I've read Dr. Cowan's other books and find them extremely thought provoking. In fact, his Human Heart, Cosmic heart was recommended to me and my wife by a top cardiac surgeon. When I met Dr. Cowan, I found him to be one of the most naturally curious and refreshingly skeptical doctors I've met. Of course this meant he's been vilified by the medical establishment, the pharisees of medicine and money. It is a great shame there aren't more doctors like him, but in medical school, from what I understand, they do not teach you to question orthodoxy.
How does a virus attack Homosexuals in the West and heterosexuals in Africa? “Those who make you believe in absurdity, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
It was/is a nutrition, drugs, and life-style issue. Poor women in Africa get "aids" which is immune system breakdown due to malnutrition. Gay guys get "AIDS" from drug use and lifestyle.
Contagion Contamination Signal Transmit Shed Spread Seed
Do we “catch” a cold? Are bad apples contagious? Contaminating? Shedding?
Emotions and moods are “contagious.” Joy. Compassion. Fear. Rage.
Transmitting and Receiving. How does that work between people? What makes something or someone receptive to transmissions and others not receptive? DNA is both transmitter and receiver.
Light transmits and receives information. Your light informs my light! Does your light warn my light of impending danger? I think it does. If you are Light deficient, you are likely to become ill. Computer blue light weakens us. We are deficient in red, yellow, indigo and other colors/frequencies. We may have weak biofields/auras. We are more susceptible to illness and emotional upset.
One person suggested that part of illness may be hormone signaling, especially with stress hormones. So, if we’re sharing stress hormones, aren’t we more likely to get sick? And the person who doesn’t share… doesn’t get sick! Doctors don’t usually get sick from patients. They have no emotional connection, whereas family members do.
How about women whose menstrual cycles sync? Fertility often seems to sync, and several women in the same vicinity get pregnant around the same time.
There are hundreds of environmental variables contributing to health or illness. Latitude and Longitude. Season of year. Space-Earth weather. Ions – positive or negative. Magnetic fields. PH balance. Hydration. Light source – Natural Sunlight, incandescent, LED, Compact Fluorescent.
Sounds – Pleasant or unpleasant sounds literally change blood for good or bad, and they change brain waves for good or bad.
Emotional state can affect how someone reacts to a vaccine or drug. I read of a woman who was eating grapes when she got some very bad news. She became allergic to grapes.
What is a virus?
~A Little envelope of something that causes and spreads disease?
~Program Disruptor as in a computer virus?
~A little ping on your phone that says you have 15 updates whether you want them or not.
~Virome: Biological Envelope containing information programming for Adaptation, Upgrades, and Evolution. Envelope to be opened as needed.
THEY highjack, twist, invert, and bastardize words and phrases and change the meanings.
> What we call viruses are actually beneficial exosomes that help cells detoxify and communicate.
REPLY: If I understand Jonathan Jay Couey, the above are his contention regarding so called virus causes.
From Nov 2023: I have a question regarding viruses, vesicles, exosomes, virions and noninfectious viruses. Reading the linked article raised the following question. Did the reaserach of virons/vesicles/exomsomes lead to the current mRNA technology?
Since vesicles, exosomes, virions are wraped in a lipid membrane why not use a similar approach?
Or is LNP and mRNA injectables just a clugh? Cyanobacteria can break the water molecule at room temprature. Keep the hydrogen and release the oxygen with a net energy gain. Humans not so much, even after studying the process bacteria use for decades.
Is it possible that the gene therapy injectables are equally clunky?
vesicles, exosomes, virions are the ways cells (including ours and our immune system) communicate with each other. The mood we meet each other and the day with is informed by them.
Here is a link for a very tiny bit of background on vesicles, exosomes, virions.
Cowan along with Kaufman and yes Alex Jones sounded the alarm very early and took the focus away from the creation of Mass Formation Psychosis and led me into the cavern of reality I call common sense and logic, it seems that so many are lacking, and to go full on crazy talk I have noticed and so has my son that some people who were multi jabbed just don't seem the same as before that were initiated into the cult of death. Thank you again another fine article.
I'd like to see an in depth look into the subject of STDs - sexually transmitted diseases. I suspect we've been misguided about those as well. They used to track and trace people with syphilis, just like AIDS and Covid.
We tend to think there are four pathogen categories: virus, bacteria, parasite, fungus. There are likely millions of things we don't know about, and these lifeforms are often pleomorphic - shapeshifters. They change their form and function. With something like Lyme, there is a combination of pathogens - bacteria and parasites, for example, or mycoplasmas - fungal and what?
Bacteria, parasites, and fungus are definitely transmissible. I think mycoplasmas can be airborne (like from chemtrails).
Herpes might even be a nutritional deficiency like impetigo or something similar.
