Your posts have been coming in at such a pace that I've had to pass over most of them but as you might expect, I don't want to do that here. I'll be brief, though, because I have a full plate already this weekend.

I came across Lobaczewski's book through the people that republished it. They are who I learned from about psychopathy, psyops, and much more, over a span of more than a decade. We parted company about a decade ago. That was one of several extended group-based "learning experiences" that I have gone through in my life. What I write about now draws upon it all.

I came across Jordan Peterson in 2017 and followed what he was doing with interest for a few years. At some point I lost interest.

I see a lot here in this post about what WPATH represents today. From that perspective, I view it as an organization that, like others I have known (but not the above-mentioned people) that was infiltrated and destroyed. I do not recognize it. It is gone.

When I transitioned male-to-female in 2006-7, I had a transition team in accordance with WPATH protocol and an SRS surgeon that required letters from each of them, also in accordance with WPATH. In my case the team consisted of a psychologist, a licensed LMFT counselor, and an MD+DO physician. This team constituted the "gatekeepers" that were there to help people avoid making terrible transition errors.

Children were off limits, and for most of us "recruiting" to the transsexual community made no sense. Who would chose this life, apart from the ones the gatekeepers were there to keep out? We were a private bunch. (I'm simplifying a little; I don't have time for the edge cases.)

Does this sound like WPATH today?

It's possible to go on and on and on about what's wrong with WPATH, the transition industry, and the medical profession in general, but I tend to concentrate more on understanding what happened and what can be learned from it.

In the case of WPATH I wasn't involved with its internals and I don't know what happened, but it sure happened. I could have missed things rushing through your post, but I didn't pick up on anything particularly new to consider (not that it was even meant to deal with such questions). WPATH's demise fits with the pattern of incursion of cultural Marxism, and that's about all I see.

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Thank you, that's an important addition to the subject.

Yes, I can see that this story is also about organizational capture. That it wasn't always this way.

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And look at the consequences. Unbelievable.

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A friend and I recently had the opportunity to see/hear Jordan Peterson live. (His "We Who Wrestle with God" tour.) It was just incredible ... it was like listening to a stream of consciousness. And he does it all without looking at notes. After the talk, there was a Q&A. Someone asked about the trans topic. Jordan held back nothing ... it was epic. He got a standing ovation.

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Re: #5 in the Q&A from the Peterson video

Pediatricians for decades have failed to do their due diligence in the area of vaccines. They don't understand that the studies undertaken don't support the "safe and effective" narrative. They ignore the fact that the diseases that the vaccines are said to protect against are not a danger to healthy children in developed nations. They use emotional blackmail claiming that infants and children could die without the shots, then gaslight parents whose kids are injured or killed by those same products. It's exactly the same thing, only now even more evident in these gender transitions in which their "treatments" are the obvious cause of harm.

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Agree. It is exactly the same thing.

It is easier to see the horror in others than ourselves.

To know that we poisoned our own babies, is a cross to heavy to bear for most.

But the soul must know, and in that knowing, tries to redeem itself by saving others from other horrors.

Peterson sees the horror of child mutilation now, but still doesn't realize that all his daughters very well publicized health problems are almost certainly (we the reasonable still have to use nuanced language) caused by her childhood vaccines.

As Jesus correctly said:

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." NIV

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> When I first encountered Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Łobaczewski, I had been struggling to understand just how authoritarian leftism had essentially taken over the United States of America.

REPLY: Good stuff here. I share much of your views and insight. My lense is a bit longer as I am 73 years old and have watched this nonsense growing at the same time the health of body, mind and emotions of Americans was being destroyed. Can't think straight if your stuffed and starved (a book by Raj Patel). Sorry a bit long.

Since the 1970s the small farmer has been steadily put out of business and sent to the city or the poor house. This started with Ag Secretary Earl Butz, who told farmers to "Get Big or Get Out". Then the New Deal farm support was transfered to corporate agriculture. From there we lost our connection to the land one decade at a time.

We are losing more now. Our jobs are being taken by robots. But in fact before robots our health has been under attack with pollution of Water, Air, Soil and Food. Since the early 1970s when the US was about fourth in Health and Longevity in the world we have been on a decline. We are now 79th in the world in health and longevity and falling. How can a nation be # ONE in the world when the health of the population is 79th?

It is important to remember that longevity in the 1970s didn't mean senility or warehoused in an old folks home. No the folks of earlier generations had fought for and gained the right to retirement for hard work. They still had good health clear wits and much more. Part of that much more is the depth of life experience we can't imagine. We don't have anything like that now.

