The Truth About Contagion (2021)
By Dr Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell – 50 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary
This is an incredibly important book, one I wish I had read in 2021 instead of 2023. That said, I’m not sure I would have been ready to absorb its teachings back then—for the teacher arrives when the student is ready.
Originally titled The Contagion Myth, the book's name was changed to navigate Amazon's censorship, as the original title was too provocative for 2021.
This work is significant enough to warrant a place in my library of summaries and to amplify its core message. However, as a short book, I strongly recommend reading the full text—it’s worth it. If that’s not an option, this summary is better than nothing.
It has deepened my understanding of the evidence (or lack thereof) concerning viruses, while also helping me recalibrate my views on contagion.
With gratitude to Dr. Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell.
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Discussion No.28:
20 important insights from “The Truth About Contagion”
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Imagine a beautiful garden full of diverse, healthy plants. Each plant has its own natural defense systems, draws nutrients from rich soil, and is nourished by clean water. Now imagine installing powerful spotlights that shine 24/7, spraying chemical fertilizers and pesticides everywhere, and replacing the natural soil with artificial growing medium. When the plants begin to sicken and die, you notice small spots on their leaves. The conventional approach would be to blame a virus or bacteria for these spots and try to eradicate it with more chemicals.
But what if those spots aren't the cause of the problem, but rather the plant's attempt to adapt to an impossible situation? The spots might actually be the plant's defense mechanism - its way of trying to survive in an environment that has become increasingly hostile to life. The solution isn't to attack these spots with more chemicals, but to restore the natural conditions that allow plants to thrive: proper sunlight cycles, clean water, healthy soil, and freedom from toxic chemicals.
This mirrors our current medical system. We've created an increasingly unnatural environment - filled with electromagnetic radiation, industrial chemicals, processed foods, and chronic fear - and then blame viruses for the body's attempts to adapt and detoxify. Just as the garden needs a return to natural conditions rather than more interventions, human health requires a return to environmental and nutritional conditions that support our bodies' innate healing capabilities.
The path forward isn't through more aggressive medical interventions but through understanding and respecting the natural conditions that support life, from the structured water in our cells to the electromagnetic frequencies that surround us. Just as a garden thrives when we work with nature rather than against it, human health flourishes when we align our practices with our biology rather than waging war against it.
12-point summary
Fundamental Challenge to Germ Theory: The book presents evidence that no virus has ever been properly isolated or proven to cause disease. What we call viruses are actually beneficial exosomes that help cells detoxify and communicate. This challenges the entire foundation of modern medical practice.
Environmental Causes of Disease: Instead of contagion, diseases arise from environmental stressors, particularly electromagnetic fields, toxic chemicals, and nutritional deficiencies. Historical pandemics correlate strongly with new electrical technologies or cosmic events rather than person-to-person transmission.
The Human Electrical System: Humans are fundamentally electrical beings, with cells and tissues organized around structured water that forms crystalline gels. This electrical nature makes us vulnerable to disruption from artificial electromagnetic fields, particularly 5G technology.
Water's Critical Role: Structured water, or fourth-phase water, forms the basis of cellular health. This special form of water creates gel-like structures that maintain cellular function and carry electrical charges. Modern influences like EMFs can disrupt this structured water, leading to disease.
The Truth About Testing: PCR and antibody tests are surrogate tests that have never been validated against properly isolated viruses. These tests can be manipulated through amplification cycles and may be detecting normal cellular processes rather than pathogens.
5G and COVID-19: The book presents evidence linking COVID-19 symptoms to 5G implementation, with geographic and temporal correlations between 5G rollout and disease outbreaks. The millimeter waves used in 5G can affect oxygen binding and cellular water structure.
Nutritional Protection: Traditional fats, properly prepared grains, and fermented foods provide crucial protection against modern environmental stressors. The shift to industrial seed oils and processed foods has compromised cellular resilience.
The Role of Fear: Fear and negative emotions create measurable physiological changes that can manifest as disease. The current climate of fear surrounding disease can actually contribute to illness through disruption of natural healing processes.
EMF Protection: Protecting against electromagnetic fields requires both environmental modifications and biological strengthening through proper nutrition. Traditional geometric forms and materials can help modify harmful EMF effects.
The Resonance Model: Disease patterns can appear contagious through resonance rather than infection. This explains how multiple people might develop similar symptoms without actual person-to-person transmission.
Historical Reinterpretation: Major historical pandemics, from the Black Death to the Spanish Flu, correlate with environmental and cosmic events rather than contagion. This suggests we need to completely rethink our understanding of disease outbreaks.
Future Implications: This new understanding of disease requires fundamental changes in medical practice, communication technology, and food systems. The focus should shift from fighting pathogens to supporting natural healing processes and protecting against environmental stressors.
Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call “contagions.” Numerous people become ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time. Does humankind suffer these outbreaks at the hands of an angry god or evil spirit? A disturbance in the atmosphere? A miasma? Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence?
With the invention of the microscope in 1670 and the discovery of bacteria, doctors had a new candidate to blame: tiny one-celled organisms that humans could pass from one to another through contact and exhalation. But the germ theory of disease did not take hold until two hundred years later with celebrity scientist Louis Pasteur and soon became the explanation for most illness.
Recognition of nutritional deficiencies as a cause of diseases like scurvy, pellagra, and beriberi took decades because the germ theory became the explanation for everything that ails the human being. As Robert R. Williams, one of the discoverers of thiamine (vitamin B1) lamented, “all young physicians were so imbued with the idea of infection as the cause of disease that it presently came to be accepted as almost axiomatic that disease could have no other cause [other than microbes]. The preoccupation of physicians with infection as a cause of disease was doubtless responsible for many digressions from attention to food as the causal factor of beriberi.”¹
During the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest example of a contagion in recent history, doctors struggled to explain the worldwide reach of the illness. It sickened an estimated five hundred million people—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killed between twenty to fifty million people. It seemed to appear spontaneously in different parts of the world, striking the young and healthy, including many American servicemen. Some communities shut down schools, businesses, and theaters; people were ordered to wear masks and refrain from shaking hands, to stop the contagion.