I wonder if SV 40 is a contamination issue, rather than a virus issue. Judy Mikovits talks about this, the mouse brain tissue that was part of the polio formula as well as the green monkey kidney tissue contamination.
It sounds so logical to me to inject humans with stuff from animals and other humans. (Sarcasm.)
Yes, yes to all you offer. Confounding that the "virus - no virus" argument hinges on germ or terrain implicitly excluding man-made microplasms (or whatever) that are indeed airborne and infectious. Is that what Couey meant by prions? Covid had exceptionally unique symptoms likely imo from lab concocted poisons (Sasha's position). But how was it distributed?
What do they see when they micro examine herpes? Animal veg min or something else. Bailey hides within terrain territory and avoids explaining the how and why of herpes transmissibility.
They ignore mosquito-spread viruses in tropical regions too. And I suspect in times past when flies, lice, ticks, and bedbugs were massively prevalent in Western societies, that these vectors spread much disease along with untreated drinking water.
Tom Cowan mentions insect and venom issues. I think, like you, it's an overlooked aspect of disease with the exception of Lyme disease.
Think about the critters you mention and where their feet and mouths have been, and when they bite, what toxins or literal sh*t is injected.
Two of my ancestors died of small pox. The father seemingly got it from his son. The other family members kept their distance. They were pioneers, in the desert and mud, difficult environmental conditions, inadequate food. What was it? I have read that disease conditions like various rashes were often mixed up like measles might have been called small pox.
We have the stories about sailors giving the Hawaiians measles as well as small pox infected blankets being given to the Indians. Then there were various syphilis experiments.
re: "What constitutes a true "gold standard" test?... A genuine gold standard test must directly demonstrate causation.."
How is causation demonstrated? There are two methods, one speculative and one present.
1. - We can speculate the cause of an illness by creating the same illness with intentional actions. This is the Koch test. Take the purported cause and use it to create the disease, proving that it can be the cause - and then by inference claim it was also the cause in the case at hand. The weakness of this test is the infinite variety of disease and disease causes. The simplest illness, a cough, might have dozens, no hundreds of causes, which might cause a simple temporary cause to a serious cause that causes many other dangerous consequences. In addition, most diseases - have multiple causes. This is true simply because a case of illness with a single cause is often cured without medical attention, before it can be diagnosed.
2. - We can cure the illness. An illness is cured by addressing the cause. If we postulate a cause, and then address the cause, and the illness is cured, that was likely the cause. Every time we repeat the cure over a number of cases, we increase the validity of the causal claim. Illnesses with multiple causes will require multiple cure actions.
It is unfortunate that the book The Contagion Myth only uses the word "cure" three times and does not address the concept of cure seriously. The single use of "cured" references Andreas Kalcker - of CDS fame, who actually avoids the word "cured" referring instead to "exito" - success in Spanish, and recuperados - recuperation.
I believe study of "cure" is the key to answering the question of infectious diseases in general. It can be easily demonstrated that some infectious diseases, like head lice, are caused by the infectious agent. Demonstrating that bacteria can cause disease is perhaps more difficult, but it is not difficult to find good examples - with, for example, the penicillin cure.
The question of viruses is much more complex - as this book clearly illustrates. There is much about the concept of viral diseases that is ignored by our medical systems. The questions of various toxins, electromagnetic causes, nutritional deficiencies, and others are simply ignored as soon as a virus cause is proposed. This is intentional ignorance by a system that profits from the theory of viral causes.
The very concept of a virus is difficult enough to be incomprehensible to most people. We accept it on trust, not noticing that it - the definition of a virus - requires a large amount of trust. It is not alive, but it multiplies and evolves? We cannot see it? We must then ask, do viruses really exist? Or are they fictions of our imagination, like evil spirits, or perhaps simply collections of concepts we do not understand, but give a name. How can we tell?
If we can develop a "cure" that supports the belief in a viral cause - that provides evidence of cause. If we cannot cure by addressing a viral cause, can a viral cause really exist?
At present, only one disease claimed to be cause by a virus can be cured: hepatitis C. All other viral diseases are considered to be incurable, even though, like COVID, most cases are easily cured by health, healthier patients are less likely to be infected, less likely to suffer severe symptoms, and cure the illness faster. Even hepatitis C cures are confusing. There are reports of cured cases without drugs that attack the purported virus. And the viral cure does not work in every case. But no cure should be expected to cure every case. It's complicated. But when we fail to study cure and cured cases, we cannot attain a comprehensive understanding.
Clearly, something is wrong with our paradigm. It's time to study cure, cures, curing, and cured.
I've read Dr. Cowan's other books and find them extremely thought provoking. In fact, his Human Heart, Cosmic heart was recommended to me and my wife by a top cardiac surgeon. When I met Dr. Cowan, I found him to be one of the most naturally curious and refreshingly skeptical doctors I've met. Of course this meant he's been vilified by the medical establishment, the pharisees of medicine and money. It is a great shame there aren't more doctors like him, but in medical school, from what I understand, they do not teach you to question orthodoxy.
