Here in my country there's quite popular method of fasting only on vegetables plus some fruit. One eat < 800 cal per day. You loose about 2 kg per week. Time of fasting is from 1 to 6 weeks max. I did it many times. It's super effective in reducing weight and mostly easy to do. It's called "Dąbrowska fasting" from the name of the doctor who popularize it.

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Permanent Weight Loss - Vitamin D then water-fast - July 2023


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Thank you. I am deficient in vitamin D and need to lose weight.

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Fasting, and not eating pink slime? Bill Gates isn't gonna like this. Appreciate that disclaimer after Q#2, my BS meter was starting to click away. I will, I promise, try to be more intuitive & understanding rather than "throwing the baby out with the bath water", as suggested. Point taken.

I read Sinclairs book ages ago, it stayed there in the back and never acted upon it till recent years. I have heard of dry fasting but never looked into it because eliminating beverages for water has had a great impact on my flexibility. When I fall off the wagon getting sick of water and drink iced tea, my Southern sweet tea, my knees let me know in no time, not a good idea, but it was nice while it lasted. My sister lives on my tea, so eliminating the temptation, not an option.

At this point in my life methinks better to stick with what has worked, a wet fast, rather than dry. It's kind of scary to me even though any excuse to go to Russia would be a good one for me. Have you ever had REAL vodka? Tastes like rocket fuel. Moonshine comes close. Don't light up after a swig. Maybe I will go to Russia and have a shot at a Russian bar. Chased by a quart of water.

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Going Carnivore will help Diabetes II as well. And make feel majestic. And dump weight if you are overweight. Avoid seed oils like the plague (industrial waste product originally made to lubricate machinery) and highly inflammatory. No one needs carbs, and sugar is not food. Animal fat is excellent for you and not unhealthy


"Saturated fat does not clog the arteries: coronary heart disease is a chronic inflammatory condition, the risk of which can be effectively reduced from healthy lifestyle intervention"

Victorian doctors prescribed beef (alone) and water for Diabetes. It worked


"The Arctic Explorer Who Pushed an All-Meat Diet"

Not to mention that going Carnivore seems to have stopped my wife's "terminal" bone cancer in its tracks. Now 3 years since she was told by her NHS consultant would be dead. Turned down chemo as it was so damaging first time round (Breast cancer, 2017). Go to YouTube and you will find many like her, including people with serious glioma living way beyond their "your going to die date"

ps. Carbs and fat make visceral fat. "Randle cycle". Body knows both are sources of energy, but when presented with both, does not know which to use so stores both as fat. I'm 6'5" and big-boned, so thought the 14 stone I had been for years a good weight. 6 weeks after going carnivore, I dropped 20lbs - visceral fat and water. 73, going on 50.

Fasting is very beneficial, but go carefully, especially women. And remember, none of us eat enough proper fat, especially women.

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Fasting should be ONLY drinking water, NO FOOD and total rest of the body.

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The whole plant based thing is not necessarily recent. I have also read it in older material. They just didn't call it plant based.

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Great book MS or Not. People are tired of being sick and wasting tons of money and dead ends to healing. The only part about the book that is problematic in s this idea that ticks increased due to climate. Ticks are a b.weapon. Cvd is a b.weapon. Do you really think these things just landed? They have been working on these for years. To keep is down.

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