If you are going to write such an uncritical piece on OSR then it behooves you to read Andy Cutler, PhD's work on mercury toxicity and frequent low-dose chelation. Cutler had a PhD from Princeton University. His PhD thesis was on kinetics and after he got poisoned himself from some dental work, he was obliged to look in to the pharmacokinetics of mercury and it's various chelators.
His book, "Amalgam Illness, Diagnosis and Treatment" is a "brain dump" of what he figured out. "Hair Test Interpretation, Finding Hidden Toxicities," is about how to recognize mercury toxicity using hair tests and goes over the characteristics of other toxic elements. I cowrote "The Mercury Detoxification Manual," with him. It is a step by step guide in how to detox mercury and other heavy metals without getting hurt.
We have a 95,000 member Facebook support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/acfanatics. We get all kinds of refugees from other detox methods, among which those who didn't do well with OSR.
I don't know much about OSR other than Andy said using it is about on par with Russian roulette. He also said that it was impossible for it to form a permanent bond with mercury and if one does use it, it would need to be taken on its half-life for some minimum number of days. It is, in fact a fat soluble, di-thiol chelator and consequently should be used with enormous caution. I don't believe that it's half-life is known, or at least it hasn't been published.
You are entirely right about how dire the mercury situation is in the whole world, really. It is an undiagnosed epidemic. Mercury causes over 250 different symptoms and people get constellations of these which get named and called "idiopathic." The pharma ads on TV are all for things mercury can cause.
You are right; you know nothing about OSR, so why do you opine on it? It is entirely nontoxic and has never had a documented side effect, much less a death. It is a paradigm shift from all other therapies. Haley ran 100 million $ worth of studies. For the complete story, see my posts:
While Andy Cutler may have been highly knowledgable and correct on some of his assumptions, as a nurse practitioner I was extremely disappointed in his book as I noted a complete lack of references cited anywhere for the statements and assumptions he makes. Furthermore the refusal of the ACC group to entertain any outside thought or deviation of a protocol is not only arrogant, but ignorant to their detriment. Science is not rigid and static. It continually evolves as new understanding and knowledge emerges. It is a fundamental principle of what is meant by the term "science". Any group that insists that the principles of their "leader" is irrefutable and must remain unchanged, does not represent scientific evidence. That is religious doctrine with fanatical zealots.
There is also no reason for dismissing MiADMSA which has an incredible amount of studies backing it’s use against heavy metals. It’s basically better in every way than ALA and DMSA.
Of course you get more mineral depleted at the same dose but you can use much lower doses and still achieve more.
Even when you take low doses of DMSA you still need to take minerals.
You are entitled to your opinions, of course. If you. buy "Amalgam Illness" you will perhaps find the references you are looking for. We wrote "The Detox Manual" to guide people how to detox according to this protocol. We decided to stick to that. It is not written to convince anyone of anything. It is written for people who already know that they want to chelate.
Cutler's main assumption is that you need to take chelators on their half-life for a certain minimum number of hours. Our experience is that people who do other systems take significant risk. We also have a "do not do" list which is based on theory and also on seeing people mess themselves up. We wind up with injured people who did random stuff and half the time they are so messed up it takes them years to recover if they do at all. People get so injured that they commit suicide and we don't like it when that happens.
1. Scientific references should not have to be found by purchasing another book.
You also state "perhaps" they can be found in this other book? As a moderator and co-author you should know. As a PhD, Andy should have known what APA research formatting is.
2. Yes ALA has a half-life that creates a risk of redistribution as well as being amphoteric are 2 extremely important principles that I truly thank Andy for bringing to light. However, being intolerant of even discussing other possibilities because he was afraid people would hurt themselves (unless they follow his protocol exactly) is again egotistical rather than scientific.
3. In addition, the disrespectful way the group moderators talk to people is shameful. Nothing you have said explains the arrogance and rude behavior that the ACC group has towards people.
