This video has some valuable drone footage of what they have done to the people of Gaza.
Regardless of how you understand Oct 7, whether you think it was an organic or inorganic event, this is an entirely inappropriate State response to a territory and people you “manage.”
It’s only appropriate in the context of a clearing.
This Substack is called Lies are Unbekoming and there are certainly plenty of lies and myths when it comes to Israel and Zionism, but this Substack could just as easily have been called Health & Empire, and that is why I’m interested in the subject of Israel, not because it is topical but because it and its history is a gateway into understanding our Empire.
I think of Pappe the same way I think of Irving, as a vitally important truth to power historian.
With thanks to Ilan Pappe.
Ten Myths About Israel: Pappe, Ilan
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This deep dive is based on the book’s contents.
Discussion No.31:
20 Insights into the “Ten Myths About Israel”
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Imagine you're renting an apartment with your family, living there for generations. You have all your furniture there, your children's height marks on the walls, a garden you've cultivated, and deep relationships with your neighbors. One day, a group of people arrives with old property documents from centuries ago, claiming their ancestors once owned the building. They have the support of the building manager and gradually begin moving into different apartments, initially just a few units.
Over time, they take over more and more of the building, implementing new rules that restrict your family's movement between floors. They control the elevator, deciding when you can use it. They set up security checkpoints in hallways. Eventually, they force most of your family to leave the building entirely, keeping just a few relatives confined to small, crowded units in the basement, while telling everyone that the building was practically empty when they arrived and that your family voluntarily chose to leave after rejecting a "generous offer" to share the space.
When anyone questions this situation, they present carefully curated documents showing their historical claim to the property, while dismissing your family's more recent decades of continuous residence. They maintain that they're running the building democratically, even though your remaining family members can't participate in building council meetings or have equal access to the building's resources like water and electricity.
This analogy captures how Pappe's book deconstructs the myths used to justify the Israeli occupation of Palestine - the claims of ancient rights superseding recent continuous habitation, the narrative of voluntary Palestinian departure, the assertion of democratic rule despite systemic inequality, and the ongoing restriction of Palestinian rights and movement. Just as most people would question the justice of such a situation in their own apartment building, the book encourages readers to question the accepted narratives about Israel-Palestine and examine the historical record more critically.
This comparison helps illustrate how normal standards of property rights, residency rights, and basic fairness that we take for granted in our daily lives are often not applied when discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and how historical narratives can be shaped to justify present-day inequities.
Ten Myths about Israel
Myth 1: "Palestine Was an Empty Land" Reality: Palestine was a thriving society with approximately 500,000 people before Zionist settlement, with a rich agricultural economy and established urban centers. The population was 87% Muslim, 10% Christian, and 3% Jewish, all coexisting within the Ottoman Empire.
Myth 2: "The Jews Were a People Without a Land" Reality: The idea of Jewish return to Palestine was initially a Christian Protestant project, particularly British, rather than a Jewish one. Many Jewish communities were well-established in their respective countries and initially opposed Zionism.
Myth 3: "Zionism Is Judaism" Reality: There was significant Jewish opposition to Zionism, including from Reform Jews, Orthodox rabbis, and socialist Jewish organizations. Zionism was a modern political movement that used religious justification, not an inherent part of Judaism.
Myth 4: "Zionism Is Not Colonialism" Reality: Zionism functioned as a settler colonial movement, similar to European colonization elsewhere, employing what Pappe calls the "logic of elimination" (removing natives) and "logic of dehumanization" (viewing natives as inferior).
Myth 5: "The Palestinians Voluntarily Left Their Homeland in 1948" Reality: The Palestinian exodus was the result of a deliberate plan (Plan Dalet) involving forced expulsion, intimidation, and massacres. About 750,000 Palestinians were displaced and 531 villages were destroyed.
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Lies are Unbekoming
Myth 6: "The June 1967 War Was a War of No Choice" Reality: Israeli leaders had long planned to occupy the West Bank and Gaza Strip, viewing the 1967 crisis as an opportunity to complete territorial expansion not achieved in 1948.
Myth 7: "Israel Is the Only Democracy in the Middle East" Reality: Palestinians face systematic discrimination within Israel, while millions in occupied territories live under military law without basic democratic rights, creating a two-tier system based on ethnicity.
Myth 8: "The Oslo Peace Process Was a Genuine Attempt at Peace" Reality: The Oslo Accords allowed Israel to deepen its control through creating disconnected Palestinian enclaves while continuing settlement expansion, without leading to meaningful Palestinian independence.
Myth 9: "The Gaza Mythologies" (regarding Hamas and Israeli responses) Reality: Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza was a strategic redeployment rather than a peace gesture, transforming Gaza into a controlled enclave while maintaining power over borders, airspace, and resources.
Myth 10: "The Two-States Solution Is the Only Way Forward" Reality: Extensive Israeli settlement construction and infrastructure in the West Bank has made a viable two-state solution practically impossible, necessitating consideration of alternative solutions like a single democratic state.
These myths, according to Pappe, have served to justify ongoing occupation while preventing honest engagement with historical injustices. They form part of a larger narrative that has shaped international understanding of the conflict while obscuring its colonial nature and the systematic dispossession of Palestinians.
Understanding these myths and their deconstruction is crucial for comprehending both the historical development of the Israel-Palestine conflict and the current obstacles to its resolution. It's particularly relevant today as these same narratives continue to influence policy decisions and public discourse about the region.
12-point summary
1. The book challenges the foundational myth that Palestine was an empty, barren land before Zionist settlement. Historical records show that in the late Ottoman period (pre-1917), Palestine had a thriving society of approximately 500,000 people, with a rich agricultural economy, urban centers, and established trade networks. The population was predominantly Arab Muslim (87%), with Christian (10%) and Jewish (3%) minorities peacefully coexisting. This society was already developing its own national identity and modernizing within the Ottoman Empire before the arrival of Zionist settlers.
2. The book deconstructs the myth that Jews were "a people without a land" returning to their ancestral homeland. Pappe demonstrates that the idea of Jewish return to Palestine was initially a Christian Protestant project, particularly among British evangelicals in the 19th century, rather than a Jewish one. The book shows how figures like Lord Shaftesbury and British officials promoted this idea for both religious and imperial reasons, well before the emergence of political Zionism under Theodor Herzl in the 1890s.
