I am not enough of a historian to point out each of the defects in this book of propaganda, but there is one glaring out-and-out lie. Israel did not "manage" the people of Gaza when this latest war broke out as a result of an act of aggression by Hamas against Israeli civilians. In 2005, Israel decided that it had to leave Gaza and no longer "manage" it. The people were left to pick their own leaders and they picked the terrorist organization Hamas. Jews had lived in Gaza for hundreds of years (if not more) and the Israel government insisted that every Jew leave Gaza and even dug up all of the Jewish graves, which says much about the Israeli view of the Gazans. Muslim and Christian Arabs live side by side with Jews in Israel (and serve in the IDF and have positions in the Knesset) but the Israelis knew that Jews could not live side by side with the Gazans if the Gazans were managing the area. Please post a synopsis of a book that tells the Israeli side. I think your readers deserve to know both sides and frankly you have made me think that yours may be a substack I can eliminate as I have more than enough to read. But I will give you for now the benefit of the doubt and see what you publish going forward.
The world has been bombarded with books, videos, articles telling the "Israeli side." That means it is incumbent upon people to examine the actual other side. That other side has been censored, its authors hunted down, their careers ruined, their houses burned, their reputations smeared. How can that be?
You make a glaring omission in your comment. That is, you fail to mention what has been proven. Palestine existed. Its people existed. Lives and commerce existed. Through Balfour and others and their geopolitical machinations, Palestinians had a line drawn around them. They became managed under a "mandate" about which they knew nothing and had no voice. A crime on its face.
Expulsion took place. Yet you make no mention of its immorality, its cruelty and destruction. This for a people a majority of whom claim atheism/no religion -- except for that of their geopolitical construct called Israel. That is their "religion."
History did not begin on Oct 7, 2023. Unbekoming has attempted to show this by sharing the "other side." Don't like Pappe? OK...there are others. Very few since their lives endure ruination for the crime of attempting to tell the "other side." But they exist. Try pastor Chuck Baldwin, once a vehement "Christian" "Zionist."
The formation of the current geopolitical nation state (having nothing whatsoever to do with Biblical anything) was a crime per se. So everything after? All that's criminal, too.
Haven't we been reading and seeing "the jewish side", in living color for the past 77 years? Jews have been banished from countries 191 times for their despicable corrupt behavior causing havoc. This is open source information. Nothing changed when they took over Palestine. They lie, cheat and steal land and water from their neighbors. They just take it and get away with it. They assassinate leaders, scientists, generals in neighboring countries with impunity.
Ben-Gurion is the #1 suspect in the assassination of JFK. Netanyahu orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, but we blamed the Arabs for that so we could have a pretext to invade a full frontal attack on the Middle East against Israel's enemies. What was once a beautiful, peaceful, thriving country is now a prison for all non-jews as they're genocidal jewish masters slaughter mostly women and children. Now, they are walking into Syria with ambitions of occupying Damascus.
I have appreciated many of Unbekoming's substacks, where they shed light on medical and pharmacological misadventure. But this is the second that takes a historically warped, and socially bigoted swipe against Israel and Jews, and contains too many lies and myths against Israel to even begin to address
Thank you for having the courage to write this. People commenting negatively here are profoundly ignorant and do not know (or care) that everything Pappe says is based on primary documents--Israeli archives and diaries/memoirs of the people involved (both British and Israeli), including British archives. Pappe's claims in fact do not go far enough, since we now have DNA evidence that Palestinians are Canaanite--that is, their roots in Palestine go back just as far or further than the original Israelites. They were not just "renting" the property: in 1947-- they owned 85% of Palestine and Zionists owned just 7%. The remaining 8% was owned by absentee landlords from Lebanon. What Pappe says in this book has now been corroborated by a number of other historians, both Jew and Gentile. Despite the propaganda and mythical narratives that emanated from Israel for the rest of the world's consumption, the original Zionists knew that the Palestinians had just as much "claim" to the land as they did; David Ben Gurion even wrote a scholarly article about how the Palestinians were probably the descendants of Jews who remained on the land after the Romans threw Jews out of Jerusalem after 70 AD. And that could well be right, since we now have DNA evidence that they are original Canaanites. But the whole argument that Zionists have a right to the land because their ancestors lived there 3000 years ago is ridiculous for a number of reasons: 3000 years ago we all have so many ancestors--more than a billion--that we could all claim land virtually anywhere. I could claim land in at least ten countries, including Palestine. That does not mean I can go to one of them and violently throw a current occupant off their property. That's why we don't assign countries based on who your ancestors were in 1000 BC. But if we did, Palestinians would have just as much right to the country, if not more, than the Zionists. We also no longer assign countries based on "might makes right." After World War II, the countries of the world created international law to prevent that very thing. Unfortunately, Israel was created by immoral, violent and illegal action in the country, and blackmail and manipulation outside of it. If anyone does not want to believe Pappe, they can read Rosemarie Esber's book Under the Cover of War, also based on primary documents, or international law scholar John Quigley's The Legality of a Jewish State, which describes the process by which Israel was made "legal." Or hundreds of other books written by professional historians, political scientists and legal scholars.
No not true, you have been reading the wrong sources it seems.
For one Pinhas Inbari would dispute your claim.
