Great post. It's been interesting to see the different theories everyone has about Alzheimer's, but it seems to me that you can't go wrong if you use the lifestyle changes described here, detox for Aluminum and Mercury, and fix leaky gut syndrome. I did all that plus eliminated all vegetable and seed oils when I learned the brain is 75% cholesterol, and added a pinch of sea salt with each glass of water. No more falls or forgetfulness, no more psych meds, feeling like a new person.
This is covered in rung 5 of Dennis Crouse’s book Finding a cause and potential cures for Alzheimers disease. Page 40 to 46. Here is the first paragraph and conclusion. "Under aerobic conditions, glucose is the primary source of energy production in the brain. Glucose provides energy as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in an oxidative process called glycolysis. Glycolysis is an enzymatic pathway that metabolizes glucose to 2 molecules of both pyruvate and ATP. A decreased rate of brain glucose metabolism is a biomarker of AD145. The causal diagram in figure 8 shows aluminum inhibition of brain glycolysis is a mediator in aluminum causing AD. Conclusion of Rung 5
The inhibition of hexokinase HK-I and decreased GLU3 expression by low levels of aluminum connects 3 biomarkers of AD: aluminum accumulation, accelerated brain atrophy, and decreased glucose metabolism as measured by FDG-PET. These are very early-stage biomarkers of AD with aluminum being a casual factor of both accelerated brain atrophy and decreased glucose metabolism as diagrammed in figures 7 and 8.
Aluminum also decreases GLU4 expression, and causes significant insulin resistance as seen in type 2 diabetes. Aluminum also impairs pancreatic insulin secretion as seen in type 1 diabetes. Therefore, both types of diabetes should be described as the pathology of chronic aluminum toxicity.
Amazing work Unbekoming - it is true that it’s a lot of work to get all the elements aligned. However, every element DB recommends ticks the boxes for our health in general. The keto recommendation is a delicate one and brings with it risks of misinterpretation - over doing it and potentially triggering additional cortisol - but his sweet spot of 12 hours total and 3 hours before bed is so easily accomplished. I have had great success tracking metals with a simple cheap test called Oligoscan, and a specific zeolite protocol. It is probably one of the areas that most people get wrong once they are deep into the functional health side of things.
Thankyou for your continued dedication to writing Unbekoming.
Be careful with the Zeolites, according to an article here on Unbekoming, they are a source of Aluminum. High aluminum has also been proposed as a cause of Alzheimer's.
I run a protocol based on a specific type of zeolite, monthly testing, monitoring of symptoms.
Some new truths are emerging according to the success of this protocol not just with me but many others - supported by the data and not only improvement of symptoms but little in the way of otherwise detox symptoms - so long as administered correctly - this supports the continued use of it subject to:
1) The type of zeolite
2) The dose
Zeolite is silica bound in aluminium. The silica does the binding subject to an appropriate the ratio of silica to aluminium - ideally > 5:1 ratio. If the ratio is too low it is dangerous. Meanwhile, there is little to no evidence to suggest aluminium unbinds from the silica in the body. It is postulated that the symptoms that might suggest this is happening are likely due to the dose of zeolite NOT being sufficient to bind and hold onto toxins and hold on through elimination. Toxins may be agitated out of where they are being stored, but are redistributed on their way out. Many zeolites are either not of sufficient dose or surface area (eg liquid zeolite) or too low a ratio. If there are symptoms it is due to insufficiency or a low ratio.
The most accessible and responsive test for monthly administration of zeolite, appears to be the Oligiscan. It is cheap, non invasive and demonstrates how the body responds to an intentional protocol. The hTMA test is not a good test in isolation but serves as an another lens to see whats happening at a cellular level. But the hTMA brings with it lots of variability of how it is tested, what hair where the hair is taken from and how long it is between tests. It is great for insights to metabolic health, less for a definitive lens into metal status. Blood is not a good test for chronic exposure to metals.
