As a retired medical assistant, trained in 1994, our labs consisted of vitals, injections and phlebotomy every day for a year. We were taught the importance of giving injections correctly. No margin for error was given. Fast forward to covid injections which made me sit up in my chair watching so-called nurses giving covid shots. I hit slo-mo 100x's to see and nowhere did anyone aspirate or even measure the distance from shoulder to deltoid before injecting. I was stunned.
Then I read that the CDC no longer required aspiration. I wondered what had changed. I saw people die within hours while others didn't. Why was that? I put it together at the start of this injection mania as to why there was such a disparity of side effects among those who took the shot. I came to the conclusion that Russian Roulette was being played with the needle.
I remember a study showing the covid jabs went from arm to liver to nucleus of the cell in a matter of approx 6 hours. Doesn't this indicate it enters the blood system, even though it is not injected into a vein?
Have a look at vascular corrosion casting of the circulatory system in a human arm.
Not hitting something is basically impossible. There is no way to 'safely inject' this shit into people even with 'aspiration' or whatever else they are saying to do even if they get lucky and avoid hitting part of the circulatory system.
Marc included a fascinating picture of a preserved human arm with the entire circulation system dyed in red. The entire arm was red. It was a great illustration of what goes on. I don’t want any of that poison in any part of my body, or any other injection. The whole injection system seems spooky to me now. No thanks. I’ll avoid as much as possible.
There's a huge difference in getting a trickle over 6 hours, and getting a high concentration dose... The transfection potential is 4,150 times higher.
Imagine I force you to drink 21,600 glasses of water in one go, instead of over time...Do you believe the results would the same?
I'm not arguing this. I'm highlighting it made it from the upper arm to the liver, into the nucleus of the cell, within a handful of hours. It affected stem cells, endothelium all over. This to me, indicates it went into the blood, whether the amount or time changed
I am not saying it's good that it is getting into the bloodstream.
That was my first concern when I discussed his FOIA request from Japan with Byram Briddle. But a 270,000 higher concentration is a big deal.
if you play on a carpet and discharge static electricity for 24 hours, it's not the same thing as a capacitor taking the entire charge and the unloading it in one go in your heart or your eye...
Sounds like we may be on the same page, or close to it.
I'm not saying injected directly into an arterial vein doesnt increase acute severe reactions.
I'm highlighting is it still enters the blood. It still goes to the organs, into the nucleus of the cell, has been found in the brain, still affects the endothelium, still capable of causing myocarditis (and neurological disorders like what happened to me). It is still capable of causing other problems, blood clotting, autoimmune reactions, etc.
I had planned to. Hopefully it is in Audible or will be soon.
I like to listen to books even if I don't think I'll agree completely. I usually find some value in them, a new perspective.
I can't say for sure but it's very possible what you're describing through direct injection applies to everyone who's had the vaccine on a lesser level. The injections enter into the blood slower, causing insidious toxic effects.
You might even add an addentum because it seems like there may be a lack of clarity causing people to think you are minimizing the toxicity of the vaccines in people who don't have them directly injected into a major vein.
You made a great point with the LNP. I went round with MoBeen on this and reverse transcriptase, eventually was blocked for asking too many questions. Same with Malone. Got called a troll. Same with Sasha, troll. I feel like some doctors and self proclaimed experts here on substack and YouTube are off in left field masturbating to their own content.
I'm going to regret this comment after I finally get some sleep
I LOVE this comment. People get so irritated at me just trying to get my questions answered. called a troll when all trying to do is understand and see all the pieces. shows me who is open to being an actual scientist about things vs their theory being right. truly, we are all holding pieces of the puzzle. the researchers, the doctors,, the phlebotomists, the catheter inserting people, the embalmed, the vaxxed with side effects, the vaxxed without side effects, the shed upon with vaxxed side effects, the unvaxxed with no side effects. only through discussions and questions and teasing through nuances will we get to answers.
To clarify my point: we are told that by injecting small amounts of the irritating substance, the organism will be forced to react defensively - and fail.
The whole idea is (we are told) to cause a health disturbance so strong that the body reacts, yet so weak that it does not overwhelm the body and does not cause a full-scale disease.
The wrong route of admission, highlighted by Marc, is actually criminal. The “scientist” does not copy what the natural infection looks like. By design, deliberately, the scientist avoids this route and does what will never happen in nature. When you are exposed to flu, the person next to you does not bite you to reach your bloodstream and ensure infecting you.