Palestinian leaders are claiming that the Palestinians are descended from the Canaanite people who lived in the land of Canaan before the Israelite tribes settled in it. No less than the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, made that claim in Germany; no one was taken aback by his remarks or questioned him.
What is the source of the name “Palestine?” It is not Arab; it is derived from the name “Palestina,” by which the Roman Emperor Hadrian chose to call the land after the defeat of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135 CE. His aim was to erase “Judea” and negate any connection of the land’s history and identity with the Jews.
According to Palestinian historian Muhammad Y. Muslih, during the entire 400-year period of Ottoman rule (1517-1918), before the British set up the 30-years-long Palestine Mandate, “There was no political unit known as Palestine.” In Arabic, the area was known as al-Ard al-Muqadassa (the holy land), or Surya al-Janubiyya (southern Syria), but not Palestine.
Palestinian genealogies that show their own tribes originating outside the Southern Levant are prima facie evidence of Arab settler-colonialism. And while narratives of the Arab conquests of Byzantine Palestine and North Africa cannot be taken at face value, they are pure ideological expressions of settler-colonialism. In 634-37 CE, Muslim armies commanded by the Caliph Umar conquered the entirety of the Levant before invading Armenia and Anatolia in 638 and Cyprus in 639.
So to you every professional historian is a liar, and DNA is also false. All of the things I have said can be verified just by asking the AI on your browser, which will survey all the known information on the subject. Your last sentence is so revealing of a personality disorder that nothing further need be said--you have taken off the mask.
No that is your warped mind attempting to put your words in my mouth. I just spat them right out.
You are one really sick manipulator IMO. Are you aware manipulators are among the most clever, devious, accomplished liars. You have excelled in in that.
Manipulators have a chameleon-like personality and are high-functioning psychopaths and I suspect that you are one.
PS. I don't give two shits about you or your AI threat or you guilt tripping attempts.
The absentee landlords were actually from Syria. It was from then that Israelis fleeing from Russia in the 1880's purchased land.
Take note of this
Testifying before the British Peel Commission in 1937, Syrian leader Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi asserted: “There is no such country as Palestine. . . . Our country was for centuries part of Syria. ‘Palestine’ is alien to us.” Shortly before the birth of Israel, prominent Arab historian Philip Hitti conceded: “There is no such thing as Palestine, absolutely not.” According to Columbia history professor Rashid Khalidi, a student of Palestinian identity, “Palestine” did not even exist until it emerged from the wreckage of World War I.
Fore some more unpalatable facts:
By the end of Ottoman rule, there were several thousand living in Jerusalem, and as for therest – for the most part, they were widely dispersed – mostly in villages and small towns –throughout Judea and Samaria and the Galilee. During the Ottoman period, most lived as tenant farmers in a somewhat feudal system with landowners, but some lived in towns such as Gaza, Hebron, Haifa and elsewhere.
At the end of the 19th century there were stirrings of Arab nationalism, which included wealthier Palestinian Arabs urging Turkish authorities not to allow Jewish refugees and pioneers from settling in the country.
One of the most vexing questions – or issues – today, is the notion that somehow all Palestinian Arabs were unceremoniously expelled from their land – or at the very least denied appropriate remuneration for it. That is simply not the case. It was only in 1856 that the Ottomans had passed a law allowing foreigners to buy land in the empire under the
Tanzimat Reforms, which were a belated and somewhat half-hearted attempt at permitting people to feel part of the state by giving them rights.
By 1881, the Ottomans began banning land purchases by Jews and Christians, also declaring that Jews were still permitted to immigrate to the Ottoman Empire – but with the exception of Palestine. As with so many functions of Turkish rule, official declarations made in Constantinople, were much diluted when it came to Palestine.
The legal path to Jewish acquisition of land in Palestine remained open, and the Yishuv made the most of the opportunity. Arabs were willing to sell to wealthy Jews – such as Moses Montefiore or Baron Edmond de Rothschild – often at inflated prices. The Jewish National Fund was also able to purchase large tracts of land from the Ottomans and much of this was utilized by an enduring legacy of the Second Aliyah (1904-1914); namely the kibbutz movement.
The records for those who would wish to open their eyes to see them are clear.
Referring to Canaan as Palestine is a practice that goes back to 1200 BC, when the current Pharoah named the territory that after the people he allowed to settle along the coast there. It was called Palestine in 500 BC by Herodotus the Greek historian. It was called Palestine by the Greek Empire, by the Roman Empire, by the Byzantine Empire and the early Church. It was called Palestine by Plutarch, Ovid, Aristotle, Pliny, by the Jewish historian Josephus, by the Crusaders, by Shakespeare and everyone else during the Renaissance, and by the various groups of Muslims who governed the area from 600 onward, including the Ottomans. It was called Palestine 10 times in the Torah. It was called Palestine on every map made since antiquity. It was therefore called Palestine by the British after WW1, since it had been called Palestine through about 95% of its history. Rashid Khalidi does not say Palestine did not exist until after WW1--that is an overt lie. What Khalidi says is that there was no Palestinian NATIONALISM until that time, no national movement, which is understandable because during most of its history Palestine was part of a larger empire, just as many current European countries were part of larger empires prior to the 19th c. That was also true of Israel, which existed as an entity for about a minute in time compared to the time it existed as part of larger empires. There was also no Israeli nationalism until it was invented by Zionists in the early 20th c. As for there being few Palestinians in Palestine until the Zionists arrived, that is also a blatant lie, and accepted by NO serious historian. It is Zionist propaganda pure and simple. It is also easily proved false just by population figures, which is why Palestinians outnumbered Zionists during all the period when Zionists were frantically trying to import more and more of their number to Palestine both under the Ottomans and under the British Mandate, in an attempt to overwhelm the native population.
