I am staggered by your capacity to ingest all this information and produce a clear summary of a very complex range of subjects. This one post is very important and I hope will be picked up by many who find these topics very difficult to approach, such as myself. Thank you.
'''What is the purpose of a Nation State?' Well, one of its primary functions, surely, is to protect its citizens from outside forces, outside threats."
The most common such "outside threat" by far is the threat of attack by other nations. So, considered as a whole, the biggest threat to the subjects of all Nation States is the governments of Nation States. Right?
So the biggest threat to humanity, the biggest threat from which we could and should be protected, is governments. I think that a glance at history, and in particular at wars, proves the point.
And therefore, everyone should mistrust the creation of 'Standing Armies'. They are more an instrument of offence than defence. Further more, they often do not serve the needs of the citizens paying for them??
"...they often do not serve the needs of the citizens paying for them??"
Yes, the armies serve the purposes of the people who force the public to pay for them.
(I don't know if your question expresses your belief, but I am looking forward to posts in your Substack. I love good questions. Good questions are often even better than good answers.)
Very detailed and informative thank you. I was recently digging into the UK Farmcare (now Corporized and controlled.) farming industry where families no longer "own" their farms but are "Managers" under "contracts" because of the regulatory costs ... Farmcare taken over - Gates / Wellcome (Farrar) / GSK links where they supply Tesco and funnel the majority of their profits back into Big Pharma capital ventures.
There are so many of us and so many farmers, why do we leave each other in the cold? If we got together we could put a stop to this nonsense in short shrift.
Partly laziness; the chain stores are sooo convenient.
Farmers also share the blame: They generally fell for the 'false security' of Subsidies and Crop insurance. And, they have "Complied" with every Stupid Regulation the government threw at them? That is why giant Corporations have such an advantage. Corporations have legions of lawyers who speak the same language as the government, A twenty acre farmer has none.
I love that you see that. Yes I have for years called out farmers for capitulating to the latest jig from the pesticide companies and later the GMO companies. And of course the banks who put farmers into huge debt then the price of their products sank leaving farmers destitute. It's like people never learn. The money lure is just too much for them. I understand however we need an alternative to banker's money. I wish people would really look at this and know it's not that hard. Laziness happens too because there is so much red tape in every single little thing we have to do if we capitulate to dong things the orthodox way.
This is not easy. As humanity became denser and civilization more complex, then governments usurped the authority of Community.
I believe we need to divorce from this autonomous and distant authority. Local solutions may not be perfect, but they are less likely to be arbitrary.
We need to reaffirm our personal sovereignty and responsibilities. Governments won't surrender these powers, so we have to create parallel structures including barter, sharing, and local currencies.
That's exactly what we must do. Yes I feel that industry usurped the community by causing the people to outsource our needs away from the community. Needs beget community. We need to realize this and start bringing our needs back to community, start relying on each other in community. The nail in the coffin was when mothers left the home to "go to work". Mothers work around their families and that is what we need to foster again. And then we will heal ourselves.
"The belly of the Beast", when dollars and things got to be more important than nurturing? I don't say that as an accusation, just as a reflection of our society. Our kids would have been even more discontent without the 'extra stuff' that two incomes provided. School and TV being the babysitter.
I've been wanting to make a yellow hi-viz jacket with a triangle warning on the back - WARNING! Human Cull in Progress. Get a flash mob wearing them. Something.
I started to notice the strange workings of the nations prior to 2000, and have been watching the seemingly unconnected changes in money since then. Surely, many people have been aware that things were not making sense. Everyone can’t be surprised. I mean, think of the crazy political maneuvering, and the expensive, unproductive wars. Investing in things that don’t exist. Obvious lies presented as fact in scientific circles. Addictive behaviors and violence encouraged. Mandating insurance. Online banks with no government guarantees. So many things changing to unregulated forms.
You must have been watching to see what they were up to. Someone else saw it, right?
Definitely not me. When you are asleep and getting on with life, and kids and job etc...you are asleep I guess. Plus I didn't have an appropriately healthy distrust of industry and government. Like I said to a friend yesterday, how can a krill conceive of a whale. It's pretty damn hard.
Yeah, I guess I can see that. It still amazes me that so many people are content to let others do their thinking. It’s self defense to look at changes and wonder why
There is no doubt that 'Humans are mostly a herd animal', usually those who don't try to fit in are marginalized and shunned as (Deviant/insane?) The only time we question events is when we notice anomalies. I have been antisocial(?), and skeptical all my life. But still, bombarded with stories and often reacting accordingly. When Authorities conspire to send through a "Really big whopper" of a lie, it takes everyone time to process and sort facts. I got sucked in on 'Early Covid'???
Not only are humans a herd animal, they are also default to a hierarchical system. Communism proved that there will always be people at the top and people at the bottom.
Well it doesn't need to mean that it will always be hierarchical. Now that we have digital technology we can so easy bypass the middlemen of banks and governments and even courts. But people need to start asking how. It's really quite simple but if everyone just shrugs and accepts their lot, it certainly won't be them starting a new trend.
Sorry, I don't think we "Bypass the middleman". They might get a smaller share, but get it automatically so we don't notice. No part of an Authoritarian System is created for the benefit of ordinary people. The computers controlling the internet make the calculations and distribute both the money and the connected information??
The only way to "Cut out the middle man", is with face to face transactions. The internet is not ours!
It took nearly two months for my Wife to convince me that it was a monstrous plot? Till then, my calculations told me that Deaths were being 'Understated'?
I saw it over ten years ago. I really thought we'd be through it by now but no, it keeps on keeping on. The people don't seem to want to see it. But many of us do and we need to start talking to each other and brainstorming.
If we are to change anything I think it's that we listen to what others have to say and keep an open mind. It's ok to have opinions but only certain people tend to care to hear an opinion different to their own. We cannot get anywhere when the population is so mired in their own opinion that they cannot even listen to another. We ought to be curious too, to know what others think and if maybe their opinion may be a step up from our own. That's called learning and it's a lifelong activity.