How does a virus attack Homosexuals in the West and heterosexuals in Africa? “Those who make you believe in absurdity, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
It was/is a nutrition, drugs, and life-style issue. Poor women in Africa get "aids" which is immune system breakdown due to malnutrition. Gay guys get "AIDS" from drug use and lifestyle.
See the work of David Rasnick.
A Few Words:
Contagion Contamination Signal Transmit Shed Spread Seed
Do we “catch” a cold? Are bad apples contagious? Contaminating? Shedding?
Emotions and moods are “contagious.” Joy. Compassion. Fear. Rage.
Transmitting and Receiving. How does that work between people? What makes something or someone receptive to transmissions and others not receptive? DNA is both transmitter and receiver.
Light transmits and receives information. Your light informs my light! Does your light warn my light of impending danger? I think it does. If you are Light deficient, you are likely to become ill. Computer blue light weakens us. We are deficient in red, yellow, indigo and other colors/frequencies. We may have weak biofields/auras. We are more susceptible to illness and emotional upset.
One person suggested that part of illness may be hormone signaling, especially with stress hormones. So, if we’re sharing stress hormones, aren’t we more likely to get sick? And the person who doesn’t share… doesn’t get sick! Doctors don’t usually get sick from patients. They have no emotional connection, whereas family members do.
How about women whose menstrual cycles sync? Fertility often seems to sync, and several women in the same vicinity get pregnant around the same time.
There are hundreds of environmental variables contributing to health or illness. Latitude and Longitude. Season of year. Space-Earth weather. Ions – positive or negative. Magnetic fields. PH balance. Hydration. Light source – Natural Sunlight, incandescent, LED, Compact Fluorescent.
Sounds – Pleasant or unpleasant sounds literally change blood for good or bad, and they change brain waves for good or bad.
Emotional state can affect how someone reacts to a vaccine or drug. I read of a woman who was eating grapes when she got some very bad news. She became allergic to grapes.
What is a virus?
~A Little envelope of something that causes and spreads disease?
~Program Disruptor as in a computer virus?
~A little ping on your phone that says you have 15 updates whether you want them or not.
~Virome: Biological Envelope containing information programming for Adaptation, Upgrades, and Evolution. Envelope to be opened as needed.
THEY highjack, twist, invert, and bastardize words and phrases and change the meanings.
We need to counter with better and clearer words!
My favorite parts of Covid:
No one likes to blame a victim(s).
But sometimes you have to.
Experimental Injections
… is one of those times.
Good day Unbekoming and Commentariat,
> What we call viruses are actually beneficial exosomes that help cells detoxify and communicate.
REPLY: If I understand Jonathan Jay Couey, the above are his contention regarding so called virus causes.
From Nov 2023: I have a question regarding viruses, vesicles, exosomes, virions and noninfectious viruses. Reading the linked article raised the following question. Did the reaserach of virons/vesicles/exomsomes lead to the current mRNA technology?
Since vesicles, exosomes, virions are wraped in a lipid membrane why not use a similar approach?
Or is LNP and mRNA injectables just a clugh? Cyanobacteria can break the water molecule at room temprature. Keep the hydrogen and release the oxygen with a net energy gain. Humans not so much, even after studying the process bacteria use for decades.
Is it possible that the gene therapy injectables are equally clunky?
vesicles, exosomes, virions are the ways cells (including ours and our immune system) communicate with each other. The mood we meet each other and the day with is informed by them.
Here is a link for a very tiny bit of background on vesicles, exosomes, virions.
Cowan along with Kaufman and yes Alex Jones sounded the alarm very early and took the focus away from the creation of Mass Formation Psychosis and led me into the cavern of reality I call common sense and logic, it seems that so many are lacking, and to go full on crazy talk I have noticed and so has my son that some people who were multi jabbed just don't seem the same as before that were initiated into the cult of death. Thank you again another fine article.
Herpes is physically transmittable. What is it-- if not a virus. Same for SV-40.
I'd like to see an in depth look into the subject of STDs - sexually transmitted diseases. I suspect we've been misguided about those as well. They used to track and trace people with syphilis, just like AIDS and Covid.
We tend to think there are four pathogen categories: virus, bacteria, parasite, fungus. There are likely millions of things we don't know about, and these lifeforms are often pleomorphic - shapeshifters. They change their form and function. With something like Lyme, there is a combination of pathogens - bacteria and parasites, for example, or mycoplasmas - fungal and what?
Bacteria, parasites, and fungus are definitely transmissible. I think mycoplasmas can be airborne (like from chemtrails).
Herpes might even be a nutritional deficiency like impetigo or something similar.
