Great post! I find it ironic that people are using psychedelics to have a fake "spiritual" experience, when Jesus warns us "You did not repent of your pharmacopia". He was referring to the ancient practice of groups taking hallucinogenic mixtures together and having ceremonies with chants and dancing(rhythmic body movements). For lack of a better way to describe it, all these things distract our attention from the physical world and allow the things our mind and subconscious put forward to be perceived, which they are normally not. As someone who was prescribed a medicine that helps feel less pain from crushed nerves, but was unbeknownst to me a hallucinogenic compound, I can unequivocally state any perceptions you have while using hallucinogens are just junk thrown up from within you. Also, the scriptures directly warn against mediums or channeling of the dead. Very bad for mental health and spiritual health if you expose yourself to this.
To have a coherent spiritual experience, you have to be sober as a judge, and your body not just in excellent condition but free from many of the environmental poisons in our food and around us. You have to have a lot of life force (chi or prana) stored up, which implies celibacy, and not take substances, but distract your mind with mantras (chants) or better yet go to pure awareness with no inner dialogue. For most people this would be a poor choice. I ignored warnings that insanity was the likely result, and consider myself lucky that I lost my adult mind and filter for 10 days or so. Took months to return to normal awareness.
So to see psychedelics promoted as a path to receiving messages from "the spirits" is a stunner. You won't receive anything except what your addled mind suggests to you.
BTW, it would not matter if you are a Christian, Native American Medicine Man, or any other religion, if you do what it takes to have a genuine spiritual experience, you will see the same things the Saints and Prophets have seen for millennia. The white goddess to a Greek Mystic is the same as White Elk Woman to a Sioux and the Mother of our Lord to me.
And you also have to consider the possibility as a scientific person that there is nothing mystical about it. Just different interpretations of the awareness being manipulated by fasting, chants, and other non-pharmecutical means could explain why different people across such different cultures across millennia see the same things. Now if it's Dr Freud shooting speedballs and claiming everything he saw was real, that's mysticism.
I went to Christian and catholic school for 8 years and my parents made me go to church until I was 16. I threw it all out and went full atheist, eventually found my way to spirituality after a brutal divorce. An indeginous mentor and meditation gave me a spiritual experience that I never got in church.
I've never understood how anyone claims or verifies the Bible's origin and who wrote it. Especially since convid and all the science and history fraud. Always sounded like a trust me bro scenario. How can you know it is what it's claimed to be?
My experience with the church was a bit similar. I've taken to reading the Bible for several years now. All I can offer you is that reading the words of Christ, for me at least, is an entirely different and more satisfying experience. Occasionally I'll come across a verse that I feel speaks to me very clearly and directly.
Proof is difficult. Sometimes for me it's simply that I can't believe a particular verse is NOT the word of God. The following two come to mind immediately.
“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
John 8:7
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
Luke 23:34
It just doesn't seem credible to me that those came from a human mind, especially in that time and culture.
I’ve come to the conclusion the ancients were much more sophisticated and intelligent than the history lessons presented to us while being so called educated. Our knowledge and wisdom was built by them. We are simply their disciples, some of which are not so smart.
I hear you and agree there are powerful words, the golden rule always appeals to me and contributes to my belief that government and rulers are unnecessary.
Also I wonder how do we know what Jesus said 2000 years ago or even if there was a Jesus? Or the words of Rumi and other philosophers resonate strongly or even my own words in videos I made years ago sound like somebody else said them. Or that we are the flute the divine wisdom come through.
Like why that book, the Bible?
There are many many other books and words that speak to me. And indeginous people I respect often don't write, they have oral tradition and their words are very powerful and often lost to colonization and the only record is written by the priests of the empire.
And King do we know he was a good guy, has anyone met him or talked with him?
To my understanding King James was most definitely not a 'good' guy. It's inferred that Francis Bacon actually wrote the King James version as well as being the author behind 'William Shakespeare' (evidence exists that Shakespeare's daughter was illiterate - why would the child of a learned, literate man be illiterate?
Take the time to research the Bible's archeological, historical, scientific, and prophetic accuracy. Don't make the mistake of confusing the teachings and practices of the church for the writings of the Bible.
I hear you, my questioning is more around how do we know when it was written and that the historical record it's being compared to is accurate? Or if the same conmen wrote the "sacred" book and the his-tory books it would be pretty easy to have them tell the same narrative. This is what is talked about in Dune 2, the idea that the prophecy is written by the rulers who then orchestrate the prophecy.