There is so much meat here, the thread will run for weeks......D
My first observation: "Slavery" must be a "Sustainable system".
In spite of many laws and attempts to end slavery it has endured. Slavery has been a fact of life for more years than the Pyramids and even longer than 'Formal Religions'?
I think Slavery is the nexus between security and psychology.
Well...Look at the root of this article. I've read that Credit Card Debt in the US just exceeded $ One Trillion? And some cards now charge 0ver 30% interest?
Unless people fear 'debt slavery' less than lacking Social Relevance, then this is obviously voluntary.....?
Lindsay's twitter thread clarifies for me that yes, shares in NACs will be quite valuable for corporations to buy and hold in some way similar to scoring ESG points in order to play ball: to operate in western markets.
And so it is very frustrating to listen to erstwhile opponents oppose them by saying NACs take land out of production and therefore don't make money for investors. It is disingenuous to call it "a misallocation of capital" when it is a necessary allocation of capital. It is protection money. You don't pay, your store windows are broken and it's kind of hard to conduct business amidst shattered glass.
The ESG structure is in place and is operational, yes? The concept came under fire but survived. Nobody can be against it... until other markets form run by other bankers? Do we pray that America, and Davos, lose and lose big in their war against the common man?
Why say "The Biden administration invented companies that can't make money".
Zombie Companies are nothing new. The "Too big to fail" don't make money for anyone but the Executives and the political enablers. These are often untouchable monopolies joined at the hip with government. Not really Communism, but rather Fascism.
This is an excellent article, thank you so much... One that has slipped under the radar lately obfuscated by what seems entirely logical language of compassion is the idea of "Native Title"...
I agree with it in principle and emotionally, but empire is going to twist it...
No one can own native title, it will be administered by the UN...
No private property ownership... You are a renter for life...
This is not even fair for Aboriginal peoples of empire nations... USA, Australia, Canada will all be put under "native title"...
One step further, you can see it now, no more "nation" but many nations, of "original native nations", the maps have already been drawn up, and we are destroying "nations" via open borders in the US and Europe...
Excellent work has been done on this by Australian UN whistleblower Josephine Cashman... Check out the maps...
In Australia we have been trying to do two things, firstly, destroy the concept of Australia, by downplaying our flag, in many cases the Australian flag sits between the Torres Strait Islander native flag and the Aboriginal native flag ... I am not against the use of these flags, I love our first nations Aboriginal people, I am proud of them, admire their ability to live off the land as true humans did before agriculture, am horrified and disgusted by how they were treated by English invaders and respect their right to this land, which was taken. But by government attempts to push the narrative of blame onto current generations of Australia, to make a division in our relatively unified population by race is unjustified...
In some cases there is no Australian flag AT ALL... Local councils and a few others fly an Aboriginal flag and a Torres Strait Islander flag, which are flown either side of the LGBTQ+ flag... I can see that we are replacing the unifying idea of nationhood and Australia, with the idea of fractured society, based on race and sexualities...
The recent attempt at an Aboriginal "voice" to parliament was a dirty trick to get their hands on the Australian constitution, by using our majority sympathy to the horrors of English invasion and masquerading the voice as a way to give Aboriginal people more, when in fact it was the direct opposite... No details were given on this "voice" which would certainly be acting as a constitutional clause to override both Aboriginal and other Australians existing rights currently guaranteed under our constitution (eg make it mandatory to force you to have an mRNA injection to "keep first nations people safe" etc... any number of horrors could be introduced under that clause... Even the name of this third parliament "The Voice"... Very 1984... Big Brother sounding, you can't argue against a ruling because "The Voice has spoken"... Luckily any constitutional change must be voted for, thankfully the voice proposal lost. State governments however have enacted their own "voice", which may be used in a similar manner to circumvent the failure of the national voice and try and enforce UN goals. It was a dirty trick as it would further the UN goal of societal division, because any nasty oppressive mandates pushed onto citizens, would be via "The Voice" which would make our original people's, the Aboriginals scapegoats for the policy... They'd push the blame onto them, even though the policies disadvantage all. Sneaky.
Holidays are starting to be referred to by date, rather than name under councils and State government... Christmas is now December 25, ANZAC day is now called April 25, and not even marked on some government calenders, Easter is not referred to by name... This further destroys the traditions and notions of the previous Australia, by giving these holidays dates instead of names, those holidays can slowly slowly phased out... So the remaining population will work to the new UN culture that will be established. Further destroying the notion of Australia.
This leads me into my second point, perhaps more relevant to the US and Europe right now (which ties in with John Coleman's book "The Committee of 300") is the flooding of western countries with immigrants who have no idea if the pre existing culture, or pre existing rights under law... Not only will they be exploited when they get here by this lack of knowledge, they will be hoodwinked as voters, and not know to fight for the rights they have as citizens... In the instance of the case of the USA people who do not know what the constitution stands for, who will also do nothing to defend it, as they do not have the concept of liberty or justice, food and shelter is their main concern, open borders in the US is disturbing to see on the news here in Australia.
Getting back to your article, this native title, destruction of nations, dissolving of culture and unity, and exploitation of immigration sounds like Australia (and US, Canada etc) are acting as administrative states for the UN/WEF and not as upholders of sovereignty of borders of the citizen, enacting plans to dissolve pre existing rights for the new world order... Which opens up all countries for the new slavery and serfdom they've planned.
This is all based on a sick and twisted lie. The same scenario is playing out in Canada, where 115% of the land in the province of British Columbia is under various "Land Claims"???
Corporations are already signing deals with "Native" leaders (Often with little or no native ancestry)? Whereby, the Corporations are able to escape many of the government regulations and controls. These agreements are on a scale where no individual can even enter the bidding.
Further, the whole concept is a fraud because (By their own statements) Natives did not "Own" the land......?
