You know what I notice in the Vaxxed 2 documentary, with all those un-vaxxed kids?

They're CALM.

They're not interrupting. They're not whining. They're not touching things. They're not fidgeting, or jumping up and down.

They've all been either exceptionally well-parented, and well-raised.

Or the neurological dysfunction that characterizes an overly-vaccinated child is completely absent.

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Yes, exactly!!

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In my experience, I do have kids who are unvaxed, and still high intensity etc. I know I've made my share of mistakes in parentingthen, and gone through some tough times that made parenting ideally a challenge, which I know is a factor, but I also think there's a genetic component to their intensity. But I am so glad they didn't get jabbed, as they are almost certainly kids who would have had worse reactions based on their genetics etc!

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On another note, but along similar lines, I read the book "What your vet won't tell you about vaccine" and it discussed this vet's experience with calmer, less hyper puppies when they didn't get their puppy shots. I felt that was confirmed when I had two husky cross pups who were surprisingly calm despite the breeds in them being high energy. I find it interesting that there are some conversations being had around that, though not enough, and someone pointed out that a practicing vet sees more generations of dogs than human docs, so sometimes the differences in health and longevity can be seen more clearly. Still, there's so much self delusion, because they are invested and so seem to need to justify the whole thing overall.

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Genes causing issues is like blaming illness on fake viruses.. Toxemia Explained! By John Tilden md only t causes of illness, toxins or deficient in food, water, sleep

A virus not a cause of illness..

Great free books at www.VirusTruth.NET

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Yes of course vaccines have been "studied" in excruciating and voluminous detail.

The omitted portion of this statement is that virtually every one of these studies has been rigged- the same is true for virtually every single vaccine trial in history.

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Change "vaccine trial" to "drug trial," and that sums it up.

"Bad Medicine," Ben Goldacre - book is over a decade old, still relevant

"Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime," Peter Gotzsche

This is nothing new, except for the lockstep pressure.

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Vaccines have never been tested against a saline placebo. I think that in itself speaks volumes.

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This is true and barely scratches the surface.

All vaccines are barbaric.

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In a time of short attention spans, there is power in distilling one's arguments down to a soundbite. Whenever a shill for Big Pharma falsely claims that quacksines have been thoroughly tested, we can point out that not a single one of those industry-funded clinical trials was tested against a saline placebo. Therefore those clinical trials are unscientific and misleading.

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Vax never tested against a real virus either..bec they dont exist, www.VirusTruth.NET Im putting mini flyers from this site on cars and taping to gas pump screens. We need to stop all shots!

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Agreed, Toni. It's unscientific to believe in viruses because the Koch postulates haven't been met. Also, they lump viruses in with bacteria and other micro-organisms as if they are living entities. However, "a single or double strand of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat" is NOT a living entity. It's just a fragment of cell debris.

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Lived in Singapore when my daughter was a month old. Took her for her 'required US" vaccines at 6 weeks and the doc refused. Told me they can cure whooping cough but not autism. That was back in 1986. So, my kids had the MMR shots, separately a month apart, in the US. And not until the age of 3 as they were home, not in school or daycare.

They didn't get autism, but they sure had the rest... ear infections, mumps, measles, etc., when they did start school.

I'm still grateful for Dr. Lee warning me about the MMR and suggesting it later; and separately. I have so many friends dealing w/autism, ADHD, etc., with their children because they didn't know and had their kids vaccinated way too early.

That doc in the scrubs would be toast in my book! I'd leave his practice based on his bad medical advice!

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Smart dr Lee, learn why at www.VirusTruth.NET

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Yes, he did indeed do an emotional knee jerk reaction, very unprofessional. Is his Program funded by big drug marfi . . pharma corporate company?

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MD’s get paid handsomely for administering vaccines so of course this scrub wearing doc will get his panties in a bunch. This was 13yrs ago!!! WTF is going on and why aren’t more parents doing their research? I truly believe my nieces have been harmed by childhood schedule of vax’s. They’re now C19 shot and boosted. Fear has come into play years in the making.

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They sold us fear of dying by fake viruses, www.VirusTruth.NET

I dont like being fooled by govt, im fighting back by putting mini flyers on cars from www.VirusTruth.NET puts book Contagion Myth by dr tom Cowan directly into hands. Free. Pdfs.

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Thank you for doing this.

PS - The doctor in the blue scrubs couldn't be more of a pussy. Geez.

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Didn't fight back on facts either. Went for the man.

