I wonder WHAT controls the swarm. My family is part of the swarm. I married into a family that is part of the swarm. The last time I saw one of my family members, one in particular looked like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. I wish I was kidding or exaggerating but I am not. The image is burned into my brain and it scared the hell out of me. I am leaning towards a what rather than a who now as that was inhuman and much of the behavior I witnessed when I was part of the swarm by virtue of my birth was not pro-human. I cannot say I know nor can I guess at what it is but I am absolutely certain that I want nothing to do with it. I think Shiva swears a lot because he understands the gravity. I realize it is off-putting, but, honestly, some of the things I have seen make me want to swear, too. There is no polite vocabulary for the level of destruction and depravity the “elite” are capable of.
Yes. What. Evil. Change of DNA. “And Nimrod became a mighty man before the Lord…” Genesis 10. Hebrew root for Nimrod is rebel. He became a giant and put his face against the Lord’s.
I agree with the word evil. All I know is that my stomach constantly hurt around that group and the hair on my arms literally stood up. That is FAR from normal. I’m out and not returning. No matter what. I am not going to use a bunch of vocabulary from the Bible, though, because a lot of them hide out in churches to virtue signal what righteous people they are and I do not want to be associated with that, either.
Same. I stay away from religion. But I grew up hearing and studying The Word. Current political evils are from the beginning so the prophecy is truth. Always amazing to me.
I would wager the bloodlines wrote the bible. Looking at it this way makes perfect sense. They mind control us in ways we would never even imagine. Just as Elizabeth Schneider above, it's pure evil and it will go to any lengths. But we can unseat it or foil it. We need to be strategic. They are actually plumb dumb as I call it because they don't rely on intelligence - they rely on threat, strong arm tactics and ganging up. So they don't get the opportunity to use their high mind.
I think a salient point never mentioned is that this is as much us “doing it” to ourselves as it is “them doing it” to us. This is where the middle is: “Give me my Facebook, my “celebrities” and a “good deal” on my next trinket that I can photograph and post on Instagram in my incessant pursuit of “likes” and the appearance of status and I’m good”. And if it’s not that, it’s relentless selfish ambition.
These pursuits take focus away from morals and ethics and their spiritual foundations, which are a necessary precursor to ending the madness. Materialism and the shallow worship of self are reaching the crescendo of their inevitable consequences — a cacophony of chaos, war, divorce, poverty, drug use, crime, alienation and societal fracture, and unimaginable inequality in the distribution of wealth.
While not in the least disputing your thesis, it’s maybe a little facile to say “it’s ‘their’ fault” when the reality is not so simple. Our civilization is nothing but the reflection of us — its moral center of gravity matches ours, in aggregate. Most of what “they” take, “we” willingly give them because, in reality, most of “us” would behave the same way (and probably do, in our more limited circumstances) given the chance.
Normally-minded humans have free will, which, while not absolute in any but a single respect, is nonetheless real. That some decline all but the weakest exercise of it in no way disproves its existence. Nobody can “control your mind”, not without your (at least tacit) consent. Now, that’s not to assert that transcending “socialization” is not difficult, but as someone very famous is known to have said: “The truth shall set you free”. The truth is knowable, realizable: “Ask and it shall be given”. But it’s not free — the effort lies in the sincerity of the asking, and the sincerity of the asking, in the final analysis, is estimated by the pattern of your moral decision making.
Isn't part of the problem, though, that we are kept exhausted trying to keep up with inflation and taxes and the rapidly increasing cost of being alive? All while our health deteriorates due to environmental toxins etc we have little control over. So it's not just intellectual and moral laziness that keeps people bound to their screens. There's a concerted effort to demoralize and make us unhealthy in every way. We fight against it in a weakened state.
I think most of our minds were controlled without our tacit consent. By the false history we learned in school and are still expected to adhere to, the false idols, heroes and political leaders we were taught to respect. Faith in the medical system that injected us with mercury and aluminum while we were too young to have a say. The list goes on.
If we're lucky and of an oppositional nature, we climb out of all that in a search for the truth. But there's a reason we're the exceptions. "They" are very good at what they do, have intergenerational experience and wealth so hold all the cards and have been at it forever. We, in contrast, come into it all naive and trusting with an uphill battle to learn the truth and live accordingly against the grain.
However, I don't think that free will is automatic and given as a default mode. I think the opposite is true. The default is no free will for the vast majority of people. Free will exists, but it has to be earned.
Schopenhauer expressed it well when he said:
“A man can do what he will, but he cannot will what he wills.”