Wes Huff(also namedropped in this article) was a real eye-opener for me. He also has a series with Apologetics Canada called Can I Trust the Bible? that is worth checking out. They answer so many of your questions.
Thanks for sharing. I listened to a bit. Had he steel manned David Cross's point that would have been a good start. Instead he straw manned and then went to appeal to majority/authority. After that I grew tired of listening. It's like virology as in there is no direct evidence, so instead they appeal to unverifiable hearsay or "experts" with fancy titles.
part of the reason they r giving the stones (knowledge) away right now and revealing so much truth is so we fall away
One has to only observe the hatred, rituals and mocking of those with faith to know there is truth in the Bible
I have no doubt it’s sliced and diced (can think of specific examples that suit agendas ) instead i take from it what resonates with my inner knowing and intuition as being of God. And frankly after the last few years we all have refined our intuitive skills.
I have also found it helpful using a study bible by Mathew Henry which has been used by preachers for the last few hundred years and is now being intentionally not printed anymore.
Always motivating to then purchase one 😀
If you look on ebay or online you can still find the last few copies for sale.
I am yet to find a church though that is speaking truth and not focused on growth strategies and staying in overton windows.
A plan, prophecy if you will, is of course an idea that manifests as more thought and action is instilled to bring about the plan. Anyone can do it, if enough information and assests are available. Where the average person falls short is the information, usually for security reasons held in trust by the rulers…government confiscated patents, unpublishable research papers…
Hello Clay, I'm the guy who did this interview. You could do a simple Google search to see why even atheist scholars agree that the Bible is a genuine collection of ancient texts written by various Hebrew authors over the course of centuries, and why it's most likely that the Gospels are authentic attempts to record the teachings of a real person named Jesus, but since you haven't bothered with that, I suspect there's something else that turns you off about it. Nobody is stopping you from being a mystic who listens to a shaman. But if you want to know the truth about Jesus, how about you start by sincerely reaching out to him in prayer and admitting you haven't been perfect?
Hi Terry, a Google search, seriously? They are the king of censorship and propaganda. They say covid is real and disease is genetic, most "experts" agree...
I do pray. Are the Muslims and Buddhists and Hindus and every other praying religious people and their sacred books wrong and damned?
Don't be obtuse. Obviously you can use any search engine, or ChatGPT, or go talk to an actual scholar. The point is that there are 2,000 years of scholarship on the scriptures and you're too lazy to look it up. What will you say when you stand before God? It was too much work to listen to some podcasts by respected scholars, but yet you spent years going after random mystics and shamans, doing pointless meditation? I don't think that will be a good excuse.
And don't be offended that Muslims, Buddhists, and other religions are damned. Every human is equally damned, including self-proclaimed Christians, unless they truly hear and believe the gospel of Jesus, and keep the faith until their death. Many are called, and few are chosen. Wide is the path that leads to destruction, and narrow is the path that leads to life, and there are few that find it.
Whatever your prayers have been, God is speaking back to you in the scriptures. Open up your Bible and you'll start getting answers.
I can recommend Is Atheism Dead? By Eric metaxas. He presents the physical, biologic, archeological, and philosophical arguments. It will change the way you read the Bible, which was written by witnesses to Jesus' life and death. Written, too, at great peril to themselves.
How does anyone know who was there to witness something 2000 years ago? What language was it written in and how many translations and editors did it go through? Who oversaw the chain of custody for 2 millennium?
Regarding the canal: Grok posited this rather disingenuous explanation -
Alternative Speculations Involving Gaza
Some discussions, particularly in online forums and speculative analyses, suggest a more direct route cutting through Gaza to shorten the canal’s length and reduce construction costs. This idea posits that the canal could run from the Negev Desert northwestward, traversing Gaza before reaching the Mediterranean. However, this remains highly speculative and controversial, with no official Israeli government endorsement or detailed planning supporting it as of March 7, 2025. Such a route would likely require << displacing Gaza’s population, leveling infrastructure, and resolving the region’s complex political status >> factors that make it impractical under current conditions.
Terry here, I'm glad to know you enjoyed it. On my Substack I have the free audiobook version of my study of Revelation if you click on the podcast tab and go back to the start.
