The Age of Deception
Interview with Terry Wolfe on Mass Initiation, Prophecy, Rabbit Holes, Predictive Models, Control and much more.
In my first interview with Terry Wolfe, we explored his perspective on the Book of Revelation, the Age of Re-enchantment, and the Green World Order. He laid out a compelling case for how ancient mystical currents, modern technocracy, and globalist agendas are shaping a deceptive new paradigm—one that seeks to replace Christianity with an amorphous, unaccountable spiritual movement.
That conversation resonated with many, sparking further questions about prophecy, conspiracy, and the trajectory of global events. Since then, Wolfe has continued refining his analysis, applying predictive models to unfolding crises, and tracking how occult networks, psychological operations, and geopolitical maneuvering all serve a larger spiritual agenda.
In this second interview, we build on that foundation. We discuss rabbit holes vs. real prophecy, the billion-dollar mysticism industry, predictive modeling, mass initiation strategies, and the ongoing clash between deception and discernment. Wolfe challenges dominant narratives and argues that many so-called “truth seekers” are unknowingly being led into controlled opposition, falling for the same psychological operations they claim to expose. He also unpacks the growing UFO agenda, which he sees as an orchestrated deception designed to pave the way for a new, techno-mystical world religion—one that merges elite occultism, state-sponsored Satanism, and extraterrestrial narratives into a single, manipulative doctrine.
With thanks to Terry Wolfe.
The Winter Christian | Terry Wolfe | Substack
Terry, welcome back! Let’s dive straight in.
1. Your recent writings discuss the difference between "rabbit holes" and legitimate prophetic understanding. Could you share your methodology for evaluating new information while avoiding what you call "engineered mass initiation"?
Rabbit holes are characterized by a lack of context and alternative sources. We discussed this problem in our last interview, but it’s still the case that despite the explosion in conspiracy theory culture and alternative media sources, there has been no corresponding rise in critical thinking or good research practices. It’s because people aren’t really interested in the truth, but rather fitting into a group, or having a certain attitude, which makes them feel like they’re not one of the suckers. It’s quite mindless. Rabbit holes are kind of an initiation, where you stand with the herd and pose as a knowledgeable club together and hope that nobody challenges you.
If you want to get serious about research, you need to develop models—and I mean that plural—that can account for old and new information, and even make predictions. Predictive power is probably the best metric, just like a scientific theory. Every time I listen to a commentator; I’m trying to figure out their model. Then, when you learn something new, you compare to see which models handles it best. You don’t have to harmonize these models; instead, keep them separate and let them compete against each other, like a race. Whichever model predicts and integrates information the best is more plausible.
I’m not a betting man in terms of money, but I’ve always loved placing mental bets on predictive models. Eventually, you’ll start to notice that some models are always falling behind and struggling to compete while others are ahead of the curve on most things. Nobody gets it 100% right, but that’s what makes it so interesting.
Prophecy is like the ultimate set of predictions, but it’s encrypted. So the better you are at decrypting it, the more accessible it becomes and the more supercharged your model can become in the process.
2. You've written extensively about the "billion-dollar mysticism industry" and UFO "psionics" teams. Could you share your views on these spiritual and financial connections, and how they relate to what you call "Big Satanism"?
I often remind people about the Aquarian Conspiracy, which was revealed by Marilyn Ferguson in her book (with that title) the 1970s. She worked with many influential figures from the Esalen Institute in California, where the blueprint for this billion-dollar mysticism industry was put together.
In her book she explains how they succeeded at creating a decentralized network of wealthy and well-connected people across every sector of society, including the military, with the quiet agenda of creating a Theosophical support system that would align itself against Christianity and win America over to a New Age belief system over time. Just look at Chapter 2 of her book, Premonitions of Transformation and Conspiracy, which is a hell of a title for a chapter. They are very open about it being a conspiracy. She lamented that America had been dominated by East Coast intellectuals, who were materialistic and cynical, and proudly associated her network with the “alchemists, Gnostics, cabalists, and hermetics” of the past. She said that the coming transformation will be as profound as the Protestant Reformation, and signify a leap in human evolution. So this mystical trend is not random or lacking in high-level sponsors. They’re creating a parallel system of spirituality—which I call Big Satanism—that can rival traditional religions without ever establishing an official headquarters, or choosing an official name or representative. They refuse to be accountable or nail down their exact tenets of a belief system, because that makes them vulnerable. Their goal is to gaslight Americans into thinking that a mystical evolution is happening organically.