Exactly, corporations get deals with shadowy first nations representatives, no money goes to the actual Aboriginals, Josephine even points out a few of the Aussie ones have Zero Aboriginal ancestry (their family trees do not show any Aboriginal heritage)... It's a game to disposess all... Australian Aboriginals have a world court advantage (something "the voice" would have taken away)... Previous cases in the World Court (UN set up court, to eventually punish us all, but currently processing some land rulings) around 1993 found that many Australian UN plans may fall flat due to the fact no treaty had ever been made with first nations people, this made it almost impossible to rule on anything as a treaty (aka the voice) was needed for the Australian government to make international decisions on behalf of "original owners" ... the Mabo decision changed some of this ability but the world court is yet to adjudicate (as it's a mess of recognition of tenancy, Aboriginal ownership, supposed "Terra Nullis", and various land claims)... I barely grasp the details or history of the case, but understand that Aboriginals can legally be the last hope for Australia due to no treaty ever existing. ... I'll provide the video link at end of comment...
Going to add this from an old post circulating about "The Voice" , which failed the vote here luckily... I suspect Canada and USA will be facing similar:
"The United Nations has given the Australian Government a mandate of ownership for ALL housing, property, farms and businesses countrywide that will come into effect once the Republic has been proclaimed. The only thing keeping Australia from becoming Republic is the fact that Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders are not currently included in the Constitution and are still deemed to be the original owners of the land. If Indigenous people are to be written up in the constitution, then this means Indigenous people have ceded their sovereignty and the United Nations OWN ALL Australian Land under Native Title meaning ALL Australians REGARDLESS OF COLOUR OR RACE lose their properties and houses under Native title and no longer are classed as owners - including businesses"...
I'm no expert of course but this video from 1993 starts to point out where this plan started (you only need to watch first six minutes, and I think you can see something similar has been going on in the USA preying on the population's ignorance)... Okay here is the video (mentions of the world court at 4:24)...
I suspect Canada has a similar system of parliament to Australia, and hopefully you have constitutional rights... The video shows many Aussies have no idea of our constitution, which may explain their capitulation to unreasonable vax mandates, although a few of us stood firm.
First six minutes explains a lot... and may apply in part to Canada if you're a similar set up to us?
I’m not sure if we have enough time left to accomplish all of the above. I believe our first and ongoing approach should be to develop methods to prevent them from killing us and making us sick. All we get from them (the “leadership”) are words, death and misery. Regarding planetary health - we are much worse off than fifty years ago. Develop solid framework for resistance to their madness.
This is a tad difficult to explain but I hope you'll stay with me. I believe there are two underlying features about life that the occult knows and that they keep secret from us and they are easy to do if we but knew of them. And they are these and they are intertwined sort of like two into one - what we speak we create, and we grow whatever we put our attention on. Now I think if we can master these two formulas, we would be on the road to immense growth, maybe even a leap forward. They threaten us with death and destruction but we have to realize we do the destruction, we fight their wars, we arrest our peers. If we were to concentrate on stopping them, we would essentially be giving them more attention and thus "growing" their agenda! Isn't this an amazing thing? They have kept this knowledge from us but once we have it, we level the playing field immensely. They still have the weapons though, however they need our attention. If we instead put our attention on what we want to grow, such as healthy communities, strong and wise individuals, or whatever we desire, the energy they need to fulfill their agenda would deflate just like a souffle in a cold room.
Denise, you've touched on some profound truths here. I don't think many get just how profound or how important. The so-called globalist 'elite' - EL meaning God, ITE meaning tribe - think of themselves as a tribe of gods. Most if not all are white and as elite, thus supreme, otherwise white supremacists. They are deep into occult worship and sorcery. Their entire Satanic agenda is visible once you see, but they're using many techniques, some of which were adopted in New Age thinking and practice. Such as the Law of Attraction, the principle of resonant energies manifesting, as you write here. To win this war, which I feel it is, we have to use the same energies, the same frequencies, to jam them, if you will. And then to use higher frequencies to create a new reality. In my view, they exist in a low frequency in tremendous fear of death, hence their obsession with immortality. To speak and act in a higher vibration, to build community in that frequency in a truly practical manner is our way forward.
OMGosh, you hit some high octaves yourself! Like we can use the same techniques to jam them. And also our pure frequency to create another world. Yes they are obsessed with death and dying and I think I have figured out why. Now this is going to take a huge leap in our thinking so buckle up - I believe that their frequency is so warped with envy of us that it keeps them from accessing the energy that we have of purity of frequency or unconditional love. But I must define this properly, unconditional doesn't mean accepting everything, it means discernment and peer-to-peer (or in another word equality) Equality doesn't mean everyone the same, quite the opposite, it means diversity and value in our diversity and individuality. It means equality of voice, that each can speak their own expressions. That's what equality means for it to make sense. But of course they have usurped everything. It means that we do not coddle another's weakness lest our humanity will spiral into weakness, but have confidence in each other that even though we may falter, we can get ourselves up, we are capable and others are capable. Now that I've defined that, let me get to the juicy part. We humans have a special ability to live for as long as we choose. Yes! I truly believe this but we have to be in the balanced vibration. That means we have to have a proper balance of masculine and feminine. The masculine and feminine is like the ph or the electrical charge of the cells in the body. The body's electrical charge is determined by our emotions and our emotions are determined by our thoughts. Now once we can get this right, I believe we can reverse the destruction of the telemeres in our chromosomes. Our body responds to our thinking and emotions. The el-ite (great breakdown you gave of the meaning of that word) cannot access this function because they hate humanity (thus themselves). They make up for that deficiency by accumulating money. The way to stop them in their tracks is simple - stop killing of humans for all reasons. Now when it comes to self-defense, that still goes, it is our intention that matters to us, personally, as it taints our "soul" for expansion and keeps us down when we hold ill intent. So even in self-defense we must intend to stop them harming us but never to kill. However nothing is 100% and there will be the odd, very odd time that killing maybe necessary say for example if a vulnerable person will be harmed more by the predator being disabled. But like I say, this is a one in a trillion occurrence and we must keep our mind on the larger imperative. So for humans to advance we need to drop all weapons. The sooner this happens, the sooner we can "ascend" though we are not going up, we're expanding into archetypal territory and returning to what we were meant to be, with even more experience than we had originally.