I wonder if SV 40 is a contamination issue, rather than a virus issue. Judy Mikovits talks about this, the mouse brain tissue that was part of the polio formula as well as the green monkey kidney tissue contamination.
It sounds so logical to me to inject humans with stuff from animals and other humans. (Sarcasm.)
Yes, yes to all you offer. Confounding that the "virus - no virus" argument hinges on germ or terrain implicitly excluding man-made microplasms (or whatever) that are indeed airborne and infectious. Is that what Couey meant by prions? Covid had exceptionally unique symptoms likely imo from lab concocted poisons (Sasha's position). But how was it distributed?
What do they see when they micro examine herpes? Animal veg min or something else. Bailey hides within terrain territory and avoids explaining the how and why of herpes transmissibility.
They ignore mosquito-spread viruses in tropical regions too. And I suspect in times past when flies, lice, ticks, and bedbugs were massively prevalent in Western societies, that these vectors spread much disease along with untreated drinking water.
Tom Cowan mentions insect and venom issues. I think, like you, it's an overlooked aspect of disease with the exception of Lyme disease.
Think about the critters you mention and where their feet and mouths have been, and when they bite, what toxins or literal sh*t is injected.
Two of my ancestors died of small pox. The father seemingly got it from his son. The other family members kept their distance. They were pioneers, in the desert and mud, difficult environmental conditions, inadequate food. What was it? I have read that disease conditions like various rashes were often mixed up like measles might have been called small pox.
We have the stories about sailors giving the Hawaiians measles as well as small pox infected blankets being given to the Indians. Then there were various syphilis experiments.
I still believe in the existence of viruses. Because, I've had some viral diseases. The disease is the proof.
Also had some bacterial diseases of a communicable nature. Nuff said:).
re: "What constitutes a true "gold standard" test?... A genuine gold standard test must directly demonstrate causation.."
How is causation demonstrated? There are two methods, one speculative and one present.
1. - We can speculate the cause of an illness by creating the same illness with intentional actions. This is the Koch test. Take the purported cause and use it to create the disease, proving that it can be the cause - and then by inference claim it was also the cause in the case at hand. The weakness of this test is the infinite variety of disease and disease causes. The simplest illness, a cough, might have dozens, no hundreds of causes, which might cause a simple temporary cause to a serious cause that causes many other dangerous consequences. In addition, most diseases - have multiple causes. This is true simply because a case of illness with a single cause is often cured without medical attention, before it can be diagnosed.
2. - We can cure the illness. An illness is cured by addressing the cause. If we postulate a cause, and then address the cause, and the illness is cured, that was likely the cause. Every time we repeat the cure over a number of cases, we increase the validity of the causal claim. Illnesses with multiple causes will require multiple cure actions.
It is unfortunate that the book The Contagion Myth only uses the word "cure" three times and does not address the concept of cure seriously. The single use of "cured" references Andreas Kalcker - of CDS fame, who actually avoids the word "cured" referring instead to "exito" - success in Spanish, and recuperados - recuperation.
I believe study of "cure" is the key to answering the question of infectious diseases in general. It can be easily demonstrated that some infectious diseases, like head lice, are caused by the infectious agent. Demonstrating that bacteria can cause disease is perhaps more difficult, but it is not difficult to find good examples - with, for example, the penicillin cure.
The question of viruses is much more complex - as this book clearly illustrates. There is much about the concept of viral diseases that is ignored by our medical systems. The questions of various toxins, electromagnetic causes, nutritional deficiencies, and others are simply ignored as soon as a virus cause is proposed. This is intentional ignorance by a system that profits from the theory of viral causes.
The very concept of a virus is difficult enough to be incomprehensible to most people. We accept it on trust, not noticing that it - the definition of a virus - requires a large amount of trust. It is not alive, but it multiplies and evolves? We cannot see it? We must then ask, do viruses really exist? Or are they fictions of our imagination, like evil spirits, or perhaps simply collections of concepts we do not understand, but give a name. How can we tell?
If we can develop a "cure" that supports the belief in a viral cause - that provides evidence of cause. If we cannot cure by addressing a viral cause, can a viral cause really exist?
At present, only one disease claimed to be cause by a virus can be cured: hepatitis C. All other viral diseases are considered to be incurable, even though, like COVID, most cases are easily cured by health, healthier patients are less likely to be infected, less likely to suffer severe symptoms, and cure the illness faster. Even hepatitis C cures are confusing. There are reports of cured cases without drugs that attack the purported virus. And the viral cure does not work in every case. But no cure should be expected to cure every case. It's complicated. But when we fail to study cure and cured cases, we cannot attain a comprehensive understanding.
Clearly, something is wrong with our paradigm. It's time to study cure, cures, curing, and cured.
to your health, tracy
Author: A New Theory of Cure