It’s quite ironic for you to accuse others of being uncritical when your ACC group blocks anyone with differing opinions—even when those opinions aren’t even shared within the group. People are being blocked simply for asking legitimate questions.
The moderators on the group are all volunteers and they can be kind of intolerant sometimes. Andy used to say he was sorry that some discussions got cut off because he found them interesting, but he understood that the group was so large that it had to be kept implacably on topic. When people persist with some bee they have in their bonnet, if it is not strictly about the Cutler protocol, then they will get cut off pretty quick.
Their is also the issue of people wanting to do dangerous things. There are plenty dangerous possibilities when you are moving toxic elements around. Andy could be quite cutting and often hurt people's feelings when they seemed hell bent on hurting themselves. He said it was the only way he could get them to listen and stop.
I don't know why you got blocked, if you were. If it was about OSR I am not surprised. The moderators really don't like people pushing OSR. The ACC protocol uses DMSA, DMPS and alpha lipoic acid. Those work and we know it. They have a huge track record. OSR is iffy. It is imported from China and "not for human use." People get counseled to take it once a day which according to Andy is dangerous. And we get trolled by people trying to recruit in our support group for some reason or other. They also accuse the moderators of secretly taking OSR and lying about it. This is so strange that I have wondered if taking OSR makes you mentally ill, or if mentally ill people are attracted to taking OSR.
I’m not taking OSR. There are many things that could be improved to make chelation easier like mineral balancing and antioxidants. There are many studies that shows certain combinations can help but this is just not welcome. I was chatting with one of the admins and he didn’t agree with me although I have all the studies to back up what I am saying. He got angry and just said stuff with zero evidence. I tried to be respectful but he just blocked me and kicked me out of the group. I didn’t even post anything in the group.
I think if you mainly want to help people then you should really look into MiADMSA. You can take it according to the half life as well. Studies show that it leads to less redistribution than DMSA and DMPS.
Sure I will read about it if you have some links. The thing is I am not qualified to evaluate a thing like that. I was a French major. Andy was the scientist who could look at a molecule and say something about it. I go by what he said and the testimonies of the people that we get in our groups. And my own personal experience chelating, of course, too.
We would all like to find a chelator with a better half life than lipoic acid, that's for sure!
It is awfully easy to hurt yourself with chelators. Personally I would be scared to experiment with something new.
There is so much talk about restitution to the black descendants of slaves to be paid by Irish descendant of slaves. Hmmm. But to my point. Since the harm from mercury fillings was known about since the mid 1800s and there were calls to not allow mercury fillings it seems that the Dental industry and its enablers and profiteers should pay restitution to all the victims of dentistry by at minimum replacing the hollowed out and filled teeth with crowns and any other necessary treatment.
You can't do any kind of detox for metals other than sauna if you have any mercury in your teeth. So yes, I think the dental industry should undertake all the dental remediations as reparation for the 150 years of crimes against humanity that they were involved in.
So if one contacts EmeraMed will they offer the product for sale? The website just has contact info? Like all of your posts, extremely good/valuable, thats why I'm a paid subscriber.
If you are looking for something now to remove mercury you can take something that is essential for the body, selenium in the form of L-selenomethionine. Here is an evidence based write up. This form of selenium forms a tight bond with the mercury detoxifying the mercury and facilitating it's removal from the body. The author of this write up is Dennis N Crouse. There is a interview with Dennis in this substack on aluminum and Alzheimer's. Dennis has written 4 books and one is on targeted detox. This write up is an excerpt from his book. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.blogspot.com/2019/07/mercury-detox-using-selenium-method.html
Laurie, thanks so much for this help. I'm 63 & like many that grew up as a kid in the 60's/70's breakfast was cap-n-crunch, quisp, fruitloops, oj & a bowl of sugar on the kitchen table. Not sure what mom/dad where thinking? The result, a mouth full of fillings so that has always been a concern.