But was it contagious? Health officials in those days believed that the cause of the Spanish flu was a microorganism called Pfeiffer’s bacillus, and they were interested in the question of how the organism could spread so quickly. To answer that question, doctors from the US Public Health Service tried to infect one hundred healthy volunteers between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five by collecting mucous secretions from the noses, throats, and upper respiratory tracts of those who were sick.² They transferred these secretions to the noses, mouths, and lungs of the volunteers, but not one of them succumbed; blood of sick donors was injected into the blood of the volunteers, but they remained stubbornly healthy; finally they instructed those afflicted to breathe and cough over the healthy volunteers, but the results were the same: the Spanish flu was not contagious, and physicians could attach no blame to the accused bacterium.
Pasteur believed that the healthy human body was sterile and became sick only when invaded by bacteria—a view that dominated the practice of medicine for over a century. In recent years we have witnessed a complete reversal of the reigning medical paradigm—that bacteria attack us and make us sick. We have learned that the digestive tract of a healthy person contains up to six pounds of bacteria, which play many beneficial roles—they protect us against toxins, support the immune system, help digest our food, create vitamins, and even produce “feel good” chemicals. Bacteria that coat the skin and line the vaginal tract play equally protective roles. These discoveries call into question many current medical practices—from antibiotics to hand washing. Indeed, researchers have become increasingly frustrated in their attempts to prove that bacteria make us sick, except as coactors in extremely unnatural conditions.
Enter viruses: Louis Pasteur did not find a bacterium that could cause rabies and speculated about a pathogen too small for detection by microscopes. The first images of these tiny particles—about one-thousandth the size of a cell—were obtained upon the invention of the electron microscope in 1931. These viruses—from the Latin virus for “toxin”—were immediately assumed to be dangerous “infectious agents.” A virus is not a living organism that can reproduce on its own, but a collection of proteins and snippets of DNA or RNA enclosed in a membrane. Since they are seen in and around living cells, researchers assumed that viruses replicate only inside the living cells of an organism. The belief is that these ubiquitous viruses “can infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea.”³
Difficult to separate and purify, viruses are a convenient scapegoat for diseases that don’t fit the bacterial model. Colds, flu, and pneumonia, once considered exclusively bacterial diseases, are now often blamed on a virus. Is it possible that scientists will one day discover that these particles, like the once-maligned bacteria, play a beneficial role? Indeed, scientists have already done just that, but old ideas, especially ideas that promise profits from drugs and vaccines—the “one bug, one drug” mentality—die hard.
Today, the premise that coronavirus is contagious and can cause disease has provided the justification for putting entire nations on lockdown, destroying the global economy and throwing hundreds of thousands out of work. But is it contagious? Can one person give coronavirus to others and make them sick? Or is something else, some outside influence, causing illness in the vulnerable?
These questions are bound to make public health officials uncomfortable—even angry—because the whole thrust of modern medicine derives from the premise that microorganisms—transmittable microorganisms—cause disease. From antibiotics to vaccines, from face masks to social distancing, most people submit willingly to such measures in order to protect themselves and others. To question the underlying principle of contagion is to question the foundation of medical care.
I am delighted to join my colleague Tom Cowan in creating this exposé of the modern medical myth—that microorganisms cause disease and that these diseases can be spread from one person to another through coughs, sneezes, kisses, and hugs. Like Tom, I am no stranger to controversial views. In my book Nourishing Traditions, first published in 1996, I proposed the heretical idea that cholesterol and saturated animal fats are not villains, but essential components of the diet, necessary for normal growth, mental and physical well-being, and the prevention of disease.
In Nourishing Traditions and in other writings, I presented the radical notion that pasteurization—collateral damage of the germ theory—destroys the goodness in milk and that raw whole milk is both safe and therapeutic, especially important for growing children. It is the most obvious substitute for breast milk when mothers are having trouble nursing their babies, a proposition that makes health officials squirm. In subsequent publications I have argued the dissenting view that it is a nutrient-dense diet and not the administration of vaccines that best protects our children from illness. Over the years these views have found increasing support with both laypeople and health professionals.
Error has consequences. The result of the notion that our diets should be devoid of animal fats, that children should grow up on processed skim milk, and that it’s fine to vaccinate them dozens of times before the age of five has resulted in immense suffering in our children, an epidemic of chronic illness in adults, and a serious decline in the quality of our food supply. There are economic consequences as well, including the devastation of rural life as small farms, especially dairy farms prohibited from selling their milk directly to customers, give in against the price pressures of “Big Ag” (Big Agriculture/corporate farming), and parents of children with chronic illness (estimated to be as high as one child in six⁴) struggle with the costs of caring for them.
What are the possible consequences of the premise that microorganisms, especially viruses, cause disease? The “coronavirus pandemic” gives us many clues: forced vaccinations, microchipping, prescribed social distancing, lockdown, mandatory masks, and negation of our right to assemble and practice our religion whenever an illness appears that can be media hyped into a public health emergency.
Until we base our public policies on the truth, the situation will only get worse. The truth is that contagion is a myth; we need to look elsewhere for the causes of disease. Only when we do so will we create a world of freedom, prosperity, and good health.
—Sally Fallon Morell, July 2020
50 Questions & Answers
1. What fundamental challenge does this book present to the conventional germ theory of disease?
The book proposes that the entire foundation of modern medicine - the idea that germs cause disease through contagion - is fundamentally flawed. Through detailed analysis of historical records and scientific studies, it demonstrates that no disease attributed to bacteria or viruses has ever satisfied Koch's postulates or Rivers' criteria, which are the established standards for proving disease causation. Instead of viruses being hostile invaders, they are actually beneficial exosomes that help cells detoxify and communicate.
The text presents evidence that diseases traditionally blamed on contagious microorganisms are actually caused by environmental factors, particularly electromagnetic fields, industrial toxins, and nutritional deficiencies. This perspective reframes the entire approach to illness, suggesting that improving terrain through proper nutrition, reducing toxin exposure, and protecting against electromagnetic pollution would be more effective than fighting supposed viral enemies.
2. How does the electrical nature of human biology differ from conventional medical understanding?
Conventional medicine largely ignores the electrical and crystalline nature of human cells and tissues, focusing instead on biochemical processes. However, the book explains that humans are fundamentally electrical beings, with cells and tissues organized around structured water that forms a crystalline gel capable of conducting and responding to electrical signals. This structured water creates a microscopic web of "fine wires" that carry energy and information throughout the body.