One of the main proponents of this today is Dr. Steven Greer, who has all of these contacts within the military that are coming forward to “disclose” the secrets. So it’s not a stretch to say that the “disclosure” movement within the U.S. military is part of this conspiracy, since it all serves the same purpose. They are now promoting “psionics” in order to summon “angels and demons” in their own words, and they do this by “channelling love,” which is a form of worship. Nobody knows how much money has been funneled to these secret projects of occult mysticism, but now they’re preparing to mass initiate the public.
In my model, I predicted that this was the plan, but I thought they would be more subtle about it when the time came to push it onto the public. But here we are. All of it is becoming spiritualized, “inter-dimensional,” and mystical. Huge funding sources like the Gaia Network are very suspicious. There must be big sponsors behind the scenes. We already know how this kind of operation works from classic think tanks like Media Matters, the Cato Institute, or the Heritage Foundation. Practically anyone who becomes prominent in American culture is sponsored by one of these ideological groups who have wealthy, anonymous donors who artificially inflate their sales numbers, overpay for speaking engagements, and otherwise keep afloat their chosen agents in order to push a greater agenda.
3. Your analysis suggests specific technologies (like the Boeing E-4 "Nightwatch") and mass psychological operations are being deployed. How do you think about these technical aspects of prophetic fulfillment?
There’s no doubt that psychological operations are constantly happening, but I try to avoid attaching too much weight to any technical aspect when it comes to prophecy. Prophecy can be very detailed and specific, like certain descriptions of the Messiah in the Old Testament which were fulfilled by Jesus, but I would say that Revelation generally deals with larger time periods and phases of satanic empowerment. Within that model you can see all the details fitting into a pattern, explained by the prevailing prophetic era.
In the case of this aircraft collision, I stumbled across a video showing that one of these Nightwatch flying command centers was very near the Black Hawk helicopter collision. I agreed that it deserved to be considered as a suspect in the event. The idea of remotely piloting aircraft is not a conspiracy theory, as you can see the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) document on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems here:
It is a very real technology, and potentially perfect for creating terrorist scenarios, generating chaos in public, or assassinating key targets.
Lockheed Martin put their MATRIX autonomous pilot system into the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, which is the model that collided with the commercial jet in Washington D.C.. This allows a command center to steer the flight paths, including takeoff, navigation, and landing, either without a pilot, or override their controls. You can look at their official release on that system. Since that technology already exists, it could be incorporated into other aircraft secretly by the U.S. military, Israel, China, or anyone who partakes in the manufacturing of these chips and piloting systems. But I think the U.S. is doing it themselves.
My working model here is that the same disclosure movement pushing for UFO awareness in the public is also behind the New Jersey drone scare and this string of aviation disasters. They want to build outrage about “government secrecy” so that President Trump acknowledges the existence of alien beings who can manipulate the skies, and then blame the crashes on them. But it’s kind of a sloppy program, and as researchers, I think we have to be able to recognize when their psyops fail. They don’t always achieve their purpose, they’re not God.
Steven Greer recently did an interview presenting himself as this lone hero in opposition to the secret Pentagon UFO programs that commit unspeakable acts of horror. According to him, they crash civilian aircraft and kill their fellow American military personnel if they get too close to the truth, and they want fear surrounding UFOs. He says that they’ve built doomsday weapons by reverse-engineering alien technology. And you have to ask, “If that’s true, why is he still alive? A guy who has made his career opposing them is still alive?” But you also have to notice what his big solution is: to give pardons to everyone involved in these illegal black site programs, no matter how despicable their actions, because that’s the only way to shut them down without triggering the end of the world. Very convenient logic, huh? So it’s all psychological operations, and the question is where it’s really leading.
My model is Bible-based, but it’s also informed by the best conspiracy research I can find, so I’m putting a big bet on it leading to the tribulation of church via the Aquarian Conspiracy, this occult military gameplan to unveil their mystical secrets, create this false narrative about how aliens are here to help us and the Deep State is the one trying to stop it, and do their best to shatter the foundations of Christian theology by claiming that these demons are distant intergalactic civilizations who are really our friends, trying to help us evolve, etc. Thanks to Christian researchers, I think they’ll get continue to fail in their mission and get frustrated to the point where they just have to start silencing us in more extreme ways.