Discernment is key. Our purpose is to take care of nature and so we were awarded unlimited choice (within the parameters of matter but matter is but a subset of frequency) We are not fulfilling our purpose therefore we cannot access our electrical charge.
First off I have got to applaud you for making your work free to anyone who cares to read it. Truly thank you as this is how information doesn't get to only another elite group who can afford to pay for information. Very important if we are to get out of our slavehood. As for sustainable development,, here's another thing we can do to change direction - reward those who keep a low pollution footprint. Forget about "climate change" that's too wishy washy. Pollution is the name of the game that we have to cut. Also we could have truly sustainable development if we used rapidly renewable resources such as bamboo and hemp. Hemp actually conditions soil, sequesters carbon into the soil, can be made into brick (hempcrete) that are biodegradable and cut heating/cooling energy by something like 70% as well as being "breathable" and healthy to live in for people with sensitivities. Hemp can be made into thousands of products. So why does the UN or any agencies touting "climate change" ever mention hemp, hmm? https://rumble.com/v2ey040-hemp-lets-just-go-straight-to-number-one.html
Sorry Denise.....Governments and Authoritarian bodies in general, Never use incentives.
Authority is always "Punitive" because the goal is never stated openly. Authority wants "Obedience". They could hardly care less about the Environment. That is just for public consumption. It is not possible to comply enough to ever satisfy a bully. They will always want something else.
By all means, "Keep a low pollution profile". But, do it for your own sake. The government would much rather punish you ("Sin Tax") you for using energy or polluting.
I fully agree You are absolutely right. I especially like what you said that It's impossible to comply enough to satisfy a bully. However what do we ACTUALLY need to do? Answer: get off government. And how do we do that? We bring everything back to local. I can't see this happening but one never knows - we could be creating a reward system for those who do keep a low pollution footprint. We should be rewarding people for doing the right thing not always just penalizing people. If we can start with little steps like this we could change the entire mindset. That's what government does - it keeps us in a negative mindset. But just like adults have to finally move out of mommy and daddy's home, we too need to grow up and find our interdependence with each other and get government out of the picture.
If everyone would stop voting "They" would have no mandate and would lose control. Voting is the biggest scam because it is giving your power away. Stop voting, Stop Consenting. Your consent is what they need.
Voting on people doesn't make sense. It is meaningless. The only time voting makes sense is to vote on proposals. A person has trillions of proposals inside themselves. If voting really meant anything, we wouldn't be allowed to do it.
My friend told me she uses AI for her work, and then of course fine tunes it. I worry for her ability to think, and for her bosses finding out, which will reveal itself eventually if someone notices or complains about the impersonal nature of the writing. It does kind of smell a certain way, to me. I was horrified, always am when it gets used. I try not to even search things now because the lists are certainly made that way. The internet has gotten less than useful, ie, useless and much much worse. Evil.
I read recently (sorry, no link) that students use ChatGPT to do their homework and teachers use it to mark their homework. Why not cut out the middle-people altogether? Oh, wait...
''This is a scale of evil possibly unprecedented in world history, with all its foundations in Marx's ramblings (Communism was always a new feudalism with the Social Gnostics—Soviets, stakeholders, whatever—on top, save the Lords and Ladies financing them).''
However, I would like to remind that there are many types of communism. Plato's Republic talks about communism, but it seems to me that there it was the guardians, the philosophers, who owned nothing, not the people. In Sparta there was aristocratic communism, the aristocracy of Sparta was communist, (Plato was inspired by Sparta, in fact). There was the communism of the first Christians: they shared everything, so they called themselves communists, I think it's written like that in the Acts of the Apostles. The communism of the Pythagoreans, who were a sect and a philosophical school. The communism of Thomas More's Utopia, made a saint by the church in 1930: Saint Thomas More. Communism theorized by Gracchus Babeuff, etc. The communism of the Paris Commune of 1870. Dismantled and suffocated in blood. But none of these forms of communism were decided from above, by an elite of billionaires who aim to own and control every living thing on earth, including our bodies. In fact, Plato, who often meditates on the concept of Justice through Socrates, clearly says that in the Republic it was the philosophers, the class in power, who should not own anything. And of course ...
If you read Engels' work, Condition of the Working
Class in England, (1845) (https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/condition-working-class-england.pdf), you will understand what the conditions of the working masses were in Europe Nineteenth century. Before workers organized themselves and started fighting for better conditions, working hours reduced from 12 hours a day and a wage that allowed them to live and not survive. Class struggle, Marx called it. Without class struggle we remain in prehistory, with the law of the strongest, he explains.
Against these bandit barons of Davos, however, we would need class struggle, the real one, at least to create a democracy from below. Call it socialism if you want...
Speaking of Marxism, the articles I link here were written by a Marxist. a true Marxist, and they are worth reading :
When you see it stripped back like this, it becomes so clear we are being overrun by criminals conducting globally organized crime. All the language and the acceptable fronts are just cover to hide the fact and make people comply.
I am staggered by your capacity to ingest all this information and produce a clear summary of a very complex range of subjects. This one post is very important and I hope will be picked up by many who find these topics very difficult to approach, such as myself. Thank you.
Me too.
'''What is the purpose of a Nation State?' Well, one of its primary functions, surely, is to protect its citizens from outside forces, outside threats."
The most common such "outside threat" by far is the threat of attack by other nations. So, considered as a whole, the biggest threat to the subjects of all Nation States is the governments of Nation States. Right?
So the biggest threat to humanity, the biggest threat from which we could and should be protected, is governments. I think that a glance at history, and in particular at wars, proves the point.
And therefore, everyone should mistrust the creation of 'Standing Armies'. They are more an instrument of offence than defence. Further more, they often do not serve the needs of the citizens paying for them??
Absolutely yes.
"...they often do not serve the needs of the citizens paying for them??"
Yes, the armies serve the purposes of the people who force the public to pay for them.