Which means that the scientist wants you body to become ill, but no so much. The common sense approach would be to do what nature does and spray you with design irritants, but at lower concentrations. Obvious, right?
Instead, the scientist a) deliberately increases the concentration of the irritant beyond stupidity, b) adds more irritants to make sure that your body will be hit with enough strength, and c) deliberately chooses the method of attacking you which guarantees the most effective injury.
How come the “scientist” gets away with it?
The nature already provided you with effective defense - and what you already have is the BEST defense mechanism. No scientist can invent a better defense. Why is it so?
Because the scientist has (optimistically) 15 years of very limited experience, laced with thousands of theories, almost all of which came from the lab, without real-life verification.
The nature has successfully developed and implemented the defense mechanisms which are unbeatable, ever. Evidence: the newborn. “Scientists” tell us that the newborn is at his/her weakest so they have to give him drugs, lotions, injections, isolation and total loneliness - for his/her good, obviously. If this were true, the newborn will be never born. He/she will be actively destroyed by the mother organism from which he/she drains immense volumes of resources.
If the newborn were defenseless, the first breath would infect him on the spot with hundreds of foreign substances with which he/she had NO contact whatsoever. Why aren’t we injecting the newborn with a vaccine against all bacteria, dust, wall paint, bleach and other irritants which attack his/her completely unprepared body?
Why are we injecting only those things which we can produce and which we can produce at the cost which is so extremely low that they are offered for free?
Are those scientists really so dumb or arrogant that they can so easily dismiss the complexity of bodily mechanisms? Or they intentionally skip whatever nature has produced so far, because they can and nobody will held them accountable?
I mean intention. Primum nocere. If I were a medical professional with 15 years of expertise, I simply must know that the body is what it is because of some reasons. If the body needed my vaccine, the nature would have developed it long long before I (the genius scientist) was born. It seems absurd to me that these highly educated minds simply “didn’t think this way”.
In this context, the intention is clearly to harm. The very mechanism of “vaccine” is to cause perceptible harm. It doesn’t matter if it is in good faith or not. Surgery is also causing harm, but it can be stopped any time and in some cases reversed. Vaccination - forget it. Once the toxin is inside, we do not and can not observe what it doe to the body. We don’t even track the vaccinated person for a reasonable time (like 3 generations) to conclude what long-term harm can be done. The evidence of which is on the label and in the leaflet.
Are we really merely duplicating Jenner’s sick fantasy? Hasn’t anybody asked the proper questions? Even after the self-incriminating deposition by Plotkin?
I read somewhere that they have been curing it very intensely for like 40 years. Non-believers tend to state that they devour money more aggressively than cancer spreads. That's negative thinking for sure. Now that they have managed to redirect cancer to younger generations (clearly, protecting the older ones), there will be much more research work to do.
Will be an Interesting book to read. Interested to know Marc's thoughts on transfection itself re the covid injections? The most logical primary cause of harm I know comes from Jonathan Couey, Gigaohm Biological (essentially same argument as Mike Yeadon). His perspective is transfection is the primary cause. The spike protein, SV40 promoter, DNA contamination, aspiration etc are all strawmen protecting a future use of transfection. And the covid freedom movement is very much a limited spectrum of debate arguing and misdirecting over trivial issues running out the clock of public attention.
It is the immune attack that follows transfection.
I was the first to be concerned by that 3 years ago, when Pr Byram Bridle got the distribution from the Japanese authorities...the technology is meant to trigger T-cell that attack tumors... so indeed transfection-induced T-cell attacks is part of the problem, but the real issue is the concentration of these attacks which leaves the body without repair capacity, or with considerable imbalance in the micro-environment.
Marc seems to think that it is the WAY these dangerous biologics are injected that is bad… I wholly disagree and always have disagreed with his posts. He says one must inject the Covid mRNA vaccine (and all other vaccines) by first aspirating (good idea) and then SLOWLY injecting them after aspiration and that this would solve every problem with these terrible products. This is not true! The LNPs carry the concoction to all body areas, which has already been proven. That is the nature of LNPs and what they are designed to do. It’s not the nurse or pharmacist or nurse aid injecting them who is at fault for all the deaths and injuries. This guy has never made sense to me.
This guy has spent 10,000 hours working on this...
As many people, you believe the human body is unreactive, unprotected, and cannot heal.