3. Pappe challenges the equation of Zionism with Judaism, showing that many Jewish groups initially opposed Zionism. The Reform movement, Orthodox rabbis, and socialist Jewish organizations like the Bund viewed Zionism as contradicting Jewish religious teachings or threatening Jewish integration in their home countries. The book demonstrates how Zionism was a modern national movement that selectively used religious texts and symbols to justify its political goals, rather than being an inherent part of Judaism.
4. Pappe frames Zionism as a settler colonial movement similar to European colonization of the Americas, Australia, and South Africa, rather than a national liberation movement. He identifies two key colonial logics at work: the "logic of elimination" (removing the native population) and the "logic of dehumanization" (viewing natives as inferior). This framework helps explain the systematic dispossession of Palestinians and ongoing occupation practices.
5. The book thoroughly debunks the myth that Palestinians voluntarily left their homes in 1948. Using declassified documents and historical research, Pappe shows that the exodus was the result of a deliberate plan (Plan Dalet) involving forced expulsion, intimidation, and massacres. Approximately 750,000 Palestinians were displaced, 531 villages were destroyed, and eleven urban neighborhoods were emptied in what Palestinians call the Nakba (catastrophe).
6. Pappe challenges the Israeli narrative that the 1967 Six-Day War was defensive and unavoidable. He presents evidence that Israeli military and political leaders had long planned to occupy the West Bank and Gaza Strip, viewing the 1967 crisis as an opportunity to complete the territorial expansion not achieved in 1948. Pappe shows how this "war of no choice" narrative has been used to justify the ongoing occupation.
7. The book critiques Israel's claim to being "the only democracy in the Middle East" by examining its treatment of Palestinians. From 1948-1966, Palestinian citizens of Israel lived under military rule, and today face systematic discrimination in land ownership, resource allocation, and civil rights. In the occupied territories, millions of Palestinians live under military law without basic democratic rights, while Israeli settlers in the same areas enjoy full citizenship rights.
8. Pappe analyzes the Oslo Peace Process (1993-2000) as a diplomatic charade rather than a genuine peace initiative. He argues that rather than leading to Palestinian independence, Oslo allowed Israel to deepen its control through the creation of disconnected Palestinian enclaves while continuing settlement expansion. The failure of Camp David in 2000 is presented not as Palestinian rejectionism but as a response to an unviable proposal.
9. Regarding Gaza, Pappe challenges the narrative that Israel's 2005 "disengagement" was a peace gesture and that subsequent conflicts were purely defensive responses to Hamas. He presents evidence that the withdrawal was a strategic redeployment that transformed Gaza into an open-air prison, with Israel maintaining control over borders, airspace, and resources. The book characterizes Israel's military operations in Gaza as disproportionate and deliberately punitive.
10. Pappe argues that the two-state solution is no longer viable due to extensive Israeli settlement construction and infrastructure in the West Bank. He suggests that continuing to promote this "myth" prevents consideration of alternative solutions that might better address the rights and needs of both peoples, such as a single democratic state with equal rights for all.
11. The book provides extensive demographic and territorial statistics that illustrate the scale of Palestinian dispossession. For example, by 1948, Zionist organizations had purchased only 7% of Palestine's land but gained control of 78% through military conquest. Today, Palestinians are restricted to disconnected areas comprising less than 22% of historical Palestine, while facing ongoing settlement expansion and resource appropriation.
12. Throughout the book, Pappe emphasizes how these myths serve to justify and perpetuate the occupation while preventing honest engagement with historical injustices. He argues that acknowledging these historical truths is essential for any genuine peace process, suggesting that models of truth and reconciliation, similar to South Africa's post-apartheid process, might offer a way forward.
40 Questions & Answers
Question 1: How did Palestine's society and economy function prior to Zionist settlement in the late 19th century?
Palestine functioned as a vibrant and integrated part of the eastern Mediterranean world, with a population of approximately half a million people living in nearly 1,000 villages. The society was predominantly Muslim and rural, with urban elites speaking Arabic and smaller Jewish (2-5%) and Christian (10-15%) populations. The economy centered around agriculture and trade, with coastal networks of ports maintaining strong commerce connections with Europe while inland trade routes connected with nearby regions.
Palestinian society underwent significant modernization during the Ottoman period, particularly under energetic local rulers like Daher al-Umar who renovated and revitalized towns including Haifa, Shefamr, Tiberias, and Acre. The area demonstrated clear cultural and administrative cohesion, with its own dialect, customs, and growing sense of collective identity, especially as American missionaries introduced concepts of self-determination and nationalism in the early nineteenth century.
Question 2: What role did Christian Zionism play in supporting Jewish settlement in Palestine before the rise of political Zionism?
Christian Zionism, particularly among Protestants, actively promoted Jewish return to Palestine as part of their theological worldview long before political Zionism emerged. This stemmed from their belief that Jewish return to the Holy Land would herald the Second Coming of Christ and the resurrection of the dead. Key figures like Lord Shaftesbury in Britain combined religious fervor with imperial interests, establishing institutions like the Anglican bishopric in Jerusalem and appointing officials sympathetic to Jewish settlement.
The movement gained significant influence in both Britain and the United States, with figures like President John Adams expressing support for Jewish return to Judea. However, this Christian support often carried anti-Semitic undertones - the desire to remove Jews from Europe while fulfilling biblical prophecy. The German Temple Pietist movement took this further by actually settling in Palestine in the 1860s, establishing colonies that would later serve as models for Zionist settlements.
Question 3: How did Reform Judaism initially respond to Zionism, and why did their position evolve over time?
Reform Judaism initially took a strong stance against Zionism, viewing it as a threat to Jewish integration in their home countries. In both Germany and the United States, Reform leaders explicitly rejected the idea of Jews as a nation, declaring themselves "Germans of the Mosaic faith" or citizens of their respective countries who practiced Judaism as a religion. They removed prayers for return to Zion from their liturgy and argued that Judaism's mission was universal rather than tied to a specific territory.
This position shifted dramatically after the Holocaust and the creation of Israel in 1948. The majority of Reform Jews, particularly in the United States, eventually embraced Zionism and support for Israel, though this transformation wasn't complete until 1999 when the movement officially declared its allegiance to Zionism. However, some Reform Jews maintained their anti-Zionist stance, forming organizations like the American Council of Judaism to continue advocating for a separation between Judaism and nationalism.
Question 4: What was the significance of the Balfour Declaration in 1917 for both the Zionist movement and Palestinian Arabs?