Thank you for this continued series. As is shown in your comments section once again, the ability of many to ignore what’s in front of their eyes through Zionist indoctrination is stunning. This notion that somehow the creation of the state of Israel was an entirely just, noble, necessary and biblically appropriate act, that the leaders of Israel are and have always been nothing but bold, noble, virtuous and incorruptible defenders of the Jewish faith against a sea of Muslim scum and villainy, that there exists no philosophical, moral or ethical case to be made for genocide over the past year … Zionism has done an amazing job convincing millions of people to cheer for the concentration camp guards.
I call into question all the other writing here after this analysis. In its simplest form, Because Palestinians hate there will never be peace. If you want your blinders torn off like mine were read this book. "Because They Hate" - A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America. Author: Brigitte Gabriel
"Because They Hate" is a brilliant memoir/account of the fanatical narrow minded hate that goes hand in hand with the desire for a Global Caliphate. An informative book by Brigette Gabriel, also a passionate speaker and proudly Lebanese
I have followed Arab history since WW1 and nowhere have I seen the hatred you speak of. Which is the reason I could never swallow Bush's ridiculous statement, "They hate us for our freedom". I knew immediately, if history is prologue, that the Arabs would have never done 9/11. Turns out, they didn't.
With some respect don't convolute the simple point I offer and for the record no one swallowed Bush's reasoning who was paying attention. Second, because they hate are not my words but the words of Palestinians globally who openly and without shame endlessly call for the destruction of Israel with every breath both before during and after Bush 911 calamity. Furthermore claiming nowhere have you seen this hatred is absurd and borders on irrational delusion or laughably ill informed.
I need some examples of ill informed. T.E.Lawrence, perhaps because he spoke Arabic, was able to recruit the greatest fighters from Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Arabia to fight along side Gr Britain to defeat the Ottoman Turks on the promise they would be given independence. The Arab fighters were stabbed in the back, never given independence, and walked away. The hatred described came with the devision of Palestine when Israel started killing and stealing, and never lived in peace with their neighbors, sponsored by the very country who lied to them and stole their independence 30 years prior .
Since 9/11 and the death of Osama bin Laden in Dec.,2001, (that farce Obama pulled off was laughable) the massive relentless media campaign against Arabs was and still is greater than that today against Russia, China and Iran. Perhaps you put too much trust in the lying media.
I have listened to IIan Pappe for a while now and wondered, in the past, how he managed to stay alive for so long speaking truth as he does. I don't wonder anymore.
None of what is going on in the Middle East would be possible without the false narrative known as the Holocaust. Sure, jews were killed during WW11, but that percentage was a pittance, a minuscule fraction compared to other nationalities killed.
All historians dealing in verifiable truth and not hearsay have come up with varying degrees of the same number of jewish deaths during WW11. The 1947 Jewish Census, published as they have always done, the world census figures of jews increased, not decreased after the war.
The 6 million accepted figure and criminalization for contesting that figure made law in most countries, speaks volumes to the necessity of promoting jewish victimhood at all costs. The real death toll of jews during WW11 ranges from 200,000 to 330,000 dead. Compare that figure to the REAL holocaust perpetrated by jews against 20 million Russian Christians in the same year as the Balfour Declaration, known as The Bolshevik Revolution. That death toll is swept under the carpet while 6 million is shouted from the rooftops.
Until this holocaust narrative is exposed for the fraud it is, no rational dialogue nor peace can ever be established in the M.E. or any other country for that matter. Our captured Congress by the Israeli lobby has brought our country to their knees, loyal only to Israel. I'm not OK with that.
I haven't seen this much bull shit in one place since O'Briben left the oval office!
For starters, let's take a look at your analogy.
"Imagine you're renting an apartment with your family, living there for generations. You have all your furniture there, your children's height marks on the walls, a garden you've cultivated, and deep relationships with your neighbors. One day, a group of people arrives with old property documents from centuries ago, claiming their ancestors once owned the building. They have the support of the building manager and gradually begin moving into different apartments, initially just a few units."
Miraculously you left out some critical facts...
Out of those apartments is being run a terrorist organization which plans and executes the murders of the innocent ethnically different people who live in the adjacent neighborhood. You've done this for so long that predictably the neighbors have incrementally increased their involvement in your affairs in an effort to stop you killing their people and finally after yet another unprovoked assault and murder of innocent men women and children have said enough is enough. You've been offered a two state solution on at least 3 occasions if you would simply stop trying to exterminate your ethnically different neighbor's, but you've refused. Many treaties have been signed land gained from conflicts you started have been returned to you for the simple promise that you will stop trying to exterminate your neighbors. You refuse.
For your lack of due diligence I won't be following your stack.
