Dr Robert Yoho helped with connecting me with Curious Outlier. Thank you Robert!
I have come to accept the reality of Chlorine Dioxide.
It works, it helps, it’s important, it’s lied about.
It is, without a doubt, one of the most important tools we have for Self-Care.
Cartel Medicine absolutely hates it, and hates anyone promoting it, and educating the public about it.
Curious Outlier is just such a person, having created both a magnificent documentary and course on the subject. All freely available.
I’m grateful at the opportunity to create and present this interview and further amplify this most important work.
With thanks and gratitude to Curious Outlier.
1. Can you please tell us a bit about your background and journey that led you to become passionate about educating others on alternative health solutions like chlorine dioxide?
(This is a summary of my background with chlorine dioxide from my documentary)
The Universal Antidote – The Science and Story of Chlorine Dioxide
In 2015, while helping my mom fight cancer, I stumbled upon information about an alleged "miracle supplement" called mms or miracle mineral solution. I was promptly scared away from MMS after watching a documentary on YouTube called "The Church of Bleach."
It was not until 3 years later, in early 2018, that my eyes would be opened to the truth of what this miracle mineral supplement was all about.
In early 2016, a friend came to visit my family. While visiting, she told us about a missionary she knew who had spent over a decade in Africa evangelizing and helping people with all kinds of health problems. She gave me his number and said I should give him a call and talk to him about his experiences. I gave him a call and spent about 20 minutes on the phone with him. I didn't get much out of the conversation at the time because I didn't know much about the topics and alternative remedies that he was talking about.
He told me about his use of what he called MMS, its amazing effectiveness, and how he was helping people cure diseases in some of the poorest regions of Africa. It did not dawn on me that what I had stumbled upon in 2015 and what the Missionary was talking about was the same substance.
About a year and a half later in 2018, I ran across a video titled Quantum Leap. This video was a documentary that included interviews with people who had been cured of both minor and serious diseases using MMS.
After spending 25 years in the health care field as a nurse, I was very skeptical and I found it incredibly difficult to believe that so many people had been cured by a single substance. However, as I watched, my mind raced back to the conversation with the missionary and the pieces began to fall together.
I called my friend back and got the missionary's phone number again. He and I again talked on the phone for about 30 minutes. The stories of cured diseases were very similar to the stories that were related in the quantum leap video. That conversation set me on a two-year journey to discover the truth of chlorine dioxide for myself and that lead to my producing The Universal Antidote Documentary.
2. What motivated you to write this book and course on chlorine dioxide and share this information freely?
As a follower of Jesus, I take Jesus's commission and commands seriously. In one passage of the Bible, Jesus is recorded saying "...Freely you have received, freely give. (Matthew 10:8b)" I was convinced by the Holy Spirit to do all of this work for free to reflect the character and nature of our Creator and provide a reflection of God's love, mercy, and grace to anyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see." The media and world have often provided a distorted image of who God is, and I hope that, through my actions as a follower of Jesus, some of that can be corrected.
Just as I have given the documentary, guidebook and course for free, God also provides the free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, to all who will turn away from their sin and put their trust in the sin forgiving work of Christ that occurred when he was crucified, died, and buried. When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, he conquered sin and death and promises the free gift of eternal life to all who have put their faith in Him.
In a similar way if anyone will take this free information and apply it, they can receive the amazing benefits that come from using this remarkable substance. It takes just willingness to listen and learn and then apply what they have learned.
3. For readers new to the concept, can you briefly explain what chlorine dioxide is and how it functions in the body?
Many of these questions are answered in much more detail in the documentary that is linked in the first question.
Chlorine Dioxide is a very simple and tiny molecule made up of one chlorine atom and two oxygen molecules. It is extremely soluble in water and does not create chemical bonds. This means that the gas can be dissolved entirely in water and maintain its structure. Because of this property it can be used to safely and effectively purify the water in the body while completely deactivating viruses, bacteria, fungi, and some types of small parasites. It even neutralizes many toxins, pesticides, herbicides, and pharmaceuticals that contaminate drinking water. As an added bonus, It can do all of that without producing any harmful organic compounds as occurs with nearly all other disinfectants.
Chlorine Dioxide functions in the body as a reactive, oxygen species, much like oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, or hypochlorous acid with the exception that it does not produce chlorinating compounds.