4. Recent corporate media treatment of Trump and what you call the "Pentagon Collapse Group" seems to signal deeper developments. Could you explain your framework for interpreting these patterns as prophetic indicators?
Sure. I’ve given you a couple of aspects already. But generally, my interpretive framework for modern politics breaks down patterns into cui bono reasoning: “who benefits?” But before you can do this, you have to realize that nothing is what it seems in modern politics. Only a fool comes out and advocates for the thing they believe in nowadays. Instead, everyone tries to hijack the very institutions they want to destroy, so that they can compromise and undermine it from within at the highest level. So you’re in this weird landscape where every side is represented by hypocrites who are constantly betraying their own supposed ideals, attacking each other with backward logic and double-standards. Neither side exposes the truth beneath it all, because it would cause them both to collapse, so they keep up this kabuki theater. Meanwhile, they join forces to eliminate any genuine challenger who rises up.
The so-called liberals are really an international crime syndicate, managed by the CIA, FBI, and NSA in cooperation with big NGOs (like the WEF and the Catholic Church,) while the so-called conservatives are really a fascist military program run by what I call the Pentagon Collapse Group, which is engineering a global purge so they can start over with a military occult technocracy. Both sides have certain common enemies, such as libertarianism and Christianity. And actually, much like a chess game, there are certain “forced moves” that, once played, automatically kick off a whole series of counter-strategies that keep escalating until the Collapse is inevitable. So rather than having a traditional win, everyone who knows about the high-level situation is jockeying for position within a ship that’s heading for a giant iceberg. “Who benefits” in this model is whoever has the best escape plan—the most powerful allies in the Collapse. There’s the Continuity of Government (COG) system, the Deep Underground Military Bunkers (DUMBs), but there’s also the globalist crime syndicate that is woven into the same system and makes its own deals. Obviously we don’t have access to that level of information, so it’s hard to model, but you have to read between the lines.
As for the prophetic dimension, I continue to see this as a transitionary period from the third seal to the fourth seal of Revelation: it goes from the Black Rider to the Green Rider. Historically, these transitions are never smooth, but ushered in by a period of chaos and persecution. The system created by the Black Rider has now become too unwieldy to help the satanic agenda anymore, since people have caught on to the occult banking networks and their methods of control, and Christians have been the leaders of exposing it. The coming New Age will be marked by nightmarish levels of death, fear, mania, demon worship, fanaticism, and a Neofeudal technocracy, by my calculation. You can see how the “Green” movement is all about demonizing humanity and worshiping Mother Earth, and then line it up with the New Age belief in ditching old systems and purging those who can’t “evolve” to the “Christ consciousness” or whatever buzzword they are using that day. Trump himself doesn’t talk about these things, of course, but that’s because his role is simply to soften up the target and pull the plug on the old system. The new paradigm can take over once the safeguards of our current society are gone.
5. Your articles discuss how certain divisions within Christianity itself are prophetically significant, particularly regarding "re-enchantment." How do you distinguish between natural denominational differences and prophetically significant splits?
If we live in a world where God dictates the current paradigm according to prophecies He created long ago, then you should expect the prevailing trend of churches to reorient itself along those battle lines. This is actually one way to figure out which prophetic period we’re in. Currently, we’re seeing a trend towards deconstruction, rejection of traditional institutions, abandonment of the Bible in favor of freeform spirituality, contrasted by the resurgence of the Orthodox Church. Why the Orthodox? Because they’re the “based” and “redpilled” bastion of tradition. They can supposedly save us from the sissified progressive West, which has lost its roots and become carried away with progressive nonsense. Of course this is a false dichotomy, designed to suck people into choosing a lie one way or another. What’s important is what both the progressives and the Orthodox agree on: personal mystical experiences. Ah! That’s the common denominator everywhere now. This is also why Pentacostals are growing faster than anyone in Protestantism, especially in South America, which used to be 99% Roman Catholic. We’re entering an age of false signs and wonders, caused by mysticism and demon worship.
This is why a bigger model can help track the patterns. The previous paradigm was ignited by the Protestant Reformation, which was all about nationalist populism versus globalist technocracy if you think about it. The Vatican represented the global central government, run by their so-called experts (especially the Jesuits) dictating everything to the nations. It has taken 500 years for this conflict to play itself out to the point where the public can see it for themselves, in those terms. So although it’s still early days for this new paradigm, I suspect the same thing is true of the coming “Age of Re-Enchantment” which is all about personal connection with the divine, abandoning intellectualism, and embracing the paranormal, supernatural, psychedelic, and spiritual dimension in your own personal way, without authority figures telling you what you’re allowed to do or believe.