Selenium and methionine are good for the thyroid. Both are found in Brazil nuts. I found this out when the supplement was prescribed for my mom but she refused to take any more pills or powders. She, and now I, consume 2 organic raw Brazil nuts daily to provide these nutrients for a healthy thyroid. I'm glad to hear they have additional benefits!
I had my mercury amalgam fillings removed years ago, but I'm sure there is plenty of detox yet to do as the dentist who removed my first quadrant did not take precautions since she was mainstream enough to believe there was no danger, and at that time I had not fully researched the proper safe removal process. Don't believe every practitioner who lists "holistic" on their website! For many it is just a buzzword.
200 mcg for 12 weeks to build up your level of selenium as most people are low in selenium and then decrease to 100 mcg. As you probably know you have to be careful about the amount of selenium you take. The recommended Upper limit for adults is 400 mcg.
If you are going to write such an uncritical piece on OSR then it behooves you to read Andy Cutler, PhD's work on mercury toxicity and frequent low-dose chelation. Cutler had a PhD from Princeton University. His PhD thesis was on kinetics and after he got poisoned himself from some dental work, he was obliged to look in to the pharmacokinetics of mercury and it's various chelators.
His book, "Amalgam Illness, Diagnosis and Treatment" is a "brain dump" of what he figured out. "Hair Test Interpretation, Finding Hidden Toxicities," is about how to recognize mercury toxicity using hair tests and goes over the characteristics of other toxic elements. I cowrote "The Mercury Detoxification Manual," with him. It is a step by step guide in how to detox mercury and other heavy metals without getting hurt.
We have a 95,000 member Facebook support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/acfanatics. We get all kinds of refugees from other detox methods, among which those who didn't do well with OSR.
I don't know much about OSR other than Andy said using it is about on par with Russian roulette. He also said that it was impossible for it to form a permanent bond with mercury and if one does use it, it would need to be taken on its half-life for some minimum number of days. It is, in fact a fat soluble, di-thiol chelator and consequently should be used with enormous caution. I don't believe that it's half-life is known, or at least it hasn't been published.
You are entirely right about how dire the mercury situation is in the whole world, really. It is an undiagnosed epidemic. Mercury causes over 250 different symptoms and people get constellations of these which get named and called "idiopathic." The pharma ads on TV are all for things mercury can cause.
You are right; you know nothing about OSR, so why do you opine on it? It is entirely nontoxic and has never had a documented side effect, much less a death. It is a paradigm shift from all other therapies. Haley ran 100 million $ worth of studies. For the complete story, see my posts:
While Andy Cutler may have been highly knowledgable and correct on some of his assumptions, as a nurse practitioner I was extremely disappointed in his book as I noted a complete lack of references cited anywhere for the statements and assumptions he makes. Furthermore the refusal of the ACC group to entertain any outside thought or deviation of a protocol is not only arrogant, but ignorant to their detriment. Science is not rigid and static. It continually evolves as new understanding and knowledge emerges. It is a fundamental principle of what is meant by the term "science". Any group that insists that the principles of their "leader" is irrefutable and must remain unchanged, does not represent scientific evidence. That is religious doctrine with fanatical zealots.
There is also no reason for dismissing MiADMSA which has an incredible amount of studies backing it’s use against heavy metals. It’s basically better in every way than ALA and DMSA.
Of course you get more mineral depleted at the same dose but you can use much lower doses and still achieve more.
Even when you take low doses of DMSA you still need to take minerals.
You are entitled to your opinions, of course. If you. buy "Amalgam Illness" you will perhaps find the references you are looking for. We wrote "The Detox Manual" to guide people how to detox according to this protocol. We decided to stick to that. It is not written to convince anyone of anything. It is written for people who already know that they want to chelate.