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It was evident when he knew his ignorance had been exposed because he suddenly affected a conspicuous and overly emotional tone — totally departing from any forensic discussion of the facts, and opting instead for emotional appeals. “I feel so attacked!” “All we want is what’s best for the children!” “You’ve attacked me personally, and my colleagues!”

If he thinks that we, the audience, feel sympathy for his being “attacked” (which I don’t think he was), he’s wrong.

Nowadays, showing someone that they are in error with hard evidence is tantamount to an “attack.” And this doc clearly is not accustomed to being challenged, and is dangerous because he is not teachable. His ego is the obstacle here. He is so cocksure of being right while being so deceived and misinformed. He’s the perfect Pharma operative.

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“Not teachable” = great condemnation. Sad. But great.

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Are you telling me they still use monkey kidneys after the unmitigated disaster that was the polio vaccine rollout?

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Apparently so

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It was meant to be an unmitigated disaster. That's the whole point of quacksines. They are slow-kill bioweapons, marketed as life-saving drugs. It's a total inversion of the truth, as practiced by pathological liars.

Pathological liars never respect anyone who is gullible enough to fall for their lies. Instead, they consider themselves to be superior to their victims and therefore they think they have the right to continue with their psychological abuse. It's totally warped, of course.

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i have 2 unvaccinated adult children that i raised to think for themselves and they both, out of pure fear and domination (28&30), chose to get the covid vaccines and also disgarded me out of their lives for a couple of years during this plandemic ... i am welcome back now and no discussion bout past ... and i am good with whatever they are choosing to do as i have surrendered completely. i know beyond knowing what is best for me and what is true. love loves no matter what AND i live freely as i am until my last breath in this illusory physical form. intuition is free and that IS me. love's will i am.

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Have sent you email.

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Maybe also good idea to test how unvaxxed children compared on school level against the vaxxed.. huh... but we know it will never happened.

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Indeed, I've been thinking about that recently. Alot is said about health comparisons between the two groups, but what about IQ comparisons and even more importantly I think, personality profile comparisons. I have no doubt that this chemical stew impacts the big 5 traits such as neuroticism, openness, agreeableness etc.

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Makes so much clearer. Regret and sadness for not knowing sooner.

How to get others to understand this is the next challenge. Thankyou.

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Beautiful, thank you for sharing.

Ashamed to say I allowed my son to have some of the vaccines, all the ones they give up to about 9 months I think, and nowhere near as many as they want to do even in the UK. I can't turn back time and dearly wish I had known this information before he was born, he would be with the unvaccinated for sure. I thank Andrew Wakefield as without his voice I would not have stopped, I did not know any better. One thing I know is if I have grandchildren they will never be vaccinated. That said, even though he has had some injections my son is ridiculously healthy, bright, strong and emotionally sound, and for that I am so grateful. Maybe I caught myself from harming him just in time.

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The young, whiny, poor victim of a doctor is an embarrassment to the profession. He knows that he has been caught in his own ignorance, and attempts to cover it by talking more so that others don’t get a chance to speak.

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I'm days backed-up on Substacks, lol! I hope the doc in the blue scrubs looks back on that show, and his words, and now has a definitive answer. He wants to look at vaccines, he WANTS to have this debate. Well, that show right there, that episode, wouldn't even be allowed to air now. And that fact is the evidence he really needs, if he has any critical thinking left in his brainwashed mind. Which I sadly doubt.

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My son and his wife were about to have their first and I told them not to vax. Now they have three brilliant, healthy totally unvaxxed [and organically fed] kids, and we're all beyond glad for that decision.

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A story on the unvaccinated seems a bit incomplete without bothering to include the data on the entirely unvaccinated population (of all ages) across 48 states, i.e., the Control Group study, for which a peer-reviewed and published paper can be seen here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/365417868_Health_versus_Disorder_Disease_and_Death_Unvaccinated_Persons_Are_Incommensurably_Healthier_than_Vaccinated

Total risk of at least one chronic condition after the age of 18 in the vaccinated is now over 60%. TRUE total baseline risk for those who have never once been exposed to any vaccines and those who've also avoided the "vitamin" K shot, is 2.64%. Take your pick.

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Thanks Joy. Would you be interested in doing a written interview with me? I have over 10,000 subscribers and they would be very interested in your work. If so, could you please email me: unbekoming@outlook.com

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So valuable . . . so moving . . . Thank you so much for sharing . . . .

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Makes me wonder about the LeRoy High School teenage girls (and one boy) 2011-2012 story…just watch a documentary about this small town epidemic of “Tourette’s”. Makes me think it was induced by the HPV vaccines. Interesting how vaccines were not mentioned as a possible cause.

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Indeed, it is almost certainly that.

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