Thank you for elaborating on that. I personally have levels of arsenic, aluminum, and mercury that are at the top of the range. I had been using a zeolite powder per the instructions until reading here that they were a source of aluminum. But as a person with some knowledge of mining and metal fabrication industries, it just makes sense that the aluminum in ground rock would not be available. Ores have to be smelter at such high temperatures that it was not until electric arc furnaces came into play that it was refinable on any scale. Would it be safe to go to 1 gram of zeolite powder twice per day? Three times. Never even considered that a higher dose would do better.
1) assess for current symptoms (may not have any - but most do) - rank them
2) get a baseline Oligoscan
3) source your zeo very carefully
4) take the recommended dose of whichever you take
5) if you get symptoms - increase the dose to the level where symptoms go.
6) restest
My approach is lockstep with Zeocharge framework and recommend you review the approaches taken and why it is best to monitor best on your own data, your own symptoms and not based on scientific studies alone -
There are two potential sources of alunium in the gut
1) The zeolite itself - but we have to have proof
2) Aluminum being released from the tissue and not being held long enough to be eliminated (becuae the type of zeolite doesnt meet the criteria OR the dose is not high enough.
I am tracking symptoms and testing.
Its a new frontier I get it but I dont know the existing "science" is sufficiently precise enough to know where the Al is coming ƒrom.
Good, you are monitoring and testing. How are you testing for aluminum? The most accurate way to test is a 24 hour urine test. You may want to think about drinking silica water if you aren’t already. The silica in mineral water forms a a tight bond with aluminum facilitating, detoxification and the removal from the body.
Dr. Bredesen’s work has changed the narrative about Alzheimer’s from there is no cure to lifestyle changes can prevent Alzheimer’s and people diagnosed with MCI or Alzheimer can improve their cognition.
You present a comprehensive look at Dr. Bredesen’s work. As you point out there has been decades of drug trial failures which target beta amyloid. Thank you for getting this change in the narrative to people.
Thank you for posting a link to your interview with Dennis N Crouse’s work as he also has proven Alzheimer’s can be prevented and people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s can improve cognition.
Thank you for posting a link to your interview with Chris Exley as he did a study which found people diagnosed with Alzheimer's who drank silica rich mineral water for 12 weeks showed cognitive improvement. Drinking water rich in silica removes aluminum from the body including the brain.
Great stuff. Dr. Brednesen is a hero. I read his book and if got be thinking of a much wider perspective on this strange disease. For example, in the book by Dr. Snowden on the 1990’s Nuns Study, he describes a particular case that contradicts everything we know at dementia. Sister Bernadette was a high functioning, independent nun all the way to her death at 80. On autopsy, her brain size was normal, but she had two copies of APOE4 gene and her brain was full of plaques and tangles, which should have caused dementia, but instead she was high functioning. How do we explain this? Well Dr. Brednesen researched the genealogy of APOE and found it coincides with the rise of Mitochondrial Eve 300,000 years ago APOE3, and the rise of modern man with paintings on cave walls, 60,000 greats ago APOE2. Is that just a coincidence or are these mutations reflecting a paradigm shift in the way the brain operates? What if the difference between us and our ancestors was that they could not see colour or hear music or poetry. That’s why we started painting in cave walls. What if our brains are not based on brain cells and iQ which APOE destroys but instead uses a social brain and community to generate ideas. But why would the brain do that? Because Dr. Harari in his book Sapiens points out that the brain was getting too big for babies to exit the mother’s birth canal a million years ago, and Dr. Ramachandran in his book has shown that it took a million treats to develop the social brain, through synesthesia than can see colour and hear rhythms of music and poetry to generate ideas.
Why are the demented often aggravated? Why do they have difficulty sleeping? Why are they aiming to flee?
They are in adrenal management, caught in the FIGHT/FLIGHT/FREEZE response because of low salt/dehydration!
Yes, it really is this simple.
Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology.
Read my articles and notes to see how it’s all connected to the salt restriction directives.
WHO boosts about the effectiveness of their salt restriction directive campaigns at reducing population as their best value for money spent.
Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre on Population Salt Reduction.
In 2013, Member States adopted the Global action plan for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases 2013-2020, to take coordinated action at all levels, to attain nine voluntary global targets, including a 30% relative reduction in mean population intake of sodium by 2025 with a goal of <2000mg/day.
Sodium reduction has since been recognized by WHO as one of the “best buys” in global public health, yielding an estimated return on investment of USD$13-78 for every dollar invested.
[my take: the return is via big pHARMa market expansion because of the resulting increase in suffering.]
This, to me, was an excellent example of asking for the time and being given the history of the clock. I had to use my skill of speed reading to get through this. Did I miss it? The elephant in the room? Was a study made on those vaccinated for flu and those not as to who developed Alzheimers and those who didn't? If vaccines cause all kinds of neurological damage in children, would they not cause the same in adults? Does our government funded Pharma industry care more for our adults than our children? Did Bredesen mention vaccines just once or did I miss that?
I have moved heaven & earth searching for the cause of my mothers decline, scrutinized every aspect of her life's habits, brought back memories of her life, put the pieces together and came to my own conclusion as to what she did that caused her to lose her brain. Environmental toxins? Yes, she drank fluoridated water her entire life. Made all food from scratch, never bought a box of Hamburger Helper or anything else in a box. Slept well, never exercised. Never walked barefoot, never sat in the sun. 160 IQ her entire life. Loved all puzzles that behooved me to the max.
What did she do consistently? Flu vax for 20 years and used aluminum foil under all her baking for easy cleanup. Mercury, mercury, aluminum, mercury, aluminum. One way ticket to the brain. Those 3 neurotoxins are the only things, based on Wakefield's and Moulden's works that are too empirically believable to be dismissed, that have convinced me was the cause of my mothers initial stroke after a vaccine that lead to her final decline from Alzheimers. Bredesen's lengthly repetitive essay here, missed the mark completely in my opinion.
All vaccines contain incipients/false antigens (ie heavy metals) that cause various neurological/physiological outcomes by design, in both adults and children . Interesting that prior to vax administration we didn’t see the medical outcomes of modern day (post 1796). Regrettably the more vaccines administered the greater the dis-ease to the body in both humans and domestic animals.
I discovered some intetesting things when writing my dissertation, on omega 3 and schizophrenia. Schz is highly related to allergies/sensitivities. The absence of bread/wheat in scandanavia in blocaded port city resulted in total elimination of scz symptoms for many months. Till wheat returned. Its related to seasons ie sunshine. Its familial in that family members often have dermatitis herpete formis and celiac disease. The bottom line is that the BODY has permeability. In internal gut, skin external and blood brain barrier, the allergens like dairy, wheat pass through and trigger massive inflammation. The location of auditory or visual hallucinations is near dream/fantasy location. Its been 25 years since i wrote about this but its still true. The remedy was discovered by sch patients on old time computer chat boards. They found BIG doses of fish oil relieved many external symptoms of sch. Huge numbers got jobs and got a life. No money to be made by spreading the news tho. So healing now can be assisted by special very specific PROBIOTICS targeted to healing wheat and dairy sensitivities. See articles about these recent discoveries by Dr Berg
The brain is extremely sensitive to dehydration or low salt. I say the tide goes out, revealing the dementia plaque.
Chronic dehydration results in cognitive decline. A headache is not a sign to pop a pHARMa pill. It’s a sign of dehydration.
Hydration underpins our physiology not oxygenation. This paradigm change allows dis-ease to be studied and understood. Every part of our physiology requires moisture. Dehydration is the beginning of all dis-ease.
Hydration is a two part equation: SALT plus water equals hydration. Water follows salt into and out of our body.
My article: How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking? Could be changed to: dementia and fear based reactionary thinking?
I explain the adrenals run all emergencies. Dehydration or low salt is an emergency. Chronic dehydration results in chronic adrenal management and adrenal fatigue or enlargement. All the adrenocorticol hormones are deployed not just aldosterone. For example: this is why blood sugar rises under the influence of cortisol.
The adrenocorticol hormones interact with the body hormones to bring the now common conditions of chronic dis-ease.
Salt turns off the adrenals via RAAS because it returns hydration.
Salt restriction affects women more than men. Women are built to carry more fluid. They require more salt. This is why dementia affects twice as many women as men.
Salt restriction directives were instituted to increase big pHARMa’s market by inducing misery. The medical profession profits from suffering. The way through this is due diligence. Scrutiny is a life skill.
Learn the symptoms of low salt/ dehydration and remedy with SALT plus water and retain your mind.
Read my articles and note by clicking on my blue icon. I have a few notes on dementia, it’s almost the lead cause of death for Australian women. How about we change that!
I knock over a few sacred cows that have been intentionally inserted to mis-direct and cause suffering. Get ready to revisit all you think you know.
If people read comments below any of hundreds of youtube videos on carnivore diet, they will see dozen if not hundred people who are free from any diabetic med. True also for blood pressure med. Its the first thing to change besides weight loss. Its free as well.
Jusr to say we do not have studies on aluminum and mercury effects on cognition, or the host of processed foods, flouride water etc. Its hundreds of thousands of dollars to do a proper study with controls and peer revuew and sufficient patients. And you risk serious payback after from the injured pharma companies. If you had a pharmaceutical to test, no problem!
I'm surprised there is no mention of MSG, monosodium glutamate. If a 'food' item has an ingredient label, MSG is there. It is often listed under one or more of many 'FDA-approved' disguise names such as natural flavor, isolated protein, or 'spices'. Excitotoxins such as MSG damage a young brain with symptoms such as autism; and damage a mature brain with symptoms such as Alzheimer's. This article is a brief summary of Dr. Blaylock's The Taste That Kills. (pg 7)
Biochemist Dr Katherine Reid eliminated her daughter's autism symptoms and diagnosis by removing MSG from her diet. Her TED Talk is 👍👍👍 and so is her book, Unblind My Mind.
Haven’t read this one yet because I just got up but wanted to say that I am continually impressed with your analyses and just bought an annual subscription. Thank you so much for your impressive work.
Great post. It's been interesting to see the different theories everyone has about Alzheimer's, but it seems to me that you can't go wrong if you use the lifestyle changes described here, detox for Aluminum and Mercury, and fix leaky gut syndrome. I did all that plus eliminated all vegetable and seed oils when I learned the brain is 75% cholesterol, and added a pinch of sea salt with each glass of water. No more falls or forgetfulness, no more psych meds, feeling like a new person.
Alzheimers is also known as Diabetes type 3
I’m curious to know more about this, any good material?
This is covered in rung 5 of Dennis Crouse’s book Finding a cause and potential cures for Alzheimers disease. Page 40 to 46. Here is the first paragraph and conclusion. "Under aerobic conditions, glucose is the primary source of energy production in the brain. Glucose provides energy as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in an oxidative process called glycolysis. Glycolysis is an enzymatic pathway that metabolizes glucose to 2 molecules of both pyruvate and ATP. A decreased rate of brain glucose metabolism is a biomarker of AD145. The causal diagram in figure 8 shows aluminum inhibition of brain glycolysis is a mediator in aluminum causing AD. Conclusion of Rung 5
The inhibition of hexokinase HK-I and decreased GLU3 expression by low levels of aluminum connects 3 biomarkers of AD: aluminum accumulation, accelerated brain atrophy, and decreased glucose metabolism as measured by FDG-PET. These are very early-stage biomarkers of AD with aluminum being a casual factor of both accelerated brain atrophy and decreased glucose metabolism as diagrammed in figures 7 and 8.
Aluminum also decreases GLU4 expression, and causes significant insulin resistance as seen in type 2 diabetes. Aluminum also impairs pancreatic insulin secretion as seen in type 1 diabetes. Therefore, both types of diabetes should be described as the pathology of chronic aluminum toxicity.
Amazing work Unbekoming - it is true that it’s a lot of work to get all the elements aligned. However, every element DB recommends ticks the boxes for our health in general. The keto recommendation is a delicate one and brings with it risks of misinterpretation - over doing it and potentially triggering additional cortisol - but his sweet spot of 12 hours total and 3 hours before bed is so easily accomplished. I have had great success tracking metals with a simple cheap test called Oligoscan, and a specific zeolite protocol. It is probably one of the areas that most people get wrong once they are deep into the functional health side of things.
Thankyou for your continued dedication to writing Unbekoming.
Thank you, appreciate the helpful comment.
Be careful with the Zeolites, according to an article here on Unbekoming, they are a source of Aluminum. High aluminum has also been proposed as a cause of Alzheimer's.
This is a polarising subject for sure...
I run a protocol based on a specific type of zeolite, monthly testing, monitoring of symptoms.
Some new truths are emerging according to the success of this protocol not just with me but many others - supported by the data and not only improvement of symptoms but little in the way of otherwise detox symptoms - so long as administered correctly - this supports the continued use of it subject to:
1) The type of zeolite
2) The dose
Zeolite is silica bound in aluminium. The silica does the binding subject to an appropriate the ratio of silica to aluminium - ideally > 5:1 ratio. If the ratio is too low it is dangerous. Meanwhile, there is little to no evidence to suggest aluminium unbinds from the silica in the body. It is postulated that the symptoms that might suggest this is happening are likely due to the dose of zeolite NOT being sufficient to bind and hold onto toxins and hold on through elimination. Toxins may be agitated out of where they are being stored, but are redistributed on their way out. Many zeolites are either not of sufficient dose or surface area (eg liquid zeolite) or too low a ratio. If there are symptoms it is due to insufficiency or a low ratio.
The most accessible and responsive test for monthly administration of zeolite, appears to be the Oligiscan. It is cheap, non invasive and demonstrates how the body responds to an intentional protocol. The hTMA test is not a good test in isolation but serves as an another lens to see whats happening at a cellular level. But the hTMA brings with it lots of variability of how it is tested, what hair where the hair is taken from and how long it is between tests. It is great for insights to metabolic health, less for a definitive lens into metal status. Blood is not a good test for chronic exposure to metals.
Reach out if you wish some help.
Thank you for elaborating on that. I personally have levels of arsenic, aluminum, and mercury that are at the top of the range. I had been using a zeolite powder per the instructions until reading here that they were a source of aluminum. But as a person with some knowledge of mining and metal fabrication industries, it just makes sense that the aluminum in ground rock would not be available. Ores have to be smelter at such high temperatures that it was not until electric arc furnaces came into play that it was refinable on any scale. Would it be safe to go to 1 gram of zeolite powder twice per day? Three times. Never even considered that a higher dose would do better.
My approach is
1) assess for current symptoms (may not have any - but most do) - rank them
2) get a baseline Oligoscan
3) source your zeo very carefully
4) take the recommended dose of whichever you take
5) if you get symptoms - increase the dose to the level where symptoms go.
6) restest
My approach is lockstep with Zeocharge framework and recommend you review the approaches taken and why it is best to monitor best on your own data, your own symptoms and not based on scientific studies alone -
Zeolites release aluminum in the pH of the gut. Here is a write up with more information. Aluminum is a neurotoxin which interferes with hundreds of processes in the body and the brain.
There are two potential sources of alunium in the gut
1) The zeolite itself - but we have to have proof
2) Aluminum being released from the tissue and not being held long enough to be eliminated (becuae the type of zeolite doesnt meet the criteria OR the dose is not high enough.
I am tracking symptoms and testing.
Its a new frontier I get it but I dont know the existing "science" is sufficiently precise enough to know where the Al is coming ƒrom.
Good, you are monitoring and testing. How are you testing for aluminum? The most accurate way to test is a 24 hour urine test. You may want to think about drinking silica water if you aren’t already. The silica in mineral water forms a a tight bond with aluminum facilitating, detoxification and the removal from the body.
Dr. Bredesen’s work has changed the narrative about Alzheimer’s from there is no cure to lifestyle changes can prevent Alzheimer’s and people diagnosed with MCI or Alzheimer can improve their cognition.
You present a comprehensive look at Dr. Bredesen’s work. As you point out there has been decades of drug trial failures which target beta amyloid. Thank you for getting this change in the narrative to people.
Thank you for posting a link to your interview with Dennis N Crouse’s work as he also has proven Alzheimer’s can be prevented and people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s can improve cognition.
Thank you for posting a link to your interview with Chris Exley as he did a study which found people diagnosed with Alzheimer's who drank silica rich mineral water for 12 weeks showed cognitive improvement. Drinking water rich in silica removes aluminum from the body including the brain.
Great stuff. Dr. Brednesen is a hero. I read his book and if got be thinking of a much wider perspective on this strange disease. For example, in the book by Dr. Snowden on the 1990’s Nuns Study, he describes a particular case that contradicts everything we know at dementia. Sister Bernadette was a high functioning, independent nun all the way to her death at 80. On autopsy, her brain size was normal, but she had two copies of APOE4 gene and her brain was full of plaques and tangles, which should have caused dementia, but instead she was high functioning. How do we explain this? Well Dr. Brednesen researched the genealogy of APOE and found it coincides with the rise of Mitochondrial Eve 300,000 years ago APOE3, and the rise of modern man with paintings on cave walls, 60,000 greats ago APOE2. Is that just a coincidence or are these mutations reflecting a paradigm shift in the way the brain operates? What if the difference between us and our ancestors was that they could not see colour or hear music or poetry. That’s why we started painting in cave walls. What if our brains are not based on brain cells and iQ which APOE destroys but instead uses a social brain and community to generate ideas. But why would the brain do that? Because Dr. Harari in his book Sapiens points out that the brain was getting too big for babies to exit the mother’s birth canal a million years ago, and Dr. Ramachandran in his book has shown that it took a million treats to develop the social brain, through synesthesia than can see colour and hear rhythms of music and poetry to generate ideas.
Why are the demented often aggravated? Why do they have difficulty sleeping? Why are they aiming to flee?
They are in adrenal management, caught in the FIGHT/FLIGHT/FREEZE response because of low salt/dehydration!
Yes, it really is this simple.
Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology.
Read my articles and notes to see how it’s all connected to the salt restriction directives.
WHO boosts about the effectiveness of their salt restriction directive campaigns at reducing population as their best value for money spent.
Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre on Population Salt Reduction.
In 2013, Member States adopted the Global action plan for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases 2013-2020, to take coordinated action at all levels, to attain nine voluntary global targets, including a 30% relative reduction in mean population intake of sodium by 2025 with a goal of <2000mg/day.
Sodium reduction has since been recognized by WHO as one of the “best buys” in global public health, yielding an estimated return on investment of USD$13-78 for every dollar invested.
[my take: the return is via big pHARMa market expansion because of the resulting increase in suffering.]
This, to me, was an excellent example of asking for the time and being given the history of the clock. I had to use my skill of speed reading to get through this. Did I miss it? The elephant in the room? Was a study made on those vaccinated for flu and those not as to who developed Alzheimers and those who didn't? If vaccines cause all kinds of neurological damage in children, would they not cause the same in adults? Does our government funded Pharma industry care more for our adults than our children? Did Bredesen mention vaccines just once or did I miss that?
I have moved heaven & earth searching for the cause of my mothers decline, scrutinized every aspect of her life's habits, brought back memories of her life, put the pieces together and came to my own conclusion as to what she did that caused her to lose her brain. Environmental toxins? Yes, she drank fluoridated water her entire life. Made all food from scratch, never bought a box of Hamburger Helper or anything else in a box. Slept well, never exercised. Never walked barefoot, never sat in the sun. 160 IQ her entire life. Loved all puzzles that behooved me to the max.
What did she do consistently? Flu vax for 20 years and used aluminum foil under all her baking for easy cleanup. Mercury, mercury, aluminum, mercury, aluminum. One way ticket to the brain. Those 3 neurotoxins are the only things, based on Wakefield's and Moulden's works that are too empirically believable to be dismissed, that have convinced me was the cause of my mothers initial stroke after a vaccine that lead to her final decline from Alzheimers. Bredesen's lengthly repetitive essay here, missed the mark completely in my opinion.
All vaccines contain incipients/false antigens (ie heavy metals) that cause various neurological/physiological outcomes by design, in both adults and children . Interesting that prior to vax administration we didn’t see the medical outcomes of modern day (post 1796). Regrettably the more vaccines administered the greater the dis-ease to the body in both humans and domestic animals.