In other words, we can choose what we desire but we are not free to choose our desires.
Meaning that our deepest desires and fears that drive our decisions are vastly unconscious for most people.
Buddist, Hinduist and Non-Dual teachings all confirm that. According to Nisargadatta, there is not even a word for “free will” in Hindi. We are not free to do what we do, we are compelled, he says.
All hope is not lost though.
People who do the introspective work of knowing themselves will gradually gain more and more free will.
Schopenhauer agrees: “The intellect teaches free will, free from suffering”.
But only the fully self-realized (enlightened) person has free will at all times.
If that feels like too much work and you consider worldly activities to make you happy, consider this other great quote by Schopenhauer:
“It is difficult to find happiness within ourselves, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.”
He would have made a brilliant mystic. Maybe he was..
Applying this to the topic at hand, we have to concede that these limitations on free will, keep these power dynamics in place and also explain why they have been in place in different incarnations since the begining of human social systems.
"Nobody can control your mind" - not directly, no. But your mind CAN be subconsciously manipulated to where you're thinking and doing what "THEY" want. Your psyche is far more malleable than you believe.
Please watch the documentary "The Century of Self" and listen to listen The 1969 Day Tapes or read "The New Order of Barbarians". Both of these are quite long, you can listen to them while doing other things.
Yes. Which brings to mind old American Indian proverbs, Confucius and Khalil Gibran. That's a tough road to navigate but in this epoch of time, a necessity if ever there was one.
Council of 13 is at the top. Lt Col Craig Roberts published his research in The Medusa File.
Lucis Trust is the religious heart at the core of the UN. Guardians of Inclusive Capital is the business arm of the partnered Pope and his side of the organization.
In the UN they worship the black rock….and it’s ironic the capital arms closely associate with that - Blackrock, Blackstone, etc…
Indeed. I fail to see how any simplified overview cannot discuss trusts, the church, and the legal system. Legal means regulations of a trust. Legal is not lawful. All “citizens” of all “countries” are legal entities, classified as “infants” (a state of disability which removes legal rights), whose estates are being “administered”. Those estates are the equitable shares in the resources of the land granted to mankind by god in Genesis 1:28, the creation of the first trust. Note that the rule book for the entire system is the Bible. It’s all Roman, run by the Catholic Church, though of course the roots go way further back than Rome.
In short, those at the top use the church to administer everything in the world through trusts. Everything in the world really belongs to the people, equitably, as per Genesis, but it is all held in trust because technically the people are “infants” incapable of managing their own affairs. As per any trust the people are the beneficiaries so retain “equitable title” but the trustee (the government) has “legal title” so has actual rights of possession and control until the trust is collapsed and all title goes to the beneficiaries. Your “legal person” must follow the legislation of the government because technically it is a government employee. As a “natural person” (i.e. a living being as opposed to a legal entity) you are under no such obligation. This all comes about primarily through your birth having been registered (placed into a trust) and you answering to the name of the legal person whenever asked (“name please?) of that legal person because it sounds exactly like the name your mother and father gave you.
This is all actually rather straightforward once you understand trusts and the difference between legal and lawful, and start actually reading some legislation. You will need a law dictionary, preferably Black’s Law first edition or other 19th century compendium.
I think he captures the system architecture, but falls short in conveying the control. Control implies an input-response characteristic that is deterministic, and the system is anything but deterministic. Sure the RFK’s and Trump’s that are produced by the system are part of it, but are unintended consequences, by products from a shortfall in their control scheme. There are many examples I’m sure. In bulk, they can shift the masses but not with precision. I believe the “they” want to improve precision and eliminate unintended consequences. It is what it is, to quote Obama.
As Shiva notes, this has how human societies have been exercising control over all of recorded history and probably before. The tools have changed, the processes have improved, and the systems have grown in size and sophistication. The basic human principles haven’t changed though, and the system can be “righted” by focusing and acting on those basic human principals - they are recursive actions within the system. As he states, power, profit, and control are the prime objectives- Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Vanity, Envy, Lust, and Rage, the 7 deadly sins. Focus on human virtues and appeal to the masses based on those - Truth, compassion, Integrity, Love, and empathy are the weapons of the masses.
Thank you for pursuing this! A thoughtful presentation would be an invaluable tool to send friends as follow up to a casual conversation. A list of resources for “further reading” at the end might be beneficial to provide additional insight without overwhelming the average audience. Thank you!