The youth were more robust then too. Civil rights movement was for the most part by and for the black community. However all races were participants and they too reaped the benefits of supporting the realization of the movement. Earth Day the EPA (it worked in those days) all a result of that time and energy. I know that the number of young people today are less %wise than we were in the 1960s and 1970s. Yet from the 1950s thru the 1980s there is an energy of improving the over all health and welfare of the country. You don't see it much today. Just look carefully at the Covid fiasco. Prevention and natural/innate immunity is ignored as if it doesn't exist. Like your inalienable rights.

Certainly being cut off from the land, is why we feel cut off from understanding the depths of the Constitution of the US. But at the same time the Blob was learning how to dilute and destroy people's health, family and community cohesion, self discipline, endurance and much more. If you think the current environmental crisis can't be helped and it is just an unfortunate side effect of technology. Think again. It is no accident.

Today we don't own or control the core technologies. They own us. Back in the early 1900s thru to the mid 1980s folks used to own in some sense the technologies of their existence. Even if it was just a shovel, a hoe and a pick, to loosen the soil in your garden and just the glass Ball/Mason jars that are used for canning fruit and vegetables for the pantry. It was a way to stand against tyranny. It worked! What can we do to stand against it today that isn't totally controlled by the blob?

Instead we are absorbed by cell phones and computers that in large part define our cognitive space and that space keeps shrinking. It used to be Free Love in the 1960s and 1970s and now it is Woke. The purpose is the same. To distract from the maddness that passes for business as usual. The blob learned from the 1950s and 1960s what happens when the youth of a nation have the free time to think about the lives of their parents, still have contact with their grandparents etc. Thes led the Youth of that day to challenge the recieved view. Throw sex at it the blob said. Edward Berney's torch of freedom worked so that women could smoke cigeretts. Free Love will distract from the issues at hand as does the current WOKE nonsense.

Reflecting on these transitions and trends in light of the Constitution should shine a light on the slow perversion of our status. Not just in the Law as Katherine Watt so valiantly points out, but also in our status as humans, the environment we inhabit both cognitively and biologically. We are giving our inalienable rights away . But if you look up the meaning of "inalienable" we can't do that. They are like our finger prints. They are our essence. However we can be made to forget we ever had them to begin with. We are being deceived into "having nothing and being happy".

Welcome to the human version of CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations). Where the food you eat is corporate, the air you breath, the water you drink, are all corporate (at a minimum poisoned), even the thoughts you think.

No way you say to yourself. My thoughts are my own.

Well as Jessica Rose quotes "Alrightttttyyyyyyy Thennnnnnnnnnn".

It is true we have given away and forgotten so much. Check, when have you had an original thought that was not subliminally planted or outright suggested by your cell phone, computer or advertisement?

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Mar 31
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Hi Jeanette,


Don't wait! Save your self!. That is the only one you can save. Yes the Earth is being tortured right now as is all of life on it. But the folks (bacteria) that brought you life on the Earth, still run the Earth.


Consider this; H2O the water molecule can be broken at room temperature. Bacteria can do this at room temperature. Keep the Hydrogen and release the oxygen. Humans have been studying how Bacteria do this for many decades now. Still can't do it. The method humans use to break the H2O molecule uses way more energy than is released. Humans are a slow.


There is so much more the bacteria can do we can't. So save yourself and perhaps you can help save someone else. Someone else will be a very rare person. Few people are willing to wake up and do the work to live free.


But wake up they should. Soon they will be awakened by the blob to the fact they own nothing! They won't be happy. As a serf and peasant they will have to work, like it or not. For Them.

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Wow. Thats a lot to take in, thank you. And God Bless You!

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Brilliant summation as always. I browsed through the 700-odd pages of WPATH documents myself the other week and it’s a absolute mire of deception, corruption, and abstract modernist thinking over any sort of clinical process, or even common decency; it doesn’t just border on, it outright promotes child abuse, vile experimentation and manipulation of body and mind of the vulnerable.

It’s obscene to realise that an entire industry has been codified and valorised by modern media, corporates and special interest groups to feast off the confused and vulnerable. Having been into this stuff for a decade I kept thinking that at some point the wheels of the gender bus would come off and the whole sick joke would be forced to a standstill ... but after the covid years I no longer am surprised at anything that modernity celebrates and pushes.

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Thank you for this critical summary of an excellent discussion between JP and MS that I just listened to today. It is a seminal work that needs dissemination urgently.

Your work is truly inspiring. Keep it up.

Humanity needs salvation from the Wokeism that has corroded it for decades.

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The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life” (at the 0:43 second mark, but the whole video is…disturbing).

Viral vectors do the same thing.

So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being. Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se. But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human. Gene therapy is irreversible. Do the math yourself.

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No slave me, refused vaccines - by Law Human with all of My Human Rights, by Law

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While what the FDA is doing to our food is being ignored. Do you want Faucet in charge of your Food? Do We Really Want Fauci in Charge of Our Food?

