Gender neutral = human neutering

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This does appear to be the goal.

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This industry is as dangerous to our children as the vax industry. There is a clear pattern here, hormone imbalance in growing children caused by the great poisoning, isolation of children and teens, followed by pacification with screens.

The algorithms lead children like the Pied Piper to websites that offer manipulative "support." When they are lonely and struggling to connect to their peers, (who are all buried in screens) the algorithms on YouTube, and all social media will lead them to the answer. "They feel lonely and disconnected because they are in the wrong body." This message will come to them in every possible form until it is anchored in their subconscious that they are trans. (And yes, the end goal is to use these children as guinea pigs for the transhuman agenda.)

If they so much as suggest to a trusted adult, which could be a teacher or parent, that they identify as a-gender or trans, they will be "affirmed" and from that moment on, with no debate, their entire world will confer with what the internet has told them and they will be shoved onto the transgender train no questions asked, no chance of escape.

They will be told that they can take hormone blockers to, "delay puberty" but actually they can only skip puberty, it comes and goes during the teen years, it does not spontaneously return if an 18 year old decides they want to "get off of hormone blockers," and go back to being 12 and experience puberty. This is a sales pitch, but it is not the reality.

It's not rocket science. If you poison a little boy or girl with hormone blockers (which are not blockers at all, they are basically a form of hormone assault where the body is bombarded with synthetic hormones until it stops producing its own), then they stay in a 12 year old body AND BRAIN, until they hit 18. At 18 they look around and realize that they look NOTHING like their same-sex peers, instead they have the sex organs of a 12 year old. At this point, they look more like the opposite sex than their own. The data shows that 100% of children who go on puberty blockers go on to transgender surgeries.

And lets not even get started on the mutilation and lifelong medicalization caused by these barbaric surgeries.

If you can stomach the research and the truth about the transgender industry, there is no way around the belief in a malevolent force that delights in killing and destroying human life.

We have been doing sex reassignment surgeries for at least 100 years. For real. And to date, we do not have a SINGLE long term study documenting what happens to these people after they have been sexually mutilated. No a single study.

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Perfect! Thanks Vivian.

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Pheww - interesting. Appears mind control is their investment in our future.

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Despite the lies the government and its media present to us, most LGBTQ+++++ people are simply G.

I've read that many Millennials consider themselves to be bi-sexual.

Almost no one is a trannie and almost no one cares about them. It wasn't that many years ago that cross-dressing men were called drag queens and (rightfully) considered sick individuals in need of psychiatric care. And so do all the confused people who cannot accept reality and have themselves medically mutilated.

Your post was courageous and it feels like a last gasp of morality before the globalists ruin the West.

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This is so hard to read, but it is necessary. I'm slowly filling my "tool box" with the means to resist this attack on the battle field of parenting in these dangerous times.

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Read Jonathan Cahn’s “Return of the gods” & the answers are all there. He’s a wonderful historian of the ancients..

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Relevant and worth a listen. Jan Jelielek interviews Mia Hughs, author of a 70-page report that scrutinizes a series of leaked internal files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).


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Orwell quote…

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears [and genitalia]. It was their final, most essential command.

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Boy Scouts of America becomes Scouting America. Sigh.


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I have known homosexuals, transvestites and drag queens. All gay. I have never seen a transgender. Gay as well. Live and let live I say but kindly keep your sex life to yourself. Some of these groups of people have crossed the line in grooming children, which is what trans is all about. A blind man can see that. Any respect that I could have, would have had for these behaviors are completely gone when anyone tries to destroy the innocence of children thru their pornographic and ideologic bent into obscenity.

It's no surprise either to see the ethnicity of the majority pushing these agendas. The usual suspects, that nobody has the guts to admit who they are and say it out loud.

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Ah, the "JQ" once again whispers its existence... 🤔

But I recall a story my departed brother -- alas caught up on the homosexual matrix -- once told me of an acquaintance of his in the Gay bars.. decided "he" was a "she", got all the surgery done.. and once it was finished and "she" was "transitioned" ... there he was in his new guise as a "transgender woman", still hanging out in the gay bar... 🙄💩

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I ask you to please view the following trailer. We wouldn't be debating the subject matter of the original article we are commenting on.


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Although I find myself in agreement with some of the postulates presented in this particular essay, especially regarding the way children are being educated at increasingly younger ages, I have concerns that transgender adults are seen as promoters of some perceived "transgender agenda" and therefore in agreement with the indoctrination of said children. I have found this to be far from the truth regarding the actual motives adult transgender people have for transitioning to a gender other than the one usually associated with their biological sex. I am a transgender women who transitioned rather late in my life. And up until recently, I had never even heard mention of this agenda. I guess I missed the memo. The same holds true for the transgender people I have befriended over the years. As such, I will not even consider discussing my right to exist in society alongside all people regardless of their perceived gender or sexuality. There is an inherent danger that those of us who are transgender will be castigated and vilified as the perpetuators of the nefarious "transgender agenda." I have met several transgender people who identified themselves as transgender long before there was the idea of some agenda. Many of them who came to this realization at a young age with no external pressure to consider themselves transgender. They came to this realization very organically. This being said, most all of us came to realize our transgender nature sans external influence. And this self realization is valid. Transgender people have always existed in all cultures for the entirety of human history as valuable individuals worthy of the same respect and acceptance as everyone else. Most cultures held them in high esteem due to the twin spirits (both male and female) that inhabit them being seen as a higher level of spirituality and due to their ability to use this spiritual gift for the betterment of the culture as a whole. We aren't groomers or pedophiles intent upon trying to create more transgender people. In fact, being transgender is not a learned experience. We are born into it. So I ask people to consider these things before thinking we just decided to be transgender.

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