6. In your recent writings, you've developed a framework contrasting being "sharp" versus being "crafty" (Christlike vs Satanlike). Could you elaborate on how you developed this analytical approach and how it applies to discerning truth in our current era?
If you’re asking about my personal approach in this kind of topic, a lot of times it doesn’t begin intellectually. I’m a pretty introspective, so I get these nagging feelings in the back of my mind that I don’t understand at first, and it just comes and goes. Sometimes it bothers me to the point where I finally sit down and try to draw out the underlying problem: what is my subconscious noticing that my conscious mind is ignoring? In this case, I was noticing the huge gap between the pathetic Christian stereotype depicted in pop culture and the badass example of Jesus that we find in the actual Gospels. Once I realized that there was a huge rift between what we think it means to be “Christlike” and the reality of how Christ acted, I felt obligated to do a proper analysis and present my findings.
What I found was that both Jesus and Satan were totally misrepresented in culture, with Satan being depicted as a menacing and terrifying creature who haunts dark places, and Jesus being depicted as an effeminate carebear who would rather die on a cross than hurt anyone’s feelings. What I found by studying the examples of their speeches in the Bible is that Satan is more like a sophisticated lawyer who loves to debate nuances and twist language around in bright and high places of authority, while Jesus is more like a brawler who steps into the middle of the arena and polarizes the whole audience by saying the stuff nobody else dares to admit, and doesn’t back down even to the point where they have to kill him to shut him up.
For the last few centuries, Christians fell into the trap of Satan-like thinking, trying to intellectualize everything and debate religion like it was a legal system. That’s what led to the stagnation and desire to get rid of the institution that we see today. In the coming period, things are going to get sloppy and emotional, and I think a real Christian should not be stuck in rational debate mode, but also be equipped to cut to the chase and get right to the heart of the matter on a personal level, like Jesus did, without self-censoring because of people’s feelings. Otherwise, we’ll end up being hedged in by legalistic debates on one side, and smothered by sensitivity on the other. Jesus was not an eloquent speech writer—especially compared to the grand orators of his day in Athens and Rome—but rather somebody who couldn’t tolerate bullshit and hit people right in their soul.
7. You've written about psychedelic experiences and spiritual channeling being used for deception. Could you explain your research into these specific mechanisms and their role in what you call the "False Light"?
If you’ve ever done psychedelics, or listened to those who have, you’ll quickly find out about the spiritual component. Modern mystics like Joe Rogan never shut up about it. They love that it’s a way to access spiritual experiences without “religion” in the sense of relying on these big, bloated institutions. It’s a direct experience. What we call consciousness is related to the Bible calls the spirit, and so these drugs remove some of the barriers of the spirit and allow people to interface with the spiritual realm, which is a pretty wild place. The point of being “born again” in Jesus and sanctified by his blood is that you become protected from all that spiritual madness floating around; the Holy Spirit guards and seals you against spiritual predators. These people, on the other hand, are diving into the demonic without safeguards, and they get these chaotic results that are deeply emotional and irrational, but they are so terrified of a proper confrontation with God that they would rather take their chances on mysticism than pray and confess their sins.
The False Light is just a term for being deluded about entering into a holy and pure state of being without submitting to Jesus Christ first. The Greeks called it “gnosis” and, as I said, the Aquarian Conspiracy identifies themselves with this ancient practice. This whole trend is about reviving ancient pagan techniques, including psychedelics. The ancient shamans and priests used drugs too, and this is a proud talking point of modern mystics; they celebrate this revival. And once you encounter these spirits and become their plaything, they can channel things through you, because you’re unprotected. It’s a huge spiritual battle to trick people into seeing demon worship as an exciting new frontier of science and spirituality.
8. Your recent analysis of the Paris Olympics opening ceremony challenges popular interpretations of its symbolism. How do you distinguish between legitimate prophetic significance and what you've termed "psychological warfare" when analyzing such events?