This is a complete fallacy. Evolution has granted us multiple protections and healing capacity.
Multiple layers prevent a non-concentrated vaccine injection from harming:
(1) 99% of the blood is not in contact with tissue or endothelial walls, so the instantaneous harm is mitigated.
(2) It then gets filtered by the liver, d, and spleen, which evidently is easier to filter when the concentration is very low, and the filtering happens over days.
(3) the vascular architecture is disseminative, and indeed the poison is divided and spread out across the body.
(4) when the harm is discrete ie one cell at a time, the local environment can easily replace the damage done. this happens every day without vaccine. Thankfully, we are more resilient than that.
(5) Another dimension is the stem cell dimension. Stem cells have been hidden away, and are typically not accessible to the vaccine particles when in low concentrations. The reason stem cells use glycolysis, is bc they don't necessarily oxygen as regularly as normal cells, that's bc they are hidden away.
(6) I never said getting a dose of LNP is good, I am just stating how it can be delivered so as not to harm too much.
(7) FYI test on animals confirm my theory.
Thinking of harm without thinking of the scale and localization of the damage is not reasonable. You can have cancer and live's when tumours start being to important in sensitive areas that death occurs. Scaring people is not part of my philosophy.
Do not attribute to me, something you know nothing about, Marc. I do NOT “believe the human body is unreactive, unprotected, and cannot heal.” Preposterous for you to say so. I disagree with your theory. Deal.
If you believe in the body's capacity to heal, you will understand/agree that people who have distributed hits will be able to heal.
I never said I agreed with the craziness of injecting 10, or even 40 billion nanoparticles, but I do believe it is not reasonable to scare people when their bodies have healed.
There are enough people who are harmed not to add stress and fear to those who escaped it.
Please do falsify the Bolus Theory with experiments or deductive thinking. This is how science works, not beliefs, impressions, or general statements. My business is shooting holes into concepts, strategies, and ideas, and I have tested the Bolus Theory in more ways than anything I know over the past three years—and it still stands.
The only people who have “scared” anyone, Marc, are the thugs at Pfizer, Moderna, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, and the NIAID, not to mention the European Medicines Agency and the UK’s “FDA”- Stop projecting. I think your theory is quite incomplete actually and dismisses ALL the numerous harms of these products to which we’ve only begun to scratch the surface. You can stop arguing with me, thank you. Your theories leave out the most salient things, to be sure. That’s why you’ve not gotten a lot of traction. I will not accuse you of working for humanity’s enemies, but the rising cancers in young people that kill within months, are most assuredly NOT because of injection technique!!
Again respectfully, you should read my articles on cancer...and my book's extensive chapter.
You are correct that cancer is possible without a bolus by simple transfection of stem cells (SC), but a bolus helps considerably with the odds.
Evolution has hidden away SC from toxins and viruses circulating in the blood, and thus, a properly injected vaccine can indeed reach a SC, but that has got to be extremely rare (maybe 1 in a million). However, a bolus can reach SC probably more than a 1000x more often. So it is a critical contributive factor.
OK, so injecting a mix of poisons - whose intended and openly declared purpose is to disturb the natural balance of the body - into the bloodstream is “bad”.
How come injecting the same toxic soup into any other part of the body is “good”?
Yall are arguing over the fine details of injecting an unnecessary toxin into people, that was concocted by pharma thugs, making trillions of dollars at the expense of humanity.
Regardless of how it transfuses its useless and harmful self through the body, this injected substance was derived from nefarious intent.
Dr. Lawrence D Kerr. Studies done at Vanderbilt with others on endotoxins introduced interperoneally. If you don't do it by the jab you do it via the Lipid nanoparticles. Both bypass your innate protections. The blood brain barrier being one.
This is interesting information. Nevertheless, I have this comment: "evolution has built these protections..." is a really bad idea. If held to the same standards of evidence that many of us are applying to other areas of science, it would fail. The deceptions run very, very deep. Realizing this is pivotal.
As a retired medical assistant, trained in 1994, our labs consisted of vitals, injections and phlebotomy every day for a year. We were taught the importance of giving injections correctly. No margin for error was given. Fast forward to covid injections which made me sit up in my chair watching so-called nurses giving covid shots. I hit slo-mo 100x's to see and nowhere did anyone aspirate or even measure the distance from shoulder to deltoid before injecting. I was stunned.