The electrical properties of our bodies make us sensitive to external electromagnetic fields and explain why EMF exposure can cause illness. The book details how cell membranes must maintain specific electrical potentials for proper function, and how various factors - from 5G radiation to poor nutrition - can disrupt these essential electrical properties. This understanding suggests that many modern diseases result from disruption of our body's natural electrical processes rather than from invading pathogens.
3. What are exosomes, and how do they differ from the traditional concept of viruses?
Exosomes are tiny particles produced by cells as a natural response to stress or toxicity. Unlike the conventional view of viruses as hostile invaders, exosomes are beneficial messengers that help cells communicate and detoxify. They are produced in greater numbers when cells face challenges like electromagnetic radiation, chemical toxins, or emotional stress. These particles are identical in size and appearance to what virologists have been calling viruses, suggesting that "viruses" are actually misidentified exosomes.
The key difference lies in their role - while conventional theory sees viruses as external pathogens that attack cells, exosomes are understood as part of the body's natural healing response. They carry genetic material and proteins that help other cells adapt to environmental stressors. This represents a complete reversal of the hostile virus theory, suggesting that these particles are essential to health rather than causes of disease.
4. How does structured water function in cellular health?
Structured water, also called fourth-phase or EZ water, forms crystalline arrangements in cells that are crucial for life processes. This special form of water creates a gel-like structure that can be shaped by proteins, minerals, and other cellular components to perform various functions. The crystalline nature of this water allows it to store and transmit information, carry electrical charges, and maintain cellular integrity. This structured water has a negative charge, while bulk water outside cells has a positive charge, creating a battery-like effect that helps power cellular processes.
The amount and quality of structured water in cells is influenced by various factors including exposure to sunlight (especially infrared), proper hydration, and the presence of necessary minerals. Modern influences like EMFs can disrupt this structured water, leading to cellular dysfunction. Understanding structured water's role helps explain why factors like proper hydration, mineral balance, and protection from electromagnetic fields are crucial for maintaining health.
5. What is the resonance theory of disease transmission?
The resonance theory explains how disease patterns can appear contagious without actual person-to-person transmission of pathogens. Just as a vibrating string can cause another string tuned to the same frequency to vibrate, human beings can influence each other through resonant frequencies. This explains how multiple people in the same area might develop similar symptoms without any contagious agent being present. The theory is supported by experiments showing that DNA patterns can be transmitted between containers of water through resonance alone.
This understanding suggests that what appears to be contagious disease might actually be a resonant response to environmental stressors. For example, childhood diseases like measles might represent a natural developmental process that can be triggered through resonance in children who are ready for that development. This theory also explains why some people remain healthy even when exposed to supposedly contagious diseases - they may simply not be resonating with that particular frequency pattern.
6. Why are Koch's postulates significant, and how do they relate to modern virology?
Koch's postulates represent the gold standard for proving disease causation, requiring that a microorganism be isolated from a sick host, grown in pure culture, cause disease when introduced to a healthy host, and then be re-isolated from the newly infected host. These logical steps were designed to definitively prove whether a specific microorganism causes a specific disease. However, virologists have largely abandoned these postulates because they have been unable to satisfy them for any viral disease.
Modern virology has attempted to modify or ignore these fundamental principles rather than acknowledge their inability to prove viral causation. The book argues that this represents a serious departure from scientific rigor, as the inability to satisfy Koch's postulates suggests that the entire viral theory of disease may be incorrect. This critique extends to current situations like COVID-19, where proper isolation and proof of causation have not been demonstrated.
7. What is the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation?
Ionizing radiation, such as X-rays, has enough energy to remove electrons from atoms, creating charged particles or ions. This type of radiation is widely recognized as harmful and is carefully controlled in medical and industrial applications. Non-ionizing radiation, which includes frequencies used in wireless communications and 5G technology, has lower energy and doesn't directly break chemical bonds. However, it can still cause significant biological effects by changing molecular rotations and vibrations.
The book challenges the conventional assumption that non-ionizing radiation is harmless below thermal effect levels. It presents evidence that even non-ionizing radiation can disrupt cellular water structure, affect membrane permeability, and interfere with normal biological processes. This is particularly concerning with 5G technology, which uses higher frequencies and requires many more transmitters than previous generations of wireless technology.
8. How do cellular gels contribute to health and disease resistance?
Cellular gels are structured matrices formed by water and proteins that maintain cellular organization and function. These gels create an organized environment within cells that allows for proper enzyme function, nutrient transport, and cellular communication. The health of these gels depends on proper hydration, mineral balance, and protection from disruptive factors like EMFs. When cellular gels are properly structured, they help maintain cellular integrity and resist disease.
Disruption of these gels by environmental toxins, poor nutrition, or electromagnetic fields can lead to cellular dysfunction and disease. The book explains how fever and inflammation are actually attempts by the body to temporarily liquefy these gels to remove toxins. Understanding the role of cellular gels helps explain why proper nutrition, hydration, and protection from environmental stressors are crucial for maintaining health.
9. What role do cell membranes play in protecting against electromagnetic fields?
Cell membranes serve as crucial barriers that maintain proper cellular function by controlling what enters and exits cells. The integrity of these membranes depends heavily on their composition, particularly their content of saturated fats and cholesterol. Proper membrane structure creates a kind of insulation that helps protect cellular contents from electromagnetic interference. This is why consuming natural saturated fats is crucial for maintaining cellular health in our increasingly electromagnetic environment.
The book explains that modern dietary advice promoting vegetable oils over saturated fats has made cell membranes more vulnerable to EMF damage. When membranes contain too many unstable polyunsaturated fats instead of saturated fats, they become "floppy" and more permeable, making cells more susceptible to EMF-induced damage. This understanding connects dietary choices directly to our ability to resist the harmful effects of modern electromagnetic exposures.
10. How does the mind-body connection influence disease development?
The mind-body connection plays a crucial role in health through the way thoughts and emotions influence our physical response to environmental challenges. The book explains that fear, hatred, and lies act as toxic waveforms that can create physiological responses in the body, including increased inflammation and stress hormone production. These emotional states can trigger the production of exosomes as the body attempts to detoxify from these harmful thought patterns.