It comes back to the competing models. The people who were hyping up this public display had no model; they were just reacting. They saw scary symbolism, they had the predictable response, and they began generating fear online. That fear does not lead to anything but weakness and confusion, which in our cui bono reasoning, only benefits those who hate Christian researchers. They pollute the conversation, make it harder to discuss prophecy, and dumb things down. They ignored the details of the prophecy, such as the description of these horsemen of Revelation having specific properties.
9. You've written about AI, brain interfaces, and surveillance technologies functioning differently within prophecy than many assume. How do you see these technologies actually relating to prophetic fulfillment?
I think the sci-fi nightmare we’ve all been conditioned to fear has become a mirage. From the 1950s onward it was the Holy Grail of the global satanic empire, which is why Big Tech was given unlimited scope to create unregulated monopolies with DARPA technology to boost their innovation, but it is now a hoax with no chance of happening. There will be no robot takeover of the workforce, no VR neural interfaces, no Artificial Intelligence revolution, and not even a Big Brother-like surveillance grid of cameras and checkpoints. All of that has proven to be completely unfeasible in recent decades. It’s a simple engineering and cost-benefit problem. So instead, it’s being pushed harder than ever as a psyop, to make people think that it’s just around the corner any day now, so that they can scare everyone towards the “counterculture” of New Age mysticism, primitive living, anti-technology Luddite behavior, which has been romanticized as the solution to the depressing corporate world and social media rat race.
This again relates to the pivot from the Black Rider (science and finance) to the Green Rider (death and mysticism). There will be a planned collapse of the critical infrastructure, which triggers a huge depopulation event across the world, and then the survivors will be told that all of the technology of the past led to the Collapse. They’ll say it was all because of selfish mankind and their desire for unsustainable things like human “rights” and individualism. In other words, since they can’t enslave us with superior technology like they wanted, they’ll just smash the modern era into pieces and revert us back to a medieval serfdom and keep the modern tech for themselves in their underground bunker cities or whatever. The elite will seem like godlike kings to the average peasant because they have electricity, plumbing, and LED TVs while everyone else is sacrificing babies to Mother Earth and invoking demons to cure their cancer, or whatever. That Green Rider era won’t last very long until God starts to send down the cataclysms that usher in final events before the return of Christ, according to my theory, so there’s not much point in thinking of it as a long trajectory. But yeah, I don’t think the technology will fulfill any particular prophecy. Certainly the “Mark of the Beast” is not a technological threat. But that’s a different topic.
10. In your analysis of spiritual warfare, you've provided specific examples of effective versus ineffective resistance. What framework do you use to evaluate these outcomes, and what makes resistance effective in the current era?
I hit the topic of spiritual warfare from so many different angles that I don’t know which specific examples you have in mind, but I’d actually say I try to stay away from the idea of “resistance.” That implies we’re under attack and trying to defend something that’s under threat. But in reality, I think Christians are the ones threatening to topple their system, and the conspiracy is the one desperately trying to resist us by every method it can. There is a spiritual war, and we’re unstoppable. All they can do is deceive, and the biggest deception is to trick Christians into doubting our mission. If we believe that we’re this irrelevant artifact of the past that nobody takes seriously, we stop attacking. But every time we do attack confidently, with the power of the Word, we destroy their hoaxes. Look at the New Ager Billy Carson, who recently had a debate with a Christian scholar Wes Huff, and got absolutely obliterated to the point where he raced to hand-deliver a legal threat to the producer of the video to try to stop it from being released in the middle of the night. This guy has been making huge money for years suckering people into his New Age grift and pretending that Christians were scared to debate him. He was on Joe Rogan and had free reign to lie about everything, so you’d think he was an intimidating figure. And I guess he thought he was untouchable and drank his own Kool-Aid. But as soon as he faced a Christian researcher, he started stumbling, bumbling, backtracking, contradicting himself, and resorted to later making up this laughable cover story about being half dead and teamed up on by the host of the debate. His decades long career is now in ruins because of a single public encounter with an obscure little Christian scholar. This is what the New Testament means when it says that our weapons are not carnal, but powerful enough to tear down the strongholds of the opposition (2 Corinthians 10:4). And the next verse clarifies further the nature of what we do: “We destroy arguments, and every lofty opinion which is raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ...”
11. Your analysis of Trump, Israel, and the Ben Gurion Canal presents complex geopolitical predictions. How do you consider these connections and see them fitting into the prophetic sequence you've outlined?