The Balfour Declaration represented a crucial diplomatic victory for the Zionist movement, providing international legitimacy to their aspirations for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The declaration came after years of careful diplomatic work, particularly by Chaim Weizmann, and reflected a convergence of British imperial interests with Zionist goals. For the Zionist movement, it marked official recognition from the world's leading power and provided a foundation for future diplomatic efforts.
For Palestinian Arabs, the Declaration represented a profound betrayal, as Britain effectively promised their land to another people without their consultation or consent. The document treated the Palestinian majority as "non-Jewish communities," denying their national rights while affirming Jewish claims to the territory. This laid the groundwork for future conflict by establishing an international framework that privileged Jewish national rights over Palestinian self-determination, despite Palestinians forming the overwhelming majority of the population.
Question 5: How did the British Mandate administration affect relationships between Jewish settlers and Palestinian Arabs?
The British Mandate administration created a structural imbalance in Palestine by implementing the Balfour Declaration's promise to establish a Jewish national home while simultaneously claiming to protect the rights of the Palestinian Arab majority. This dual obligation proved impossible to reconcile, leading to increasingly strained relations between the communities. The British allowed Jewish immigration and land purchase while suppressing Palestinian resistance to these changes, effectively facilitating the growth of parallel societies rather than fostering integration.
The Mandate period saw the development of separate political, economic, and social institutions for Jews and Arabs, with the Jewish community building state-like structures under British protection while Palestinian development was constrained. British policies, particularly during the 1936-39 Arab Revolt, further polarized the communities through harsh suppression of Palestinian resistance while maintaining support for Jewish institutional development. This period established patterns of separation and conflict that would characterize future relations between the communities.
Question 6: What were the key differences between classical colonialism and settler colonialism in the context of Palestine?
Settler colonialism in Palestine differed from classical colonialism in three crucial aspects. First, settler colonies only initially depended on imperial power, often later separating from or opposing their original sponsors. Second, settler colonialism focused on taking over land rather than merely exploiting natural resources, as classical colonialism did. Third, settler colonialists sought not just to exploit but to create a new homeland, requiring the displacement or elimination of the indigenous population.
The Zionist movement exemplified these characteristics by initially utilizing British support but ultimately establishing independent power, focusing on land acquisition rather than resource extraction, and working to establish a new Jewish homeland through Palestinian displacement. This approach followed what scholar Patrick Wolfe termed the "logic of elimination" - the systematic removal of the native population - combined with a "logic of dehumanization" that justified such actions by viewing the indigenous people as inferior or illegitimate occupants of the land.
Question 7: How did the concept of "transfer" develop in Zionist thinking before 1948?
The concept of transfer - the removal of Palestinians from their land - emerged as a central component of Zionist strategic thinking in the 1930s. Leading Zionist figures like Berl Katznelson and David Ben-Gurion initially discussed transfer in public terms of "voluntary" relocation, but private discussions revealed a clear understanding that any large-scale transfer would require force. This thinking developed from the recognition that establishing a Jewish state would require addressing the "demographic problem" of the Palestinian majority.
The discussion of transfer became more explicit in Zionist leadership circles following the 1937 Peel Commission, which first proposed partition. Ben-Gurion saw the commission's suggestion of population transfer as legitimizing the concept internationally. While public statements maintained the fiction of voluntary transfer, internal discussions at Jewish Agency Executive meetings in 1938 focused on practical methods of implementing compulsory transfer, viewing it as essential to the creation of a viable Jewish state.
Question 8: What evidence challenges the narrative that Palestinians voluntarily left their homes in 1948?
Research based on declassified documents, particularly by historians accessing Israeli archives in the late 1980s, demonstrates that Palestinian exodus was primarily the result of direct expulsion, intimidation, and fear rather than voluntary departure. The implementation of Plan D (Plan Dalet) in March 1948 provided systematic guidelines for the removal of Palestinian populations, including the destruction of villages and forced expulsion of inhabitants. This plan was executed before the intervention of Arab armies, resulting in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.
The myth of voluntary departure was deliberately constructed after the fact. When the Israeli Foreign Ministry was pressured by the Kennedy administration in 1961 to explain the refugee crisis, research commissioned by the ministry actually confirmed that expulsions and fear were the primary causes of Palestinian flight. However, this conclusion was suppressed, and a different narrative claiming Arab leaders had called for evacuation was promoted instead, despite no evidence supporting this claim being found in the historical record.
Question 9: How did the military government system affect Palestinian citizens of Israel between 1948 and 1966?
The military government imposed on Palestinian citizens of Israel created a system of comprehensive control over every aspect of their lives. Based on British Mandatory emergency regulations, it gave military governors absolute authority over Palestinian areas, including powers to demolish homes, restrict movement, and imprison people without trial. This system effectively created an apartheid-like regime where Palestinian citizens faced severe restrictions on their basic rights while living under constant surveillance and control.
The impact of this system was particularly evident in incidents like the Kafr Qasim massacre of 1956, where 49 Palestinian citizens were killed by Israeli forces for violating a suddenly imposed curfew. The military government also facilitated land confiscation and restricted Palestinian economic development, creating patterns of discrimination that persisted even after the system was formally abolished. The period established structural inequalities between Jewish and Palestinian citizens that continue to influence Israeli society.
Question 10: What were the strategic considerations behind Israel's decision to go to war in 1967?
The decision to go to war in 1967 was influenced by more than just immediate security concerns. Since 1948, significant elements within Israel's military and political establishment had viewed the failure to occupy the West Bank during the War of Independence as a "fatal historical mistake." The crisis of May 1967 presented an opportunity to correct this perceived error and complete the territorial expansion that some leaders had long desired.
While Egypt's closure of the Straits of Tiran and the buildup of Arab forces provided the immediate context, Israeli military planners had been preparing for an opportunity to take the West Bank since the 1950s. The absence of diplomatic constraint from the UN secretary-general (unlike in similar crises in 1960) and the strategic window presented by Arab military unpreparedness influenced the decision to launch a pre-emptive strike. The rapid victory transformed Israel into a regional power but also created the ongoing challenge of controlling occupied territories with large Palestinian populations.
Question 11: How did the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip transform Israeli society after 1967?
The occupation fundamentally altered Israeli society by creating a new reality of military rule over millions of Palestinians. This transformed the Israeli military's role from primarily external defense to maintaining an extensive system of internal control, including checkpoints, administrative detention, and daily interaction with civilian populations. The occupation fostered the growth of the settlement movement, which not only changed Israel's demographic and geographic reality but also created powerful political constituencies committed to maintaining control over these territories.