Hi Unbekoming, nice post. Ultimately above the level of the networked power elite are the owners of the world's central banks, though. I see the structure of the modern world as the following chart:
Very interesting subject. I can definitely see this shift now that the globalist have removed the curtain, at least for some of us willing to have a sobering look. This is a coup on the world, and if they succeed, then what? One of the big bankers, maybe from Blackrock said a while back that they will incorporate robotics and AI to replace human beings. What I wonder is if once that genie is out of the bottle will it wipe out not only all of us serf's but then will it set its sights on those 10,000 useless eaters themselves? Terminator 2 comes to pass? Even if not, these 10K, they are not ever going to be just ordinary friends and otherwise good people. They are for the most part psychopaths and at what point, once we are gone will they turn their sights on one another? It is in their nature to be top dog, and to destroy their competition before that competition destroys them. When all that is left of humanity is 10,000 multi billionaires, what will set them apart? Billions of dollars won't matter any longer. They might just tear themselves apart leaving the AI driven robot dogs all that is left of humanity. Or will the 10K just carry on cooperating with each other like one happy family? I somehow doubt that. Someone said that once the dominos fall, the people with little means will go first, and they will be saving the millionaires for desert. Once that banquet is over my bet is they will turn on each other. I would love to live long enough to see that!
WSJ: Activist Groups Trained Students for Months Before Campus Protests
The political tactics underlying some of the demonstrations were the result of months of training, planning and encouragement by longtime activists and left-wing groups.
The best description of the global system of control presently producing our perceived reality.
I have one critique. His use of a flock of birds and subsequent statement that there isn't one lead person is not accurate.
A flock of birds certainly do take their cues from a lead bird. However each bird takes their cues from the bird in front of them and next to them because they can't see the lead bird. So, as long as each bird accurately transcribes and transmits what the bird in front of them transmitted they will transmit to the bird behind them and so on until the message is successfully transmitted from the lead bird through the flock to the last bird.
A HIVE MIND / THE BORG for the Trek-ies out there.
And notice how the Democ-rat's never break ranks?
And notice how the illusion is maintained by Republicants always going along with the rats?
And notice how the illusion is maintained by different Republicants breaking ranks and voting with the rats? How it's never the same Republicants?
And notice how all the people Dr. Shiva notes as having been pushed forward tend to end up dead if they either leave the reservation or their liability quotient exceeds their usefulness?
Not Central Banking, but rather the idea of central banking and the inevitable disruption and chaos that predictably flows from the implementation of oppressive models that are to force the idea into reality.
As far as convincing the Middle of what is going on, I like what C.J. Hopkins writes:
"So we need to adopt a different strategy. We need to make the monster show itself, not to those of us who can already see it, but to the New Normal masses, the Covidian Cultists."
He also writes:
"You do not do that by being polite, conciliatory, or avoiding conflict. You do that by generating as much internal conflict within the cult as you can."
Maybe we can generate that internal conflict in more subtle ways. I do think a lot of people are seeing things. I have a friend who is not getting any more jabs, but even when pressed won't say why...I think he's heard rumors and is playing it safe, but doesn't want to admit he was wrong about getting vaxxed.
I think David Icke, who I came across over 30 years ago, will be proven basically correct in his analysis. The 'anti-humanness' of The System suggests something more than just how low human depravity can go, via the 7 deadly sins; it's suggests (to my mind) some kind of alien force at work.
Otherwise an interesting analysis by Dr Shiva but I agree the role of banking, and the ultimate goal of a one-world dictator/saviour figurehead are missing from his whiteboard talk.
No doubt about this: "I’d never listened to Shiva before, but it’s clear to me that his communication style isn’t particularly effective for The Middle." However, he may appeal to the big brains locked tightly into their Institutional propaganda cocoons, e.g. Universities and Tech. That bubble is possibly the worst off due to 'elite capture' strategy by CCP et al.
I wonder WHAT controls the swarm. My family is part of the swarm. I married into a family that is part of the swarm. The last time I saw one of my family members, one in particular looked like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. I wish I was kidding or exaggerating but I am not. The image is burned into my brain and it scared the hell out of me. I am leaning towards a what rather than a who now as that was inhuman and much of the behavior I witnessed when I was part of the swarm by virtue of my birth was not pro-human. I cannot say I know nor can I guess at what it is but I am absolutely certain that I want nothing to do with it. I think Shiva swears a lot because he understands the gravity. I realize it is off-putting, but, honestly, some of the things I have seen make me want to swear, too. There is no polite vocabulary for the level of destruction and depravity the “elite” are capable of.