Cutler's main assumption is that you need to take chelators on their half-life for a certain minimum number of hours. Our experience is that people who do other systems take significant risk. We also have a "do not do" list which is based on theory and also on seeing people mess themselves up. We wind up with injured people who did random stuff and half the time they are so messed up it takes them years to recover if they do at all. People get so injured that they commit suicide and we don't like it when that happens.
1. Scientific references should not have to be found by purchasing another book.
You also state "perhaps" they can be found in this other book? As a moderator and co-author you should know. As a PhD, Andy should have known what APA research formatting is.
2. Yes ALA has a half-life that creates a risk of redistribution as well as being amphoteric are 2 extremely important principles that I truly thank Andy for bringing to light. However, being intolerant of even discussing other possibilities because he was afraid people would hurt themselves (unless they follow his protocol exactly) is again egotistical rather than scientific.
3. In addition, the disrespectful way the group moderators talk to people is shameful. Nothing you have said explains the arrogance and rude behavior that the ACC group has towards people.
It’s quite ironic for you to accuse others of being uncritical when your ACC group blocks anyone with differing opinions—even when those opinions aren’t even shared within the group. People are being blocked simply for asking legitimate questions.
The moderators on the group are all volunteers and they can be kind of intolerant sometimes. Andy used to say he was sorry that some discussions got cut off because he found them interesting, but he understood that the group was so large that it had to be kept implacably on topic. When people persist with some bee they have in their bonnet, if it is not strictly about the Cutler protocol, then they will get cut off pretty quick.
Their is also the issue of people wanting to do dangerous things. There are plenty dangerous possibilities when you are moving toxic elements around. Andy could be quite cutting and often hurt people's feelings when they seemed hell bent on hurting themselves. He said it was the only way he could get them to listen and stop.
I don't know why you got blocked, if you were. If it was about OSR I am not surprised. The moderators really don't like people pushing OSR. The ACC protocol uses DMSA, DMPS and alpha lipoic acid. Those work and we know it. They have a huge track record. OSR is iffy. It is imported from China and "not for human use." People get counseled to take it once a day which according to Andy is dangerous. And we get trolled by people trying to recruit in our support group for some reason or other. They also accuse the moderators of secretly taking OSR and lying about it. This is so strange that I have wondered if taking OSR makes you mentally ill, or if mentally ill people are attracted to taking OSR.
I’m not taking OSR. There are many things that could be improved to make chelation easier like mineral balancing and antioxidants. There are many studies that shows certain combinations can help but this is just not welcome. I was chatting with one of the admins and he didn’t agree with me although I have all the studies to back up what I am saying. He got angry and just said stuff with zero evidence. I tried to be respectful but he just blocked me and kicked me out of the group. I didn’t even post anything in the group.
Well, I am sorry that happened. They are mercury toxic, too.
I think if you mainly want to help people then you should really look into MiADMSA. You can take it according to the half life as well. Studies show that it leads to less redistribution than DMSA and DMPS.
Will you look into it?
Sure I will read about it if you have some links. The thing is I am not qualified to evaluate a thing like that. I was a French major. Andy was the scientist who could look at a molecule and say something about it. I go by what he said and the testimonies of the people that we get in our groups. And my own personal experience chelating, of course, too.
We would all like to find a chelator with a better half life than lipoic acid, that's for sure!
It is awfully easy to hurt yourself with chelators. Personally I would be scared to experiment with something new.
There is so much talk about restitution to the black descendants of slaves to be paid by Irish descendant of slaves. Hmmm. But to my point. Since the harm from mercury fillings was known about since the mid 1800s and there were calls to not allow mercury fillings it seems that the Dental industry and its enablers and profiteers should pay restitution to all the victims of dentistry by at minimum replacing the hollowed out and filled teeth with crowns and any other necessary treatment.
You can't do any kind of detox for metals other than sauna if you have any mercury in your teeth. So yes, I think the dental industry should undertake all the dental remediations as reparation for the 150 years of crimes against humanity that they were involved in.