The moral and psychological impact of occupation reverberated through Israeli society, creating deep divisions between those who saw it as a divine fulfillment of biblical promises and those who viewed it as a corruption of democratic and humanistic values. The economic dimensions of occupation, including access to cheap Palestinian labor and new markets, reshaped Israeli economic structures while creating dependencies that made disengagement increasingly difficult. This period marked Israel's transition from a state claiming to be purely defensive to one maintaining long-term control over another population.
Question 12: What role did biblical archaeology play in justifying Israeli territorial claims?
Biblical archaeology became a powerful tool for connecting modern Israeli territorial claims to ancient Jewish presence in the land. The field served a dual purpose: providing supposed scientific validation for biblical narratives while simultaneously establishing physical links between contemporary Jewish settlement and ancient Jewish kingdoms. This approach was particularly evident in the work of the Jewish National Fund, which used biblical archaeology to rename Palestinian villages after supposed ancient Jewish settlements, creating a narrative of historical continuity that bypassed centuries of Palestinian presence.
The use of biblical archaeology intensified after 1967, when access to sites in the West Bank enabled a more aggressive program of connecting modern territorial expansion to ancient Jewish presence. However, this approach faced criticism from scholars who questioned the validity of using religious texts as historical documents and pointed out the selective nature of archaeological interpretation. The phenomenon represents a broader pattern of using selective historical interpretation to justify contemporary political goals, with archaeology serving as a bridge between religious claims and modern territorial ambitions.
Question 13: How did the concept of Israeli democracy evolve in relation to its Palestinian citizens?
Israeli democracy developed as a system that prioritized Jewish demographic and political dominance while maintaining formal democratic structures. The contradiction between democratic principles and ethnic preference manifested in various policies, particularly in land ownership and resource allocation. Palestinian citizens, while granted voting rights, faced systematic discrimination in areas such as housing, employment, and government services. The legal system created multiple tiers of citizenship, with Jewish nationals enjoying privileges unavailable to Palestinian citizens.
This evolving system led scholars like Oren Yiftachel to characterize Israel as an "ethnocracy" rather than a democracy - a regime governing a mixed ethnic state with legal and formal preference for one ethnic group over others. The persistence of military rule over Palestinians in the occupied territories while maintaining democratic processes for Jewish citizens created a dual system that challenged traditional democratic principles. This duality became increasingly difficult to reconcile with Israel's claim to be "the only democracy in the Middle East."
Question 14: What factors led to the emergence of Hamas as a political force in Palestinian society?
Hamas emerged from a complex interplay of social, political, and historical factors. Initially growing out of the Muslim Brotherhood's charitable and educational work in Gaza, Hamas gained prominence during the First Intifada in 1987. Ironically, Israeli authorities had initially encouraged Islamic charitable organizations as a counterweight to secular Palestinian nationalism, particularly Fatah. The organization filled crucial social service gaps, providing education, healthcare, and welfare services that neither Israel as the occupying power nor the Palestinian Authority adequately addressed.
Hamas's political ascendance accelerated following the failure of the Oslo peace process and the perceived corruption of the Palestinian Authority. The organization's combination of resistance to occupation, social services, and religious legitimacy appealed to Palestinians disillusioned with secular nationalist approaches. Its victory in the 2006 elections reflected both popular frustration with Fatah's governance and the effectiveness of Hamas's grassroots organizational structure. The subsequent isolation of Gaza and international boycott of Hamas-led government further consolidated its control over the territory.
Question 15: How did the Oslo Accords affect Palestinian daily life in the occupied territories?
Contrary to expectations of improved conditions, the Oslo Accords actually complicated and often worsened Palestinian daily life. The division of the West Bank into Areas A, B, and C created a fragmented geography of control that severely restricted Palestinian movement and development. The establishment of the Palestinian Authority, while providing a facade of autonomy, essentially created a security subcontractor for Israel while failing to address fundamental issues of sovereignty, refugees, and territorial control.
The period following Oslo saw an acceleration of settlement construction and the implementation of a complex system of permits, checkpoints, and bypass roads that further fragmented Palestinian territory. Economic conditions deteriorated as Israeli control over borders, resources, and movement remained intact or intensified. The creation of "autonomous" Palestinian areas surrounded by Israeli control effectively transformed the occupation into a more sophisticated system of indirect rule while maintaining fundamental power imbalances. This led many Palestinians to view Oslo not as a step toward independence but as a mechanism for making the occupation more efficient and less costly for Israel.
Question 16: What were the real motivations behind Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza?
Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, often presented as a peace gesture, was primarily motivated by strategic considerations rather than reconciliation. Ariel Sharon's decision to evacuate settlements and military positions from Gaza was part of a larger strategy to consolidate control over the West Bank while reducing the demographic "burden" of governing Gaza's dense Palestinian population. The withdrawal allowed Israel to transform its control from direct occupation to external siege, maintaining control over Gaza's borders, airspace, and maritime access while avoiding responsibility for its internal governance.
The dramatic evacuation of settlers served multiple purposes: it created an impression of painful concessions for peace, divided the Palestinian territory politically and geographically between Gaza and the West Bank, and allowed Israel to claim it no longer occupied Gaza while maintaining effective control through siege and periodic military operations. The withdrawal also provided diplomatic cover for accelerated settlement expansion in the West Bank and helped deflect international pressure for more substantial territorial concessions.
Question 17: How has Israel's approach to Gaza evolved from 2005 to present?
Following the 2005 withdrawal, Israel's approach to Gaza evolved into a strategy of containment and periodic military intervention. The territory was effectively transformed into what many observers described as the world's largest open-air prison, with Israel controlling access to basic necessities including food, fuel, and construction materials. This strategy intensified after Hamas's 2006 election victory and subsequent takeover of Gaza, with Israel implementing what officials described as a policy of keeping Gaza's economy "on the brink of collapse."
The evolution of military operations against Gaza demonstrated increasingly destructive patterns, from Operation "First Rain" in 2006 through major assaults in 2008-09, 2012, and 2014. Each operation introduced new levels of force and collective punishment, while the ongoing siege created what the UN termed "de-development" - the systematic undermining of Gaza's economic and social infrastructure. This approach combined military deterrence with economic pressure, creating conditions that the UN predicted would make Gaza uninhabitable by 2020.
