I have no reason to deny Dr Levy's knowledge & experience or his conclusions other than my own personal experience. I got a slight tooth ache when I drank cold and saw a black pepper dot on my tooth and decided to see a dentist next door that my son worked at. I was 55. This dentist would not fill that tooth until I saw a periodontist because he said I had too much plaque. So, off I go, 1000's of dollars later, all plaque removed in 4 appointments and dozens of pain injections to my gums, back to this dentist, who literally buzzed that tooth for 5 seconds to eliminate a smaller than pin size decay, and put some clear gel on the tooth, and done.

Prior to this experience I had not seen a dentist since age 23. Of all my siblings I had the perfect teeth, white and straight since childhood. So what is plaque and why is it so dangerous that we see ads for mouthwash destroying dangerous plaque all the time? My theory, feel free to prove me wrong, is that this plaque made my teeth invulnerable to tooth decay. Only in the front of my teeth, where plaque was not, did I get a cavity.

After the $5000 periodontist visits, my teeth felt great, smooth and slick, clean as a whistle. At 60, five years later, it all started happening. A horror show of teeth cracking and falling out, one root canal after another, 3 implants, countless office visits, 1000's of dollars more.

One day my homeopath sat in the recliner next to me as he was having his monthly chelation treatment as well, and told a anecdote of his father (whose practice he inherited) to "never outlive your teeth". Evidently, his father believed his dentist as well and had lived long enough to regret it.

So, did my plaque act as an impermeable shield that protected my teeth or was it hiding a sinister decay lurking underneath that exposed itself as the horror that followed after it was removed? Since your body is designed to self-heal when damaged, why not would plaque be a protective mechanism your body employs to protect your teeth? My experience with dentists today has shown me that are on the same page as allopath doctors who destroy what is good while causing more damage than initially visited upon.

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I'm not sure whether it was a good idea, or not, to read this article. With umpteen root canals, and 5 implants, and unhealthy gums for many years (despite various attempts to remedy it - and I have a very healthy diet), I am amazed I'm still alive. Perhaps I'll drop dead of a heart-attack tomorrow. Who knows? But at least I'll be appreciating each day I live somewhat more than before reading this article. :)

{When I was a kid/teenager in the 1960s/70s, the old dentist (trained in the 1920/30s, and nearing retirement) would manage to find a tiny hole in a tooth with his little pick, and then drill out the tooth with some belt-driven skull-shaking apparatus and fill my now cavernous tooth with (poisonous) amalgum. I've had trouble with my teeth and gums ever since}. {... and trouble with memory - not sure if that's connected}.

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Your comment made me laugh out loud. As a child I had the same experience in the 60's. Holding onto the arms of the chair for dear life and praying. One day he said, "you don't need those eye teeth", and WHAM!!, this 300lb man leaned on top of me and ripped out 2 perfectly good teeth. I was 7. This was in June and by August those holes in my mouth closed up as it gave space for my too many teeth to perfectly move in to align. That turned out to be a success. When my wisdom teeth came in my whole mouth and head was in pain as there was no room for them. All 4 were removed when I was 23. The only 2 good outcomes I have ever had with a dentist.

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Thank you for recounting your experience too. I also had a 'too small' mouth, and had 7 teeth removed in one go, but that was under anaesthetic - when I was about 10 I guess. And then a further three a year or so after that as far as I remember. But I think I'm one up on my father who had dentures from the age of about 40 onwards. I reckon 6 years out and about in WW2 with little dentistry on the front, and the trauma-stress, probably was resposible for that.

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I'm convinced by this and other data which shows that root canals are terrible. However I'm at a loss for what one should do about it.

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Mine are my two front teeth. I'm not getting them pulled.

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After a nasty gum boil - first in decades - I discovered that both Oil of Frankincense and Oil of Myrrh, applied to said boil, knocked it out in no time at all. No need for antibiotics or whatever. Indeed, it seems that Frankincense has bene know to aid oral hygiene for a long time

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Two out of three wise men recommend these products to their patients who chew gum.

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You got it... 😉

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great 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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I started using HealThy Mouth essential oil drops with my toothpaste. It stops any tooth sensitivity immediately. I figure it is also protecting my root canals teeth from infection.

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X FloridaSharman2.0 @FLsharkman

X William Makis MD @MakisMD

Ivermectin & Fendbendazole for cancer cure

I have been accumulating all the mainstream science that backs this up, would be happy to share the pdf files.

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My wife is taking Fenbendazole; she fixed her "terminal" bone cancer by going Carnivore

- she's meant to have been dead for 3 years now, according to the NHS, who these days are more likely to kill than cure you.

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What kind of supplements can you take for inflammation of your gums? What causes this problem?

I use an electric toothbrush and floss. I need to use my waterpik. Thank YOU....

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Suppose someone who is not rich is stuck with a mouthful of rotten teeth.

What would you suggest? I believe that this is a terrible problem but I fail to see any viable solutions to this problem unless you have roughly a hundred thousand dollars to spare.

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in the summary i did not see advice on ho to treat CAP safely.

seems the interventions might have risks too

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Thank you.

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