The crystalline structure of water in our bodies, particularly in the brain, acts as a receiver for both beneficial and harmful thought frequencies. This understanding suggests that the current climate of fear surrounding disease can actually contribute to illness by creating physiological stress responses. The solution involves not only addressing physical factors but also cultivating positive emotional states and reducing exposure to fear-based messaging.
11. How does the book reinterpret the cause of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic?
The book presents compelling evidence that the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic resulted from the widespread implementation of radio waves and electrical technology rather than viral contagion. During World War I, governments installed powerful radio antennas that blanketed the earth with strong radio signals for the first time in human history. This unprecedented level of electromagnetic exposure coincided with the outbreak and spread of the Spanish flu, which exhibited unusual characteristics like its ability to strike simultaneously in widely separated locations.
Studies from the period provide striking evidence against the contagion theory. When researchers from the U.S. Public Health Service attempted to demonstrate transmission by having sick patients cough, sneeze, and breathe on healthy volunteers, they consistently failed to transmit the illness. Even injecting blood from sick patients into healthy subjects did not cause disease transmission. The book suggests that the pandemic's high mortality rate may have been exacerbated by the widespread use of aspirin and experimental bacterial meningitis vaccines given to soldiers.
12. What new perspective is offered on the Black Death's cause?
The book challenges the conventional explanation of bubonic plague spread by rats and fleas, suggesting instead that the Black Death was connected to celestial events and environmental factors. Historical records show the appearance of a comet called Negra in 1347, followed by earthquakes, strange atmospheric phenomena, and toxic clouds. The manifestation of symptoms - particularly the rapid onset and high mortality rate - aligns more closely with radiation poisoning than with bacterial infection.
Some findings contradict the bacterial theory: the disease spread faster than would be possible with rat-based transmission, appeared in areas without rats, and showed different symptoms than modern bubonic plague. The presence of bruise-like blotches on victims' skin and an extremely high fatality rate suggest radiation exposure, possibly intensified by atmospheric toxins and cosmic events. This perspective explains why the Black Death could devastate entire regions simultaneously without clear patterns of person-to-person transmission.
13. How does the book explain Native American disease outbreaks after European contact?
Rather than immediate transmission of European diseases, the book demonstrates that Native American populations remained healthy during initial contact with Europeans and only began experiencing epidemics after significant disruption of their traditional lifestyles and food systems. The decimation of buffalo herds, destruction of traditional food trade networks, and introduction of processed foods like sugar and white flour preceded major disease outbreaks. Additionally, the disruption of the native salt trade played a crucial role, as salt was essential for maintaining proper cellular function and protecting against parasites.
The timeline of disease outbreaks contradicts the simple contagion narrative. For example, the first recorded outbreaks in the Ottawa Valleys didn't occur until 1734-1741, more than a century after initial European contact. This pattern suggests that nutritional degradation and lifestyle disruption, rather than exposure to new pathogens, created vulnerability to disease. The destruction of traditional food systems and forced adoption of European dietary patterns fundamentally weakened Native American health resilience.
14. What was the true relationship between polio and DDT?
The book presents evidence that polio was primarily caused by central nervous system poisoning from DDT and other pesticides, not a viral infection. Charts show an extremely close correlation between the use of DDT and other neurotoxic pesticides and polio cases. When DDT was phased out, polio cases declined - though this decline was incorrectly attributed to vaccination. The symptoms of DDT poisoning, including nervous system dysfunction and paralysis, closely mirror those of polio.
Studies by physician Morton Biskind demonstrated that DDT was particularly toxic to the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord - the exact cells affected in polio cases. The medical establishment ignored this evidence, instead pursuing a viral theory that required increasingly complicated explanations for the disease's behavior. Modern cases of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) following similar patterns suggest that chemical toxicity, rather than viral infection, may still be causing polio-like symptoms today.
15. How does the book reframe the AIDS crisis?
AIDS is presented not as a viral disease caused by HIV, but as a breakdown of the immune system due to multiple toxic factors. Despite billions spent trying to prove HIV causes AIDS, no study has ever demonstrated isolation of HIV virus from AIDS patients or shown clear evidence of viral transmission. Instead, the book explains that AIDS represents a collection of symptoms arising from immune suppression that can have many causes, including pharmaceutical drugs, environmental toxins, and recreational drug use.
The appearance of Kaposi's sarcoma in AIDS patients illustrates this point - it occurred primarily in gay men using alkyl nitrite "poppers" and largely disappeared when this practice declined, regardless of HIV status. The book argues that misunderstanding AIDS as a viral disease led to the use of toxic drugs like AZT, which may have caused many of the deaths attributed to AIDS. This represents a broader pattern of assuming viral causation while ignoring environmental and pharmaceutical toxicity.
16. What is the proposed connection between 5G technology and illness?
5G technology presents unprecedented biological challenges because it uses millimeter waves that interact strongly with human tissues, particularly through their effects on cellular water and oxygen absorption. These frequencies can disrupt the structured water in cells, alter cell membrane permeability, and interfere with oxygen binding in the blood. The geographic correlation between early 5G implementation and COVID-19 hotspots, particularly in places like Wuhan, northern Italy, and New York City, suggests a possible causal relationship.
The book explains that 5G requires hundreds of thousands of new satellites and millions of ground-based transmitters, creating an unprecedented level of electromagnetic exposure. The 60 GHz frequency used in some 5G applications is particularly concerning because it can affect oxygen molecules' ability to bind with hemoglobin. This may explain why COVID-19 patients often exhibit unusual hypoxia symptoms that don't respond well to traditional ventilation techniques.
17. How do environmental toxins contribute to disease?
Environmental toxins create biological stress that forces the body to produce exosomes for detoxification, which are then misidentified as viruses. The book details how various toxins, from industrial chemicals to glyphosate and aluminum, can disrupt cellular function, damage structured water, and impair the body's natural healing mechanisms. These toxins often work synergistically, with one type of exposure making the body more vulnerable to others. For example, aluminum exposure can increase sensitivity to electromagnetic fields.
Modern industrial practices have created an unprecedented toxic burden, including air pollution, water contamination, and food-based toxins from industrial agriculture. The book particularly emphasizes how biofuels contribute to glyphosate exposure through the atmosphere, and how various pharmaceutical drugs add to the toxic load. This perspective suggests that reducing toxic exposure is more important for disease prevention than fighting supposed viral infections.