Question 18: What makes the two-state solution increasingly difficult to implement?
The viability of the two-state solution has been systematically undermined by the physical transformation of the West Bank through settlement construction, bypass roads, and the separation barrier. These "facts on the ground" have created a reality where Palestinian territory is too fragmented to form a coherent state. The expansion of Israeli settlements and infrastructure has created a maze of Palestinian enclaves that lack territorial contiguity, making traditional concepts of sovereignty impossible to implement.
The political dynamics within both Israeli and Palestinian societies have also evolved in ways that make a two-state solution increasingly unrealistic. The strengthening of the Israeli settler movement, the rightward shift in Israeli politics, and the geographic and political split between Gaza and the West Bank have created conditions where any proposed Palestinian state would lack basic requirements for viability. The continued emphasis on the two-state solution by international diplomacy, despite these realities, has become what many observers describe as a "zombie solution" - formally alive but practically dead.
Question 19: How has the settlement enterprise affected the possibility of Palestinian sovereignty?
The settlement enterprise has systematically undermined the territorial basis for Palestinian sovereignty through a combination of land confiscation, infrastructure development, and demographic transformation. Settlements were strategically placed to break up Palestinian territorial contiguity, creating isolated Palestinian population centers surrounded by Israeli-controlled areas. The associated infrastructure, including bypass roads and the separation barrier, has created a complex web of Israeli control that effectively prevents the emergence of a viable Palestinian state.
Beyond physical obstacles, settlements have created powerful political constituencies within Israeli society opposed to territorial compromise. The integration of settlements into Israel's economic, political, and social fabric has made their removal increasingly difficult to imagine, let alone implement. The settlement enterprise has also transformed the West Bank's resources and economy, with settlements controlling vital water resources and agricultural land while creating a captive Palestinian labor force. This has resulted in a system of economic dependency that further undermines prospects for Palestinian independence.
Question 20: What role has the United States played in peace negotiations since 1967?
The United States has maintained a dominant role in peace negotiations while consistently supporting Israeli positions and providing diplomatic cover for Israeli policies. While occasionally expressing criticism of settlement expansion or excessive force, American mediation has generally accepted Israeli security concerns as paramount while treating Palestinian rights as negotiable. This was particularly evident in the Oslo process, where the U.S. role as "honest broker" effectively meant pressuring Palestinians to accept Israeli terms while shielding Israel from international pressure.
The evolution of American involvement has been marked by increasing alignment with Israeli positions, particularly regarding permanent status issues like refugees and Jerusalem. U.S. financial and military support for Israel has continued unabated regardless of developments in the peace process, while economic assistance to Palestinians has been consistently tied to political conditions. This dynamic has contributed to a fundamental power imbalance in negotiations, with Palestinians facing pressure to accept increasingly limited offerings while Israel faces few consequences for expanding settlements or maintaining occupation.
Question 21: How has Israel's security barrier affected Palestinian communities?
The security barrier, often called the separation wall or apartheid wall by Palestinians, has fundamentally disrupted Palestinian social and economic life by cutting through communities, separating farmers from their agricultural lands, and dividing families. The wall's route, which often deviates significantly from the 1967 Green Line, effectively annexes substantial portions of Palestinian territory while creating isolated enclaves. In urban areas like Jerusalem, the barrier has separated neighborhoods from their city centers, forcing residents to navigate complex permit systems and checkpoints for daily activities like attending school or visiting family members.
The economic impact has been particularly severe, disrupting traditional market relationships and cutting off access to employment opportunities. Many Palestinian farmers have lost access to their agricultural lands caught between the barrier and the Green Line, creating a situation where they must obtain special permits to farm their own property. The International Court of Justice ruled in 2004 that the barrier's construction in occupied territory violated international law, but its construction continued, transforming both the physical landscape and the social fabric of Palestinian communities. The wall became a powerful symbol of the occupation's impact on daily life, creating what Palestinians describe as an "open-air prison" effect in many areas.
Question 22: What impact has the BDS movement had on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement emerged as a significant international response to the failure of traditional diplomatic efforts to address Palestinian rights. The movement has succeeded in shifting the discourse around Israel-Palestine, particularly in academic and cultural spheres, by highlighting the structural nature of Israeli control over Palestinians and drawing parallels with other historical struggles against colonialism and apartheid. This has created new pressure points outside traditional diplomatic channels, particularly affecting Israeli academic institutions and companies operating in settlements.
The movement's impact has been more notable in raising awareness and creating moral pressure than in achieving immediate policy changes. Its success in getting some companies and pension funds to divest from Israeli operations has created concern within Israeli policy circles about potential long-term economic impacts. However, its greatest achievement may be in reframing the conflict from a territorial dispute to a rights-based struggle, particularly among younger generations in Western countries. This shift has challenged Israel's traditional narrative and created new forms of solidarity with Palestinian rights.
Question 23: How has water access been used as a tool of control in the occupied territories?
Water access represents one of the most fundamental aspects of Israel's control over Palestinian territories, with the occupation regime maintaining authority over both water sources and distribution infrastructure. Israeli settlements receive abundant water supplies while neighboring Palestinian communities face severe restrictions and regular shortages. The disparity is particularly striking in the Jordan Valley, where Israeli agricultural settlements maintain intensive farming operations while Palestinian villages struggle to meet basic needs.
The water regime established after Oslo further institutionalized these inequalities by giving Israel veto power over Palestinian water development projects while maintaining discriminatory allocation quotas. Palestinians are prevented from drilling new wells or maintaining existing ones without permits that are rarely granted, while Israeli settlements have unrestricted access to water resources. This system has created a situation where Palestinians must often buy water from Israeli companies at inflated prices, water that was often extracted from beneath Palestinian land. The water crisis particularly affects Gaza, where over-pumping and seawater intrusion have made most groundwater undrinkable.
Question 24: What are the key differences between Hamas and Fatah in approach and ideology?
Hamas and Fatah represent fundamentally different approaches to Palestinian national liberation. Fatah, emerging from secular nationalist traditions, has historically advocated for a two-state solution and engaged in diplomatic negotiations while maintaining the right to armed resistance. The organization's evolution from revolutionary movement to governing body through the Oslo process has led to increasing focus on institution-building and international recognition, though this has come at the cost of growing disconnection from its popular base.