It acts through processes of oxidation and mitochondrial hormesis. There may be other mechanisms of action regarding its effects on disease, but these have not been studied in humans.
4. What would you say are the key differences between chlorine dioxide solutions like MMS1 and CDS in terms of their effects and best use cases?
MMS1 (acidified sodium chlorite) has residual MMS (sodium chlorite) and some acid activator. When MMS (sodium chlorite) is activated for 30 seconds, only 10% of the maximum possible CLO2 gas is released. Stomach acid may further activate residual MMS. This does allow for a longer beneficial effect in the body as chlorine dioxide is produced.
CDS is chlorine dioxide gas that has been saturated in a liquid. In other words, CDS is only CLO2 gas in water. It is nothing but water and chlorine dioxide after the gas saturates the distilled water.
Some people find the residual MMS and acid activator can cause undesirable side effects from the Herxheimer reaction.
CDS is better for intravenous use and can be applied in higher concentrations to the skin.
This is the reason why CDS was developed. CDS allows for the complete removal of residual reaction by products and the production of a pure chlorine dioxide gas in solution.
Many people still find MMS1 convenient, just as effective, and do not have the digestive problem but for those that have a problem with MMS1, CDS is a great alternative.
5. You mention the concept of a "herxheimer reaction" that can occur when detoxing with chlorine dioxide. Can you explain what this is and how to best manage it?
Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizer and wreaks havoc on biofilm, chemicals, some heavy metals, pathogens, and small parasites. After their destruction, the waste particles circulate in the bloodstream until the liver, kidneys, bowel, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin remove them. If pathogens and toxins are being killed/oxidized faster than the body can remove them, or if detox pathways are compromised, the excess toxins may cause flu-like symptoms, a runny nose, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, headaches, diarrhea, constipation, tiredness, etc. This is called a Herxheimer reaction and is common when going through a detox program. Although it doesn’t feel so great, this reaction is a sign of healing.
It is best to manage this by using the low and slow principle, always follow the three golden rules, and use binders when necessary.
Low and slow principal:
Always start low and go slow. This helps reduce Herxheimer reactions.
Three golden rules:
Rule #1 (No Change Rule) If your Symptoms are improving? Do not change anything. Continue with what you are doing.
Rule #2: (Reduce Rule) If you are feeling worse (with prolonged nausea or diarrhea), reduce your intake by 50%... but keep taking it.
Rule #3 (Increase Rule) Not getting better and not getting worse? If there are no signs of improvement, go to the next increase in dosage or go to the next level up of protocol. (Highest dosage is still on 3 drops for most protocols)
Binders (and chelators, which are binders used specifically for removing heavy metals) are a critical part of a detox protocol. They’re used to attract or “grab” toxins, metals, and pathogens for elimination through the kidneys and bowels. Using binders can reduce a Herxheimer reaction and help prevent reabsorption of toxins back into the body.
There is a section covered on binders in The Ultimate Guide.
The-Ultimate-Guide-to-Chlorine-Dioxide (theuniversalantidote.com)
6. In the book, you detail a number of different protocols for taking chlorine dioxide, like Protocol 1000, 2000, 3000, etc. How should someone new to chlorine dioxide go about choosing the right protocol for their needs?
For MMS1, Protocol 1000 will cover just about everything, and this is all I have ever had to use personally when taking orally. 80% of what I see people use for treating illness is protocol 1000 or Protocol C if using CDS.
The other more advanced protocols you mention are for advanced diseases like cancer and complex cases of Lyme disease.
There are other routes of use like spray on skin, enema, nebulizer and most of these are covered in The Ultimate Guide to Chlorine Dioxide.
I would stick with just learning and understanding the basic protocol 1000 or protocol C and then get more advanced from there.
7. For those wanting to try chlorine dioxide therapy, what are your top tips for mitigating the strong taste and making the experience more tolerable?
The smell is the biggest problem and I use the following method to mitigate that.
Dilute with more water if needed
Use ice cold water
Use a bottle with a small orifice so that you do not have to smell when taking a drink.
Don't breathe in for two or three seconds after taking a drink.
8. You discuss combining DMSO with chlorine dioxide in some protocols for enhanced effects. Can you explain more about how these work synergistically and best practices for safe usage?
The DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) seems to help the Chlorine Dioxide penetrate deeper into the body (per anecdotal reports). People who often don't get results with just the Chlorine Dioxide solution get results when they add DMSO.
