Aug 6Liked by Unbekoming

It is not so much that minerals are depleted from soil… it is more to do with the use of glyphosates in modern farming.. used to control pests .. these chemicals also stop the plant from absorbing minerals from the soil… not just magnesium but lithium to which was thought to be more beneficial than magnesium in earlier times…as it is a salt and more concentrated in sea water… Number 3 on the Periodic table those stares in America with the highest crime and suicide rates also have the lowest lithium levels in their drinking water.. go figure.

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Great book! Pair it with The Magnesium Miracle by Dr Carolyn Dean, MD+ ND. Rarely does the medical system even recommend magnesium. Once a person is sufficient in magnesium it truly is a miracle how so many things about their health change.

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When I first started Mg supplementation (about 15 years ago),I remarked to my Dr that it seemed like a miracle drug. At that time, I knew almost nothing about Mg.

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I see no mention of the role that adequate K2 levels in this process direct Ca binding to bone rather than to arterial endothelium.

In addition, researcher Ray Peats work points to some paradoxes in this arena, I’m not sure these are addressed but I’d be curious to receive feedback. He states:

“It is extremely important to realize that calcium deposits in soft tissues become worse when the diet is low in calcium ... It is counterproductive to eat a calcium-deficient diet, since that leads to an increase in intracellular calcium at the expense of calcium from the bones ...

There are several such paradoxes: As bones lose calcium, the soft tissues calcify; when less calcium is eaten, blood calcium may increase, along with calcium in many organs and tissues; if an organ such as the heart is deprived of calcium for a short time, its cells lose their ability to respond normally to calcium, and instead they take up a large, toxic amount of calcium." — Dr. Ray Peat

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there was a slight mention , i agree, that it was less than it could have been. Ray Peat is brilliant.

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There is a distinction between calcium as found in plant material and that found in rocks. People don't ordinarily eat shells and rocks. Dr. Christopher mentions this.

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That has zero to do with my comment regarding K2 nor Ray Peats work on observed paradoxes with regard to calcium physiology in the body. It’s not so simple, is theoretical, and much is still to be learned.

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EMF's "act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3780531/ Probably the long lived groups of people named in this article were not exposed to high levels of EMF's. Plenty of people use natural sea salt and still have mineral imbalances. Bio-identical hormones are synthetic. A better way to get hormone support is with a homeopathic medicine like Placenta Humanum or Lac Maternum. Also Magnesium Muriaticum and Magnesium Carbonicum, as well as many other combinations of magnesium salts depending on what the symptoms are.

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Aug 6Liked by Unbekoming


Widowmaker/CAC score.

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Aug 6Liked by Unbekoming

Thanks, ordered the book.

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Wow! Great research, and so simple!

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so...no mention of the AMAZING HEALING POWER of RAW MILK???? what an error

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Are you referring to C-15?

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it is a good source of K2 and gel phase water. get enough magnesium elsewhere. hey did you see that study of it healing tuberculosis with that C15 fatty acid? i think Dr. mercolas also talked about it.

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Really??? This is supposed to be about CALCIUM and DIETARY MANAGEMENT??? Where are the RAW DAIRY PRODUCTS mentioned??? Did your GOVERNMENT puppeteers mandate that you OMIT RAW ORGANIC DAIRY products???

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I was raised on raw milk. We were healthy kids. Raw milk is hard to get around me. Pasteurized milk doesn’t agree with me but in small amounts. Yes, I’ve tried the lactose free, and others. I haven’t gotten my hands on enough raw milk to test.

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To be fair, it’s what humans transform milk into - cheese, cream, yogurt, etc - that is the most beneficial for us.

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I do like cheese and yogurt. I’d like to make my own with raw milk if I could.

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Well, I don’t know how young you are, but there are ways! ☺️

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Haha. Those days are long over. 🤣

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Have you checked with the resources the WAP foundation offers? That’s how we found a raw milk source.

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There is some nearby. But not reliable and kind of a drive. I’m just far enough away to make it impractical I’m seeing on the WAP site. Curiously, I’m just a few miles from Wisconsin and there is nothing half way close. I’m keeping my eyes open though. I thought I signed up for local info but have never heard back.

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Same here. What is strange is that even with merely filtering the milk, refrigerating, curdling at room temperature etc. Nobody ever got sick from it. Commercial milk would really be a processed food...

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yep, but they sell raw milk at the grocery store where i live. and you can get it privately as well.

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milk is for baby cows. not needed, and often harmful, for humans.

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Amen! My homeopathic doctor said NO DAIRY EVER! He has books on his shelf about Devil In The Dairy! YEARS ago while going to an orthopedic surgeon she said most people do not need calcium supplements AT ALL! They need Vitamin D3 to absorb it! Started then on D3 and never quit! And oh looky my calcium is NEVER low NOR my D and the rona didn't get me! 🤭🤣 They process all our food to DEATH then add 50 different preservatives and spray it with Lord only knows what all!!! Dairy causes nothing but Chronic Inflammation. Do a little research on what that does to our bodies! I can't do almond milk because it breaks me out and it's gross! Oat milk REALLY causes inflInflammation and look at what they've discovered is in oats these days! Remember when doctors were telling everyone eat oatmeal every day to lower cholesterol?! Well now we know why!!! Whatever big harma pushing doctors say do EXACTLY the opposite!!!

