What an excellent interview! This young woman is a fountain of awakening! So encouraging to read her thoughts and perspectives.

She's quite correct about that cowardice that pervades when we're going along with the "program." The dangers are always in the opposite direction of the "roar." Hence, the wisdom in "running to the roar." When "they" tell us to run away from something, they're usually also telling us where to run, and that's exactly where the real dangers are. Before considering anything that's being pushed upon us, we must always start with the question: "Why do they want us to go over there?"

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Reading articles like this is validation to what I now know, which hitherto didn't, yet it's a joy to see what this woman overcame. Vaccines create untold damage, in some unfortunate souls, that most will say, "I took all of them and nothing happened to me". Haven't I heard that 1000x's.

We can say to ourselves, we were misinformed, they lied to us, we didn't know, we trusted the doctors. We can throw the blame away from us onto those who did the damage, really?

When a mother sees what her decision has wrought onto her perfectly healthy child, by allowing certain vaccines (not knowing it's the cumulative effect) that destroyed her child's life, where he would never have a normal life, where this would follow him to an early grave, there is no forgiveness for that mother. The pain of that decision will follow her all the days of her life, which unfortunately, will be longer than the one she loves most dear.

If I eat a seed I get a serious reaction. Why would I eat another seed when my body just told me seeds are not for me. If you vaccinate your child there is always a serious reaction. But you're not looking, not seeing. All the signs are there. You missed them. When your body reacts violently to what you put in it, you do not repeat. It's on every vaccine insert. "Do not take if previous allergic reactions occurred".

Never have a heard a scream like that which comes from a babies reaction to a vaccine. We soothe them when we get home and witness their listless and/or sleepy reactions, their blank stares, only to do it again and again. Then, when they can't focus, can shatter glass screaming, need glasses or a hearing aid before they can walk, can't hold a spoon, sleep 20 hours a day, speak a language only you can understand, still, you don't see what you have done.

This article is very joyful to see what this woman has overcome. But painful as well, as some of us can never recover from the wrong decisions we have made for our children. We are responsible

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Yes, it's soul-piercing and heartbreaking to see the damage vaccines do to so many children. However, I operate with a different paradigm -- I believe that we do have the tools, technology, and miracles that make "impossible" healing possible. I have witnessed this myself. I know parents who have revered the most extreme cases of autism in their children. I believe we limit ourselves when we operate with the belief that there are some decisions from which we "can never recover." I have a class about healing from vaccine injury, and even severe pharmaceutical injury. It's available here for those interested: https://vaccineclass.com/

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Something else caught my interest - You mentioned being a child of a narcissistic parent in the interview and I'm curious if you found healing in this area of your life and if so, how?

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Kudos to Ms. Geertsen for the courageous journey she undertook. Two comments. First, conventional, Rockefeller-medicine practitioners consider almost all non-acute illnesses (i.e. not colds, flus, strep throats, and the like) to be incurable because they cannot cure them. They do not comprehend that people can heal themselves, i.e. become truly well, through measures that strengthen them and enhance their vitality and not simply suppress symptoms. On a personal note, I have witnessed two of my patients with ulcerative colitis completely recover with homeopathic medicines which, not coincidentally, function as energetic catalysts to strengthen and balance overall functioning.

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Her cook book arrived just yesterday ! pretty layout and the recipes look mouth watering! A big fan of Lauren here

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Hi Ingrid! I'm delighted that you are enjoying the cookbook. Thank you for your support here on Substack, beautiful soul!

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Psychopaths don't like to be questioned so what they do is put unspoken pressure to not bring something up. This is a very common trick I have experienced with them. They do this because they are enjoying something at other's expense and to speak about it allows fairness to be expressed and attention brought to the problem. Another stark example is terrain theory - notice it's never mentioned in the medical field? Most are not even familiar with the term. And yet another example is chemtrails. Notice the almost total silence? So talk about things rather than keep the silence when you feel illwill from others or something isn't quite right. I love Lauren's insights, she is a very wise woman.

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Excellent! Gotta love that Inner Voice, and the people who listen to theirs!

I especially liked her Psychopath Playbook ... really well done. Empaths and people with high empathy scores are particularly susceptible to a psychopath's charms. I'd humbly suggest The Empathy Trap book (by Tim McGregor and Jane McGregor) as another great resource for recognizing these characters and how they operate.

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Thank you for inviting me to do this interview and share my story! I am so grateful for the kind and supportive comments here. I appreciate finding this open-hearted and like-minded community ❤️

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🔥 🔥 🔥

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Thanks for introducing me to Lauren. Can't wait to explore her work.

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I just finished reading The Scorpion and the Lion, and truth leapt out from every page! As a fellow survivor/thriver after narcissistic abuse, I so appreciate your insight and wisdom, Lauren.

I encourage everyone to read Lauren's books, take her courses, and check out her websites.

(Also, might there be a typo here? It this supposed to be chained instead of changed? "Then, I realized that I needed the wisdom of my body to save me from being changed to the pharmaceutical industry for the rest of my life."

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Hi Beth! I love hearing how much The Scorpion and The Lion resonated with you 💝Thanks for the kind shout-out of my work! And thanks also for catching that typo... oops! 🤪

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