Mar 25Liked by Unbekoming

As a retired medical assistant, trained in 1994, our labs consisted of vitals, injections and phlebotomy every day for a year. We were taught the importance of giving injections correctly. No margin for error was given. Fast forward to covid injections which made me sit up in my chair watching so-called nurses giving covid shots. I hit slo-mo 100x's to see and nowhere did anyone aspirate or even measure the distance from shoulder to deltoid before injecting. I was stunned.

Then I read that the CDC no longer required aspiration. I wondered what had changed. I saw people die within hours while others didn't. Why was that? I put it together at the start of this injection mania as to why there was such a disparity of side effects among those who took the shot. I came to the conclusion that Russian Roulette was being played with the needle.

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Glad to know about this and look forward to reading.

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I remember a study showing the covid jabs went from arm to liver to nucleus of the cell in a matter of approx 6 hours. Doesn't this indicate it enters the blood system, even though it is not injected into a vein?

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Mar 25Liked by Unbekoming

To clarify my point: we are told that by injecting small amounts of the irritating substance, the organism will be forced to react defensively - and fail.

The whole idea is (we are told) to cause a health disturbance so strong that the body reacts, yet so weak that it does not overwhelm the body and does not cause a full-scale disease.

The wrong route of admission, highlighted by Marc, is actually criminal. The “scientist” does not copy what the natural infection looks like. By design, deliberately, the scientist avoids this route and does what will never happen in nature. When you are exposed to flu, the person next to you does not bite you to reach your bloodstream and ensure infecting you.

Which means that the scientist wants you body to become ill, but no so much. The common sense approach would be to do what nature does and spray you with design irritants, but at lower concentrations. Obvious, right?

Instead, the scientist a) deliberately increases the concentration of the irritant beyond stupidity, b) adds more irritants to make sure that your body will be hit with enough strength, and c) deliberately chooses the method of attacking you which guarantees the most effective injury.

How come the “scientist” gets away with it?

The nature already provided you with effective defense - and what you already have is the BEST defense mechanism. No scientist can invent a better defense. Why is it so?

Because the scientist has (optimistically) 15 years of very limited experience, laced with thousands of theories, almost all of which came from the lab, without real-life verification.

The nature has successfully developed and implemented the defense mechanisms which are unbeatable, ever. Evidence: the newborn. “Scientists” tell us that the newborn is at his/her weakest so they have to give him drugs, lotions, injections, isolation and total loneliness - for his/her good, obviously. If this were true, the newborn will be never born. He/she will be actively destroyed by the mother organism from which he/she drains immense volumes of resources.

If the newborn were defenseless, the first breath would infect him on the spot with hundreds of foreign substances with which he/she had NO contact whatsoever. Why aren’t we injecting the newborn with a vaccine against all bacteria, dust, wall paint, bleach and other irritants which attack his/her completely unprepared body?

Why are we injecting only those things which we can produce and which we can produce at the cost which is so extremely low that they are offered for free?

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Mar 25Liked by Unbekoming

Just ordered this book. Very much looking forward to reading and passing on to people in my healthcare circle.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26Liked by Unbekoming

Will be an Interesting book to read. Interested to know Marc's thoughts on transfection itself re the covid injections? The most logical primary cause of harm I know comes from Jonathan Couey, Gigaohm Biological (essentially same argument as Mike Yeadon). His perspective is transfection is the primary cause. The spike protein, SV40 promoter, DNA contamination, aspiration etc are all strawmen protecting a future use of transfection. And the covid freedom movement is very much a limited spectrum of debate arguing and misdirecting over trivial issues running out the clock of public attention.

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Marc seems to think that it is the WAY these dangerous biologics are injected that is bad… I wholly disagree and always have disagreed with his posts. He says one must inject the Covid mRNA vaccine (and all other vaccines) by first aspirating (good idea) and then SLOWLY injecting them after aspiration and that this would solve every problem with these terrible products. This is not true! The LNPs carry the concoction to all body areas, which has already been proven. That is the nature of LNPs and what they are designed to do. It’s not the nurse or pharmacist or nurse aid injecting them who is at fault for all the deaths and injuries. This guy has never made sense to me.

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OK, so injecting a mix of poisons - whose intended and openly declared purpose is to disturb the natural balance of the body - into the bloodstream is “bad”.

How come injecting the same toxic soup into any other part of the body is “good”?

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Yall are arguing over the fine details of injecting an unnecessary toxin into people, that was concocted by pharma thugs, making trillions of dollars at the expense of humanity.

Regardless of how it transfuses its useless and harmful self through the body, this injected substance was derived from nefarious intent.

Full stop.

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Dr. Lawrence D Kerr. Studies done at Vanderbilt with others on endotoxins introduced interperoneally. If you don't do it by the jab you do it via the Lipid nanoparticles. Both bypass your innate protections. The blood brain barrier being one.

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This is interesting information. Nevertheless, I have this comment: "evolution has built these protections..." is a really bad idea. If held to the same standards of evidence that many of us are applying to other areas of science, it would fail. The deceptions run very, very deep. Realizing this is pivotal.

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