Reich's ravings are simply a modern rewrite of ancient religious doctrine, namely that the ultimate reality is an androgynous,omnipresent, impersonal force variously named Chi, Prana, Mana, and many other names from other primitive cultures. The belief that the ultimate sensual-PHYSICAL act, that of sexual union of male and female someho…
Reich's ravings are simply a modern rewrite of ancient religious doctrine, namely that the ultimate reality is an androgynous,omnipresent, impersonal force variously named Chi, Prana, Mana, and many other names from other primitive cultures. The belief that the ultimate sensual-PHYSICAL act, that of sexual union of male and female somehow is a spiritual act, a means of becoming one with God is also ancient esoteric religious doctrine. The two most common religious symbols, the cross and yin-yang symbols represent sexual union of male and female. Reich's emphasis on orgasm and orgone is simply a variation of the basic theme.
Most edifying. Thank you, but I just had to laugh while reading. The sex act as spiritual in nature? Hogwash. That would mean rape is spiritual. Since when? Not ever. These sex gurus are nut cases. They write books to justify their perversions.
Reich's ravings are simply a modern rewrite of ancient religious doctrine, namely that the ultimate reality is an androgynous,omnipresent, impersonal force variously named Chi, Prana, Mana, and many other names from other primitive cultures. The belief that the ultimate sensual-PHYSICAL act, that of sexual union of male and female somehow is a spiritual act, a means of becoming one with God is also ancient esoteric religious doctrine. The two most common religious symbols, the cross and yin-yang symbols represent sexual union of male and female. Reich's emphasis on orgasm and orgone is simply a variation of the basic theme.
Most edifying. Thank you, but I just had to laugh while reading. The sex act as spiritual in nature? Hogwash. That would mean rape is spiritual. Since when? Not ever. These sex gurus are nut cases. They write books to justify their perversions.