Industrial meat producers are using “antibiotic-free” messaging and labeling to allay consumers’ fears about the use of antibiotics in industrial meat production — but many of those producers are substituting mRNA vaccines for antibiotics, without telling consumers.


Hub and I just got over Food Poisoning from a Peelz-coated orange. I'd scrubbed it well with hot water and soap as I was grating the peel for an orange sweet bread. When I juiced it, it tasted OFF. Most grocery produce has been reported as having strange tastes. Now I know why, this coating is supposed to keep fruits fresh longer. Apples look shiny, but when you cut them open they have spoiled spots in them. This is not Gates Apeel. Although you should know he's growing McD's Potatoes—another reason to boycott McD's Gates FF.

Bill Gates, GMO Potatoes and McDonald’s French Fries — What’s the Story?


Nearly 1,000 Popular Consumer Products Contain Carcinogenic Estrogens


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"World Professional Association for Transgender Health"

"Transgender Health" is an oxymoron created by Oxymoronic morons.

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Kudos to this great post.

That's a lot of work summarizing.

Thank you very much.

Happy Easter!

I disagree with many opinions and evaluations of Peterson and Shellenberger. It would be too long to explain here. But I thank you the written form because I prefer to not listen or see Peterson.

I feel a trap. A huge one.

Peterson is not OK. I've never understood why people look up to him. He's a textbook masonic puppet.

About Shellenberger, I don't know enough to criticize him, but I'll try.

I confess I have got a megaton of bias against activists, even when they agree with my own views. When activists are involved, I think there's potential for a political trap. Kind of like a honey pot operation aimed at people who are not interested in pornography or anything that exist on the edges of society, but interested in abstract themes like justice or prosperity of disease (how is disease an abstract theme? Because disease is mostly a political invention based on the deliberate confusion of the concrete and the abstract).

We've seen ideologues in doctor costumes abusing people for about 30 years, perhaps 40. It seems the last 15 years have been the worst. The abuse has increased because of a political revolution, related to the crisis of '07/'08. Among other things, the media was dying because people started doing their own media on the internet, bypassing political control. That meant political power was losing footing. Its main weapon, the media, had to be transformed. And so the public became infiltrated by chaos agents. They created many attacks, on many topics. Transsexuality is one of them.

The attacks were designed to make sure that people could not mount a defense against economic destruction. The economy had to be destroyed in order to change politics and culture.

And so, part of the trap is focusing on the particular harm done to people, and how they've been used as tools by politicians, in order to avoid speaking about the deeper problem: the destruction of economic freedom.

But I'm not sure if activist Shellenberger is actively participating in this trap, or if he is just still sleeping and pretends that democracy can work. He seems to have his heart in the right place, which is in favor of the victims of this medical fraud. Or maybe he is a very good actor and he fools me.

I'm inclined to think he is not a psychopath, but only an activist. We'll see how he changes in the future.


We should realize that the medical profession is beyond salvation. There is nothing of worth there.

Politics has corrupted all science and ravaged all humanity in medicine.

The most prudent course of action should be the utter destruction of all medical regulation, including the wild highway robbery that is the insurance industry.

Scrap everything. The situation is so dire now that destruction is the most conservative tactic.

People should just be warned that doctors have no power over them, and that any relationship with them is between them. No special laws for this form of commerce. If a doctor harms you, go attack him on the courts like you would attack any fraud or assaulter.

Doctors should have no special protection to do anything, and they should have to answer with all they own for their actions. That means they would be much more prudent and reject all ideology, because ideology brings ruin.

That's how I see it: divorce Medicine and the State.

Or, you can look at what I say in reverse: the creation of legal privileges for doctors and the incorporation of medicine into the State, the Therapeutic State, created the fertile ground for psychopaths to take control over medicine and science. Can anyone disagree with this sentence?

It is regulation what brings destruction. Security, then ruin.

To bring more regulation to undo the harm done since 1980s means letting the psychopaths off the hook, and expanding the problem beyond medicine. Why shouldn't be the case that psychopathic functionaries who are not medical doctors end up administering medical procedures that cause harm to unwilling customers? Isn't that the what the covid psyop was about?

Optimizing profits? Why do you need MDs for administering sacred medicine to bamboozled customers with a death wish, if your real purpose is the control and maximization of marginal profit of the the pharmacological industry?

Any low-level administrative clerk of any gray administration is enough for that. You just need their signature to allow this or that prescription, this or that procedure. They may even do less harm than doctors routinely do to patients, simply because of their lack of interest in the subject.

People, please!

Don't give them more power through the ruse of "reform".

Wreck the system down if you want health and justice.


And I suggest applying penal law retroactively to surgeons. No exceptions. When they are stuck in prison, then they will repent.

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