I hate to say it but the ND emperor also is quite naked. ND’s are licensed and regulated here in Washington state(home of Bastyr) and yet, these clowns were all for vaccines, masks, social distancing and are unapologetic. ND’s are absolute clowns in general here. I’m sure there were some that stuck to naturopathic principles but I couldn’t find one. I appreciate the principles outlined by this doc though and appreciate your interview.

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Professionals have a wide range of competencies whether a builder, plumber, car-mechanic, dentist, etc .. as well as in the world of NDs. Always, one has to find a good one. And the allopathic world of MDs is hardly short of quacks & clowns. A wholistic approach to medicine is obviously far, far superior to treating the body as a machine, and attempting to bang symptoms on the head with dangerous drugs.

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I think the fear-mongering of infectious disease overcame their rational, educated mind. It happened in my profession as well, we call those medipractors. Naturopaths deal as do chiropractors with certain issues but there are situations out of our wheelhouse that bring forth insecurity due to not having enough experience seeing those specific problems. Certainly an unknown infectious agent qualifies.

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Many in the holistic field were not affected by the constant flow of misinformation and fearmongering. It may be that they simply were either not grounded in the fundamentals or they simply did not have confidence in their own processes and conceded to the conventional medical model. It has become very refreshing and heartening to in fact see quite a number of conventional medical doctors who did not buy into all the fearmongering and started to speak out as well as change the views on vaccination that they were indoctrinated with since medical school.

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I agree. At this stage, they're as captured by cartel medicine as their allopathic counterparts. I tried several naturopaths when struck with a range of chronic illness symptoms over a decade ago and found their dogma only marginally more helpful than that of the hopeless conventional system. I did appreciate however, that at least naturopaths aren't given to suggesting that any symptom they don't know how to cure is all in your mind.

Good health is indeed about diet, but not the ones pushed by anyone whose been through a system of education that works on unproved theories pushed forward as if they were facts.

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Indeed, no outcry and a shocking mortal blow to those principles. Epidemic group think.

The slight bright spot was The Naturopathic Medicine Institute Public Statement Regarding Mandatory Vaccinations:

“Naturopathic Medicine has historically championed freedom of medical choice, which has been especially important for a medical tradition that is distinct from the dominant medical system. This freedom is protected by American tradition as well as medical ethics, many state licensing boards, and international treaty obligations, including the Nuremberg Conventions. Such obligations entitle all persons to informed consent for any treatment they are asked to receive.

Our professional principles are not beholden to the pharmaceutical-based view of healthcare, but, rather, to the natural laws that govern our ability to self-heal. Our principles give us a more comprehensive perspective as well as unparalleled diagnostic and therapeutic advantages because it allows us an uninhibited ability to objectively and subjectively review each patient’s situation on an individual basis.

Having thoroughly reviewed the science that informs the SARS Coronavirus-19 vaccines, in conjunction with a review of naturopathic physicians’ clinical experience treating patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and patients experiencing adverse symptoms after being vaccinated, our recommendations are as follows:

We are opposed to any mandatory vaccinations against SARS Coronavirus-19.

We strongly support the use of vitalistic naturopathic therapeutics for the prevention and treatment of this viral illness.”



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I so appreciate you posting that. I’ve been very disheartened by the gradual takeover of naturopaths by the reductionist model of healthcare and appreciate knowing that a wholistic stance was taken somewhere.

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What is the position on the childhood vaccine schedule?

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That demonstrates a major hole in their education, and a refusal to do basic research..Every doctor, of any persuasion, should know that a novel treatment that has not gone through rigorous safety and efficacy tests, should never be given to the public, much less mandated, especially when the provider is making huge amounts of money from it...

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Agreed, that is also my experience with both NDs and Acupuncturists. The Acupuncture/Trad. Chinese Medicine schools here in Portland, OR were all lined up for the masking and the jabs. The ND I saw years ago had me do a colon cleanse, and I will ill and weakened from it for weeks. Never again will I trust any of 'em.

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Yes! Here too in Canada. All Pharma Stooges following the evil guidance of the ignorant associations.

There is nothing to fear.

Everything is a lie.


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This occurs in a wide range of holistic fields. Before you work with any new holistic practitioner, ask for a free 15 minute consult to see if they are a good fit for you.

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"If you knew what I know about the treatments that MDs use, you would run away from them as fast as you could. You would only use their services for emergency trauma care and for surgery (when it was absolutely necessary)."

I've been "running away" for decades now. LOL!

Couple of things...Just yesterday on the way home from the chiropractor's, I had the thought, "Bone protruding or blood gushing...The only times I'd see a "doctor."

Then later on yesterday afternoon, this very video appeared on -- of all places -- LinkedIn. I watched it, being introduced to Dr. Glidden for the first time.

