Oracle and Mark Sharman have made an excellent 55-minute documentary on the UK experience with the rollout of these dangerous, unsafe, ineffective, experimental biologic genetics that have been described as Covid “vaccines”.
Whether awake, curious or asleep, I strongly recommend watching it, and I want to do my bit to maximise its distribution and reach.
Surprisingly it is still up on YouTube:
But you can watch it here also, when YouTube inevitably remove it.
These comments on YouTube caught my eye:
Natalie Doyle
Unvaccinated in Australia and still uncontaminated by Covid, I have survivor guilt because unlike so many people I didn't have to lose my livelihood . However, I still paid the price. For a long time I was treated as a leper but the worst thing is how my relationship to my son was severely damaged because he believed the government and so-called experts. We are all going to need great strength and compassion when it all comes out, the vaaxed the unvaaxed and the injured.
I almost split with my wife of 25 years over all this madness. She works in NHS and was on the verge of getting the injections and I begged and pleaded that she didn't do it. My wife thought I had become a conspiracy nut. I finally managed in sitting her down one day and said, "give it a few months and if we don't see any warning signals on the yellow card system, then I will get the injections with you" It really didn't take long to her completely changing her mind.
Jane Austin
I am vaccine injured from my booster as well, which was mandated to take to keep my job. Thankful for this information being shared with the public. I can relate to the stories as I too suffered greatly and wanted to die, and even after 9 months continue to have issues. I wish I knew then what I know now and what would have happened to me. I would have quit my job instead of taking this poison. Doctors still don’t know what to do to treat symptoms even if they believe the vaccine caused the problems. We need help with that! I am in an online vaccine injured support group from these vaccines with over 5k people worldwide who are suffering with no end in sight for help.
As I watched it, I had a range of thoughts that I’m going to weave together in this stack.
First and foremost, Dr. Aseem Malhorta has a prominent role in denouncing the jab and calling for halting the campaign. I’m very glad he is FINALLY doing that because he was on the wrong side of the subject at the beginning. He has flipped, and although I don’t want it forgotten that he has flipped, I am glad he has as we need 1,000 more like him, actually I’ll even take 50.
Here he is, from the doco:

He has also just published a paper on the subject:
What’s frustrating though about his reversal is this:
Malhotra received the Pfizer primary series in January 2021. He became a promoter of the vaccine, even appearing on “Good Morning Britain” to advise Indian film director Gurinder Chadha to get the vaccine. Chadha did so shortly after.
Malhotra said he began digging into vaccine data after his father, Dr. Kailash Chand, suffered a cardiac arrest at home approximately six months after receiving Pfizer’s vaccine.
The post-mortem showed two of Chand’s major arteries were severely blocked, even though Malhotra described his father as a fit person who didn’t have any significant heart problems.
Malhotra began reading about post-vaccination issues, including a study abstract in the journal Circulation that identified a higher risk of a heart attack following vaccination with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and a study from Nordic countries that identified a higher risk of myocarditis.
He actually only really paid attention AFTER his father was injured.
Here he is sitting uncomfortably as Cummins “the engineer” explains basic immunology to him:

Colitts refers to them as the Covid Mea Culpa Class:
These people, the Covid mea culpa class, are tip-toeing back to reality and hoping that no one will notice their own complicity. People far more famous and qualified than Malhotra have been smeared and pilloried by the likes of Dan Tehan and his confreres for saying exactly the same things Malhotra (and Tehan) are now saying. Only they were saying it when governments across the globe were committing crimes against their peoples.
Anyway, with all that said, thank you Aseem for doing the right thing now, whatever your reasons are.
Also, the doco gives airtime to the wonderful Dr. Clare Craig. She was an important part of my webinar in July 2021, as she best explained the problems of PCR testing:
Here she is explaining, in the simplest of terms, the problem with the HYPER sensitivity of PCR tests that were used to govern our lives during the GMC:

The doco also introduced me to Dr. Ros Jones, who makes an appearance in this clip.