18. What role does glyphosate play in modern illness?
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, creates widespread biological disruption by substituting for the amino acid glycine in protein synthesis. This substitution can severely impact the function of crucial proteins throughout the body, potentially contributing to numerous chronic diseases. The correlation between glyphosate use and various chronic illnesses suggests a causal relationship, particularly in areas where glyphosate is heavily used in agriculture or where biofuels containing glyphosate residues are common.
The book highlights how glyphosate exposure has increased dramatically through both food and air contamination, especially in areas using biodiesel fuel made from glyphosate-treated crops. This exposure pattern may help explain geographic variations in COVID-19 severity, as areas with high biodiesel use often experienced more severe outbreaks. The mechanism of glyphosate toxicity, particularly its effects on lung tissue and cellular function, suggests it may be an important cofactor in respiratory diseases.
19. How does aluminum exposure affect human health?
Aluminum acts as a biological conductor of electricity, making people more sensitive to electromagnetic fields and potentially disrupting cellular function. The ubiquitous presence of aluminum in modern life - from vaccines and medical products to cookware and personal care items - creates an unprecedented level of exposure. This exposure is particularly concerning because aluminum can accumulate in brain tissue and other organs, potentially contributing to neurological diseases and heightened sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation.
The injection of aluminum through vaccines presents a particular concern because it bypasses the body's natural protective barriers and delivers this toxic metal directly into the bloodstream. The book explains how aluminum adjuvants in vaccines can trigger autoimmune responses and contribute to various inflammatory conditions. The combination of injected aluminum and increasing electromagnetic radiation exposure may create particularly dangerous conditions for human health.
20. What are the primary sources of electrical pollution affecting human health?
Electrical pollution comes from multiple sources that have increased dramatically in recent decades: cell phone networks, Wi-Fi systems, smart meters, household appliances, and now 5G infrastructure. The book explains how each generation of technology has added new layers of electromagnetic exposure, from the telegraph and radio to modern wireless networks. These technologies create complex overlapping frequencies that can disrupt the body's natural electrical processes and the structured water essential for cellular function.
The proliferation of wireless devices and infrastructure has created an unprecedented level of electromagnetic exposure, with particular concerns about locations like schools, hospitals, and urban areas where multiple systems overlap. The book emphasizes how modern humans are subjected to levels of electromagnetic radiation orders of magnitude higher than what our bodies evolved to handle, creating biological stress that manifests as various forms of illness.
21. What are the fundamental problems with PCR testing?
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests are surrogate tests that don't actually find viruses but rather detect fragments of genetic material. These fragments may come from many sources, not necessarily from a virus. The test amplifies genetic material through multiple cycles - too few cycles may miss genuine signals, while too many cycles can create false positives by amplifying background genetic material. This fundamental flaw means the test results can be manipulated simply by adjusting the number of amplification cycles.
Additionally, PCR tests have never been properly validated against any gold standard because no virus has ever been purely isolated and proven to cause disease. The PCR test's inventor, Kary Mullis, repeatedly insisted that these tests cannot diagnose illness or prove causation. Even the CDC and FDA acknowledge that positive PCR results cannot rule out other causes of illness or prove that any detected genetic material is responsible for symptoms.
22. Why are antibody tests unreliable indicators of disease?
Antibody testing rests on unproven theoretical assumptions about how the immune system responds to viruses. The conventional theory suggests a predictable pattern of antibody production (first IgM, then IgG) following viral exposure, but real-world evidence shows highly variable patterns that contradict this model. Some people have antibodies before exposure to supposed new viruses, while others develop unpredictable antibody patterns that don't follow the theoretical timeline.
The presence of antibodies doesn't necessarily indicate current or past infection, nor does it reliably predict immunity. The book points out that this understanding fundamentally contradicts the original basis for vaccination, which assumed antibody production indicated protection against disease. This revelation calls into question both the validity of antibody testing and the theoretical foundation of vaccination programs.
23. What constitutes a true "gold standard" test?
A genuine gold standard test must directly demonstrate causation rather than relying on surrogate markers or correlations. For viral diseases, this would require proper isolation and purification of a virus, demonstration that it causes disease when introduced to healthy subjects, and proof that it can be re-isolated from newly sick subjects - essentially following Koch's postulates or Rivers' criteria. The book emphasizes that no such gold standard exists for viral testing.
The absence of proper gold standards has led to a circular logic in medical testing, where surrogate tests are validated against other surrogate tests rather than against direct proof of causation. This fundamental flaw in modern diagnostic approaches means that many medical tests may be measuring markers of disease processes without actually identifying true causes of illness.
24. How do surrogate tests differ from direct testing?
Surrogate tests measure indirect markers or indicators rather than directly demonstrating the presence of a disease-causing agent. Using the analogy of diagnosing pulmonary embolism, the book contrasts direct visualization through angiography (a true gold standard) with indirect measurements like V/Q scans. While surrogate tests can be useful if properly validated against a gold standard, they become meaningless when no such standard exists.
The problem with current viral testing is that surrogate tests like PCR and antibody tests are used without ever being validated against truly isolated viruses or proven causative agents. This creates a system where positive test results may be detecting normal cellular processes or responses to various stressors rather than identifying specific pathogens. The medical system has come to accept these surrogate markers as proof of disease without ever establishing their actual relationship to illness.
25. Why is virus isolation important for accurate diagnosis?
True virus isolation would require separating viral particles from all other cellular material and demonstrating that these purified particles can cause disease. The book explains that this basic scientific step has never been properly performed for any so-called virus. Instead, researchers typically use unpurified mixtures of genetic material and cellular debris, making it impossible to prove that any particular component causes disease.
Current methods labeled as "virus isolation" actually involve mixing unpurified patient samples with cell cultures, adding toxic chemicals, and then attributing any resulting cellular damage to viral infection. This approach makes it impossible to distinguish between damage caused by theoretical viruses and damage from the toxic laboratory procedures themselves. Without proper isolation, there's no way to prove viral causation or develop accurate diagnostic tests.