So who doesn't believe in serendipity? :)

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Thank you, Kathlean, but I'd rather restore the Declaration of Independence.

Putting the members of the crime syndicate back in their place via the framework of the Constitution is fine, but without the underlying philosophy of why integrated into the hearts and minds of those outside the crime syndicate? The crime syndicate will crime syndicate regardless of what its "rule book " says. It is in its nature to do so.

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The jbs videos offer historical facts-themes on who our "we the people" are up against & why. The UN & departments on Foreign Relations How might we restore our Declaration?

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I spent almost 40 years of my life trying to warn people, my loved ones, family and friends about the dangers of Medical Doctors, the drugs and treatments they prescribe and the Hospitals they work in. Most of what I got in return was their rejection and hatred. Ostracized and thrown out like a piece of garbage I'm done with it. If people choose to put their faith in Medical Doctors, they get what they deserve

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Trust in all areas of allopathic medicine and health care in general has been destroyed by the response to COVID-19 and the continuing fall out with many doctors pre-occupied in helping overcome chronic disability and terminal illnesses. The doctors with an optimal chance of being successful in this role have had experience in integrative medicine which has a strong naturopathic basis. There is common ground to share in the future of health care.

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another rock star report! all true. in my own direct experience and beyond! thank you precious one for continuing to share the truth.

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"The Carnegie Institute subsequently donated millions of dollars to the medical schools and hospitals on Flexner's list. Other groups like the Rockefeller foundation followed the Carnegie Institute's lead and donated large sums of money to the medical schools and hospitals that delivered MD directed synthetic drug treatments."

Kudos for the fab MD feature.. they do exist! Flexner Report worth reading too!


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Slightly off topic, but I was thinking about lawyers vs doctors recently. It is said that an IQ lower than 130, one should reconsider espousing these 2 specialties. I would agree. A modern doctor, like my primary school years, learns primarily thru memorization. To accomplish that, poetry was a big deal when I was in primary school. Memorizing Kipling, Longfellow and Poe was required from a very early age. Then came Julius Caesar, a monster to memorize.

On the other hand we have lawyers who must, by hook or crook, defend their clients against incarceration. Let's ignore the PA's and lop them into the court ordered defenders category as useless wannabes. Learning how the human body works is not rocket science. Studying case law to defend your client can be a monster, just look at the library a lawyer has in his office and compare that to the medical citations and diplomas a doctor has displayed in his office.

Couple that with computers and all a doctor has to do is enter the complaint and symptoms and AI will give you a choice of diagnoses and requisite drugs applicable for whatever condition you choose. Easy peazy.

So, the joke, "What do you call 100 lawyers tied together at the bottom of an ocean?" not so funny. On the one hand you have a lawyer that's trying to save your life and on the other you have an allopath, hopefully unbeknownst to him, shortening your life but fear not, your insurance will cover your pain. So what think you? Would you rather pay someone to save your life (the homeopath) or have your insurance company pay to end your life. I'll take the former.

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I take it you’re a lawyer 😊

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I wish!! I should have been a chemist, just loved chemistry as a kid. But no, just a housewife, homemaker.

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Not “ just” anything. You took care of a family. High calling.❤️

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My wife is a lawyer. I think you made the better choice. Talk about stress levels, lol. The number of lawyers who have substance abuse problems is shockingly high.

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You might want to look into the history of naturopathy before licensure and NDs, before the "experts" came along. I tried searching to possibly locate some of the material on this topic that I read in the past, but it appears that the NDs have won the battle for search engine dominance.

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I've been looking for a holistic practitioner for ages. any suggestions in the Chicago area? great article. thanks.

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Dr. Farokh Master, homeopath, lives in Mumbai, but sees patients in the Chicago area when he visits yearly. His info is on the internet.

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thank you

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You're correct

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Medical Doctors are murderers.

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The Emperor has no Clothes. The Doctor Has No Cures:


No insurance company will pay for a cure for any disease. Insurance pays for "treatments." No doctor, conventional or alternative dares to count their cures, they would be called a quack if they did. No clinic, hospital, or medical system in the entire world counts their cures.

to your health, tracy

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You had me at, “MD directed drug delivery medicine.”

That’s just too exquisite a definition.

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Dr. Mercola has changed his view on fasting, and fasting beneficial protocols differ for men and women. Is there a Vital Force? What exactly is the mechanism of action in for example in an LM 18 potency of a remedy? The founder of Homoeopathy concluded that chronic illness was due to miasms - psora, syphilis and sycosis, this idea was conceived preunderstanding of genetics, epigenetics, immunology, bacteriology etc....All these ideas need to be scientifically explored in depth not just on the basis of theories over a hundred years old.

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MD Emperor has no clothes. seems to be unavailable on Amazon, except for possibly a $55 paperback...Are there other sources that don't cost so much?

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