One of the big discoveries I made in my study of Revelation is that Jerusalem is both the prophetic city of Zion and Babylon (the Mother of Harlots) simultaneously. This explains so much that it blew my mind. You can see this in the story of the Two Witnesses, who come to the (rebuilt) temple in Jerusalem. It says that their bodies will lay in the street of the “great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” (Rev. 11:8) There is only once city where Jesus was crucified, and it was Jerusalem. So right there you have Jerusalem being compared to Sodom and Egypt—two of the worst cities in history, both of which God destroyed. That means Jerusalem will also be destroyed at the command of God, but not by the Roman Empire in 90 AD; it will happen at the end of the world as well. Not only that, but it’s called the “great city,” which becomes a key term for the rest of Revelation; it’s used to describe Babylon, who gets drunk on the blood of the saints and fornicates with all of the nations. Yet interpreters of the past did not understand this, because for almost 2,000 years Jerusalem had been a broken down city considered important only by popes and muslim rulers who wanted it for religious pride. It has never been the capital of global trade like Babylon is described in Revelation.
Therefore, looking at the future, my model predicts that Jerusalem must somehow (1) become the capital of global trade, (2) be complicit in the final tribulation of the church, (3) make economic and security deals with every major nation in the world, and (4) end up making enemies of them all, to the point where they turn on “her” and destroy her with a 10 nation alliance. I believe the Ben Gurion Canal is the best explanation for how this could happen. You can look it up yourself, it’s an official proposal which was studied by the US engineer corps. Basically, Israel would carve a new canal all the way from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, making the Suez Canal obsolete. The proposed path for this canal goes straight through Gaza. Hence, the ethnic cleansing and the deep interest of America in “owning” that land and doing “great things” with it.
If Israel and the USA end up creating the Ben Gurion Canal and sabotaging the Suez Canal, it is very realistic that Jerusalem would be transformed into the biggest player in global trade. It would need the constant support of other nations, and thus “fornicate” with them. I wrote my book years before I knew about the Ben Gurion Canal, and before the Hamas attack and subsequent ethnic cleansing we see now, so it’s very interesting to see it coming together so quickly.
12. You've written about how cryptocurrency, digital currencies, and financial mechanisms relate to prophetic fulfillment. How do you see these specific technologies functioning within the prophetic timeline?
In my model, digital currency fits into prophecy by becoming a key tool in the arsenal of the coming Green World Order. We know that Elon Musk and other technocrats want to create a carbon tax for every individual. He may not talk about it now that he’s aligned with Trump, but he said it loud and proud in the Joe Rogan Experience episode #1609 (at the 2 hour 38 minute mark). He said that releasing CO2 into the atmosphere was the craziest thing humanity has ever done, with all the normal BS about climate change. However, there’s a glaring flaw in the plan for a digital currency that tracks everything, which is that it’s going to be susceptible to hackers no matter how you implement it. Right now, Israel is #1 or #2 in cybersecurity in the world, and they’re very proud of their capacity to hack and sabotage foreign nations’ critical infrastructure without them realizing it, just like they did with Iran decades ago with their computer worm, called “Stuxnet”. It was developed in cooperation between the USA and Israel and was discovered in 2010. It ended up inspiring a bunch of other malware because of how effective it was.
So, if we’re going with a predictive model that Israel will become the center of global trade during the Green World Order, which uses digital currency to track everything that happens economically, then they need a near-monopoly on digital security. Perhaps Israel will design the currency to begin with; perhaps they will manage to sneak in a “back door” that lets them manipulate it quietly; perhaps they will host the data and keep it secure; or perhaps they will just sabotage nations who don’t go along with their demands. I assume this could only happen after the Ben Gurion Canal is completed and they leapfrog into a new level of global influence.
13. Looking ahead through 2025, what specific developments should readers be watching for, and how can they apply your analytical frameworks to understand them?
Canada will try its best to become a failed state, so that Trump can absorb us. This is important for the North American Union plan, which requires us to dissolve our sovereignty and decouple from the British. Trump is working with the Pentagon Collapse Group to throw out the old playbook and create the “America First” New World Order.