The addition of DMSO is done by adding drops of 70% DMSO to the MMS1 or CDS just prior to ingesting. I start with 1-drop of DMSO for a dose of ClO2 and I use the same rules as previously discussed. This is covered more in depth in the guidebook. I usually use equal number drops of DMSO as the number of drops of MMS1 being used.
9. Many will be surprised to hear of chlorine dioxide's potential to treat serious conditions like cancer and autism that often confound conventional medicine. What have you found to be chlorine dioxide's mechanism of action against cancer cells specifically?
I believe that the mechanism of action for helping children with autism is direct oxidization and detoxification of toxins and heavy metals. These children often do much better with a comprehensive protocol involving the use of some other alternative therapies as well. I have spoken with and interviewed several parents of children that previously had autism and were completely cured.
Here is a guidebook for autism:
Telegram: Contact @theuniversalantidote
Regarding Chlorine Dioxide and its mechanism of action with cancer I think that there are potentially several mechanisms of action which are very similar to the mechanisms of action of ozone therapy.
1. Direct oxidation of cancer cells. Exposure of cancer cells to reactive oxygen species can cause apopptosis (cell death).
The Anticancer Potential of Chlorine Dioxide in Small-Cell Lung Cancer Cells
Anticancer and Antiviral Activity of Chlorine Dioxide by Its Induction of the Reactive Oxygen Species
Chlorine dioxide as a possible adjunct to metabolic treatment
Chlorine dioxide solution in metastatic cancer: case series
Ozone Therapy for Breast Cancer: An Integrative Literature Review
2. Oxidation of cancer causing toxins and chemicals that may be suppressing the immune system or continuously causing damage to the body.
3. The body may be influenced through the process of Mitochondrial hormesis that is caused by Chlorine Dioxide. This process results in the strengthening of the normal processes of mitochondrial function. This would be very similar to how exercise has a beneficial effect on those with cancer. Cancer is weak and often subject to apoptosis when exposed to stressors like vigorous exercise.
Mitohormesis: Promoting Health and Lifespan by Increased Levels of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
10. How does chlorine dioxide therapy compare to or fit in with other holistic healing modalities and supplements being promoted in the alternative health world?
Chlorine Dioxide can be used in adjunct with just about any holistic or allopathic treatment. One thing to take into consideration is administration of chlorine dioxide with potent antioxidants like high dose vitamin C and glutathione. Near simultaneous administration will result in both potentially being neutralized and becoming basically ineffective for achieving desired results. The window of time for activity of Chlorine Dioxide would be around one hour so it would be wise to avoid supplemental high-dose antioxidants for at least 24 hours before and/or one hour after Chlorine Dioxide protocols.
11. Are there any key differences in philosophy or approach between your work with chlorine dioxide and that of other prominent figures like Dr. Andreas Kalcker?
There is not much of a difference except that Andreas Kalcker does not promote nor educate people about the use of MMS1 (acidified sodium chlorite). He solely focuses on CDS for a variety of reasons.
I believe both MMS1 and CDS have their place. Healthcare providers and the average person would benefit from understanding both.
12. Obtaining high quality chlorine dioxide products and mixing them safely seems to be a key issue. What is your advice for how the average person can best source the materials and create their solutions properly?
There is a fairly comprehensive list of suppliers for premade solutions and for raw materials to make at home This can be found in The Ultimate guide to Chlorine Dioxide. https://bit.ly/Download-Mobile-Ultimate-Guide
The beauty of Chlorine Dioxide is that there is a very specific reaction that occurs when you mix the two part solutions together. The two solutions are clear and have basically no color or smell. When the solutions are added together in equal amounts, the solution becomes amber yellow and there is a distinct smell of pool water (careful, don't smell it deeply because it's very irritating in its gas form without any humidification). So if you see the reaction with the color change and smell the distinct smell, you know that you have the right stuff. If for some reason, you are worried about the purity, you can make CDS with those solutions and distilled water and the result will be ULTRAPURE Chlorine Dioxide gas saturated in water.
13. What would you say to skeptics who worry that the chlorine dioxide movement is veering into dangerous pseudoscience territory and encouraging people to ingest household chemicals not approved for medical use?