Thank you so very much! Since commenting on this article I've been reading more of your work and watching your videos and to say I'm excited is an understatement. I honestly believe you are one of the most important scholars acting in this world today. Absolutely top-grate work: please accept my humblest gratitude for what you do.
I'd have thought that "primitive living, anti-technology Luddite behavior, which has been romanticized as the solution to the depressing corporate world and social media rat race." would be an excellent strategy to survive a "huge depopulation event across the world". Not sure how Terry untangles that particular knot in his thought process...
Terry here, thanks for the question. "Strategies to survive" aren't a concern of mine, maybe I should have made that more clear. Yes, perhaps some people will manage to escape the depopulation by living off the grid, fleeing to certain regions, etc. but to me the important thing is confronting the evil behind the coming period. I fully expect to be imprisoned and killed if I live to experience these events. God says we will be rewarded if we suffer for His name, and I'm aiming to get some rewards if I can.
Check out: Victorious Eschatology (a partial preterist view) by Dr Harold Eberle for a completely different view of The Book of Revelation and end time theology.
Israel is both the harlot wife of Jehovah and the disobedient firstborn son of God. Jerusalem, with David's throne from where Christ will rule the earth accompanied by many OT saints and the remaining/surviving Jews following Time of Jacob's Trouble, is the governmental center of the earth. Christ as part of His dual reign will sit on His own throne in the heavens accompanied by His wife, His bride removed from the Body, the Church. Together the repentant and restored firstborn son with the restored nation of Israel and the Overcomers of the Church will form the perfect 3-fold governmental structure of the earth for the last day, the 7th Day. The Millennium.
Very thought provoking material. Good stuff.
Great post! I find it ironic that people are using psychedelics to have a fake "spiritual" experience, when Jesus warns us "You did not repent of your pharmacopia". He was referring to the ancient practice of groups taking hallucinogenic mixtures together and having ceremonies with chants and dancing(rhythmic body movements). For lack of a better way to describe it, all these things distract our attention from the physical world and allow the things our mind and subconscious put forward to be perceived, which they are normally not. As someone who was prescribed a medicine that helps feel less pain from crushed nerves, but was unbeknownst to me a hallucinogenic compound, I can unequivocally state any perceptions you have while using hallucinogens are just junk thrown up from within you. Also, the scriptures directly warn against mediums or channeling of the dead. Very bad for mental health and spiritual health if you expose yourself to this.
To have a coherent spiritual experience, you have to be sober as a judge, and your body not just in excellent condition but free from many of the environmental poisons in our food and around us. You have to have a lot of life force (chi or prana) stored up, which implies celibacy, and not take substances, but distract your mind with mantras (chants) or better yet go to pure awareness with no inner dialogue. For most people this would be a poor choice. I ignored warnings that insanity was the likely result, and consider myself lucky that I lost my adult mind and filter for 10 days or so. Took months to return to normal awareness.
So to see psychedelics promoted as a path to receiving messages from "the spirits" is a stunner. You won't receive anything except what your addled mind suggests to you.
BTW, it would not matter if you are a Christian, Native American Medicine Man, or any other religion, if you do what it takes to have a genuine spiritual experience, you will see the same things the Saints and Prophets have seen for millennia. The white goddess to a Greek Mystic is the same as White Elk Woman to a Sioux and the Mother of our Lord to me.
You see, mystics come out of the woodwork and try to hijack every message. It's so boring already.
And you also have to consider the possibility as a scientific person that there is nothing mystical about it. Just different interpretations of the awareness being manipulated by fasting, chants, and other non-pharmecutical means could explain why different people across such different cultures across millennia see the same things. Now if it's Dr Freud shooting speedballs and claiming everything he saw was real, that's mysticism.
Of course we've considered that. But a real scientist would study the consistent patterns, not just dismiss things with an assumption.
I went to Christian and catholic school for 8 years and my parents made me go to church until I was 16. I threw it all out and went full atheist, eventually found my way to spirituality after a brutal divorce. An indeginous mentor and meditation gave me a spiritual experience that I never got in church.
I've never understood how anyone claims or verifies the Bible's origin and who wrote it. Especially since convid and all the science and history fraud. Always sounded like a trust me bro scenario. How can you know it is what it's claimed to be?