26. Why are traditional fats crucial for cellular health?
Traditional animal fats provide essential components for cell membrane structure, particularly saturated fats and cholesterol, which create stable cellular barriers that maintain proper electrical charge separation. These fats help form the lipid bilayer that protects cells from electromagnetic radiation and other environmental stressors. Additionally, animal fats carry critical fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, and K2) that support cellular function and immune system health.
The replacement of traditional fats with industrial seed oils has compromised cellular integrity by incorporating unstable polyunsaturated fats into cell membranes. This makes cells more vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation and disrupts their ability to maintain proper structure and function. The book emphasizes that returning to traditional fat sources is crucial for maintaining cellular health in our increasingly electromagnetic environment.
27. What role does raw milk play in human health?
Raw milk provides a complete spectrum of nutrients in their natural, bioavailable forms, including enzymes, immune factors, and structured water. The book explains that pasteurization destroys these beneficial components, particularly reducing B vitamin content and damaging proteins that help absorb vitamins A and D. Raw milk also contains compounds that strengthen the immune system and help manage stress and electromagnetic field exposure.
Historical evidence shows that raw milk consumption protected against respiratory illness and provided robust nutrition for growing children. The campaign against raw milk, driven by the germ theory of disease, has deprived people of a crucial source of immune-supporting nutrients. The book suggests that access to clean, raw milk from pastured cows could play an important role in improving public health and resistance to disease.
28. How do industrial seed oils affect human health?
Industrial seed oils, introduced in the late 1800s, represent an unprecedented change in human nutrition. These oils, extracted through high-temperature processing and chemical methods, contain unstable polyunsaturated fats that can disrupt cellular membrane integrity. When incorporated into cell membranes, these oils make cells more susceptible to damage from electromagnetic fields and impair proper cellular function.
The widespread replacement of traditional fats with industrial seed oils coincides with increases in chronic diseases and increased sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation. These oils lack the fat-soluble vitamins found in traditional fats and often contain toxic residues from their processing. The book identifies the switch to industrial seed oils as one of the most damaging dietary changes in human history, contributing to both chronic disease and increased vulnerability to environmental stressors.
29. Why is proper grain preparation important?
Traditional cultures universally prepared grains through lengthy fermentation processes that neutralized anti-nutrients and enhanced nutrient availability. Modern processing methods skip these crucial steps, creating products that can interfere with mineral absorption and disrupt digestive health. The book explains how proper grain preparation through soaking, sprouting, or fermentation increases B vitamins and makes minerals more bioavailable.
The contrast between traditional sourdough fermentation, which could take days, and modern rapid bread production illustrates how food processing has sacrificed nutrition for convenience. Problems attributed to grain consumption often result from improper preparation rather than inherent issues with the grains themselves. Understanding and returning to traditional grain preparation methods could help address many modern nutritional deficiencies.
30. What makes fermented foods beneficial?
Fermented foods provide beneficial bacteria that support digestive health and help maintain proper immune function. These foods also contain structured water around their natural effervescence, making them particularly valuable for cellular hydration. The process of fermentation increases nutrient availability, creates beneficial compounds like vitamin C, and helps protect against various environmental toxins.
The book emphasizes that fermented foods were universal in traditional diets, serving as condiments, beverages, and preserved foods. Modern society's shift away from fermented foods represents a significant loss of dietary factors that support detoxification and immune function. Recent research showing lower Covid-19 mortality in populations consuming fermented vegetables supports the importance of these traditional foods for maintaining health.
31. How can structured water be created for therapeutic use?
Creating therapeutic structured water requires understanding and replicating natural processes that occur in pristine water sources. Water must first be thoroughly purified of all contaminants, including chlorine, fluoride, microplastics, and pharmaceutical residues. Then it should be remineralized with a full spectrum of elements found in seawater. The critical step involves creating vortex motion and exposing the water to specific forces that help structure it, similar to how water moves in mountain streams and springs.
The most effective systems, like Ophora, combine multiple steps: complete purification, remineralization, vortex structuring, and oxygenation to levels matching healing springs like Lourdes. This structured water demonstrates measurable effects on tissue hydration and cellular health through improved phase angle measurements. While high-end commercial systems provide optimal results, simpler methods like using vortex-creating devices or adding minerals to filtered water can still provide benefits over standard tap water.
32. What are the proposed natural protections against EMF exposure?
Natural protection against EMFs begins with strengthening cellular integrity through proper nutrition, particularly adequate saturated fats and cholesterol for cell membrane stability. Bio-geometric shapes and specific materials can help modify harmful EMF effects, similar to how traditional sacred geometry was used to create beneficial environmental energies. Additionally, maintaining proper mineralization, especially with unrefined salt, helps cells maintain their electrical potential and resist EMF disruption.
Practical steps include creating distance from EMF sources, using wired connections instead of wireless when possible, and turning off wireless devices at night. The book emphasizes that while these measures can help, the ultimate solution requires broader societal changes in how we implement communication technologies. Traditional architectural principles and materials might also play a role in creating protected spaces.
33. How does traditional food preparation protect against illness?
Traditional food preparation methods developed over generations enhance nutrient availability and reduce harmful compounds. Fermentation creates beneficial bacteria and compounds while neutralizing anti-nutrients; soaking and sprouting grains makes minerals more bioavailable; and traditional cooking methods preserve heat-sensitive nutrients. These practices work synergistically to support the body's natural resistance to disease.
The use of bone broth, fermented condiments, and properly prepared whole grains provides structured water and minerals essential for cellular health. Traditional fats like butter, lard, and tallow supply fat-soluble vitamins and stable saturated fats that protect cell membranes. These preparation methods create foods that support the body's electrical properties and help maintain proper cellular gel structure.
34. What role do minerals play in disease resistance?
Minerals are essential for maintaining proper cellular electrical charge and supporting structured water formation in cells. Unrefined salt, rich in trace minerals, helps maintain proper electrical potential across cell membranes and supports overall cellular function. Different minerals play specific roles - zinc supports immune function and helps protect against EMF effects, while magnesium helps maintain cellular energy production.
The depletion of minerals in modern foods through industrial agriculture and food processing has created widespread deficiencies that compromise disease resistance. The book emphasizes that minerals must come from properly prepared whole foods or natural sources like unrefined salt to be most effective. The interaction between minerals and structured water in cells creates an environment that supports natural healing processes.