Thanks for the credits! For the complete story, see my posts:
I find it interesting you can never have your tooth back if removed by a dentist. I had an enclosed container and still couldn’t have my tooth.
So if one contacts EmeraMed will they offer the product for sale? The website just has contact info? Like all of your posts, extremely good/valuable, thats why I'm a paid subscriber.
If you are looking for something now to remove mercury you can take something that is essential for the body, selenium in the form of L-selenomethionine. Here is an evidence based write up. This form of selenium forms a tight bond with the mercury detoxifying the mercury and facilitating it's removal from the body. The author of this write up is Dennis N Crouse. There is a interview with Dennis in this substack on aluminum and Alzheimer's. Dennis has written 4 books and one is on targeted detox. This write up is an excerpt from his book. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.blogspot.com/2019/07/mercury-detox-using-selenium-method.html
Laurie, thanks so much for this help. I'm 63 & like many that grew up as a kid in the 60's/70's breakfast was cap-n-crunch, quisp, fruitloops, oj & a bowl of sugar on the kitchen table. Not sure what mom/dad where thinking? The result, a mouth full of fillings so that has always been a concern.
You are welcome. I also had a lot of amalgam fillings. Some were replaced but I still have a few. Taking selenium also has other health benefits.
Selenium and methionine are good for the thyroid. Both are found in Brazil nuts. I found this out when the supplement was prescribed for my mom but she refused to take any more pills or powders. She, and now I, consume 2 organic raw Brazil nuts daily to provide these nutrients for a healthy thyroid. I'm glad to hear they have additional benefits!
I had my mercury amalgam fillings removed years ago, but I'm sure there is plenty of detox yet to do as the dentist who removed my first quadrant did not take precautions since she was mainstream enough to believe there was no danger, and at that time I had not fully researched the proper safe removal process. Don't believe every practitioner who lists "holistic" on their website! For many it is just a buzzword.
The only problem with Brazil nuts is they vary widely in the amount of selenium they have.
Some amounts are very high and high amounts of selenium can be toxic.
400 mcg a day
200 mcg for 12 weeks to build up your level of selenium as most people are low in selenium and then decrease to 100 mcg. As you probably know you have to be careful about the amount of selenium you take. The recommended Upper limit for adults is 400 mcg.
see my posts links above and contact David Kennedy, DDS
Here you can find a lot of studies. Many can be downloaded for free using sci-hub.
I also sent you a few studies as PDFs.
This video about MiADMSA is very interesting. Please watch it, especially if you are not yet convinced about the benefits of MiADMSA.
Here are some of the benefits MiADMSA provides according to studies:
MiADMSA has high lipophilicity
MiADMSA has high water solubility
Very high oral bioavailability, better than i.p. (no IV needed)
It can chelate inside cells (intracellular)
It can chelate outside of cells (extracellular)
It can cross the blood brain barrier very effectively
Rapid elimination of the toxic metals from the body
Heavy metal excretion is higher than with any other chelator for certain heavy metals
Higher excretion through liver than with DMSA or DMPS
Seams to have lower liver toxicity than DMSA
Low toxicity
Increases glutathione (GSH) which improves detoxification
Increases Metallothionein (MT) which improves detoxification
Scavenges ROS (reactive oxygen species) via sulfhydryl groups
Improves several markers for oxidative stress
No redistribution from intracellular to extracellular space was observed
No redistribution from organ to organ was observed
Very well researched by many different researchers
Based on a chelator that is approved with wide spread use
It is at least 5 times more effective than DMSA in certain scennarios
Many optimised combination treaments exist
2.7 times higher lead reduction in the bones than DMSA
3-5 times more effective in reducing mercury whole body burden than DMSA (mouse study)
2 times more effective in reducing mercury whole body burden than DMPS (mouse study)
Was shown to reduce resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapy
Terrifying video. I've been mulling for years but waited due to illness and acute stress. Might be a catch 22 with this insight. Thanks
How to obtain/buy this helping product? where?