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Another thing to consider with bone demineralisation is low salt status

Hyponatremia kills so the body scavenges salt from bones to maintain blood volume

Water follows salt

Kidneys state of ease is to expel excess salt

Before refrigeration food was preserved in salt

In low salt status the adrenals produce aldosterone to scavenge and conserve salt

Adrenal function spells an emergency situation

Low blood volume increases heart rate to compensation which increases the heart’s work

Suggest james Dinicolantonio’s book The salt Fix

He was researching cardiac health and reviewed the effect of salt. Only to find salt moves the blood pressure of most only 3-5points. Salt having so many vital functions was mislabeled and demonised for no good reason or more likely purposefully for big pHARMa’s benefit.

Increased heart rate is an indicator of dehydration

Low salt causes dehydration because the kidneys must remove water if there isn’t sufficient salt to retain it

Salt is the sponge we need to attain hydration

Joints that loose salt to aldosterone also loose fluid

Hip and knee replacements

The ubiquitous saline drip is the elixir of life and how hospitals save a lot of lives

Hydration means a body can heal

I say chronic dis-ease is a result of chronic dehydration

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Thank you. Big fan of Dinicolantonio!

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