My experience with the church was a bit similar. I've taken to reading the Bible for several years now. All I can offer you is that reading the words of Christ, for me at least, is an entirely different and more satisfying experience. Occasionally I'll come across a verse that I feel speaks to me very clearly and directly.
Proof is difficult. Sometimes for me it's simply that I can't believe a particular verse is NOT the word of God. The following two come to mind immediately.
“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
John 8:7
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
Luke 23:34
It just doesn't seem credible to me that those came from a human mind, especially in that time and culture.
I’ve come to the conclusion the ancients were much more sophisticated and intelligent than the history lessons presented to us while being so called educated. Our knowledge and wisdom was built by them. We are simply their disciples, some of which are not so smart.
I hear you and agree there are powerful words, the golden rule always appeals to me and contributes to my belief that government and rulers are unnecessary.
Also I wonder how do we know what Jesus said 2000 years ago or even if there was a Jesus? Or the words of Rumi and other philosophers resonate strongly or even my own words in videos I made years ago sound like somebody else said them. Or that we are the flute the divine wisdom come through.
Like why that book, the Bible?
There are many many other books and words that speak to me. And indeginous people I respect often don't write, they have oral tradition and their words are very powerful and often lost to colonization and the only record is written by the priests of the empire.
And King do we know he was a good guy, has anyone met him or talked with him?
To my understanding King James was most definitely not a 'good' guy. It's inferred that Francis Bacon actually wrote the King James version as well as being the author behind 'William Shakespeare' (evidence exists that Shakespeare's daughter was illiterate - why would the child of a learned, literate man be illiterate?
Take the time to research the Bible's archeological, historical, scientific, and prophetic accuracy. Don't make the mistake of confusing the teachings and practices of the church for the writings of the Bible.
I hear you, my questioning is more around how do we know when it was written and that the historical record it's being compared to is accurate? Or if the same conmen wrote the "sacred" book and the his-tory books it would be pretty easy to have them tell the same narrative. This is what is talked about in Dune 2, the idea that the prophecy is written by the rulers who then orchestrate the prophecy.
Wes Huff(also namedropped in this article) was a real eye-opener for me. He also has a series with Apologetics Canada called Can I Trust the Bible? that is worth checking out. They answer so many of your questions.
Thanks for sharing. I listened to a bit. Had he steel manned David Cross's point that would have been a good start. Instead he straw manned and then went to appeal to majority/authority. After that I grew tired of listening. It's like virology as in there is no direct evidence, so instead they appeal to unverifiable hearsay or "experts" with fancy titles.
part of the reason they r giving the stones (knowledge) away right now and revealing so much truth is so we fall away
One has to only observe the hatred, rituals and mocking of those with faith to know there is truth in the Bible
I have no doubt it’s sliced and diced (can think of specific examples that suit agendas ) instead i take from it what resonates with my inner knowing and intuition as being of God. And frankly after the last few years we all have refined our intuitive skills.
I have also found it helpful using a study bible by Mathew Henry which has been used by preachers for the last few hundred years and is now being intentionally not printed anymore.
Always motivating to then purchase one 😀
If you look on ebay or online you can still find the last few copies for sale.
I am yet to find a church though that is speaking truth and not focused on growth strategies and staying in overton windows.
A plan, prophecy if you will, is of course an idea that manifests as more thought and action is instilled to bring about the plan. Anyone can do it, if enough information and assests are available. Where the average person falls short is the information, usually for security reasons held in trust by the rulers…government confiscated patents, unpublishable research papers…
Hello Clay, I'm the guy who did this interview. You could do a simple Google search to see why even atheist scholars agree that the Bible is a genuine collection of ancient texts written by various Hebrew authors over the course of centuries, and why it's most likely that the Gospels are authentic attempts to record the teachings of a real person named Jesus, but since you haven't bothered with that, I suspect there's something else that turns you off about it. Nobody is stopping you from being a mystic who listens to a shaman. But if you want to know the truth about Jesus, how about you start by sincerely reaching out to him in prayer and admitting you haven't been perfect?
Hi Terry, a Google search, seriously? They are the king of censorship and propaganda. They say covid is real and disease is genetic, most "experts" agree...
I do pray. Are the Muslims and Buddhists and Hindus and every other praying religious people and their sacred books wrong and damned?