Hamas, rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood tradition, combines Islamic political thought with Palestinian nationalism, rejecting Oslo's framework while maintaining a more uncompromising position on historical Palestine. However, its governance in Gaza has led to practical adjustments in its approach, including offering long-term truces with Israel. While Fatah's leadership has become associated with corruption and cooperation with Israeli security forces, Hamas has maintained credibility among many Palestinians through its resistance stance and social service networks, despite international isolation and the devastating consequences of Israeli military responses.
Question 25: How has Jerusalem's demography been altered since 1967?
Jerusalem's demographic composition has been systematically altered through Israeli policies designed to maintain a Jewish majority while limiting Palestinian presence in the city. These policies include the expansion of Jerusalem's municipal boundaries to incorporate Jewish settlements while excluding Palestinian neighborhoods, the creation of a permit system that revokes Jerusalem residency rights from Palestinians who live outside the city for extended periods, and discriminatory building policies that make it nearly impossible for Palestinians to obtain construction permits while facilitating Jewish settlement construction.
The concept of "Greater Jerusalem" has been continuously expanded to include more Jewish settlements while simultaneously removing Palestinian neighborhoods through various administrative mechanisms. Palestinian neighborhoods have been physically isolated by the separation barrier, with some technically within Jerusalem's boundaries but cut off from the city by the wall. This has created a situation where many Jerusalem Palestinians live under constant threat of losing their residency rights while facing severe restrictions on housing, employment, and movement. The transformation of Jerusalem's demographics represents a microcosm of broader Israeli policies aimed at securing demographic dominance while limiting Palestinian presence and rights.
Question 26: What role have Palestinian citizens of Israel played in Israeli politics?
The position of Palestinian citizens within Israeli politics reflects the fundamental tensions in Israel's definition as both Jewish and democratic. While formally possessing voting rights, Palestinian citizens face systematic discrimination in political representation and influence. Their political parties have never been included in governing coalitions, effectively excluding 20% of the population from meaningful participation in national decision-making. Palestinian Knesset members often face hostility and attempts to disqualify them from running for office, particularly when they challenge Israel's Jewish character or military policies.
Despite these limitations, Palestinian citizens have maintained a presence in Israeli politics through parties that articulate Palestinian national rights while working within the Israeli system. This has created complex dynamics where Palestinian politicians must balance advocating for their community's rights while operating within a political system that fundamentally defines itself in opposition to Palestinian national aspirations. Their presence in the Knesset serves as a constant reminder of the contradictions between Israel's democratic pretensions and its ethnic character, while their limited influence highlights the structural barriers to full equality.
Question 27: How has Israeli military strategy evolved in dealing with Palestinian resistance?
Israeli military strategy has evolved from traditional counterinsurgency approaches to a more comprehensive system of control combining technological surveillance, intelligence gathering, and periodic shows of overwhelming force. The strategy increasingly emphasizes maintaining deterrence through disproportionate response to resistance, as seen in Gaza operations where civilian infrastructure is systematically targeted. This approach, sometimes called the "Dahiya doctrine" after its application in Lebanon, aims to create sufficient civilian suffering to discourage support for resistance movements.
The evolution of this strategy has included increasing reliance on remote warfare technologies, including drones and automated systems, while maintaining the capacity for large-scale ground operations. The military has developed sophisticated urban warfare techniques, particularly in Gaza, where civilian casualties are justified through an expansive definition of military targets. This approach has been complemented by the development of extensive intelligence networks and collaboration with Palestinian security forces in the West Bank, creating multiple layers of control that combine direct military force with more subtle forms of surveillance and containment.
Question 28: What impact did the First and Second Intifadas have on both societies?
The First Intifada (1987-1993) transformed the conflict by demonstrating Palestinian capacity for mass popular resistance while exposing the moral and practical costs of occupation to Israeli society. The largely unarmed character of the initial uprising, with its images of stone-throwing youth confronting armed soldiers, challenged Israel's traditional security narrative and contributed to the conditions that led to the Oslo process. The uprising also strengthened Palestinian civil society organizations and local leadership, though this was later undermined by the centralization of power under the Palestinian Authority.
The Second Intifada (2000-2005) had dramatically different characteristics and consequences. The militarization of the uprising, including suicide bombings targeting Israeli civilians, hardened Israeli public opinion and provided justification for increasingly aggressive military responses. The period saw the construction of the separation barrier, the reoccupation of Palestinian cities, and the effective end of the Oslo framework. The devastating impact on Palestinian society, including thousands of deaths and widespread destruction of infrastructure, was accompanied by the strengthening of Israeli security doctrines emphasizing separation and overwhelming force.
Question 29: How has international law been applied to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
International law has played a complex and often contradictory role in the conflict. While numerous UN resolutions and international court decisions have affirmed Palestinian rights and condemned Israeli practices, the lack of enforcement mechanisms has limited their practical impact. The International Court of Justice's 2004 advisory opinion on the illegality of the separation barrier represents a clear example: despite a comprehensive legal ruling against the barrier's route through occupied territory, construction continued with minimal international consequence.
The application of international humanitarian law to the occupied territories has been consistently challenged by Israel's claim that these territories are "disputed" rather than occupied, despite near-universal international legal consensus to the contrary. This has created a situation where violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention, particularly regarding settlement construction and population transfer, continue without effective international response. The limited jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and Israel's refusal to accept its authority have further restricted the role of international law in addressing systematic violations of Palestinian rights.
Question 30: What role have neighboring Arab states played in the conflict's development?
Neighboring Arab states have shifted from direct military confrontation with Israel to varying degrees of accommodation, while maintaining formal support for Palestinian rights. Egypt's 1979 peace treaty with Israel marked a crucial turning point, effectively removing the largest Arab military power from the conflict and setting a precedent for bilateral agreements that bypassed Palestinian concerns. Jordan's 1994 peace treaty further isolated the Palestinian cause, though both countries have maintained support for a two-state solution.
The role of Arab states has increasingly focused on diplomatic initiatives, such as the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, which offered comprehensive normalization with Israel in exchange for full withdrawal from occupied territories. However, recent developments, including the Abraham Accords, have demonstrated increasing Arab state willingness to normalize relations with Israel without progress on Palestinian rights. This has reflected both changing regional priorities and the diminishing centrality of the Palestinian cause to Arab state policies, though popular Arab support for Palestinian rights remains strong.
Question 31: How has the refugee question evolved since 1948?
