For Curious Outlier, I have some insights now. About six months ago, right after I finished my book "The Chlorine Dioxide Miracle" and started promoting it, I came across an encyclopedia on chlorine dioxide. It seemed like the author had done extensive research as my three patents were mentioned in that encyclopedia. Later, when I set up my website, I included a link to this chlorine dioxide encyclopedia on my original site. I remember the author was a Canadian nurse, and I tried to reach out to them through the contact information on their website, but received no reply. Today, I'm fairly certain that Curious Outlier is the author of that chlorine dioxide encyclopedia. I want to express my gratitude here to Curious Outlier for the significant work they've done on chlorine dioxide.

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I say Amen to all of this. (Not a Christian though).

Using MMS for about ten years now almost daily as preventing desease. Never felt better.

Tip about the taste: I add Pear Juice to the water/mms solution to mask the taste. Works great. Pear juice has no vitamine C. I assume, any other juice that doesn't have Vit C will masl taste too.

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Thanks for this, Unbekoming as part of, I hope, your ongoing coverage of CD.

Curious Outlier, thank you for you generous, unflagging dedication to the Universal Antidote.

Your work is extremely important and I send all to your many resources with gratitude.

Keep up your great, good work for yourself and Humanity.

Get free, stay free.

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I am on day 5 of MMS protocol 1000 and have to say it has been very challenging. I started with the starter protocol. Day 2 on protocol 1000 had herxheimer reaction, and I've had extreme fatigue, weakness and bad headaches and have not been able to do what I normally do in a day. I had to drop down to 2 drops. I have not started today's protocol but will try the first few doses at 3 drops and see what happens. Yesterday I could not get dose 8 into me as my headache was so severe. Eating a slice of apple with the dose has helped but I'm concerned this may neutralize the dose. I've also switched over to putting the dose into capsules. I'm hoping the side effects will stop soon as I don't think I can keep it up for 21 days. Any feedback is appreciated. And curious outlier and unbekoming, thank you for all the useful information you provide.

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Jun 12Liked by Unbekoming

Be careful using the capsules. Close capsules completely and double check. If that capsule opens in the esophagus it will be unpleasant at best and cause a burn at worst due to the concentration. Had a friend that this happened to and she could not eat for several days. Concentrated oxidizers must be handlers with care. Hope that makes sense.

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Thank you for the tip- I appreciate it.

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Jun 12Liked by Unbekoming

Apple won't be a problem.

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Jun 12Liked by Unbekoming

Low and slow. Follow the 3 golden rules 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Can you also tell me what is the reason/science for 8 doses per day? I'm also struggling with the 10 hours without food and think that is partly the reason for the headaches and wondering if 5-6 daily doses for more than 21 days would have the same effect. Thank you as I appreciate your advice.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Make that thing work for you. You can do that dosing every 30 minutes and finish in half the time. Your body will reduce it in about 30 minutes and that is the reason for frequent and prolong dosing.

Always follow the three golden rules. If you're having headaches, then you need to reduce the number of drops in a dose by half.

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Ten hours without food is easy if you are only eating meat and seafood and some eggs. I’m a carnivore and eat a few pats of butter for dessert.

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I IF so I fast 16 hours daily. The issue is that I'm asleep for part of that time! So adding in 10 hours during the day without food or electrolyte hydration in the summer is not feasible with my active and ranch lifestyle. The shorter time frame mentioned is doable for me.

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I can see why people stop the protocol abruptly. Going back down to 2 drops seems to be better for me as of now. I am taking a dose of activated charcoal away from the protocol daily and will switch over to a zeolite product once it arrives.

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Wondering why switching to Zeolite? We are using bentonite clay because it’s supposed to also remove mold (in case that’s a problem.)

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Activated charcoal is good for detoxification via GI tract but cannot remove toxins bound in other tissues. Zeolite in that case would be preferable based on research I've done.

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Some people never have to go to the max amount. Always follow the 3 golden rules. 🙏🏻

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Oh okay, I thought I should drop down the dose but focus on getting back up to 3 drops. My anal, perfectionist type personality is not doing well with not being able to follow the protocol to a “T”😩

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Praying for you today to have wisdom and strength and that this protocol would be a great blessing to you if you are led to proceed with it. Herx reactions can be brutal.

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Thank you for your kind words and payers.

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What about switching to CDS protocols (gas version) instead of activated drops? Might be easier on you. I finally realized the difference and how to make it but I still use both.

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I was planning on buying the raw ingredients and making my own so that I could make the CDS. I wanted to start with the original protocol but can see why the CDS may be preferable. I started with the MMS bc it seemed relatively easy for a beginner. But yes, a switch to CDS may be in my future plans.

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Jun 12Liked by Unbekoming

I had many questions after the last article on this topic

This looks like a great addition and will check the links later


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Jun 12Liked by Unbekoming

Great interview and God bless you Curious Outlier for your valuable part in spreading the word about CD! Lies are unbekoming you are the bomb! I love to see that yellow avatar with your new articles in my inbox, amazing content! My only wish is to hear your voice instead of AI reading your articles but I understand. 🥰

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Outstanding. I've been on the fence as I was already using hydrogen peroxide. Will look at switching.