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Milk is considered pure food in the Indian Holy Books. Of course that was all raw thousands of years ago. If you have intestinal trouble with milk, try looking for some kefir. Only four percent of Americans have lactobacillus reutieri in our digestive systems. It not only helps digest milk, but is a huge factor in the production of oxytocin (happy hormone). It is not available in yogurt because producers make yogurt at 110 degrees, which kills the lactobacillus reutieri. My life is much better now that I have it. I also started cooking all vegetables except carrot. Now I have a digestive system, not a fermentation system.

Never believe people who have a political reason to tell you what to eat. Modern scientists consider that dairy has all the good things eating meat does, with less of the drawbacks.

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I have not had milk in years but butter and cheese just as bad I guess

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No, not at all. The transformation of milk to cheese, yogurt, and especially butter creates valuable nutrition for the young and old alike. Fermentation is magical

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what's in oats??? I eat steel cut oats every day... oh, no!

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Roundup weed killer (glyphosate) is in oats. They are also a bad thing to eat for breakfast because they spike your glucose levels which fall and then you crave carbs or sweets for the rest of the day. Check out Glucose Revolution on YouTube to hear it from a professional.

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thank you.

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oats are a great nervine but i think you have to grow them yourself to avoid the glyphosate, i love oats too. it is like they go out of their way to Ruin the best foods...

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Wrong - humans have been transforming whatever comes our way into foods that have raised healthy children for generations. So butter, cheese, yogurt, cream and the rest are often very good for individuals. HOWEVER, milk itself, especially cooked and homogenized, is a toxic food.

Humans, as ever, change their surroundings to meet their needs. Dairy is no different

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Milk is for rapidly growing babies. It is unnecessary and often harmful once you have stopped growing up.

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depends. ancestry plays a role in what you can and cannot eat. I cannot eat rice. for example.

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Brown rice has more arsinc than white imteresting

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Straight milk is not great, yet. Butter, cheese, yogurt, cream… is consumed in significant quantities by adults in many long-living populations

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Milk has the highest level of calcium of any food. It is not healthy. See the homeopathic proving of Cow's milk, it causes all kinds of problems, https://www.materiamedica.info/en/materia-medica/john-henry-clarke/lac-vaccinum

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do you know what a high magnesium food is? high sodium food? no one eats just one food. for some people it does cause problems, but not everyone. The maasai, drink it with blood, and they have no heart disease at all. they do not drink water either.

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The Maasai are not exposed to the levels of non-native radiation that we are. EMF's activate the Voltage Gated Calcium Channels and cause calcium to leak. Considering how long milk has been used for food, I'm sure it wasn't a problem until electrification.

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maybe so. It has been a game changer.I have just in the last year, had tpo use all sorts of oils and reflexology to keep things regulated. Good seafood or any decent food cannot even be found (out of season) inland these days, so, problems abound.

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if one were to take a magnesium supplement ( i suspect the authors would not recommend that?) which one might be best? Mag Glycinate gives me migraine headaches

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Magnesium Threonate is a good one. It crosses the blood brain barrier. Available at Life Extension and Mercola Market.

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Hope you don’t go down the route of vitamin A “toxicity”. Meaning all A is toxic. You will have lost me then.

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What can be used to help facilitate a non-complicated broken wrist bone, just splinting it is slow. They never do anything for the little toes and they heal. I see no reason for surgery or a hard cast. Except enrich the Ortho. Medicare/Tricare Life covers it all.

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I healed my fractured wrist with Comfrey oil massage and red light.

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Thank you. It is still straight, more movable, another x-ray next week.

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Good luck! Yes splinting it is slow… but I was impatient. I removed mine permanently at 4 weeks post accident and started gradually using it taking care not to cause any pain. I read on earthclinic.com that it heals faster if it is used. I still do not have full range of motion and have no grip but had extensive ligament and tendon damage also. Now I am starting my own physical therapy… will see how that goes.

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You had more damage. This is a clean beak. At 76, luckily, it wasn't worse, I refused surgery. I've had other surgeries, all but my C Sections left behind damage.

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scar tissue is it's own problem, so yeah.

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homeopathic symphytum (Comfrey) plus Silica tissue salt

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1991, my herb mentor told me that supplement intake of magnesium should be twice that of calcium, (especially for women) and there are other books, like "is your cardiologist trying to kill you" and "magnesium miracle" that address this. I wonder if you have looked into Shilajit for mineral supplementation? and yes even the supplement industry is corrupted. If you grow herbs, you can have a wide variety of mineral profiles. glad you noticed the switch that industry pulled on C. thanks to an ignorant/corrupt judge. But the real kicker is monotheism. cutting us off from the natural world that is our birthright. A douglas fir, outside my window, that i have watered on occasion, offered me his pine pollen, for my hot flashes. There are whole books about this use of it, but i did not know they existed. I got them to find out Why it worked. Black Elk says "man's heart away from nature, grows hard" and i might add, spiritually isolated from his natural allies. And that is where we went wrong.

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When doing a hair mineral analysis test you must keep in mind how common mercury toxicity is. Mercury causes deranged mineral transport across cell walls which makes HTMAs difficult to interpret. See "Hair Test Interpretation, Finding Hidden Toxicities" by Andy Cutler, PhD.


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