This is why Trump is disregarding the UK when it comes to Ukraine military support. He no longer cares about the Anglo-American alliance. The British are deeply entwined with the CIA, NATO, and the Vatican to stop Russia from ever becoming a normal member of Europe. Actually, this is why Trump was constantly accused of being a Russian puppet in his first term, even before he had done anything pro-Russia. It was all about driving a wedge between Trump and Russia ahead of time, because this scenario was always a possibility. Right now, if you look at the news, you’ll notice that the UK is far more offended by Trump’s betrayal of Ukraine than the Ukrainians themselves. Why? Because Britain has been manipulating the entire West into fearing and hating Russia since the 1800s; actually, it was the British who created the Bolshevik conspiracy to overthrow the Tsar family in the first place. Their greatest fear is Russia becoming a normalized member of Europe, since Russia is obviously superior to the UK as the leader of that continent thanks to their infinite resources, massive territories, nuclear weapons, global alliances, and Christian roots.
The North American Union also requires the dissolution of Mexico’s sovereignty. Presumably this will turn Mexico into an even bigger warzone, because the cartels will have no choice but to fight back against the USA’s pressure using terrorism. Now that the cartels are officially designated as terrorist organizations hostile to the USA, Special Forces operations can happen inside Mexico’s borders, but they won’t go down quietly. The cartels are another branch of the CIA’s operations, of course, since the CIA control the global drug trade. Anyone interested in this should read the book Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia by Paul L. Williams. It’s the single most gripping, educational book I’ve ever read. True journalism at its best.
Meanwhile, in the big picture strategy Trump is pursuing, he will have to militarize Panama’s canal and control Canada and Greenland’s arctic shipping lanes. Since he wants to annex Gaza and build the ultimate shipping lane through it, he’ll first need to totally control the other shipping lanes before that, just to make sure nobody else can seize them and use them as leverage.
If this model is correct, and if it starts to unfold quickly, then the aforementioned “Unholy Alliance” (ie. Britain, NATO, the CIA, and the Vatican—with their friends in the Mafia and Mexican cartels) will make serious moves against Trump domestically. Rumors, media hoaxes, impeachments, lawfare, terrorism, riots, and so on. And since Israel and Christian evangelicals are backing Trump, it is predictable that Zionism and MAGA people will be equally targeted in whatever chaos erupts. I write about this a lot on my Substack, but it gets into a bit too much speculation to say I predict something “specific” about it in 2025.
14. In your writings about the "Winter Christian," you emphasize specific preparatory measures. Given recent developments in 2024, what practical steps should believers be taking now?
My only advice is to get right with God. No amount of preparation can save you when it’s your time to go, and no amount of threats can hurt you if God still wants to use you for something. Turn to God with a sincere heart, read the New Testament and listen to the teachings of Jesus, and enjoy the reach we still have before we get censored and persecuted like never before. My models may be wrong, but I’m betting they’re not far from the reality.
The Winter Christian | Terry Wolfe | Substack
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Very thought provoking material. Good stuff.
Great post! I find it ironic that people are using psychedelics to have a fake "spiritual" experience, when Jesus warns us "You did not repent of your pharmacopia". He was referring to the ancient practice of groups taking hallucinogenic mixtures together and having ceremonies with chants and dancing(rhythmic body movements). For lack of a better way to describe it, all these things distract our attention from the physical world and allow the things our mind and subconscious put forward to be perceived, which they are normally not. As someone who was prescribed a medicine that helps feel less pain from crushed nerves, but was unbeknownst to me a hallucinogenic compound, I can unequivocally state any perceptions you have while using hallucinogens are just junk thrown up from within you. Also, the scriptures directly warn against mediums or channeling of the dead. Very bad for mental health and spiritual health if you expose yourself to this.
To have a coherent spiritual experience, you have to be sober as a judge, and your body not just in excellent condition but free from many of the environmental poisons in our food and around us. You have to have a lot of life force (chi or prana) stored up, which implies celibacy, and not take substances, but distract your mind with mantras (chants) or better yet go to pure awareness with no inner dialogue. For most people this would be a poor choice. I ignored warnings that insanity was the likely result, and consider myself lucky that I lost my adult mind and filter for 10 days or so. Took months to return to normal awareness.
So to see psychedelics promoted as a path to receiving messages from "the spirits" is a stunner. You won't receive anything except what your addled mind suggests to you.
BTW, it would not matter if you are a Christian, Native American Medicine Man, or any other religion, if you do what it takes to have a genuine spiritual experience, you will see the same things the Saints and Prophets have seen for millennia. The white goddess to a Greek Mystic is the same as White Elk Woman to a Sioux and the Mother of our Lord to me.