Eisenhower relieved Gen. Patton on duty in Germany because Patton could not/would not evict German citizens to the street and give their homes to returning jews, as was Eisenhower's edict. Before Patton could tell his story to the world be was shot. Thing is, he told his wife in a letter what he was forced to do and she in turn gave that letter to David Irving after Patton's assassination.
What followed was Eisenhower's mass starvation, in broad daylight, of German POW's. After an American soldier guarding the open air prison, showed mercy by sharing his food with these starved men, another edict went out from Eisenhower that all American soldiers would be shot for aiding his prisoners.
Eisenhower was one of the worst villains produced during WW11. Our government repaid him for his ghoulish genocide by giving him the presidency. Pardon me while I vomit.
Ilan Pappe is a committed communist. Tends to be very economical with all the facts.
I have excerpted this form Discover the Networks.
"Pappe came under fire from fellow academics in 2000, when he publicly supported a thesis by Haifa University peace activist Theodore Katz which claimed that Israel had committed a massacre in the Palestinian village of Tantura during the 1948 war. No record of the incident had ever previously been noted by either Israeli or Palestinian historians. In December 2000, Katz was sued for libel by members of the Alexandroni Brigade, an Israel Defense Forces contingent that had fought in the war, and he eventually retracted his allegations regarding the massacre. Pappe, however, continues to defend the claim."
Face facts as they can be unpalatable-
Haifa University reviewed his thesis and found the same flaws. The University would not even accept Katz’ revised thesis.
He is connected to Max Blumental who is described as master in manipulation by a newspaper who hates Nentyahu and he is at his best when he smears anyone he doesn't agree with.
"No record of the incident had ever previously been noted by either Israeli or Palestinian historians."
Wrong. The Israelis who did it admitted it and there's evidence.
"There's a Mass Palestinian Grave at a Popular Israeli Beach, Veterans Confess"
"The Israeli veterans of the 1948 battle at Tantura village finally come clean about the mass killing of Arabs that took place after the village's surrender"
Haaretz is not what it claims to be, which despite being published in Israel is actually a mouthpiece for the Palestinian Authority and its network of affiliated organizations.
Next you will be quoting from the Qatari sponsored Al-Jazeera
Try again haters. I am an American Christian who knows Jesus Christ is the One and only Son of God, who died and rose again on the third day, and now sits at the right hand of God.
Even though the Thought Crime bill was passed by Bush in 2004, same bill that will imprison you in all of Europe for saying seig heil or disagreement of Jewish narratives, it has not been totally enforced, due no doubt to our free speech amendment. But there are many other ways to shut people up and our MSM is very vigilant. Unbekoming has my respect and gratitude for the courage he has shown on this website, lifting the veil of Jewish/Zionist dogma, lies and deception ever present in our society. Scratch any agency you want, every corporate CEO, anyone who has command over our health and well-being and you will find a tribal member. Prove me wrong, I'm all ears The inbred genocidal bent of these people cannot be overstated.
Looking forward to Pappy’s next book regarding how selective historical interpretation (as described in the pull quote from your post below) is being applied to all ‘Native Title’ claims, applied to UNDRIP, all ‘Aboriginal Corporations’ ‘Pay the Rent’ movement, ‘Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer’ and many more lovely, sweet, just, moral and kindly land and sea-grabbing decolonisation by any means all over the face of the planet.
Oh wait, I forgot- ‘Ancestral Lands’ oppressor oppressed trope doesn’t apply to 1) Dem filthy Jooos ! 2) Dem Christians! 3) Dem white privileged !
Untermenschen, the lot of them.
PULL QUOTE: ‘The use of biblical archaeology intensified after 1967, when access to sites in the West Bank enabled a more aggressive program of connecting modern territorial expansion to ancient Jewish presence. However, this approach faced criticism from scholars who questioned the validity of using religious texts as historical documents and pointed out the selective nature of archaeological interpretation. The phenomenon represents a broader pattern of using selective historical interpretation to justify contemporary political goals, with archaeology serving as a bridge between religious claims and modern territorial ambitions.”
The goat pen is overcrowded. Don’t lead your Substack down there too.
I am not enough of a historian to point out each of the defects in this book of propaganda, but there is one glaring out-and-out lie. Israel did not "manage" the people of Gaza when this latest war broke out as a result of an act of aggression by Hamas against Israeli civilians. In 2005, Israel decided that it had to leave Gaza and no longer "manage" it. The people were left to pick their own leaders and they picked the terrorist organization Hamas. Jews had lived in Gaza for hundreds of years (if not more) and the Israel government insisted that every Jew leave Gaza and even dug up all of the Jewish graves, which says much about the Israeli view of the Gazans. Muslim and Christian Arabs live side by side with Jews in Israel (and serve in the IDF and have positions in the Knesset) but the Israelis knew that Jews could not live side by side with the Gazans if the Gazans were managing the area. Please post a synopsis of a book that tells the Israeli side. I think your readers deserve to know both sides and frankly you have made me think that yours may be a substack I can eliminate as I have more than enough to read. But I will give you for now the benefit of the doubt and see what you publish going forward.
The world has been bombarded with books, videos, articles telling the "Israeli side." That means it is incumbent upon people to examine the actual other side. That other side has been censored, its authors hunted down, their careers ruined, their houses burned, their reputations smeared. How can that be?