Then I read that the CDC no longer required aspiration. I wondered what had changed. I saw people die within hours while others didn't. Why was that? I put it together at the start of this injection mania as to why there was such a disparity of side effects among those who took the shot. I came to the conclusion that Russian Roulette was being played with the needle.
They just didn’t care.
Glad to know about this and look forward to reading.
I remember a study showing the covid jabs went from arm to liver to nucleus of the cell in a matter of approx 6 hours. Doesn't this indicate it enters the blood system, even though it is not injected into a vein?
Have a look at vascular corrosion casting of the circulatory system in a human arm.
Not hitting something is basically impossible. There is no way to 'safely inject' this shit into people even with 'aspiration' or whatever else they are saying to do even if they get lucky and avoid hitting part of the circulatory system.
Marc included a fascinating picture of a preserved human arm with the entire circulation system dyed in red. The entire arm was red. It was a great illustration of what goes on. I don’t want any of that poison in any part of my body, or any other injection. The whole injection system seems spooky to me now. No thanks. I’ll avoid as much as possible.
It's almost as if some people have never heard of microvessels
There's a huge difference in getting a trickle over 6 hours, and getting a high concentration dose... The transfection potential is 4,150 times higher.
Imagine I force you to drink 21,600 glasses of water in one go, instead of over time...Do you believe the results would the same?
I'm not arguing this. I'm highlighting it made it from the upper arm to the liver, into the nucleus of the cell, within a handful of hours. It affected stem cells, endothelium all over. This to me, indicates it went into the blood, whether the amount or time changed
You can't discount that as being the same.
I am not saying it's good that it is getting into the bloodstream.
That was my first concern when I discussed his FOIA request from Japan with Byram Briddle. But a 270,000 higher concentration is a big deal.
if you play on a carpet and discharge static electricity for 24 hours, it's not the same thing as a capacitor taking the entire charge and the unloading it in one go in your heart or your eye...
Sounds like we may be on the same page, or close to it.
I'm not saying injected directly into an arterial vein doesnt increase acute severe reactions.
I'm highlighting is it still enters the blood. It still goes to the organs, into the nucleus of the cell, has been found in the brain, still affects the endothelium, still capable of causing myocarditis (and neurological disorders like what happened to me). It is still capable of causing other problems, blood clotting, autoimmune reactions, etc.
Please read the book. I explain/ demonstrate everything.
Or maybe your book could have a sequel 🤣🕊😘
I had planned to. Hopefully it is in Audible or will be soon.
I like to listen to books even if I don't think I'll agree completely. I usually find some value in them, a new perspective.
I can't say for sure but it's very possible what you're describing through direct injection applies to everyone who's had the vaccine on a lesser level. The injections enter into the blood slower, causing insidious toxic effects.
You might even add an addentum because it seems like there may be a lack of clarity causing people to think you are minimizing the toxicity of the vaccines in people who don't have them directly injected into a major vein.
Best wishes
It does indeed indicate that!
You made a great point with the LNP. I went round with MoBeen on this and reverse transcriptase, eventually was blocked for asking too many questions. Same with Malone. Got called a troll. Same with Sasha, troll. I feel like some doctors and self proclaimed experts here on substack and YouTube are off in left field masturbating to their own content.
I'm going to regret this comment after I finally get some sleep
I LOVE this comment. People get so irritated at me just trying to get my questions answered. called a troll when all trying to do is understand and see all the pieces. shows me who is open to being an actual scientist about things vs their theory being right. truly, we are all holding pieces of the puzzle. the researchers, the doctors,, the phlebotomists, the catheter inserting people, the embalmed, the vaxxed with side effects, the vaxxed without side effects, the shed upon with vaxxed side effects, the unvaxxed with no side effects. only through discussions and questions and teasing through nuances will we get to answers.
To clarify my point: we are told that by injecting small amounts of the irritating substance, the organism will be forced to react defensively - and fail.
The whole idea is (we are told) to cause a health disturbance so strong that the body reacts, yet so weak that it does not overwhelm the body and does not cause a full-scale disease.
The wrong route of admission, highlighted by Marc, is actually criminal. The “scientist” does not copy what the natural infection looks like. By design, deliberately, the scientist avoids this route and does what will never happen in nature. When you are exposed to flu, the person next to you does not bite you to reach your bloodstream and ensure infecting you.
Which means that the scientist wants you body to become ill, but no so much. The common sense approach would be to do what nature does and spray you with design irritants, but at lower concentrations. Obvious, right?