35. How can bio-geometry help protect against EMF effects?
Bio-geometry uses specific shapes, patterns, and materials to modify environmental energy fields, including harmful EMFs. This science, based on ancient understanding of sacred geometry, can create protective spaces that help maintain cellular health despite electromagnetic exposure. Studies have shown that bio-geometric interventions can reduce the biological effects of radiation from cell towers and other sources.
The practical application involves using specially designed objects and patterns in living and working spaces. While not a complete solution to EMF exposure, bio-geometry offers a way to mitigate some harmful effects without requiring the complete elimination of modern technologies. The book presents this as part of a comprehensive approach to creating healthier environments in an increasingly electromagnetic world.
36. What alternative explanation is offered for COVID-19 symptoms?
COVID-19 symptoms, particularly the unusual hypoxia and blood clotting observed in patients, may result from the interaction between 5G radiation, environmental toxins, and compromised cellular health. The millimeter waves used in 5G can affect oxygen binding and cellular water structure, potentially explaining why patients experience oxygen deprivation different from typical pneumonia. The geographic correlation between 5G implementation and COVID-19 hotspots supports this connection.
The varied symptoms - from loss of smell to "COVID toes" - reflect how electromagnetic radiation and environmental toxins can affect different body systems. Additional factors like glyphosate exposure, particularly through biofuels, may increase vulnerability to these effects. This explanation accounts for the disease's unusual characteristics better than traditional viral theory.
37. Why might face masks be ineffective against COVID-19?
Face masks present multiple problems both in theory and practice. Even N95 respirators have pores many times larger than theoretical viral particles, making them ineffective barriers against virus transmission. More importantly, if COVID-19 results from electromagnetic effects and environmental toxins rather than viral transmission, masks cannot address the root cause of illness.
Mask wearing may actually create additional health challenges by reducing oxygen intake, increasing carbon dioxide inhalation, and forcing the rebreathing of exhaled toxins. Studies examining mask effectiveness against respiratory illnesses have consistently failed to demonstrate benefits, while potential risks include headaches, increased respiratory resistance, and decreased blood oxygenation.
38. How does the book explain varying COVID-19 mortality rates globally?
Variation in COVID-19 mortality rates correlates strongly with environmental factors like 5G implementation, air pollution levels, and use of biofuels. Areas with early 5G rollout and high levels of environmental toxicity, such as Wuhan and Northern Italy, experienced higher mortality rates. Countries with lower levels of electromagnetic pollution and less biofuel use generally saw lower death rates.
Additional factors affecting mortality include previous vaccination history, particularly flu shots containing aluminum, and overall population health status related to diet and toxic exposure. The book suggests these environmental and nutritional factors better explain mortality patterns than theories of viral transmission and mutation.
39. What role might previous vaccinations play in COVID-19 susceptibility?
Previous vaccinations, particularly recent flu vaccines containing aluminum adjuvants, may increase susceptibility to COVID-19 by heightening sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and compromising natural immunity. The book notes correlation between areas with high vaccination rates and COVID-19 severity. Aluminum from vaccines accumulates in tissues, potentially making them more reactive to electromagnetic radiation.
The combination of vaccine-induced aluminum exposure and increasing electromagnetic radiation from 5G and other sources may create particular vulnerability to respiratory and neurological symptoms. This interaction between vaccination history and environmental factors offers an explanation for varying individual susceptibility to illness.
40. How does fear influence COVID-19 outcomes?
Fear creates measurable physiological changes in the body, including increased stress hormone production and altered immune function. The widespread fear surrounding COVID-19 may actually contribute to illness by disrupting normal bodily processes and triggering the production of exosomes as a stress response. The constant bombardment with frightening statistics and dire predictions creates a harmful resonance pattern that can affect health.
The book suggests that fear itself can manifest as physical symptoms through the body's electrical and water systems, which respond to both emotional and environmental frequencies. The solution requires addressing not only physical factors but also the psychological and emotional aspects of health, particularly by reducing exposure to fear-based messaging and supporting positive emotional states.
41. What dietary changes are recommended for optimal health?
A fundamental shift toward traditional food preparation and whole food sources forms the cornerstone of dietary recommendations. This includes replacing industrial seed oils with natural fats like butter, lard, and coconut oil; consuming properly prepared whole grains through traditional fermentation methods; and incorporating organ meats and bone broths rich in minerals and collagen. Raw dairy products from grass-fed animals provide crucial nutrients and structured water that support cellular health.
The focus extends beyond just food choices to preparation methods that enhance nutrient availability. Fermented foods should be consumed daily, including naturally fermented vegetables, dairy products, and beverages. These foods provide beneficial bacteria and structured water essential for proper digestion and immune function. The diet should also minimize exposure to modern processed foods containing industrial additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients that can disrupt cellular function.
42. How can water quality be improved at home?
Creating healthy water at home requires a multi-step approach that goes beyond simple filtration. The first step involves removing all contaminants, including chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceuticals, and microplastics, through comprehensive filtration systems. After purification, water should be remineralized with full-spectrum mineral concentrates. The final crucial step involves structuring the water through vortex motion and exposure to natural frequencies, which can be accomplished through specially designed devices or simple methods like stirring in a vortex pattern.
While high-end systems like Ophora provide optimal results, simpler approaches can still improve water quality. These include using basic filtration combined with mineral addition and vortex motion, or implementing shower filters that both remove contaminants and create structured water flow. The key is understanding that truly healthy water requires more than just removing contaminants - it must also have proper mineral content and structural organization.
43. What measures can protect against EMF exposure?
Protection against EMFs requires a comprehensive approach combining environmental modifications with biological strengthening. Practical measures include maintaining distance from EMF sources, using wired internet connections instead of Wi-Fi, turning off wireless devices at night, and avoiding prolonged cell phone use. Bio-geometric tools and shapes can help modify harmful EMF effects in living spaces, while proper nutrition - especially adequate natural fats and minerals - helps strengthen cellular resistance to electromagnetic stress.
The book emphasizes that while individual protective measures are important, broader societal changes are necessary. This includes transitioning away from wireless technologies in favor of wired connections, particularly in sensitive locations like schools and hospitals. Until such changes occur, creating protected spaces at home and maintaining strong cellular health through proper nutrition and lifestyle practices provides the best defense against EMF effects.