Don't be obtuse. Obviously you can use any search engine, or ChatGPT, or go talk to an actual scholar. The point is that there are 2,000 years of scholarship on the scriptures and you're too lazy to look it up. What will you say when you stand before God? It was too much work to listen to some podcasts by respected scholars, but yet you spent years going after random mystics and shamans, doing pointless meditation? I don't think that will be a good excuse.
And don't be offended that Muslims, Buddhists, and other religions are damned. Every human is equally damned, including self-proclaimed Christians, unless they truly hear and believe the gospel of Jesus, and keep the faith until their death. Many are called, and few are chosen. Wide is the path that leads to destruction, and narrow is the path that leads to life, and there are few that find it.
Whatever your prayers have been, God is speaking back to you in the scriptures. Open up your Bible and you'll start getting answers.
I can recommend Is Atheism Dead? By Eric metaxas. He presents the physical, biologic, archeological, and philosophical arguments. It will change the way you read the Bible, which was written by witnesses to Jesus' life and death. Written, too, at great peril to themselves.
How does anyone know who was there to witness something 2000 years ago? What language was it written in and how many translations and editors did it go through? Who oversaw the chain of custody for 2 millennium?
UFOs and aliens are certainly a psyop. As is science fiction in general.
Regarding the canal: Grok posited this rather disingenuous explanation -
Alternative Speculations Involving Gaza
Some discussions, particularly in online forums and speculative analyses, suggest a more direct route cutting through Gaza to shorten the canal’s length and reduce construction costs. This idea posits that the canal could run from the Negev Desert northwestward, traversing Gaza before reaching the Mediterranean. However, this remains highly speculative and controversial, with no official Israeli government endorsement or detailed planning supporting it as of March 7, 2025. Such a route would likely require << displacing Gaza’s population, leveling infrastructure, and resolving the region’s complex political status >> factors that make it impractical under current conditions.
Thank you! I was unfamiliar with Terry Wolfe and thoroughly enjoyed reading this article.
Terry here, I'm glad to know you enjoyed it. On my Substack I have the free audiobook version of my study of Revelation if you click on the podcast tab and go back to the start.
Thank you so very much! Since commenting on this article I've been reading more of your work and watching your videos and to say I'm excited is an understatement. I honestly believe you are one of the most important scholars acting in this world today. Absolutely top-grate work: please accept my humblest gratitude for what you do.
This guy's tone is so morally superior and dismissive it's a huge turn-off. It's sabotaging the points he's trying to make. I had to stop reading.
Sometimes the truth is difficult to stomach.
The age of deception now in its 7,355th year. The world has never known anything else as governments cannot exist without deception. NEVER.
I'd have thought that "primitive living, anti-technology Luddite behavior, which has been romanticized as the solution to the depressing corporate world and social media rat race." would be an excellent strategy to survive a "huge depopulation event across the world". Not sure how Terry untangles that particular knot in his thought process...
Terry here, thanks for the question. "Strategies to survive" aren't a concern of mine, maybe I should have made that more clear. Yes, perhaps some people will manage to escape the depopulation by living off the grid, fleeing to certain regions, etc. but to me the important thing is confronting the evil behind the coming period. I fully expect to be imprisoned and killed if I live to experience these events. God says we will be rewarded if we suffer for His name, and I'm aiming to get some rewards if I can.
Too many aliens, not enough UFOs:).
Check out: Victorious Eschatology (a partial preterist view) by Dr Harold Eberle for a completely different view of The Book of Revelation and end time theology.
My favorite parts of Covid:
The Doctors
Of The Medical Freedom Movement
Are Fighting For Their Reputations.
They’re Not Fighting For The Truth. They Can’t.
Because The Truth
Will Destroy Their Profession
And Consequently Their Reputations.
I’m waiting for the rapture. Our Blessed Hope. Repent and believe Jesus died for you, your sins. He loves you. 💜
Israel is both the harlot wife of Jehovah and the disobedient firstborn son of God. Jerusalem, with David's throne from where Christ will rule the earth accompanied by many OT saints and the remaining/surviving Jews following Time of Jacob's Trouble, is the governmental center of the earth. Christ as part of His dual reign will sit on His own throne in the heavens accompanied by His wife, His bride removed from the Body, the Church. Together the repentant and restored firstborn son with the restored nation of Israel and the Overcomers of the Church will form the perfect 3-fold governmental structure of the earth for the last day, the 7th Day. The Millennium.
Observing The Command Center
of the banksters...