Saw this a couple of days when it premiered on Del Bigtree's The Highwire. He included a pretty good 90 minute introduction, interviewing Dr Malhotra and Mark Sharman.

I loved its sensible production and I believe this documentary's basic structure should be replicated in each country for their own sovereign Second Opinion.

Cannot overemphasize the importance of having a clear chronological record like A Second Opinion for each nation. It is too easy to forget the timeline of events and key characters involved.

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Thank you. From what I observed: it is obvious, of course that the fear, propaganda and censorship are responsible. We can get on a high horse and

blame the individuals themselves but, in what known to them reality could they

have expected the scale of this operation? It is a part of a societal contract, we work and pay

taxes to ensure the country's functioning. We pay those who are trusted with our security and wellbeing. We have never been betrayed on such scale.

IMHO as long as Norman Swans of our media are given air time, as long as

assorted "experts" backed by politicians are telling population it's safe and effective not much is going to change. The one thing allowing it to happen was

the trust. No one asked and, gov. Health Department never presented relevant data, only emotive reporting and numbers of dead (now we know those were

"fiddled" with). Nobody presented the perspective, nobody showed the

overall numbers of all causes, numbers of death every year from medical

mistakes in hospitals etc. All the frightened people saw was death from the virus.

And they've forgotten about the reality of life. Why the Health Ministry and Health Departments didn't exercise due diligence in evaluating vital information

in regards to vaxxines? Why, when the real scientists and experts raised their

considered concerns our health authorities didn't take notice and instead kept

following CDC narrative? You talk to people and all you hear is what they know

from "trusted sources" on msm. They are not even aware of some of our

senators like M.Roberts, G.Rennick, A.Antic raising their voices on our behalf.

This is not presented on "news" channels. Obviously there is a reason for it.

It's bad, they know it but, they just muddle through, hoping for the best.

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PCR is a process, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 a test. Calling it thus was a key part of the deception/fraud. PCR is "merely" a manufacturing process to create more of something; as such, it worked (and works) perfectly. We must rephrase any reference to PCR "tests" to the PCR "process".

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Good point!

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