Yes. What. Evil. Change of DNA. “And Nimrod became a mighty man before the Lord…” Genesis 10. Hebrew root for Nimrod is rebel. He became a giant and put his face against the Lord’s.
I agree with the word evil. All I know is that my stomach constantly hurt around that group and the hair on my arms literally stood up. That is FAR from normal. I’m out and not returning. No matter what. I am not going to use a bunch of vocabulary from the Bible, though, because a lot of them hide out in churches to virtue signal what righteous people they are and I do not want to be associated with that, either.
Same. I stay away from religion. But I grew up hearing and studying The Word. Current political evils are from the beginning so the prophecy is truth. Always amazing to me.
I would wager the bloodlines wrote the bible. Looking at it this way makes perfect sense. They mind control us in ways we would never even imagine. Just as Elizabeth Schneider above, it's pure evil and it will go to any lengths. But we can unseat it or foil it. We need to be strategic. They are actually plumb dumb as I call it because they don't rely on intelligence - they rely on threat, strong arm tactics and ganging up. So they don't get the opportunity to use their high mind.
Agreed. The alternative hypothesis, that they didn’t write or at least govern its assembly, seems far less plausible.
The vision & the underlying drive to dominate is older than the written record.
I think a salient point never mentioned is that this is as much us “doing it” to ourselves as it is “them doing it” to us. This is where the middle is: “Give me my Facebook, my “celebrities” and a “good deal” on my next trinket that I can photograph and post on Instagram in my incessant pursuit of “likes” and the appearance of status and I’m good”. And if it’s not that, it’s relentless selfish ambition.
These pursuits take focus away from morals and ethics and their spiritual foundations, which are a necessary precursor to ending the madness. Materialism and the shallow worship of self are reaching the crescendo of their inevitable consequences — a cacophony of chaos, war, divorce, poverty, drug use, crime, alienation and societal fracture, and unimaginable inequality in the distribution of wealth.
While not in the least disputing your thesis, it’s maybe a little facile to say “it’s ‘their’ fault” when the reality is not so simple. Our civilization is nothing but the reflection of us — its moral center of gravity matches ours, in aggregate. Most of what “they” take, “we” willingly give them because, in reality, most of “us” would behave the same way (and probably do, in our more limited circumstances) given the chance.
Guyland, your comment mirrors the ongoing dispute between Peter Breggin, MD and Mattias Desmet, a professor of clinical psychology, about Desmet's mass formation theory. Unfortunately, what should be an intellectual dispute has descended into ad hominem attacks. If interested, there's more about their respective theories here. https://open.substack.com/pub/petermcculloughmd/p/mattias-desmet-invites-dr-breggin?r=p8hrl&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Normally-minded humans have free will, which, while not absolute in any but a single respect, is nonetheless real. That some decline all but the weakest exercise of it in no way disproves its existence. Nobody can “control your mind”, not without your (at least tacit) consent. Now, that’s not to assert that transcending “socialization” is not difficult, but as someone very famous is known to have said: “The truth shall set you free”. The truth is knowable, realizable: “Ask and it shall be given”. But it’s not free — the effort lies in the sincerity of the asking, and the sincerity of the asking, in the final analysis, is estimated by the pattern of your moral decision making.
Isn't part of the problem, though, that we are kept exhausted trying to keep up with inflation and taxes and the rapidly increasing cost of being alive? All while our health deteriorates due to environmental toxins etc we have little control over. So it's not just intellectual and moral laziness that keeps people bound to their screens. There's a concerted effort to demoralize and make us unhealthy in every way. We fight against it in a weakened state.
I think most of our minds were controlled without our tacit consent. By the false history we learned in school and are still expected to adhere to, the false idols, heroes and political leaders we were taught to respect. Faith in the medical system that injected us with mercury and aluminum while we were too young to have a say. The list goes on.
If we're lucky and of an oppositional nature, we climb out of all that in a search for the truth. But there's a reason we're the exceptions. "They" are very good at what they do, have intergenerational experience and wealth so hold all the cards and have been at it forever. We, in contrast, come into it all naive and trusting with an uphill battle to learn the truth and live accordingly against the grain.
I like that you put it back on each of us.
However, I don't think that free will is automatic and given as a default mode. I think the opposite is true. The default is no free will for the vast majority of people. Free will exists, but it has to be earned.
Schopenhauer expressed it well when he said:
“A man can do what he will, but he cannot will what he wills.”