44. How should grains be properly prepared?
Traditional grain preparation involves long fermentation processes that typically last several days, allowing time for the breakdown of anti-nutrients and the enhancement of nutrient availability. Soaking grains in acidulated water (water with added whey, yogurt, or vinegar) initiates the fermentation process and begins breaking down phytic acid, which can otherwise bind minerals and prevent their absorption. For bread making, genuine sourdough fermentation not only improves digestibility but also creates beneficial compounds that support gut health.
Each type of grain requires specific preparation methods: oats should be soaked overnight or longer; rice benefits from soaking in slightly acidic water; and wheat requires proper sourdough fermentation for optimal nutrition. These traditional methods stand in sharp contrast to modern rapid-processing techniques that prioritize speed and convenience over nutritional value. The extra time invested in proper grain preparation pays dividends in improved nutrient absorption and reduced digestive stress.
45. What are the essential elements of a healthy modern diet?
A healthy modern diet must incorporate wisdom from traditional food cultures while acknowledging current environmental challenges. Essential elements include high-quality fats from natural sources (butter, coconut oil, lard from pastured animals); properly prepared whole grains; fermented foods consumed daily; organ meats for concentrated nutrients; raw dairy products when available; and abundant minerals from broths, unrefined salt, and properly prepared foods. The diet should minimize exposure to industrial seed oils, processed foods, and artificial additives.
Special attention must be paid to factors that help protect against modern environmental stressors, particularly EMF exposure. This includes consuming adequate saturated fats for cell membrane stability, ensuring proper mineral intake, and maintaining hydration with structured water. The timing and preparation of foods also matters - traditional cultures never ate the constant snacks common today, and proper preparation methods enhance nutrient availability while reducing harmful compounds.
46. How might understanding exosomes change medical treatment?
Understanding exosomes as beneficial cellular messengers rather than pathogenic viruses could revolutionize medical treatment. Instead of trying to suppress what we currently call "viral" illnesses, treatment would focus on supporting the body's natural detoxification processes and addressing underlying environmental stressors. This paradigm shift would move medicine away from fighting "infections" and toward enhancing cellular resilience and detoxification capacity.
This new understanding would particularly impact current vaccination practices, as these are based on an incorrect model of viral pathogenicity. Treatment protocols would instead emphasize reducing toxic exposures, supporting proper cellular function through nutrition, and protecting against electromagnetic stress. The role of fear and emotional stress in triggering exosome production would also be recognized, leading to more holistic treatment approaches that address both physical and emotional aspects of health.
47. What changes to communication technology are suggested?
The book advocates for a fundamental restructuring of modern communication systems to prioritize human health. This includes replacing wireless technologies with wired fiber-optic networks wherever possible, particularly in sensitive locations like schools and hospitals. The implementation of 5G technology should be halted until its biological effects are better understood, and safer alternatives should be developed that don't require saturating the environment with millimeter waves.
A new system of technological etiquette is proposed, similar to how smoking in public spaces became socially unacceptable. This would include keeping cell phones in airplane mode in others' homes, designating specific areas for wireless device use, and protecting children from unnecessary EMF exposure. The goal is not to eliminate modern communication technology but to implement it in ways that don't compromise human health.
48. How could food systems be improved for better health?
Food systems need radical restructuring to prioritize nutrient-dense, properly prepared foods over processed convenience items. This includes supporting small-scale, diversified farms using traditional grazing practices; establishing local food processing facilities that use traditional preparation methods; and making raw dairy products legally and safely available. The current industrial agriculture system, heavily dependent on glyphosate and other toxins, must be transformed to protect both human health and environmental integrity.
The book envisions a return to more localized food systems where people have direct relationships with farmers and food producers. This would include reviving traditional food preservation methods, establishing proper grain processing facilities, and creating distribution systems for fresh, raw dairy products. Education about traditional food preparation methods would need to become widely available to help people transition from industrial processed foods to properly prepared whole foods.
49. What role might structured water play in future healthcare?
Structured water could become a cornerstone of future healthcare approaches, with hospitals and healing centers providing properly structured, highly oxygenated water as a fundamental treatment. Understanding water's role in cellular health and disease resistance could lead to new therapeutic approaches focused on maintaining proper cellular water structure and function. This would include both drinking water and therapeutic bathing in structured water.
Applications could extend to creating healing environments with proper water structure in the air and surroundings, similar to traditional healing springs and sacred sites. Research into water's ability to carry and transmit beneficial frequencies could lead to new therapeutic approaches that work with the body's natural healing mechanisms rather than against them. This understanding of water's role in health could help bridge the gap between traditional healing wisdom and modern medical practice.
50. How might this new understanding of disease change medical practice?
This new paradigm would fundamentally transform medical practice from fighting supposed external pathogens to supporting the body's natural healing mechanisms. Treatment would focus on identifying and addressing environmental stressors, improving cellular terrain through proper nutrition and hydration, and protecting against electromagnetic stress. The role of emotional and psychological factors would be recognized as integral to physical health, leading to more holistic treatment approaches.
Diagnostic practices would shift from looking for theoretical pathogens to assessing actual terrain conditions, including cellular hydration, mineral status, and EMF sensitivity. Prevention would emphasize creating healthy environments - both physical and electromagnetic - rather than trying to prevent "contagion" through vaccines and germicidal practices. This represents a return to traditional healing wisdom combined with modern understanding of environmental and electromagnetic factors in health.
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For COVID vaccine injury
Consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment as a resource.
Baseline Human Health
Watch and share this profound 21-minute video to understand and appreciate what health looks like without vaccination.
I've read Dr. Cowan's other books and find them extremely thought provoking. In fact, his Human Heart, Cosmic heart was recommended to me and my wife by a top cardiac surgeon. When I met Dr. Cowan, I found him to be one of the most naturally curious and refreshingly skeptical doctors I've met. Of course this meant he's been vilified by the medical establishment, the pharisees of medicine and money. It is a great shame there aren't more doctors like him, but in medical school, from what I understand, they do not teach you to question orthodoxy.
How does a virus attack Homosexuals in the West and heterosexuals in Africa? “Those who make you believe in absurdity, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire