Thanks, Unbekoming for such a thorough article on DMSO and so well organized, great work.

Here is Z-Library url where you can register and get books on DMSO to download.


Get free, stay free.

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I first learned about DMSO from your posts here and am fascinated. I bought some from dmsostore.com, some of which is stuck in Canada for the last month because of the postal strike up there. Can't wait to get it.

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Try Belle Chemical in Billings.

Can highly recommend this company: I have a bottle sitting here as I speak. (Am in Canada but needed to source it when I was in the States earlier this year.)


Great customer service & price point for 100% Pure Medical Grade. (I am not affiliated.)

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I just placed an order. 😁

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Thank you so much for this link. Deeply appreciated!

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Thank you for such a thorough article!

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POTENTIAL DANGER ... dmso will help the spike protein and other gmo stuff [that was in the wwaaxx] go to every cell ? would it not , has anyone investigated?

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Makes perfect sense to me. I use DMSO as well but am careful what I put on my skin because of it. I've worn perfume since my Christening. Not on the days I use DMSO.

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Thank you very much! Have just bought the Kindle version of your book as well as a 118 mL bottle of 90% strength DMSO. I don't have an immediate need for it, but would like to have it on hand just in case.

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I am fascinated with DSMO’s possibilities. I have a 93 year old father with macular degeneration. He also has heart issues and takes Eloquis. Do you know about possible drug interactions? Also, my 93 year old mother has the beginning stages of dementia. Is the recommended application for dementia oral? Thanks for any help you can give.

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I have been taking DMSO topically and orally for shoulder recovery after rotator cuff surgery. It resulted in pain and mobility improvements with in a couple of days.! However, unfortunately the body odor scent from sulfurdioxide production was so displeasurable and noticeable at work that I had to discontinue using it. I have read and experienced that this is not temporary. It is the result of the natural metabolic byproduct sulfur dioxide. Which will always be produced. Any experience out there on helping this. I have read where taking activated charcoal simultaneously may help.

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Is it effective for everyone and how long does it take to produce positive results?

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I love this book.

I have some DMSO questions. I’d appreciate any information anyone has on this. I intend to post this on AMD’s Substack also.

DMSO in pregnancy and breastfeeding? I have read it’s probably not a good idea. DMSO in an infant or young child? Probably wait till he’s older?

I have a relative who is pregnant with a baby believed to have a rare genetic condition. It is something I know nothing about. Part of this condition has to do with circulatory issues. I’m wondering if the mom could take DMSO to possibly mitigate this condition. Or if she could take it during breastfeeding. And the baby?

Also, knowing that DMSO has been given to people with Down’s Syndrome and has greatly improved their situations… A neighbor has an adult son with Downs. Non-verbal. He had been happy, agreeable and functional. He enjoyed various activities. They vaxxed him! Four vaxxes, I believe. He has changed. He’s now vax damaged. Unhappy, disagreeable, uncooperative. Incontinent (he wasn't before). To complicate matters, he was a late baby. The parents are elderly. So, he has Downs. He is vax damaged. Parents trying to do the right thing!

I’m thinking they should give DMSO a try. Then there’s additional questions of how best to detox from the genocide jabs. I think DMSO should be given as a matter of course for vax damage as well as prophylactic for the undamaged.

Thanks for any help.

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I am a retired physician with vax injury and no longer have faith or trust in the medical profession especially the more recent turnouts from medical residency. I now research my myriad of medical issues and consult with non physicians. 10 weeks ago I started to lose my vision and none of the treatments I was recommended worked. I could no longer read street signs and my medical acumen told me this was macular in nature. My research took me to DMSO a drug I had learned about in med school in the 1980s but was soon scrubbed from the curriculum and became a relic of antiquity. I started to take it orally (no guidance available) and lo and behold within a week or so the vision OD improved by 80% but my left eye lagged at around 50%. I found a Russian compounder familiar with DMSO and he diluted it with normal saline and turned it into a solution for eye drop use. The eye drops are slowly improving my vision on the left side. Here’s my question. How much or what volume of DMSO should I be taking orally. Everything I read only tells me what dilution I should be working with. I would like to start dosing the DMSO intake by mg or ml. Anyone with any experience with this please let me know. Sylvain

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#39 - treating interstitial cystitis

I am effectively re-posting something I've posted before:

I was one of the early IC patients treated with dmso. 1980's. It was still classified as an experimental treatment at the time.

Short version: This treatment was horrifically painful (6 weekly installations into bladder), and even worse than the IC symptoms themselves. I ultimately found the CAUSE of my IC on my own years later (aspartame) and have been symptom-free since.

I am shocked to see dmso being promoted so heavily lately. It is being sold in the same way as pharmaceuticals: for symptom relief. Just another bandaid (and that's when it doesn't do more harm than good) and does NOT address underlying causes. Sad.

The FDA has since "approved" dmso as a treatment for IC. Yet most of these dmso articles talk about fda hiding natural cures.

Doesn't this set off alarm bells for anyone??????

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