Instead, the scientist a) deliberately increases the concentration of the irritant beyond stupidity, b) adds more irritants to make sure that your body will be hit with enough strength, and c) deliberately chooses the method of attacking you which guarantees the most effective injury.
How come the “scientist” gets away with it?
The nature already provided you with effective defense - and what you already have is the BEST defense mechanism. No scientist can invent a better defense. Why is it so?
Because the scientist has (optimistically) 15 years of very limited experience, laced with thousands of theories, almost all of which came from the lab, without real-life verification.
The nature has successfully developed and implemented the defense mechanisms which are unbeatable, ever. Evidence: the newborn. “Scientists” tell us that the newborn is at his/her weakest so they have to give him drugs, lotions, injections, isolation and total loneliness - for his/her good, obviously. If this were true, the newborn will be never born. He/she will be actively destroyed by the mother organism from which he/she drains immense volumes of resources.
If the newborn were defenseless, the first breath would infect him on the spot with hundreds of foreign substances with which he/she had NO contact whatsoever. Why aren’t we injecting the newborn with a vaccine against all bacteria, dust, wall paint, bleach and other irritants which attack his/her completely unprepared body?
Why are we injecting only those things which we can produce and which we can produce at the cost which is so extremely low that they are offered for free?
Agree 100%. Bypassing nature's defenses is lunacy, and this is what the book is about.
The only way to bypass these defenses is by going IV even slightly.
But... why would we do this?
Are those scientists really so dumb or arrogant that they can so easily dismiss the complexity of bodily mechanisms? Or they intentionally skip whatever nature has produced so far, because they can and nobody will held them accountable?
I mean intention. Primum nocere. If I were a medical professional with 15 years of expertise, I simply must know that the body is what it is because of some reasons. If the body needed my vaccine, the nature would have developed it long long before I (the genius scientist) was born. It seems absurd to me that these highly educated minds simply “didn’t think this way”.
In this context, the intention is clearly to harm. The very mechanism of “vaccine” is to cause perceptible harm. It doesn’t matter if it is in good faith or not. Surgery is also causing harm, but it can be stopped any time and in some cases reversed. Vaccination - forget it. Once the toxin is inside, we do not and can not observe what it doe to the body. We don’t even track the vaccinated person for a reasonable time (like 3 generations) to conclude what long-term harm can be done. The evidence of which is on the label and in the leaflet.
Are we really merely duplicating Jenner’s sick fantasy? Hasn’t anybody asked the proper questions? Even after the self-incriminating deposition by Plotkin?
These doctors are setting up the mRNA platform to 'cure cancer' and we are meant to clap for all their cleverness.
I read somewhere that they have been curing it very intensely for like 40 years. Non-believers tend to state that they devour money more aggressively than cancer spreads. That's negative thinking for sure. Now that they have managed to redirect cancer to younger generations (clearly, protecting the older ones), there will be much more research work to do.
>Non-believers tend to state that they devour money more aggressively than cancer spreads.
Wow! Thanks for the great insight.
Just ordered this book. Very much looking forward to reading and passing on to people in my healthcare circle.
Thank you. Appreciate your trust.
Will be an Interesting book to read. Interested to know Marc's thoughts on transfection itself re the covid injections? The most logical primary cause of harm I know comes from Jonathan Couey, Gigaohm Biological (essentially same argument as Mike Yeadon). His perspective is transfection is the primary cause. The spike protein, SV40 promoter, DNA contamination, aspiration etc are all strawmen protecting a future use of transfection. And the covid freedom movement is very much a limited spectrum of debate arguing and misdirecting over trivial issues running out the clock of public attention.
It is the immune attack that follows transfection.
I was the first to be concerned by that 3 years ago, when Pr Byram Bridle got the distribution from the Japanese authorities...the technology is meant to trigger T-cell that attack tumors... so indeed transfection-induced T-cell attacks is part of the problem, but the real issue is the concentration of these attacks which leaves the body without repair capacity, or with considerable imbalance in the micro-environment.
Marc seems to think that it is the WAY these dangerous biologics are injected that is bad… I wholly disagree and always have disagreed with his posts. He says one must inject the Covid mRNA vaccine (and all other vaccines) by first aspirating (good idea) and then SLOWLY injecting them after aspiration and that this would solve every problem with these terrible products. This is not true! The LNPs carry the concoction to all body areas, which has already been proven. That is the nature of LNPs and what they are designed to do. It’s not the nurse or pharmacist or nurse aid injecting them who is at fault for all the deaths and injuries. This guy has never made sense to me.
