniel Craig, the ugliest Bond ever.