I was a sceptic, and I thought that Chlorine Dioxide was snake oil at best or poisonous at worst. I did my research and the results of my research led me to the truth. I felt that it was worthy of complete documentation for the benefit of all mankind. I worked for nearly 3 1/2 years on research and documentary production, and then another year on the training course.
I would say to the skeptics that they should be skeptical and they should take a look at the evidence and do their own research. The documentary and the accompanying reference guide will provide a good starting point. All of the reference materials mentioned in the documentary can be found in the reference guide, which can be downloaded at the homepage of the website.
The Universal Antidote – The Science and Story of Chlorine Dioxide
14. Have you encountered health situations where chlorine dioxide did not work as hoped or expected? How do you make sense of times when results don't match the promise?
There have been times when I have seen Chlorine Dioxide not work as I expected. I think this probably has to do with what is causing the particular problem or the inability of the chlorine dioxide to reach the affected area. Here's a common example. I see quite a few people with arthritis respond very well to Chlorine Dioxide, but I would say around 50% of people say that it did not help them with their arthritis. If the arthritis is caused by inflammation, and the chlorine dioxide can reach the areas of inflammation it can release oxygen in that area and the person will experience a reduction in pain and often complete resolution of arthritic symptoms. If the cause of the arthritis is related to direct degeneration of the bone/joint then I think the affected person wouldn't see positive results.
Another example would be cancer. I would say that only around 20% of people who have cancer and use Chlorine Dioxide start to see positive results immediately. The other 80% either respond slower or sometimes not at all. I think either the Chlorine Dioxide isn't getting to the cancer because it's being reduced before contact with cancer, or the cancer has developed workarounds to neutralize ROS. Direct contact with the chlorine dioxide seems to be necessary for the oxidizing benefits to occur.
One final example would be infections that are difficult to reach like osteomyelitis. Hard to reach infections like this may take much longer and may require alternative routes to ensure that the Chlorine Dioxide can directly contact affected areas.
It's important that people understand that Chlorine Dioxide is not some kind of miracle cure. It has specific mechanisms of action, and some of those mechanisms of action are understood and have been elucidated in the literature. There still is much research to be done to fully understand Chlorine Dioxide and learn how to use it to its fullest potential to benefit mankind and also animals and plants.
15. What are you currently focused on in terms of your research and educational efforts around chlorine dioxide? For those interested to learn more or follow your work, what's the best way for them to stay connected?
I am currently focused on educating as many people as possible through the documentary and free training course that I provide on the website. Millions of people in many different countries and many languages have watched the documentary. Over 250,000 people have taken the free training course, and downloaded the free guidebook and both of these have been translated into quite a few languages.
The best way to stay connected is through the Telegram channel and telegram private chat group.
Telegram channel: https://t.me/theuniversalantidote
Private Telegram chat: https://bit.ly/JoinUniversalAntidotePrivateChat
The best way to learn about Chlorine Dioxide would be to take the free training course here:
The Universal Antidote Course – The Universal Antidote 🧑🏼🎓
The download for the free guidebook is in the free training course or at this link.
Mobile Guide Book:
v1.5.1-mob-The-Ultimate-Guide-to-Chlorine-Dioxide.pdf (theuniversalantidote.com)
Print version guidebook:
Ultimate Guide to Chlorine Dioxide - Printable Version (theuniversalantidote.com)
Blessings in Jesus name,
Curious Outlier
1 Timothy 6:11-12
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For those affected by COVID vaccine injury, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment as a resource.
Discover 'Baseline Human Health': Watch and share this insightful 21-minute video to understand and appreciate the foundations of health without vaccination.
Books as Tools: Consider recommending 'Official Stories' by Liam Scheff to someone seeking understanding. Start with a “safe” chapter such as Electricity and Shakespeare and they might find their way to vaccination.
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Thanks for this, Unbekoming as part of, I hope, your ongoing coverage of CD.
Curious Outlier, thank you for you generous, unflagging dedication to the Universal Antidote.
Your work is extremely important and I send all to your many resources with gratitude.
Keep up your great, good work for yourself and Humanity.
Get free, stay free.
I say Amen to all of this. (Not a Christian though).
Using MMS for about ten years now almost daily as preventing desease. Never felt better.
Tip about the taste: I add Pear Juice to the water/mms solution to mask the taste. Works great. Pear juice has no vitamine C. I assume, any other juice that doesn't have Vit C will masl taste too.