In other words, we can choose what we desire but we are not free to choose our desires.
Meaning that our deepest desires and fears that drive our decisions are vastly unconscious for most people.
Buddist, Hinduist and Non-Dual teachings all confirm that. According to Nisargadatta, there is not even a word for “free will” in Hindi. We are not free to do what we do, we are compelled, he says.
All hope is not lost though.
People who do the introspective work of knowing themselves will gradually gain more and more free will.
Schopenhauer agrees: “The intellect teaches free will, free from suffering”.
But only the fully self-realized (enlightened) person has free will at all times.
If that feels like too much work and you consider worldly activities to make you happy, consider this other great quote by Schopenhauer:
“It is difficult to find happiness within ourselves, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.”
He would have made a brilliant mystic. Maybe he was..
Applying this to the topic at hand, we have to concede that these limitations on free will, keep these power dynamics in place and also explain why they have been in place in different incarnations since the begining of human social systems.
"Nobody can control your mind" - not directly, no. But your mind CAN be subconsciously manipulated to where you're thinking and doing what "THEY" want. Your psyche is far more malleable than you believe.
Please watch the documentary "The Century of Self" and listen to listen The 1969 Day Tapes or read "The New Order of Barbarians". Both of these are quite long, you can listen to them while doing other things.
Century of Self
Insider Richard Day Speech 1969
The New Order if Barbarians
The New World System
Isn't it like "the chicken and the egg" problem? What was first? But I agree in principle - their greed is mirrored in our greed, and vive versa.
Unfortunately we fell for it all. But we are coming out…
The swarm would not have been made possible were it not for the advent of the internet where we volunteer everything about ourselves. https://timothywiney.substack.com/p/cambridge-ananwhatica
Yes. Which brings to mind old American Indian proverbs, Confucius and Khalil Gibran. That's a tough road to navigate but in this epoch of time, a necessity if ever there was one.
Council of 13 is at the top. Lt Col Craig Roberts published his research in The Medusa File.
Lucis Trust is the religious heart at the core of the UN. Guardians of Inclusive Capital is the business arm of the partnered Pope and his side of the organization.
In the UN they worship the black rock….and it’s ironic the capital arms closely associate with that - Blackrock, Blackstone, etc…
Indeed. I fail to see how any simplified overview cannot discuss trusts, the church, and the legal system. Legal means regulations of a trust. Legal is not lawful. All “citizens” of all “countries” are legal entities, classified as “infants” (a state of disability which removes legal rights), whose estates are being “administered”. Those estates are the equitable shares in the resources of the land granted to mankind by god in Genesis 1:28, the creation of the first trust. Note that the rule book for the entire system is the Bible. It’s all Roman, run by the Catholic Church, though of course the roots go way further back than Rome.
In short, those at the top use the church to administer everything in the world through trusts. Everything in the world really belongs to the people, equitably, as per Genesis, but it is all held in trust because technically the people are “infants” incapable of managing their own affairs. As per any trust the people are the beneficiaries so retain “equitable title” but the trustee (the government) has “legal title” so has actual rights of possession and control until the trust is collapsed and all title goes to the beneficiaries. Your “legal person” must follow the legislation of the government because technically it is a government employee. As a “natural person” (i.e. a living being as opposed to a legal entity) you are under no such obligation. This all comes about primarily through your birth having been registered (placed into a trust) and you answering to the name of the legal person whenever asked (“name please?) of that legal person because it sounds exactly like the name your mother and father gave you.
This is all actually rather straightforward once you understand trusts and the difference between legal and lawful, and start actually reading some legislation. You will need a law dictionary, preferably Black’s Law first edition or other 19th century compendium.
Catherine Austin Fits is who I listen to.
I think he captures the system architecture, but falls short in conveying the control. Control implies an input-response characteristic that is deterministic, and the system is anything but deterministic. Sure the RFK’s and Trump’s that are produced by the system are part of it, but are unintended consequences, by products from a shortfall in their control scheme. There are many examples I’m sure. In bulk, they can shift the masses but not with precision. I believe the “they” want to improve precision and eliminate unintended consequences. It is what it is, to quote Obama.
As Shiva notes, this has how human societies have been exercising control over all of recorded history and probably before. The tools have changed, the processes have improved, and the systems have grown in size and sophistication. The basic human principles haven’t changed though, and the system can be “righted” by focusing and acting on those basic human principals - they are recursive actions within the system. As he states, power, profit, and control are the prime objectives- Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Vanity, Envy, Lust, and Rage, the 7 deadly sins. Focus on human virtues and appeal to the masses based on those - Truth, compassion, Integrity, Love, and empathy are the weapons of the masses.