You make a glaring omission in your comment. That is, you fail to mention what has been proven. Palestine existed. Its people existed. Lives and commerce existed. Through Balfour and others and their geopolitical machinations, Palestinians had a line drawn around them. They became managed under a "mandate" about which they knew nothing and had no voice. A crime on its face.
Expulsion took place. Yet you make no mention of its immorality, its cruelty and destruction. This for a people a majority of whom claim atheism/no religion -- except for that of their geopolitical construct called Israel. That is their "religion."
History did not begin on Oct 7, 2023. Unbekoming has attempted to show this by sharing the "other side." Don't like Pappe? OK...there are others. Very few since their lives endure ruination for the crime of attempting to tell the "other side." But they exist. Try pastor Chuck Baldwin, once a vehement "Christian" "Zionist."
The formation of the current geopolitical nation state (having nothing whatsoever to do with Biblical anything) was a crime per se. So everything after? All that's criminal, too.
Haven't we been reading and seeing "the jewish side", in living color for the past 77 years? Jews have been banished from countries 191 times for their despicable corrupt behavior causing havoc. This is open source information. Nothing changed when they took over Palestine. They lie, cheat and steal land and water from their neighbors. They just take it and get away with it. They assassinate leaders, scientists, generals in neighboring countries with impunity.
Ben-Gurion is the #1 suspect in the assassination of JFK. Netanyahu orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, but we blamed the Arabs for that so we could have a pretext to invade a full frontal attack on the Middle East against Israel's enemies. What was once a beautiful, peaceful, thriving country is now a prison for all non-jews as they're genocidal jewish masters slaughter mostly women and children. Now, they are walking into Syria with ambitions of occupying Damascus.
....good grief - WELL down the rabbit hole of misinformation here....
Oh really. What factual information I stated was misinformation? Feel free to correct me.
Rhona, I too see only evidence of propaganda.
I have appreciated many of Unbekoming's substacks, where they shed light on medical and pharmacological misadventure. But this is the second that takes a historically warped, and socially bigoted swipe against Israel and Jews, and contains too many lies and myths against Israel to even begin to address
Hamas Schmamas:).
Israeli stooges.
Thank you for having the courage to write this. People commenting negatively here are profoundly ignorant and do not know (or care) that everything Pappe says is based on primary documents--Israeli archives and diaries/memoirs of the people involved (both British and Israeli), including British archives. Pappe's claims in fact do not go far enough, since we now have DNA evidence that Palestinians are Canaanite--that is, their roots in Palestine go back just as far or further than the original Israelites. They were not just "renting" the property: in 1947-- they owned 85% of Palestine and Zionists owned just 7%. The remaining 8% was owned by absentee landlords from Lebanon. What Pappe says in this book has now been corroborated by a number of other historians, both Jew and Gentile. Despite the propaganda and mythical narratives that emanated from Israel for the rest of the world's consumption, the original Zionists knew that the Palestinians had just as much "claim" to the land as they did; David Ben Gurion even wrote a scholarly article about how the Palestinians were probably the descendants of Jews who remained on the land after the Romans threw Jews out of Jerusalem after 70 AD. And that could well be right, since we now have DNA evidence that they are original Canaanites. But the whole argument that Zionists have a right to the land because their ancestors lived there 3000 years ago is ridiculous for a number of reasons: 3000 years ago we all have so many ancestors--more than a billion--that we could all claim land virtually anywhere. I could claim land in at least ten countries, including Palestine. That does not mean I can go to one of them and violently throw a current occupant off their property. That's why we don't assign countries based on who your ancestors were in 1000 BC. But if we did, Palestinians would have just as much right to the country, if not more, than the Zionists. We also no longer assign countries based on "might makes right." After World War II, the countries of the world created international law to prevent that very thing. Unfortunately, Israel was created by immoral, violent and illegal action in the country, and blackmail and manipulation outside of it. If anyone does not want to believe Pappe, they can read Rosemarie Esber's book Under the Cover of War, also based on primary documents, or international law scholar John Quigley's The Legality of a Jewish State, which describes the process by which Israel was made "legal." Or hundreds of other books written by professional historians, political scientists and legal scholars.
Wonderful comment, Linda. Thank you.
No not true, you have been reading the wrong sources it seems.
For one Pinhas Inbari would dispute your claim.
Palestinian leaders are claiming that the Palestinians are descended from the Canaanite people who lived in the land of Canaan before the Israelite tribes settled in it. No less than the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, made that claim in Germany; no one was taken aback by his remarks or questioned him.
What is the source of the name “Palestine?” It is not Arab; it is derived from the name “Palestina,” by which the Roman Emperor Hadrian chose to call the land after the defeat of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135 CE. His aim was to erase “Judea” and negate any connection of the land’s history and identity with the Jews.
According to Palestinian historian Muhammad Y. Muslih, during the entire 400-year period of Ottoman rule (1517-1918), before the British set up the 30-years-long Palestine Mandate, “There was no political unit known as Palestine.” In Arabic, the area was known as al-Ard al-Muqadassa (the holy land), or Surya al-Janubiyya (southern Syria), but not Palestine.