(I don't know if your question expresses your belief, but I am looking forward to posts in your Substack. I love good questions. Good questions are often even better than good answers.)
I set myself a task beyond my capabilities.....But, my entire life (and that of most others) has been 'asking questions'.
Very detailed and informative thank you. I was recently digging into the UK Farmcare (now Corporized and controlled.) farming industry where families no longer "own" their farms but are "Managers" under "contracts" because of the regulatory costs ... Farmcare taken over - Gates / Wellcome (Farrar) / GSK links where they supply Tesco and funnel the majority of their profits back into Big Pharma capital ventures.
There are so many of us and so many farmers, why do we leave each other in the cold? If we got together we could put a stop to this nonsense in short shrift.
"...why do we leave each other in the cold? "
Partly laziness; the chain stores are sooo convenient.
Farmers also share the blame: They generally fell for the 'false security' of Subsidies and Crop insurance. And, they have "Complied" with every Stupid Regulation the government threw at them? That is why giant Corporations have such an advantage. Corporations have legions of lawyers who speak the same language as the government, A twenty acre farmer has none.
I love that you see that. Yes I have for years called out farmers for capitulating to the latest jig from the pesticide companies and later the GMO companies. And of course the banks who put farmers into huge debt then the price of their products sank leaving farmers destitute. It's like people never learn. The money lure is just too much for them. I understand however we need an alternative to banker's money. I wish people would really look at this and know it's not that hard. Laziness happens too because there is so much red tape in every single little thing we have to do if we capitulate to dong things the orthodox way.
This is not easy. As humanity became denser and civilization more complex, then governments usurped the authority of Community.
I believe we need to divorce from this autonomous and distant authority. Local solutions may not be perfect, but they are less likely to be arbitrary.
We need to reaffirm our personal sovereignty and responsibilities. Governments won't surrender these powers, so we have to create parallel structures including barter, sharing, and local currencies.
That's exactly what we must do. Yes I feel that industry usurped the community by causing the people to outsource our needs away from the community. Needs beget community. We need to realize this and start bringing our needs back to community, start relying on each other in community. The nail in the coffin was when mothers left the home to "go to work". Mothers work around their families and that is what we need to foster again. And then we will heal ourselves.
Wow....There you go. "Two income families"...
"The belly of the Beast", when dollars and things got to be more important than nurturing? I don't say that as an accusation, just as a reflection of our society. Our kids would have been even more discontent without the 'extra stuff' that two incomes provided. School and TV being the babysitter.
What it’s always been about.
Power, control, culling. Because they want to take care of us. 🙄
???....And many humans ...'want to be taken care of'?
I've been wanting to make a yellow hi-viz jacket with a triangle warning on the back - WARNING! Human Cull in Progress. Get a flash mob wearing them. Something.
Did no one see any of this prior to 2020?
I started to notice the strange workings of the nations prior to 2000, and have been watching the seemingly unconnected changes in money since then. Surely, many people have been aware that things were not making sense. Everyone can’t be surprised. I mean, think of the crazy political maneuvering, and the expensive, unproductive wars. Investing in things that don’t exist. Obvious lies presented as fact in scientific circles. Addictive behaviors and violence encouraged. Mandating insurance. Online banks with no government guarantees. So many things changing to unregulated forms.
You must have been watching to see what they were up to. Someone else saw it, right?
Definitely not me. When you are asleep and getting on with life, and kids and job etc...you are asleep I guess. Plus I didn't have an appropriately healthy distrust of industry and government. Like I said to a friend yesterday, how can a krill conceive of a whale. It's pretty damn hard.
Yeah, I guess I can see that. It still amazes me that so many people are content to let others do their thinking. It’s self defense to look at changes and wonder why
Not really that easy Candy.
There is no doubt that 'Humans are mostly a herd animal', usually those who don't try to fit in are marginalized and shunned as (Deviant/insane?) The only time we question events is when we notice anomalies. I have been antisocial(?), and skeptical all my life. But still, bombarded with stories and often reacting accordingly. When Authorities conspire to send through a "Really big whopper" of a lie, it takes everyone time to process and sort facts. I got sucked in on 'Early Covid'???
Not only are humans a herd animal, they are also default to a hierarchical system. Communism proved that there will always be people at the top and people at the bottom.
Well it doesn't need to mean that it will always be hierarchical. Now that we have digital technology we can so easy bypass the middlemen of banks and governments and even courts. But people need to start asking how. It's really quite simple but if everyone just shrugs and accepts their lot, it certainly won't be them starting a new trend.
Sorry, I don't think we "Bypass the middleman". They might get a smaller share, but get it automatically so we don't notice. No part of an Authoritarian System is created for the benefit of ordinary people. The computers controlling the internet make the calculations and distribute both the money and the connected information??
The only way to "Cut out the middle man", is with face to face transactions. The internet is not ours!
I’m so sorry.
The changes they made were illogical, so I ignored everything they said. If they were lying about anything, they were probably lying about everything
It took nearly two months for my Wife to convince me that it was a monstrous plot? Till then, my calculations told me that Deaths were being 'Understated'?
I saw it over ten years ago. I really thought we'd be through it by now but no, it keeps on keeping on. The people don't seem to want to see it. But many of us do and we need to start talking to each other and brainstorming.
I pray for protection and try to talk to people about being careful what they believe. Few listen
If we are to change anything I think it's that we listen to what others have to say and keep an open mind. It's ok to have opinions but only certain people tend to care to hear an opinion different to their own. We cannot get anywhere when the population is so mired in their own opinion that they cannot even listen to another. We ought to be curious too, to know what others think and if maybe their opinion may be a step up from our own. That's called learning and it's a lifelong activity.
Wow. Good piece.
There is so much meat here, the thread will run for weeks......D
My first observation: "Slavery" must be a "Sustainable system".
In spite of many laws and attempts to end slavery it has endured. Slavery has been a fact of life for more years than the Pyramids and even longer than 'Formal Religions'?
I think Slavery is the nexus between security and psychology.