I noticed a brief mention of "animals and plants." Has anyone heard reports of using this therapy on dogs?

Love the 1 Timothy verse at the end!

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Jun 12Liked by Unbekoming

Many animal testimonials, and you can download a pet protocol here: https://t.me/theuniversalantidote/1483

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THANKS! I'm blocking out time on Friday to go through all this. MUCH appreciated!

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Just two months ago our Bijon Fris had terrible itchiness and rash. We treated him topically and orally with MMS for about a week. Not much happened for two weeks and we thought it didn't help. BUt in week three he came good and within a week all cleared up. It dramatically improved his energy too. He is 12, a senior, but looks and behave like a puppy again. Grat to see.

I pray plants that have desease and spots with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and this works well and is easier to keep than MMS

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Do you know where to buy or how to make?

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The free guidebook that can be found in the free course provides suppliers where you can purchase. I would strongly encourage you to take the free course before trying to use this substance. Free Course 🧑🏼‍🎓➡️ http://bit.ly/UniversalAntidoteCourse 🧑🏼‍🎓

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Thank you! Will do.

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On sale on Amazon. Once considered producing and selling chlorine dioxide in China due to its low cost there.

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Jun 21Liked by Unbekoming

A suggestion, if I may. Recently I have come across 40 years of research of anticancer properties of Deuteron Depleted Water in Hungary. I ordered relevant literature in English from here https://preventa.hu/en/category/other-products/ I read all the papers authored by the inventor and I found out that drinking DDW results in ... surprise surprise having less deuterium in one's body, which, and this is something, is also a result of reaching ketosis! What surprised me is that after drinking that water for a week and taking MBZ+IVM I measured my GKI, which turned out to be 0.5. I am on a rainbow diet and gave up on ever reaching ketosis i.e. GKI<2 long ago even when trying ketogenic diet. It seems that DDW could be of great help for people following the treatment of cancer using a metabolic therapy. DD results in the change of zeta potential and impacts Na/H exchange between the cell and its environment, but I haven't quite put it all together yet. I reached out to the lead researcher, but he is all into the mainstream oncology and says that DDW does not work with antioxidants though he cannot explain why it is the case. And most alternative approaches are based on antioxidants except for short kill phases. Anyway, it sounds like a good topic for this substack, if I may.

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I have an interview coming soon about deuterium, so stay tuned.

Plus you might enjoy this if you haven't seen it already.


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Researchers with 40 years of experience of successfully using DDW to extend patients' survival observed that high among of antioxidants worsens the survival of such patients on DDW. The researcher do not know what is the mechanism behind it and most metabolic oriented treatments plans, like that promoted by Cancer Active rely on herbs, most of which are also antoxidants. I am trying to figure out how to have both elements work together. After rereading your interview with Stephane Seneff, I am even most convinced that using these together makes sense but perhaps lowering D levels less down to 100 pp from 150 will do. This is likely the level of people in ketosis. So could you possibly ask your Deuteron interviewer why antioxidans hamper DDW benefits in cancer patients?

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Jun 12Liked by Unbekoming

Wondering if the Curious Outlier would offer opinion on consumption of fish and salt while taking CDS causing any diminishing effect? Love all your work!

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Jun 12Liked by Unbekoming

That is not be a problem as long with the understanding that you would finish the protocol or part of the protocol 30 minutes prior to eating and you would want to wait approximately one hour after eating. That's pretty much the same for most foods. Some examples of high antioxidant foods that you would want to be more cautious with would be concentrated berries like blueberries and high antioxidant drinks like coffee and orange juice.

Here is a link to a really good summary.


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One last question. Does CDS eliminate c diff either via enema or ingesting. Thank you

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I have a concern regarding question 10. It is written there that CLO2 must not by administered with potent antioxidants like glutathione or IV C. But IV C, in high doses, is prooxidative. In small oral doses C is an antioxidant. To me chlorine dioxide and IV C should synergize when used together.

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One thing I just looked at was water bear eggs . Search them out before it’s gone.

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2 questions:

Can this be used orally if you have silver dental amalgams?

Can this help with gout?

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Those are two different things, the CDS protocol is not making mms with raw ingredients, it’s using MMS to make the gas form in a “double boiler”. You activate 5ml of each drop in a small glass jar and put it in a larger jar with 250ml of water so that the activated drops penetrate the water through the gas not mixing the water with the drops. I’ll find a video of Andreas Kalcker demonstrating. This community has to find a way to get these two ways to be understood better. I’ve had the drops for a few years before I realized the difference. MMS is not chlorine dioxide “solution” (CDS), of course it’s all made with chlorine dioxide (CD). I hope that makes sense. I’m no expert so I might need some correction but this is the way I understand it.

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One method involves mixing sodium chlorite and acid to produce chlorine dioxide along with various by-products, while another method entails evaporating chlorine dioxide and absorbing it back into purified water to obtain a solution of pure chlorine dioxide.

On my website, I teach how to prepare chlorine dioxide, with a very low cost. Visit https://clo2miracle.com/

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