Palestinian genealogies that show their own tribes originating outside the Southern Levant are prima facie evidence of Arab settler-colonialism. And while narratives of the Arab conquests of Byzantine Palestine and North Africa cannot be taken at face value, they are pure ideological expressions of settler-colonialism. In 634-37 CE, Muslim armies commanded by the Caliph Umar conquered the entirety of the Levant before invading Armenia and Anatolia in 638 and Cyprus in 639.
So to you every professional historian is a liar, and DNA is also false. All of the things I have said can be verified just by asking the AI on your browser, which will survey all the known information on the subject. Your last sentence is so revealing of a personality disorder that nothing further need be said--you have taken off the mask.
No that is your warped mind attempting to put your words in my mouth. I just spat them right out.
You are one really sick manipulator IMO. Are you aware manipulators are among the most clever, devious, accomplished liars. You have excelled in in that.
Manipulators have a chameleon-like personality and are high-functioning psychopaths and I suspect that you are one.
PS. I don't give two shits about you or your AI threat or you guilt tripping attempts.
The absentee landlords were actually from Syria. It was from then that Israelis fleeing from Russia in the 1880's purchased land.
Take note of this
Testifying before the British Peel Commission in 1937, Syrian leader Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi asserted: “There is no such country as Palestine. . . . Our country was for centuries part of Syria. ‘Palestine’ is alien to us.” Shortly before the birth of Israel, prominent Arab historian Philip Hitti conceded: “There is no such thing as Palestine, absolutely not.” According to Columbia history professor Rashid Khalidi, a student of Palestinian identity, “Palestine” did not even exist until it emerged from the wreckage of World War I.
Fore some more unpalatable facts:
By the end of Ottoman rule, there were several thousand living in Jerusalem, and as for therest – for the most part, they were widely dispersed – mostly in villages and small towns –throughout Judea and Samaria and the Galilee. During the Ottoman period, most lived as tenant farmers in a somewhat feudal system with landowners, but some lived in towns such as Gaza, Hebron, Haifa and elsewhere.
At the end of the 19th century there were stirrings of Arab nationalism, which included wealthier Palestinian Arabs urging Turkish authorities not to allow Jewish refugees and pioneers from settling in the country.
One of the most vexing questions – or issues – today, is the notion that somehow all Palestinian Arabs were unceremoniously expelled from their land – or at the very least denied appropriate remuneration for it. That is simply not the case. It was only in 1856 that the Ottomans had passed a law allowing foreigners to buy land in the empire under the
Tanzimat Reforms, which were a belated and somewhat half-hearted attempt at permitting people to feel part of the state by giving them rights.
By 1881, the Ottomans began banning land purchases by Jews and Christians, also declaring that Jews were still permitted to immigrate to the Ottoman Empire – but with the exception of Palestine. As with so many functions of Turkish rule, official declarations made in Constantinople, were much diluted when it came to Palestine.
The legal path to Jewish acquisition of land in Palestine remained open, and the Yishuv made the most of the opportunity. Arabs were willing to sell to wealthy Jews – such as Moses Montefiore or Baron Edmond de Rothschild – often at inflated prices. The Jewish National Fund was also able to purchase large tracts of land from the Ottomans and much of this was utilized by an enduring legacy of the Second Aliyah (1904-1914); namely the kibbutz movement.
The records for those who would wish to open their eyes to see them are clear.
Referring to Canaan as Palestine is a practice that goes back to 1200 BC, when the current Pharoah named the territory that after the people he allowed to settle along the coast there. It was called Palestine in 500 BC by Herodotus the Greek historian. It was called Palestine by the Greek Empire, by the Roman Empire, by the Byzantine Empire and the early Church. It was called Palestine by Plutarch, Ovid, Aristotle, Pliny, by the Jewish historian Josephus, by the Crusaders, by Shakespeare and everyone else during the Renaissance, and by the various groups of Muslims who governed the area from 600 onward, including the Ottomans. It was called Palestine 10 times in the Torah. It was called Palestine on every map made since antiquity. It was therefore called Palestine by the British after WW1, since it had been called Palestine through about 95% of its history. Rashid Khalidi does not say Palestine did not exist until after WW1--that is an overt lie. What Khalidi says is that there was no Palestinian NATIONALISM until that time, no national movement, which is understandable because during most of its history Palestine was part of a larger empire, just as many current European countries were part of larger empires prior to the 19th c. That was also true of Israel, which existed as an entity for about a minute in time compared to the time it existed as part of larger empires. There was also no Israeli nationalism until it was invented by Zionists in the early 20th c. As for there being few Palestinians in Palestine until the Zionists arrived, that is also a blatant lie, and accepted by NO serious historian. It is Zionist propaganda pure and simple. It is also easily proved false just by population figures, which is why Palestinians outnumbered Zionists during all the period when Zionists were frantically trying to import more and more of their number to Palestine both under the Ottomans and under the British Mandate, in an attempt to overwhelm the native population.
No Read what I sent you- https://open.substack.com/pub/unbekoming/p/ten-myths-about-israel?r=dy7q0&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=89227352
It’s disgusting what is happening to the Palestinian people. What’s more, it feels like not too many care.
Pappe is a psycho - the village idiot.
Don't waste your time on the maoist weirdos.
How so?
The Unholy Alliance. They even wear the same rag -
If you want to be taken seriously it is better to engage with the arguments rather than indulge in character assassination.