Respectfully Mel,
This guy has spent 10,000 hours working on this...
As many people, you believe the human body is unreactive, unprotected, and cannot heal.
This is a complete fallacy. Evolution has granted us multiple protections and healing capacity.
Multiple layers prevent a non-concentrated vaccine injection from harming:
(1) 99% of the blood is not in contact with tissue or endothelial walls, so the instantaneous harm is mitigated.
(2) It then gets filtered by the liver, d, and spleen, which evidently is easier to filter when the concentration is very low, and the filtering happens over days.
(3) the vascular architecture is disseminative, and indeed the poison is divided and spread out across the body.
(4) when the harm is discrete ie one cell at a time, the local environment can easily replace the damage done. this happens every day without vaccine. Thankfully, we are more resilient than that.
(5) Another dimension is the stem cell dimension. Stem cells have been hidden away, and are typically not accessible to the vaccine particles when in low concentrations. The reason stem cells use glycolysis, is bc they don't necessarily oxygen as regularly as normal cells, that's bc they are hidden away.
(6) I never said getting a dose of LNP is good, I am just stating how it can be delivered so as not to harm too much.
(7) FYI test on animals confirm my theory.
Thinking of harm without thinking of the scale and localization of the damage is not reasonable. You can have cancer and live's when tumours start being to important in sensitive areas that death occurs. Scaring people is not part of my philosophy.
Do not attribute to me, something you know nothing about, Marc. I do NOT “believe the human body is unreactive, unprotected, and cannot heal.” Preposterous for you to say so. I disagree with your theory. Deal.
If you believe in the body's capacity to heal, you will understand/agree that people who have distributed hits will be able to heal.
I never said I agreed with the craziness of injecting 10, or even 40 billion nanoparticles, but I do believe it is not reasonable to scare people when their bodies have healed.
There are enough people who are harmed not to add stress and fear to those who escaped it.
Please do falsify the Bolus Theory with experiments or deductive thinking. This is how science works, not beliefs, impressions, or general statements. My business is shooting holes into concepts, strategies, and ideas, and I have tested the Bolus Theory in more ways than anything I know over the past three years—and it still stands.
Call me an optimist. Have a beautiful week.
The only people who have “scared” anyone, Marc, are the thugs at Pfizer, Moderna, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, and the NIAID, not to mention the European Medicines Agency and the UK’s “FDA”- Stop projecting. I think your theory is quite incomplete actually and dismisses ALL the numerous harms of these products to which we’ve only begun to scratch the surface. You can stop arguing with me, thank you. Your theories leave out the most salient things, to be sure. That’s why you’ve not gotten a lot of traction. I will not accuse you of working for humanity’s enemies, but the rising cancers in young people that kill within months, are most assuredly NOT because of injection technique!!
Again respectfully, you should read my articles on cancer...and my book's extensive chapter.
You are correct that cancer is possible without a bolus by simple transfection of stem cells (SC), but a bolus helps considerably with the odds.
Evolution has hidden away SC from toxins and viruses circulating in the blood, and thus, a properly injected vaccine can indeed reach a SC, but that has got to be extremely rare (maybe 1 in a million). However, a bolus can reach SC probably more than a 1000x more often. So it is a critical contributive factor.
OK, so injecting a mix of poisons - whose intended and openly declared purpose is to disturb the natural balance of the body - into the bloodstream is “bad”.
How come injecting the same toxic soup into any other part of the body is “good”?
Yall are arguing over the fine details of injecting an unnecessary toxin into people, that was concocted by pharma thugs, making trillions of dollars at the expense of humanity.
Regardless of how it transfuses its useless and harmful self through the body, this injected substance was derived from nefarious intent.
Full stop.
Dr. Lawrence D Kerr. Studies done at Vanderbilt with others on endotoxins introduced interperoneally. If you don't do it by the jab you do it via the Lipid nanoparticles. Both bypass your innate protections. The blood brain barrier being one.
This is interesting information. Nevertheless, I have this comment: "evolution has built these protections..." is a really bad idea. If held to the same standards of evidence that many of us are applying to other areas of science, it would fail. The deceptions run very, very deep. Realizing this is pivotal.