I will be dwelling on this line for a while..."Slavery is the nexus between Security and Psychology"
if I can articulate it better, you will hear it more?? I think they are different things.
Sustainable Slavery. That really got me.
Well...Look at the root of this article. I've read that Credit Card Debt in the US just exceeded $ One Trillion? And some cards now charge 0ver 30% interest?
Unless people fear 'debt slavery' less than lacking Social Relevance, then this is obviously voluntary.....?
Warning: For any readers who are "Investing".
There is absolutely No Investment that could ever equal the returns of "getting out of Debt". I would be happy to debate/prove my statement.
I have been watching all this VERY carefully the last three years. I agree. You covered it pretty good.
I became aware of NACs from our regional ag newspaper, the Capital Press (covers Oregon, Washington, Idaho). The Utah AG had an op-ed in the WSJ, https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-administration-invents-companies-that-cant-make-money-ad71f8f3?st=smfayt6w53o3edw&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
Lindsay's twitter thread clarifies for me that yes, shares in NACs will be quite valuable for corporations to buy and hold in some way similar to scoring ESG points in order to play ball: to operate in western markets.
And so it is very frustrating to listen to erstwhile opponents oppose them by saying NACs take land out of production and therefore don't make money for investors. It is disingenuous to call it "a misallocation of capital" when it is a necessary allocation of capital. It is protection money. You don't pay, your store windows are broken and it's kind of hard to conduct business amidst shattered glass.
The ESG structure is in place and is operational, yes? The concept came under fire but survived. Nobody can be against it... until other markets form run by other bankers? Do we pray that America, and Davos, lose and lose big in their war against the common man?
That's a great insight...capital allocation as "protection money".
Why say "The Biden administration invented companies that can't make money".
Zombie Companies are nothing new. The "Too big to fail" don't make money for anyone but the Executives and the political enablers. These are often untouchable monopolies joined at the hip with government. Not really Communism, but rather Fascism.
This is an excellent article, thank you so much... One that has slipped under the radar lately obfuscated by what seems entirely logical language of compassion is the idea of "Native Title"...
I agree with it in principle and emotionally, but empire is going to twist it...
No one can own native title, it will be administered by the UN...
No private property ownership... You are a renter for life...
This is not even fair for Aboriginal peoples of empire nations... USA, Australia, Canada will all be put under "native title"...
One step further, you can see it now, no more "nation" but many nations, of "original native nations", the maps have already been drawn up, and we are destroying "nations" via open borders in the US and Europe...
Excellent work has been done on this by Australian UN whistleblower Josephine Cashman... Check out the maps...
In Australia we have been trying to do two things, firstly, destroy the concept of Australia, by downplaying our flag, in many cases the Australian flag sits between the Torres Strait Islander native flag and the Aboriginal native flag ... I am not against the use of these flags, I love our first nations Aboriginal people, I am proud of them, admire their ability to live off the land as true humans did before agriculture, am horrified and disgusted by how they were treated by English invaders and respect their right to this land, which was taken. But by government attempts to push the narrative of blame onto current generations of Australia, to make a division in our relatively unified population by race is unjustified...
In some cases there is no Australian flag AT ALL... Local councils and a few others fly an Aboriginal flag and a Torres Strait Islander flag, which are flown either side of the LGBTQ+ flag... I can see that we are replacing the unifying idea of nationhood and Australia, with the idea of fractured society, based on race and sexualities...
The recent attempt at an Aboriginal "voice" to parliament was a dirty trick to get their hands on the Australian constitution, by using our majority sympathy to the horrors of English invasion and masquerading the voice as a way to give Aboriginal people more, when in fact it was the direct opposite... No details were given on this "voice" which would certainly be acting as a constitutional clause to override both Aboriginal and other Australians existing rights currently guaranteed under our constitution (eg make it mandatory to force you to have an mRNA injection to "keep first nations people safe" etc... any number of horrors could be introduced under that clause... Even the name of this third parliament "The Voice"... Very 1984... Big Brother sounding, you can't argue against a ruling because "The Voice has spoken"... Luckily any constitutional change must be voted for, thankfully the voice proposal lost. State governments however have enacted their own "voice", which may be used in a similar manner to circumvent the failure of the national voice and try and enforce UN goals. It was a dirty trick as it would further the UN goal of societal division, because any nasty oppressive mandates pushed onto citizens, would be via "The Voice" which would make our original people's, the Aboriginals scapegoats for the policy... They'd push the blame onto them, even though the policies disadvantage all. Sneaky.
Holidays are starting to be referred to by date, rather than name under councils and State government... Christmas is now December 25, ANZAC day is now called April 25, and not even marked on some government calenders, Easter is not referred to by name... This further destroys the traditions and notions of the previous Australia, by giving these holidays dates instead of names, those holidays can slowly slowly phased out... So the remaining population will work to the new UN culture that will be established. Further destroying the notion of Australia.
This leads me into my second point, perhaps more relevant to the US and Europe right now (which ties in with John Coleman's book "The Committee of 300") is the flooding of western countries with immigrants who have no idea if the pre existing culture, or pre existing rights under law... Not only will they be exploited when they get here by this lack of knowledge, they will be hoodwinked as voters, and not know to fight for the rights they have as citizens... In the instance of the case of the USA people who do not know what the constitution stands for, who will also do nothing to defend it, as they do not have the concept of liberty or justice, food and shelter is their main concern, open borders in the US is disturbing to see on the news here in Australia.
Getting back to your article, this native title, destruction of nations, dissolving of culture and unity, and exploitation of immigration sounds like Australia (and US, Canada etc) are acting as administrative states for the UN/WEF and not as upholders of sovereignty of borders of the citizen, enacting plans to dissolve pre existing rights for the new world order... Which opens up all countries for the new slavery and serfdom they've planned.
This is all based on a sick and twisted lie. The same scenario is playing out in Canada, where 115% of the land in the province of British Columbia is under various "Land Claims"???
Corporations are already signing deals with "Native" leaders (Often with little or no native ancestry)? Whereby, the Corporations are able to escape many of the government regulations and controls. These agreements are on a scale where no individual can even enter the bidding.
