As the old Soviet joke goes: “Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Communism is the other way around”.

In a time and place of debased morality, power will be usurped by the vicious, the ruthless. The “-ism” is merely window dressing for the intended slaves.

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That joke sums up in two sentences everything unbekoming sought to explain through six books read and thousands of words written.

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That's Brilliant😯🫢🤔

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Handy link and book reference! Thank you, saved it and forwarded it!

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> Power, if in reality it is absolute, can be only one. The idea of the absolute excludes multiplicity.

If we assume this to be right (or true), we exclude franchise power. By logical standards, if an entity (person, group) is skillful enough to take over the entire power, they must be aware that this conquest cannot last long - because they cannot control the tomorrow.

The easy solution to this problem is by branching out the power into smaller entities, all reporting to the One. Run this process five times, and the One gains unimaginable power, with the added advantage of disappearing in the shadows. This is what colonialism and “empires” were about. The reasons could be different (economy, not power per se), but the mechanism is the same.

Fast forward to AD 2024. The dominant business trend for successful companies is to merge into larger companies. These in turn merge into larger larger companies. Is it spontaneous? Doubt it. Check start-ups. They are under continuous surveillance of power distributors. If any chance of a start-up coming up with a valuable novelty arises, miracle funders enter and offer “support”, actually taking control over the development of the invention. On the surface: free market. In reality: total control.

“Free” market does not exist. If you have a great business, financially beyond expectations, and a competitive business opens up next door, you will not worship “free-market economy”. You will try to merge with it pre-emptively, fight it by prices, opening hours, discounts, threaten it with your loyalty cards, or go to blackmail and real threats. This is common sense and survival, not some fancy ideologies written by people who have never seen real-life business and have never been employed.

In the absolute overview of the whole economy on the Earth, we all make up one giant “the Financial International, the capitalist-communist one” in Rakovsky’s terminology.

Electronic communication and trade only make this conglomerate more apparently visible. Like in: …do you want to increase shipping rates? Stick one large ship in the Suez Canal and one large ship in the Panama Canal. Wait patiently. Shipping rates will skyrocket right on, sell and earn. After some weeks, release the ships and enjoy your new fortune. Dwarf air cargo transport by appealing to “ecological reasons”, reroute all large shipments to sea, and repeat the process so successfully prototyped. Copy-paste by rerouting marine cargo to railroads, repeat accidental incidents and enjoy continuous inflow of new free funds. Copy-paste by rerouting railroad transport to local road deliveries by trucks. Limit the supply of crucial truck parts, like engine control chips or rubber components, and enjoy continuous inflow of new free funds.

This symphony has no colors, only digits.

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I thought I was the only one that suspicious Lol

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It is not my intention to usurp your position, the One is always the One :-)

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Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick.

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Great info in one place😎💕. I need to read this Red Symphony to full evaluate,

The dialectic of communism/capitalism makes sense to me. If one aims at a singularity view of life - bingo! It becomes clear all these divisive plans.

Just never considered that the planning was so intensely guided. Most people’think’ in a dialect manner, not even able to contemplate a singularity- yet all life- except Humans exists this way.

Thanks for digging and presenting here 💕

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Well, this was depressing to say the least. Could the writer not have left the reader with any avenue of hope?

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A very interesting read. I always felt the system was rigged from a deeper place. I wrote a villanelle about it some years back, titled Systemic Tragedy. Here's a link:


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Mar 17Edited

People think Joe Rogan is a counter establishment and he's just not. Rogan is an alternate cornerstone in the limited spectrum of debate and many layers of propaganda keeping enquiring minds boxed back in. Question for all.... if Stalin wasn't the oligarch's man and thwarted their Soviet plans could the same thing have happened to China? And that's if you believe Mao's CCP, after finally liberating themselves from hundreds of years of imperial oppression, destitution and war, turned around and sold their people back into that power structure. And! generations later 1.4b people love the dystopian-techno-oppression regularly polling >90% satisfaction. Its just not a credible argument. Ask yourself, who benefits from you thinking they control everything and there is no way out?

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Thanks for sharing the fruits of your hard work.

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On reading Bertrand de Jouvenel's book 'On Power' I came to look at Power objectively as a metaphysical entity evolving through humanity. It could be equated with the essence of Evil and it is for the human to resist this attraction to serve as tools of Power to continuously expand.

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