Thank you for pursuing this! A thoughtful presentation would be an invaluable tool to send friends as follow up to a casual conversation. A list of resources for “further reading” at the end might be beneficial to provide additional insight without overwhelming the average audience. Thank you!
Hi Unbekoming, nice post. Ultimately above the level of the networked power elite are the owners of the world's central banks, though. I see the structure of the modern world as the following chart:
The details are discussed here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/the-global-world-order-is-centralized
Yep, that looks good.
Very interesting subject. I can definitely see this shift now that the globalist have removed the curtain, at least for some of us willing to have a sobering look. This is a coup on the world, and if they succeed, then what? One of the big bankers, maybe from Blackrock said a while back that they will incorporate robotics and AI to replace human beings. What I wonder is if once that genie is out of the bottle will it wipe out not only all of us serf's but then will it set its sights on those 10,000 useless eaters themselves? Terminator 2 comes to pass? Even if not, these 10K, they are not ever going to be just ordinary friends and otherwise good people. They are for the most part psychopaths and at what point, once we are gone will they turn their sights on one another? It is in their nature to be top dog, and to destroy their competition before that competition destroys them. When all that is left of humanity is 10,000 multi billionaires, what will set them apart? Billions of dollars won't matter any longer. They might just tear themselves apart leaving the AI driven robot dogs all that is left of humanity. Or will the 10K just carry on cooperating with each other like one happy family? I somehow doubt that. Someone said that once the dominos fall, the people with little means will go first, and they will be saving the millionaires for desert. Once that banquet is over my bet is they will turn on each other. I would love to live long enough to see that!
WSJ: Activist Groups Trained Students for Months Before Campus Protests
The political tactics underlying some of the demonstrations were the result of months of training, planning and encouragement by longtime activists and left-wing groups.
The Federal Reserve is the lead bird.
The best description of the global system of control presently producing our perceived reality.
I have one critique. His use of a flock of birds and subsequent statement that there isn't one lead person is not accurate.
A flock of birds certainly do take their cues from a lead bird. However each bird takes their cues from the bird in front of them and next to them because they can't see the lead bird. So, as long as each bird accurately transcribes and transmits what the bird in front of them transmitted they will transmit to the bird behind them and so on until the message is successfully transmitted from the lead bird through the flock to the last bird.
A HIVE MIND / THE BORG for the Trek-ies out there.
And notice how the Democ-rat's never break ranks?
And notice how the illusion is maintained by Republicants always going along with the rats?
And notice how the illusion is maintained by different Republicants breaking ranks and voting with the rats? How it's never the same Republicants?
And notice how all the people Dr. Shiva notes as having been pushed forward tend to end up dead if they either leave the reservation or their liability quotient exceeds their usefulness?
Not Central Banking, but rather the idea of central banking and the inevitable disruption and chaos that predictably flows from the implementation of oppressive models that are to force the idea into reality.
Are you following Agent 131711 here on Substack? He’s been doing some incredible deep dives and he’s quite funny.
As far as convincing the Middle of what is going on, I like what C.J. Hopkins writes:
"So we need to adopt a different strategy. We need to make the monster show itself, not to those of us who can already see it, but to the New Normal masses, the Covidian Cultists."
He also writes:
"You do not do that by being polite, conciliatory, or avoiding conflict. You do that by generating as much internal conflict within the cult as you can."
Maybe we can generate that internal conflict in more subtle ways. I do think a lot of people are seeing things. I have a friend who is not getting any more jabs, but even when pressed won't say why...I think he's heard rumors and is playing it safe, but doesn't want to admit he was wrong about getting vaxxed.
I think David Icke, who I came across over 30 years ago, will be proven basically correct in his analysis. The 'anti-humanness' of The System suggests something more than just how low human depravity can go, via the 7 deadly sins; it's suggests (to my mind) some kind of alien force at work.
Otherwise an interesting analysis by Dr Shiva but I agree the role of banking, and the ultimate goal of a one-world dictator/saviour figurehead are missing from his whiteboard talk.
No doubt about this: "I’d never listened to Shiva before, but it’s clear to me that his communication style isn’t particularly effective for The Middle." However, he may appeal to the big brains locked tightly into their Institutional propaganda cocoons, e.g. Universities and Tech. That bubble is possibly the worst off due to 'elite capture' strategy by CCP et al.