Further, the whole concept is a fraud because (By their own statements) Natives did not "Own" the land......?
Exactly, corporations get deals with shadowy first nations representatives, no money goes to the actual Aboriginals, Josephine even points out a few of the Aussie ones have Zero Aboriginal ancestry (their family trees do not show any Aboriginal heritage)... It's a game to disposess all... Australian Aboriginals have a world court advantage (something "the voice" would have taken away)... Previous cases in the World Court (UN set up court, to eventually punish us all, but currently processing some land rulings) around 1993 found that many Australian UN plans may fall flat due to the fact no treaty had ever been made with first nations people, this made it almost impossible to rule on anything as a treaty (aka the voice) was needed for the Australian government to make international decisions on behalf of "original owners" ... the Mabo decision changed some of this ability but the world court is yet to adjudicate (as it's a mess of recognition of tenancy, Aboriginal ownership, supposed "Terra Nullis", and various land claims)... I barely grasp the details or history of the case, but understand that Aboriginals can legally be the last hope for Australia due to no treaty ever existing. ... I'll provide the video link at end of comment...
Going to add this from an old post circulating about "The Voice" , which failed the vote here luckily... I suspect Canada and USA will be facing similar:
"The United Nations has given the Australian Government a mandate of ownership for ALL housing, property, farms and businesses countrywide that will come into effect once the Republic has been proclaimed. The only thing keeping Australia from becoming Republic is the fact that Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders are not currently included in the Constitution and are still deemed to be the original owners of the land. If Indigenous people are to be written up in the constitution, then this means Indigenous people have ceded their sovereignty and the United Nations OWN ALL Australian Land under Native Title meaning ALL Australians REGARDLESS OF COLOUR OR RACE lose their properties and houses under Native title and no longer are classed as owners - including businesses"...
I'm no expert of course but this video from 1993 starts to point out where this plan started (you only need to watch first six minutes, and I think you can see something similar has been going on in the USA preying on the population's ignorance)... Okay here is the video (mentions of the world court at 4:24)...
I suspect Canada has a similar system of parliament to Australia, and hopefully you have constitutional rights... The video shows many Aussies have no idea of our constitution, which may explain their capitulation to unreasonable vax mandates, although a few of us stood firm.
First six minutes explains a lot... and may apply in part to Canada if you're a similar set up to us?
Absolutely shuddering... Thanks for explaining and sharing links.
I’m not sure if we have enough time left to accomplish all of the above. I believe our first and ongoing approach should be to develop methods to prevent them from killing us and making us sick. All we get from them (the “leadership”) are words, death and misery. Regarding planetary health - we are much worse off than fifty years ago. Develop solid framework for resistance to their madness.
This is a tad difficult to explain but I hope you'll stay with me. I believe there are two underlying features about life that the occult knows and that they keep secret from us and they are easy to do if we but knew of them. And they are these and they are intertwined sort of like two into one - what we speak we create, and we grow whatever we put our attention on. Now I think if we can master these two formulas, we would be on the road to immense growth, maybe even a leap forward. They threaten us with death and destruction but we have to realize we do the destruction, we fight their wars, we arrest our peers. If we were to concentrate on stopping them, we would essentially be giving them more attention and thus "growing" their agenda! Isn't this an amazing thing? They have kept this knowledge from us but once we have it, we level the playing field immensely. They still have the weapons though, however they need our attention. If we instead put our attention on what we want to grow, such as healthy communities, strong and wise individuals, or whatever we desire, the energy they need to fulfill their agenda would deflate just like a souffle in a cold room.
Denise, you've touched on some profound truths here. I don't think many get just how profound or how important. The so-called globalist 'elite' - EL meaning God, ITE meaning tribe - think of themselves as a tribe of gods. Most if not all are white and as elite, thus supreme, otherwise white supremacists. They are deep into occult worship and sorcery. Their entire Satanic agenda is visible once you see, but they're using many techniques, some of which were adopted in New Age thinking and practice. Such as the Law of Attraction, the principle of resonant energies manifesting, as you write here. To win this war, which I feel it is, we have to use the same energies, the same frequencies, to jam them, if you will. And then to use higher frequencies to create a new reality. In my view, they exist in a low frequency in tremendous fear of death, hence their obsession with immortality. To speak and act in a higher vibration, to build community in that frequency in a truly practical manner is our way forward.
OMGosh, you hit some high octaves yourself! Like we can use the same techniques to jam them. And also our pure frequency to create another world. Yes they are obsessed with death and dying and I think I have figured out why. Now this is going to take a huge leap in our thinking so buckle up - I believe that their frequency is so warped with envy of us that it keeps them from accessing the energy that we have of purity of frequency or unconditional love. But I must define this properly, unconditional doesn't mean accepting everything, it means discernment and peer-to-peer (or in another word equality) Equality doesn't mean everyone the same, quite the opposite, it means diversity and value in our diversity and individuality. It means equality of voice, that each can speak their own expressions. That's what equality means for it to make sense. But of course they have usurped everything. It means that we do not coddle another's weakness lest our humanity will spiral into weakness, but have confidence in each other that even though we may falter, we can get ourselves up, we are capable and others are capable. Now that I've defined that, let me get to the juicy part. We humans have a special ability to live for as long as we choose. Yes! I truly believe this but we have to be in the balanced vibration. That means we have to have a proper balance of masculine and feminine. The masculine and feminine is like the ph or the electrical charge of the cells in the body. The body's electrical charge is determined by our emotions and our emotions are determined by our thoughts. Now once we can get this right, I believe we can reverse the destruction of the telemeres in our chromosomes. Our body responds to our thinking and emotions. The el-ite (great breakdown you gave of the meaning of that word) cannot access this function because they hate humanity (thus themselves). They make up for that deficiency by accumulating money. The way to stop them in their tracks is simple - stop killing of humans for all reasons. Now when it comes to self-defense, that still goes, it is our intention that matters to us, personally, as it taints our "soul" for expansion and keeps us down when we hold ill intent. So even in self-defense we must intend to stop them harming us but never to kill. However nothing is 100% and there will be the odd, very odd time that killing maybe necessary say for example if a vulnerable person will be harmed more by the predator being disabled. But like I say, this is a one in a trillion occurrence and we must keep our mind on the larger imperative. So for humans to advance we need to drop all weapons. The sooner this happens, the sooner we can "ascend" though we are not going up, we're expanding into archetypal territory and returning to what we were meant to be, with even more experience than we had originally.