I discovered some intetesting things when writing my dissertation, on omega 3 and schizophrenia. Schz is highly related to allergies/sensitivities. The absence of bread/wheat in scandanavia in blocaded port city resulted in total elimination of scz symptoms for many months. Till wheat returned. Its related to seasons ie sunshine. Its familial in that family members often have dermatitis herpete formis and celiac disease. The bottom line is that the BODY has permeability. In internal gut, skin external and blood brain barrier, the allergens like dairy, wheat pass through and trigger massive inflammation. The location of auditory or visual hallucinations is near dream/fantasy location. Its been 25 years since i wrote about this but its still true. The remedy was discovered by sch patients on old time computer chat boards. They found BIG doses of fish oil relieved many external symptoms of sch. Huge numbers got jobs and got a life. No money to be made by spreading the news tho. So healing now can be assisted by special very specific PROBIOTICS targeted to healing wheat and dairy sensitivities. See articles about these recent discoveries by Dr Berg
Nice overview but it missed the cause
The brain is extremely sensitive to dehydration or low salt. I say the tide goes out, revealing the dementia plaque.
Chronic dehydration results in cognitive decline. A headache is not a sign to pop a pHARMa pill. It’s a sign of dehydration.
Hydration underpins our physiology not oxygenation. This paradigm change allows dis-ease to be studied and understood. Every part of our physiology requires moisture. Dehydration is the beginning of all dis-ease.
Hydration is a two part equation: SALT plus water equals hydration. Water follows salt into and out of our body.
My article: How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking? Could be changed to: dementia and fear based reactionary thinking?
I explain the adrenals run all emergencies. Dehydration or low salt is an emergency. Chronic dehydration results in chronic adrenal management and adrenal fatigue or enlargement. All the adrenocorticol hormones are deployed not just aldosterone. For example: this is why blood sugar rises under the influence of cortisol.
The adrenocorticol hormones interact with the body hormones to bring the now common conditions of chronic dis-ease.
Salt turns off the adrenals via RAAS because it returns hydration.
Salt restriction affects women more than men. Women are built to carry more fluid. They require more salt. This is why dementia affects twice as many women as men.
Salt restriction directives were instituted to increase big pHARMa’s market by inducing misery. The medical profession profits from suffering. The way through this is due diligence. Scrutiny is a life skill.
Learn the symptoms of low salt/ dehydration and remedy with SALT plus water and retain your mind.
Read my articles and note by clicking on my blue icon. I have a few notes on dementia, it’s almost the lead cause of death for Australian women. How about we change that!
I knock over a few sacred cows that have been intentionally inserted to mis-direct and cause suffering. Get ready to revisit all you think you know.
great 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
If people read comments below any of hundreds of youtube videos on carnivore diet, they will see dozen if not hundred people who are free from any diabetic med. True also for blood pressure med. Its the first thing to change besides weight loss. Its free as well.
Jusr to say we do not have studies on aluminum and mercury effects on cognition, or the host of processed foods, flouride water etc. Its hundreds of thousands of dollars to do a proper study with controls and peer revuew and sufficient patients. And you risk serious payback after from the injured pharma companies. If you had a pharmaceutical to test, no problem!
I'm surprised there is no mention of MSG, monosodium glutamate. If a 'food' item has an ingredient label, MSG is there. It is often listed under one or more of many 'FDA-approved' disguise names such as natural flavor, isolated protein, or 'spices'. Excitotoxins such as MSG damage a young brain with symptoms such as autism; and damage a mature brain with symptoms such as Alzheimer's. This article is a brief summary of Dr. Blaylock's The Taste That Kills. (pg 7) = 22 min video on Excitotoxins
Biochemist Dr Katherine Reid eliminated her daughter's autism symptoms and diagnosis by removing MSG from her diet. Her TED Talk is 👍👍👍 and so is her book, Unblind My Mind. = 16 min TED Talk
Truth in Labeling - 40 Hidden Names for MSG
Haven’t read this one yet because I just got up but wanted to say that I am continually impressed with your analyses and just bought an annual subscription. Thank you so much for your impressive work.
There is a live in facility that does all of Bredesen's protocol. Pricey of course but worth a look.
This is an excellent summary. It is almost certain that only comprehensive approaches like this will work.
how does one get a personalized approach?
There are Bredesen trained practitioners. Apollo Health is one source. You can also check out the website in this substack post