The Palestinian refugee crisis began with the displacement of approximately half the Palestinian population during the 1948 war, creating a humanitarian emergency that transformed into a multi-generational political issue. The original refugee population of around 750,000 has grown to several million, with descendants maintaining refugee status and the claim to return to their ancestral homes. This situation has been perpetuated by Israel's absolute rejection of the right of return while simultaneously passing laws granting automatic citizenship to Jews from anywhere in the world, highlighting the fundamental asymmetry in approaches to population movement and rights.
The refugee question has been systematically marginalized in peace negotiations, particularly during the Oslo process, where it was relegated to "final status" issues that were never seriously addressed. Refugee camps, initially temporary shelters, have evolved into permanent urban neighborhoods while maintaining their formal refugee status. The situation has been complicated by subsequent waves of displacement, particularly in 1967, and the varying legal status of Palestinians in host countries. Jordan granted citizenship to many refugees, while Lebanon and Syria maintained policies that prevented integration, creating different categories of refugee experience. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has become a permanent institution, providing essential services while its very existence represents the failure to resolve the refugee crisis.
Question 32: What impact has settlement construction had on Palestinian agriculture?
Settlement construction has devastated Palestinian agriculture through a systematic process of land confiscation, water control, and access restrictions. Prime agricultural land has been taken for settlement construction, often targeting fertile valleys and water-rich areas. The impact extends beyond direct land loss - settlements are typically placed on hilltops surrounding Palestinian villages, controlling access to agricultural lands and water resources. Farmers often require special permits to access their own fields, particularly in areas near settlements or caught between the separation barrier and the Green Line, making regular cultivation impossible.
The agricultural crisis has been deepened by settler violence against Palestinian farmers, including the destruction of olive trees, a crucial economic and cultural resource. Settlers frequently prevent Palestinian farmers from accessing their lands during critical harvest periods, while Israeli authorities rarely intervene to protect Palestinian agricultural rights. The cumulative effect has been the transformation of many farming communities into dependent wage laborers, often working in the very settlements that displaced their agricultural activities. This represents not just an economic transformation but the destruction of traditional Palestinian rural society and its connection to the land.
Question 33: How has Israel's legal system treated Palestinians under occupation?
Israel maintains two parallel legal systems in the occupied territories: a civilian system for settlers and a military court system for Palestinians. This dual system exemplifies the discriminatory nature of the occupation, with Palestinians facing military trials with conviction rates above 99%, while settlers are tried in civilian courts with full legal protections. Military courts routinely use administrative detention, allowing indefinite imprisonment without charge or trial, while evidence is often kept secret from defendants and their lawyers under security pretexts.
The Israeli Supreme Court has played a complex role, occasionally ruling against specific government actions while generally legitimizing the broader framework of occupation. While the court sometimes orders minor adjustments to the route of the separation barrier or specific settlement outposts, it has consistently avoided challenging fundamental aspects of the occupation such as settlement construction or resource exploitation. This judicial approach has provided a veneer of legal oversight while facilitating the deepening of occupation through seemingly technical legal decisions that normalize the extraordinary legal regime imposed on Palestinians.
Question 34: What role has religion played in shaping both Israeli and Palestinian resistance?
Religion has functioned as both a mobilizing force and a source of legitimacy for both sides of the conflict. In Israel, religious nationalism, particularly through the settlement movement, has transformed what began as a largely secular colonial project into one increasingly justified through biblical claims. The fusion of religious and nationalist ideologies has created a powerful political force that views territorial expansion as divine mandate, making compromise more difficult. This religious-nationalist fusion has become increasingly dominant in Israeli politics, affecting military and settlement policies.
For Palestinians, religious expression of resistance emerged more prominently with the rise of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, offering an alternative to secular nationalist approaches that seemed to have failed. These movements have connected Palestinian rights to religious obligation while providing social services and resistance infrastructure. However, Palestinian resistance has maintained significant secular elements, with religious and nationalist themes often intertwining in complex ways. The religious dimension of the conflict has been particularly volatile in Jerusalem, where competing claims to holy sites have frequently sparked broader confrontations.
Question 35: How has the concept of security been used to justify occupation policies?
Security has become a catch-all justification for policies that extend far beyond legitimate self-defense needs, creating a system of control that affects every aspect of Palestinian life. The broad definition of security has been used to justify land confiscation, movement restrictions, and resource control, while emergency regulations from the British Mandate period continue to provide legal cover for various forms of collective punishment. This comprehensive security regime has transformed temporary military necessity into permanent civilian control mechanisms.
The security paradigm has been particularly effective in international discourse, where Israeli actions are often accepted uncritically when framed as security measures. This has allowed the continuing expansion of settlements, construction of the separation barrier deep inside Palestinian territory, and maintenance of the Gaza blockade to be presented as security necessities rather than political choices serving territorial expansion. The result has been the creation of a security state that prioritizes demographic control and territorial maximization while presenting these political goals as military necessities.
Question 36: What effect has the separation barrier had on Palestinian economic life?
The separation barrier has fragmented the Palestinian economy by disrupting traditional market relationships, separating workers from workplaces, and isolating communities from their economic hinterlands. Its route has particularly impacted Palestinian East Jerusalem, cutting it off from its natural economic connections with the West Bank while forcing residents through checkpoints to reach jobs, schools, or medical care. The barrier has created captive markets in isolated Palestinian areas, where basic goods must be purchased at inflated prices from Israeli suppliers due to restricted access to Palestinian commercial centers.
Agricultural communities have been especially hard hit, with the barrier separating farmers from their lands and breaking up agricultural units that had functioned for generations. The economic impact extends beyond direct losses, creating long-term structural changes in the Palestinian economy by forcing a shift from agriculture and independent business to dependency on wage labor, often in Israeli settlements or industrial zones. This economic transformation has been accompanied by the rise of a checkpoint economy, where Palestinians must pay various formal and informal costs simply to maintain basic economic activities.
Question 37: How have different Israeli governments approached peace negotiations?
While Israeli governments have varied in their rhetorical approach to peace negotiations, there has been remarkable consistency in policies that expand settlements and deepen control over Palestinian territories. Labor governments, traditionally seen as more dovish, initiated and expanded settlement construction while negotiating the Oslo Accords, while Likud governments maintained the same basic framework while being more openly skeptical of territorial compromise. This continuity reflects a broad consensus in Israeli politics regarding the maintenance of effective control over the occupied territories regardless of formal diplomatic positions.