One of the most important things the doco does is give airtime to several jab injured people. You get to hear from them directly. Reading about their stories is one thing, hearing them is another entirely.
Two of those stories are of a young 22 yo man, and 24 yo woman. That’s pretty close to home for me as that’s basically the ages of our two kids.
I love a good chart, and the doco has this excellent one showing the huge increase in myocarditis across the age groups. The young have been devasted.
If you want to understand the difference between “old” myocarditis and what is going on now, I wrote this in-depth stack on the subject some time ago:
Lastly, I want to highlight Caroline Pover:
She was injured by AZ and went on to write the following book, that you might find useful if you are injured, or know someone who is injured. Remember if your immune system is not quite working right and “you just don’t feel yourself” and you keep getting ill…YOU ARE INJURED! Start looking and trying remedies. This book might help.
Covid Vaccine Adverse Reaction Survival Guide
And a short video from her about the book.
This is her story:
On March 3rd, 2021 at 12:20pm I was given one dose of AstraZeneca's Covid vaccine. I didn't even feel the needle go in.
Nine hours later, I started shaking. Full body shakes. And I was freezing cold. My teeth were chattering loudly. I looked down at my hands to find them violently shaking - I had never experienced anything like this before. I got into bed fully clothed and put the electric blanket on high. By 2am I was still shaking and my cognitive functions were no longer working properly. My boyfriend called an ambulance, and the paramedics ascertained that my vitals were at dangerous levels so they took me into A&E, stabilising me on the way. I had numerous scans and blood tests, none of which gave any clues as to what was happening to me. I was discharged the next day with a diagnosis of "Severe reaction to Covid vaccine."
I had no idea that vaccines could cause this kind of reaction. I had never heard of a severe reaction to any kind of vaccine. I actually questioned the diagnosis.
In the days that followed I slept for hours, having vivid, disturbing dreams the likes of which I have never experienced either before or since. I was constantly exhausted, unable to do little more than shower. My chest was tight and breathing was difficult, and I developed a huge, stinging rash from my vulva all the way up my back, then unexpectedly started menstruating. After that, the migraines started - daily migraines accompanied by numbness on one side of my face, my tongue, my arm, or my leg, and a complete loss of awareness of where I was or who I was with. Sometimes I hallucinated. I felt like I'd had a stroke.
Exactly a week after the vaccine I experienced excruciating head pain that had me in tears, convinced that if I stuck a knife in the side of my head that would somehow relieve the pain. Painkillers made no difference whatsoever. Another ride in an ambulance resulted in the same diagnosis: "Severe reaction to Covid vaccine."
I was supposed to be launching my fifth book - a memoir - and had twenty speaking engagements lined up. I was writing another book, running a successful pickling business, learning Japanese, doing yoga every day, and regularly running of hiking. I was leading a busy, fulfilling life and suddenly I could no longer function I cancelled everything.
In the following weeks I developed a range of weird physical and psychological symptoms. Every single day was different. I was in constant pain. Everything exhausted me - I couldn't even talk to anyone for long. I had to rest in bed after sleeping, showering, walking down the stairs, moving from one room to another I had no idea what was going on. I knew nobody else that this had happened to.
And nobody was helping me.
I created my own recovery plan, focusing on a "brain-food" diet and sleep - lots and lots of sleep. I got support from a counsellor, a Functional Medicine practitioner, and an acupuncturist, all of whom became my life-savers. My GP got on board with my recovery efforts. I eventually connected with other people from all over the world who were also dealing with adverse reactions to all of the Covid vaccines, not just AstraZeneca. I planned on dedicating three months to my recovery, and assumed that I would be back to normal after that.
I spent five months on full-time, intense recovery efforts before I began to see some glimpses of my old life. But I am not "back to normal." I have a new normal now. Managing my limitations and being patient with ongoing recovery are my new normal. I have no idea whether I will "fully" recover from this experience - nobody can tell me that. Not enough is known about this particular vaccine; not enough acknowledgement or research is going into the life-changing adverse reactions that some of us are having to it; and until that happens, not enough treatments are being made available to us.
At the time of writing, it is now one year since I had the vaccine. I am currently able to function at about a third of what I was functioning at pre-vaccine. I am still learning to live with this, and that recovery plan 1 originally created is constantly evolving. My life is forever changed.
Caroline Pover
March 3rd, 2022
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Saw this a couple of days when it premiered on Del Bigtree's The Highwire. He included a pretty good 90 minute introduction, interviewing Dr Malhotra and Mark Sharman.
I loved its sensible production and I believe this documentary's basic structure should be replicated in each country for their own sovereign Second Opinion.
Cannot overemphasize the importance of having a clear chronological record like A Second Opinion for each nation. It is too easy to forget the timeline of events and key characters involved.
Thank you. From what I observed: it is obvious, of course that the fear, propaganda and censorship are responsible. We can get on a high horse and
blame the individuals themselves but, in what known to them reality could they
have expected the scale of this operation? It is a part of a societal contract, we work and pay
taxes to ensure the country's functioning. We pay those who are trusted with our security and wellbeing. We have never been betrayed on such scale.
IMHO as long as Norman Swans of our media are given air time, as long as
assorted "experts" backed by politicians are telling population it's safe and effective not much is going to change. The one thing allowing it to happen was
the trust. No one asked and, gov. Health Department never presented relevant data, only emotive reporting and numbers of dead (now we know those were
"fiddled" with). Nobody presented the perspective, nobody showed the
overall numbers of all causes, numbers of death every year from medical
mistakes in hospitals etc. All the frightened people saw was death from the virus.
And they've forgotten about the reality of life. Why the Health Ministry and Health Departments didn't exercise due diligence in evaluating vital information
in regards to vaxxines? Why, when the real scientists and experts raised their
considered concerns our health authorities didn't take notice and instead kept
following CDC narrative? You talk to people and all you hear is what they know
from "trusted sources" on msm. They are not even aware of some of our
senators like M.Roberts, G.Rennick, A.Antic raising their voices on our behalf.
This is not presented on "news" channels. Obviously there is a reason for it.
It's bad, they know it but, they just muddle through, hoping for the best.