Thank you for this continued series. As is shown in your comments section once again, the ability of many to ignore what’s in front of their eyes through Zionist indoctrination is stunning. This notion that somehow the creation of the state of Israel was an entirely just, noble, necessary and biblically appropriate act, that the leaders of Israel are and have always been nothing but bold, noble, virtuous and incorruptible defenders of the Jewish faith against a sea of Muslim scum and villainy, that there exists no philosophical, moral or ethical case to be made for genocide over the past year … Zionism has done an amazing job convincing millions of people to cheer for the concentration camp guards.
I call into question all the other writing here after this analysis. In its simplest form, Because Palestinians hate there will never be peace. If you want your blinders torn off like mine were read this book. "Because They Hate" - A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America. Author: Brigitte Gabriel
"Because They Hate" is a brilliant memoir/account of the fanatical narrow minded hate that goes hand in hand with the desire for a Global Caliphate. An informative book by Brigette Gabriel, also a passionate speaker and proudly Lebanese
I have followed Arab history since WW1 and nowhere have I seen the hatred you speak of. Which is the reason I could never swallow Bush's ridiculous statement, "They hate us for our freedom". I knew immediately, if history is prologue, that the Arabs would have never done 9/11. Turns out, they didn't.
How do you explain the decades of grooming, rape and murder of young, poor, mainly white British girls, by mainly Pakistani Muslim men...
With some respect don't convolute the simple point I offer and for the record no one swallowed Bush's reasoning who was paying attention. Second, because they hate are not my words but the words of Palestinians globally who openly and without shame endlessly call for the destruction of Israel with every breath both before during and after Bush 911 calamity. Furthermore claiming nowhere have you seen this hatred is absurd and borders on irrational delusion or laughably ill informed.
....and we see over and over again - Palestinian leaders promising October 7th, 2023, over and over again. Quacks like a duck...
I need some examples of ill informed. T.E.Lawrence, perhaps because he spoke Arabic, was able to recruit the greatest fighters from Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Arabia to fight along side Gr Britain to defeat the Ottoman Turks on the promise they would be given independence. The Arab fighters were stabbed in the back, never given independence, and walked away. The hatred described came with the devision of Palestine when Israel started killing and stealing, and never lived in peace with their neighbors, sponsored by the very country who lied to them and stole their independence 30 years prior .
Since 9/11 and the death of Osama bin Laden in Dec.,2001, (that farce Obama pulled off was laughable) the massive relentless media campaign against Arabs was and still is greater than that today against Russia, China and Iran. Perhaps you put too much trust in the lying media.
Allegation: "openly and without shame endlessly call for the destruction of Israel with every breath"
Fact: Openly destroying Palestine.
Israel has every right to level Gaza. It’s called self-defense and justice.
This myth busting and the book by courageous Pappe needs to shared , the truth will prevail. Thank you
I have listened to IIan Pappe for a while now and wondered, in the past, how he managed to stay alive for so long speaking truth as he does. I don't wonder anymore.
None of what is going on in the Middle East would be possible without the false narrative known as the Holocaust. Sure, jews were killed during WW11, but that percentage was a pittance, a minuscule fraction compared to other nationalities killed.
All historians dealing in verifiable truth and not hearsay have come up with varying degrees of the same number of jewish deaths during WW11. The 1947 Jewish Census, published as they have always done, the world census figures of jews increased, not decreased after the war.
The 6 million accepted figure and criminalization for contesting that figure made law in most countries, speaks volumes to the necessity of promoting jewish victimhood at all costs. The real death toll of jews during WW11 ranges from 200,000 to 330,000 dead. Compare that figure to the REAL holocaust perpetrated by jews against 20 million Russian Christians in the same year as the Balfour Declaration, known as The Bolshevik Revolution. That death toll is swept under the carpet while 6 million is shouted from the rooftops.
Until this holocaust narrative is exposed for the fraud it is, no rational dialogue nor peace can ever be established in the M.E. or any other country for that matter. Our captured Congress by the Israeli lobby has brought our country to their knees, loyal only to Israel. I'm not OK with that.
I haven't seen this much bull shit in one place since O'Briben left the oval office!
For starters, let's take a look at your analogy.
"Imagine you're renting an apartment with your family, living there for generations. You have all your furniture there, your children's height marks on the walls, a garden you've cultivated, and deep relationships with your neighbors. One day, a group of people arrives with old property documents from centuries ago, claiming their ancestors once owned the building. They have the support of the building manager and gradually begin moving into different apartments, initially just a few units."
Miraculously you left out some critical facts...
Out of those apartments is being run a terrorist organization which plans and executes the murders of the innocent ethnically different people who live in the adjacent neighborhood. You've done this for so long that predictably the neighbors have incrementally increased their involvement in your affairs in an effort to stop you killing their people and finally after yet another unprovoked assault and murder of innocent men women and children have said enough is enough. You've been offered a two state solution on at least 3 occasions if you would simply stop trying to exterminate your ethnically different neighbor's, but you've refused. Many treaties have been signed land gained from conflicts you started have been returned to you for the simple promise that you will stop trying to exterminate your neighbors. You refuse.
For your lack of due diligence I won't be following your stack.