Discernment is key. Our purpose is to take care of nature and so we were awarded unlimited choice (within the parameters of matter but matter is but a subset of frequency) We are not fulfilling our purpose therefore we cannot access our electrical charge.
"Every country (and the world) gets the government it deserves." Count Joseph de Maistre
"A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves" Edward R Murrow
The sheep will bleat ever more furiously, the stronger the smell of the slaughter grows, but bite they will not.
"To survive a nation of sheep ruled by wolves owned by pigs you must become a lion" Ian Brown
First off I have got to applaud you for making your work free to anyone who cares to read it. Truly thank you as this is how information doesn't get to only another elite group who can afford to pay for information. Very important if we are to get out of our slavehood. As for sustainable development,, here's another thing we can do to change direction - reward those who keep a low pollution footprint. Forget about "climate change" that's too wishy washy. Pollution is the name of the game that we have to cut. Also we could have truly sustainable development if we used rapidly renewable resources such as bamboo and hemp. Hemp actually conditions soil, sequesters carbon into the soil, can be made into brick (hempcrete) that are biodegradable and cut heating/cooling energy by something like 70% as well as being "breathable" and healthy to live in for people with sensitivities. Hemp can be made into thousands of products. So why does the UN or any agencies touting "climate change" ever mention hemp, hmm? https://rumble.com/v2ey040-hemp-lets-just-go-straight-to-number-one.html
Sorry Denise.....Governments and Authoritarian bodies in general, Never use incentives.
Authority is always "Punitive" because the goal is never stated openly. Authority wants "Obedience". They could hardly care less about the Environment. That is just for public consumption. It is not possible to comply enough to ever satisfy a bully. They will always want something else.
By all means, "Keep a low pollution profile". But, do it for your own sake. The government would much rather punish you ("Sin Tax") you for using energy or polluting.
I fully agree You are absolutely right. I especially like what you said that It's impossible to comply enough to satisfy a bully. However what do we ACTUALLY need to do? Answer: get off government. And how do we do that? We bring everything back to local. I can't see this happening but one never knows - we could be creating a reward system for those who do keep a low pollution footprint. We should be rewarding people for doing the right thing not always just penalizing people. If we can start with little steps like this we could change the entire mindset. That's what government does - it keeps us in a negative mindset. But just like adults have to finally move out of mommy and daddy's home, we too need to grow up and find our interdependence with each other and get government out of the picture.
Yes. The Nanny State Dependency creates a really unhealthy relationship for both parties!
It leads the Government to fear Independent Citizens more than anything else.
If everyone would stop voting "They" would have no mandate and would lose control. Voting is the biggest scam because it is giving your power away. Stop voting, Stop Consenting. Your consent is what they need.
Voting on people doesn't make sense. It is meaningless. The only time voting makes sense is to vote on proposals. A person has trillions of proposals inside themselves. If voting really meant anything, we wouldn't be allowed to do it.
LOL..Plagiarism...You have to give credit to George Carlin.
My friend told me she uses AI for her work, and then of course fine tunes it. I worry for her ability to think, and for her bosses finding out, which will reveal itself eventually if someone notices or complains about the impersonal nature of the writing. It does kind of smell a certain way, to me. I was horrified, always am when it gets used. I try not to even search things now because the lists are certainly made that way. The internet has gotten less than useful, ie, useless and much much worse. Evil.
I read recently (sorry, no link) that students use ChatGPT to do their homework and teachers use it to mark their homework. Why not cut out the middle-people altogether? Oh, wait...
''This is a scale of evil possibly unprecedented in world history, with all its foundations in Marx's ramblings (Communism was always a new feudalism with the Social Gnostics—Soviets, stakeholders, whatever—on top, save the Lords and Ladies financing them).''
However, I would like to remind that there are many types of communism. Plato's Republic talks about communism, but it seems to me that there it was the guardians, the philosophers, who owned nothing, not the people. In Sparta there was aristocratic communism, the aristocracy of Sparta was communist, (Plato was inspired by Sparta, in fact). There was the communism of the first Christians: they shared everything, so they called themselves communists, I think it's written like that in the Acts of the Apostles. The communism of the Pythagoreans, who were a sect and a philosophical school. The communism of Thomas More's Utopia, made a saint by the church in 1930: Saint Thomas More. Communism theorized by Gracchus Babeuff, etc. The communism of the Paris Commune of 1870. Dismantled and suffocated in blood. But none of these forms of communism were decided from above, by an elite of billionaires who aim to own and control every living thing on earth, including our bodies. In fact, Plato, who often meditates on the concept of Justice through Socrates, clearly says that in the Republic it was the philosophers, the class in power, who should not own anything. And of course ...
If you read Engels' work, Condition of the Working
Class in England, (1845) (https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/condition-working-class-england.pdf), you will understand what the conditions of the working masses were in Europe Nineteenth century. Before workers organized themselves and started fighting for better conditions, working hours reduced from 12 hours a day and a wage that allowed them to live and not survive. Class struggle, Marx called it. Without class struggle we remain in prehistory, with the law of the strongest, he explains.
Against these bandit barons of Davos, however, we would need class struggle, the real one, at least to create a democracy from below. Call it socialism if you want...
Speaking of Marxism, the articles I link here were written by a Marxist. a true Marxist, and they are worth reading :
When you see it stripped back like this, it becomes so clear we are being overrun by criminals conducting globally organized crime. All the language and the acceptable fronts are just cover to hide the fact and make people comply.