The main variation has been in diplomatic strategy rather than fundamental policy. Labor-led governments generally preferred to maintain the appearance of negotiation while creating "facts on the ground," while Likud governments have been more openly dismissive of Palestinian rights and more explicit about permanent control intentions. This difference in style rather than substance has allowed the continued expansion of Israeli control while maintaining sufficient ambiguity about final status issues to avoid international pressure for genuine compromise. The result has been a series of negotiations that have served to manage rather than resolve the conflict.
Question 38: What role has land confiscation played in the conflict?
Land confiscation has been central to the Zionist project from its inception, evolving from pre-state purchase programs to systematic state appropriation after 1948. The process has used various legal mechanisms, from declaring land "state land" to expropriating "absentee property" from displaced Palestinians, creating a legal framework for transforming Palestinian property into Israeli state control. This process has been particularly intensive in the occupied territories, where military orders and expansive interpretation of Ottoman land law have facilitated the transfer of Palestinian land to settlement construction.
The cumulative effect has been the creation of a geography of control where Palestinian communities are increasingly confined to disconnected enclaves while Israeli settlements control strategic locations and key resources. Land confiscation has not only served territorial expansion but has systematically undermined Palestinian economic viability by targeting agricultural areas and water resources. The process continues through various mechanisms, including military training zones, nature reserves, and security buffer zones, all of which effectively transfer Palestinian land to Israeli control while maintaining a facade of legal procedure.
Question 39: How has Palestinian resistance evolved from 1948 to present?
Palestinian resistance has undergone several major transformations, from early guerrilla warfare through mass popular uprising to the current mix of diplomatic, popular, and armed resistance. The period following 1948 saw the emergence of fedayeen groups conducting cross-border operations, while the 1960s marked the rise of the PLO and Palestinian nationalist organizations operating from neighboring countries. The First Intifada represented a crucial shift toward mass popular resistance, demonstrating the potential of civil disobedience and unified national action.
The Oslo period temporarily redirected resistance into state-building efforts, but its failure led to the militarized Second Intifada and the subsequent rise of Hamas as a major resistance actor. Contemporary resistance has diversified to include international advocacy, boycott campaigns, and various forms of popular struggle against land confiscation and settlement expansion. This evolution reflects both changing international contexts and lessons learned from different phases of struggle, with increasing emphasis on international law and human rights frameworks while maintaining various forms of local resistance to occupation.
Question 40: What factors have contributed to the failure of various peace initiatives?
Peace initiatives have consistently failed due to fundamental structural imbalances in the negotiation process and the contradiction between diplomatic frameworks and reality on the ground. The basic framework of negotiations, treating the conflict as a dispute between equals rather than a colonial situation, has prevented meaningful discussion of underlying power dynamics and rights issues. International mediation, particularly U.S. involvement, has consistently privileged Israeli security concerns while treating Palestinian rights as negotiable, creating a process that could only produce Palestinian autonomy under Israeli control rather than genuine independence.
The continuation of settlement expansion and land confiscation during negotiations has demonstrated the futility of diplomatic processes that ignore power realities. The fragmentation of Palestinian territory and society through ongoing Israeli policies has made traditional diplomatic solutions increasingly unrealistic, while the strengthening of forces opposed to territorial compromise in Israeli society has further limited the possibility of meaningful negotiations. The result has been a series of failed initiatives that have served to manage and normalize occupation rather than resolve the fundamental issues of rights and sovereignty at the heart of the conflict.
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I am not enough of a historian to point out each of the defects in this book of propaganda, but there is one glaring out-and-out lie. Israel did not "manage" the people of Gaza when this latest war broke out as a result of an act of aggression by Hamas against Israeli civilians. In 2005, Israel decided that it had to leave Gaza and no longer "manage" it. The people were left to pick their own leaders and they picked the terrorist organization Hamas. Jews had lived in Gaza for hundreds of years (if not more) and the Israel government insisted that every Jew leave Gaza and even dug up all of the Jewish graves, which says much about the Israeli view of the Gazans. Muslim and Christian Arabs live side by side with Jews in Israel (and serve in the IDF and have positions in the Knesset) but the Israelis knew that Jews could not live side by side with the Gazans if the Gazans were managing the area. Please post a synopsis of a book that tells the Israeli side. I think your readers deserve to know both sides and frankly you have made me think that yours may be a substack I can eliminate as I have more than enough to read. But I will give you for now the benefit of the doubt and see what you publish going forward.
Thank you for having the courage to write this. People commenting negatively here are profoundly ignorant and do not know (or care) that everything Pappe says is based on primary documents--Israeli archives and diaries/memoirs of the people involved (both British and Israeli), including British archives. Pappe's claims in fact do not go far enough, since we now have DNA evidence that Palestinians are Canaanite--that is, their roots in Palestine go back just as far or further than the original Israelites. They were not just "renting" the property: in 1947-- they owned 85% of Palestine and Zionists owned just 7%. The remaining 8% was owned by absentee landlords from Lebanon. What Pappe says in this book has now been corroborated by a number of other historians, both Jew and Gentile. Despite the propaganda and mythical narratives that emanated from Israel for the rest of the world's consumption, the original Zionists knew that the Palestinians had just as much "claim" to the land as they did; David Ben Gurion even wrote a scholarly article about how the Palestinians were probably the descendants of Jews who remained on the land after the Romans threw Jews out of Jerusalem after 70 AD. And that could well be right, since we now have DNA evidence that they are original Canaanites. But the whole argument that Zionists have a right to the land because their ancestors lived there 3000 years ago is ridiculous for a number of reasons: 3000 years ago we all have so many ancestors--more than a billion--that we could all claim land virtually anywhere. I could claim land in at least ten countries, including Palestine. That does not mean I can go to one of them and violently throw a current occupant off their property. That's why we don't assign countries based on who your ancestors were in 1000 BC. But if we did, Palestinians would have just as much right to the country, if not more, than the Zionists. We also no longer assign countries based on "might makes right." After World War II, the countries of the world created international law to prevent that very thing. Unfortunately, Israel was created by immoral, violent and illegal action in the country, and blackmail and manipulation outside of it. If anyone does not want to believe Pappe, they can read Rosemarie Esber's book Under the Cover of War, also based on primary documents, or international law scholar John Quigley's The Legality of a Jewish State, which describes the process by which Israel was made "legal." Or hundreds of other books written by professional historians, political scientists and legal scholars.