Eisenhower relieved Gen. Patton on duty in Germany because Patton could not/would not evict German citizens to the street and give their homes to returning jews, as was Eisenhower's edict. Before Patton could tell his story to the world be was shot. Thing is, he told his wife in a letter what he was forced to do and she in turn gave that letter to David Irving after Patton's assassination.
What followed was Eisenhower's mass starvation, in broad daylight, of German POW's. After an American soldier guarding the open air prison, showed mercy by sharing his food with these starved men, another edict went out from Eisenhower that all American soldiers would be shot for aiding his prisoners.
Eisenhower was one of the worst villains produced during WW11. Our government repaid him for his ghoulish genocide by giving him the presidency. Pardon me while I vomit.
That's quite a history story.
Well said Grumpy Steve
When did history begin for you, Grumpy?
Most "terrorist" acts are false flags committed by Israel. They have long form in that department. They are pretty good at telling lies about it, too.
Thank you for writing.
Ilan Pappe is a committed communist. Tends to be very economical with all the facts.
I have excerpted this form Discover the Networks.
"Pappe came under fire from fellow academics in 2000, when he publicly supported a thesis by Haifa University peace activist Theodore Katz which claimed that Israel had committed a massacre in the Palestinian village of Tantura during the 1948 war. No record of the incident had ever previously been noted by either Israeli or Palestinian historians. In December 2000, Katz was sued for libel by members of the Alexandroni Brigade, an Israel Defense Forces contingent that had fought in the war, and he eventually retracted his allegations regarding the massacre. Pappe, however, continues to defend the claim."
Face facts as they can be unpalatable-
Haifa University reviewed his thesis and found the same flaws. The University would not even accept Katz’ revised thesis.
He is connected to Max Blumental who is described as master in manipulation by a newspaper who hates Nentyahu and he is at his best when he smears anyone he doesn't agree with.
‘Tends to be economical with the facts.’ Hmm. The words ‘pot’ ‘kettle’ and ‘black’ spring to mind.
Thanks Sunface, interesting insights
"No record of the incident had ever previously been noted by either Israeli or Palestinian historians."
Wrong. The Israelis who did it admitted it and there's evidence.
"There's a Mass Palestinian Grave at a Popular Israeli Beach, Veterans Confess"
"The Israeli veterans of the 1948 battle at Tantura village finally come clean about the mass killing of Arabs that took place after the village's surrender"
Oh Please wake up Roberts
Haaretz is not what it claims to be, which despite being published in Israel is actually a mouthpiece for the Palestinian Authority and its network of affiliated organizations.
Next you will be quoting from the Qatari sponsored Al-Jazeera
How can you be so ignorant?
Happening this month alone at a pro-Palestinian rally in Australia, they chant ‘death to Australia’.
In Canada, they chant ‘death to Canada’.
In Germany, they chant ‘death to Germany’.
In the USA, they chant ‘death to America’.
Have you noticed a pattern?
Looks like hate to me.... once again - quacks like a duck
Yes. Hasbara swarm all internet pieces critical of Yizrael.
Try again haters. I am an American Christian who knows Jesus Christ is the One and only Son of God, who died and rose again on the third day, and now sits at the right hand of God.
And, do you believe, as a Christian, that the jews are God's chosen people?
Forget it, don't answer that.
So your name isn't Schlomo?
Thank you, your own words prove the ingrained hatred and why there will never be peace. If only it was surprising.
So it's not OK to hate people who murder others?
Even though the Thought Crime bill was passed by Bush in 2004, same bill that will imprison you in all of Europe for saying seig heil or disagreement of Jewish narratives, it has not been totally enforced, due no doubt to our free speech amendment. But there are many other ways to shut people up and our MSM is very vigilant. Unbekoming has my respect and gratitude for the courage he has shown on this website, lifting the veil of Jewish/Zionist dogma, lies and deception ever present in our society. Scratch any agency you want, every corporate CEO, anyone who has command over our health and well-being and you will find a tribal member. Prove me wrong, I'm all ears The inbred genocidal bent of these people cannot be overstated.
Israel gets "Greater" with every murder of the children.
Everything Israel claims is a myth
Pretty much.
You would say that to keep your Lizard type followers
Looking forward to Pappy’s next book regarding how selective historical interpretation (as described in the pull quote from your post below) is being applied to all ‘Native Title’ claims, applied to UNDRIP, all ‘Aboriginal Corporations’ ‘Pay the Rent’ movement, ‘Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer’ and many more lovely, sweet, just, moral and kindly land and sea-grabbing decolonisation by any means all over the face of the planet.
Oh wait, I forgot- ‘Ancestral Lands’ oppressor oppressed trope doesn’t apply to 1) Dem filthy Jooos ! 2) Dem Christians! 3) Dem white privileged !
Untermenschen, the lot of them.
PULL QUOTE: ‘The use of biblical archaeology intensified after 1967, when access to sites in the West Bank enabled a more aggressive program of connecting modern territorial expansion to ancient Jewish presence. However, this approach faced criticism from scholars who questioned the validity of using religious texts as historical documents and pointed out the selective nature of archaeological interpretation. The phenomenon represents a broader pattern of using selective historical interpretation to justify contemporary political goals, with archaeology serving as a bridge between religious claims and modern territorial ambitions.”
The goat pen is overcrowded. Don’t lead your Substack down there too.