By killing us slowly, many don't notice. Thank-you for your article and book review.

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Accurate and enjoyable to read as well. Before the grand scale hoax of COVID-19, I used to trust GPs' advice. Not anymore. My health was ruined by unnecessary use of antidepressants, statins, and proton pump inhibitors.

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I basically doctor myself now. I have a functional medicine doc but I’m not sure about her either. I research quite a bit on my own and try natural methods. At 76 I only take a tiny dose of BP medicine as an Rx. I am working to get off that. The BP scam is massive. As is the osteoporosis game.

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A pinch of borax and a pinch of magnesium in my distilled water made my bones so hard I’ve slipped three times on to a wet tile floor on to my back without and injury except my pride .

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At almost 71, now, I do the same as you do!

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a few suggestions...

James Le Fanu, The Rise and Fall of Modern Medicine

Seamus O'Mahoney, Can medicine be cured?

Peter Gotzsche, Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare.

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Thanks Rogier, I'll add to the list.

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The biggest secret that the entire medical industrial complex needs to keep hidden is that in most cases the body heals itself:).

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Since the Covid farce I learned a lot about true health and have dropped all the 'so necessary' medicines prescribed by my GP.

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Chelation will reverse most heart conditions . Almost any so called licensed Dr will be attacked for curing you with EDTA chelation.

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If you are afraid of The big Bad chemical name . Look on your everyday soybean oil Mayo ingredients. Be more afraid of the bean family toxins

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Thanks will look this book up,

"Public health officials have a warped vision of health. They equate things like vaccines with health, but vaccines are not health. Health is health - when you're sleeping, you're eating and you're exercising. It’s not a medical product. Medical products are not the definition of health. I think ‘disease mongering’ is equating medications and vaccines with health – it’s actually a sick way of thinking about health and wellness." Joseph Ladapo

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This is one of Unbekommings greatest. Recently my son noted that Roxy weighed 52 pounds. I said that's obvious, I could have told you that. She went to the vet for a wellness check. Why, I said. To check for Lyme. Why, I said. Any symptoms? No, he said. Oh, OK, I get it, you got a card in the mail, time to see Roxy. Wellness checks, don't you love that oxymoron, is doublespeak for vax time. From kids we're now onto dogs. Now we vax the animals that feed us.

My neighbor and a family member have small dogs, one loaded with tumors and the other had a seizure and died on the way to a vet in the car. Both nearly 9 years old. Life expectancy for those two dogs is 18-22 years. Wellness checks, great idea, right?

Parents need to do the math. How many years of a good life are you stripping away from your child's life by engaging and submitting to Wellness checks? I went along with it for a year. The next time my kids saw a doctor was when they had broken limbs between 6-8 years old. I forged their immunization cards to get them into school. They never checked.

My own knowledge and experience with chelation therapy really put the FDA on high alert to my bullshit meter and has since never failed me. They advocate, I run away. They say dangerous, I take it. Trust me, you can't go wrong. I could go on for a week but Dr Carter sez it better than me.

In conclusion, my dog developed inability to walk up stairs at 14, so I carried him. Took him to see Lee Simpson, a Spanish language classmate of mine, a vet, and she acupunctured Noodles ONCE.

Came home that very day and Noodles ran up those stairs till he was 19. True story.

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Great comments. I especially LOVE this:

" I forged their immunization cards to get them into school. They never checked."

Much respect to you!

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

HI Unbekoming,

Racketeering in Medicine - It has been going on a lot longer than the last 20 years. Consider the following: The only accepted treatment for cancer is Chemo, Surgery, Radiation. This treatment is over 50 years old.

One of the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". So with regards to health care it is definitely insane. Perhaps greed and profit are symptoms of that insanity?

All my life I have been aware that something was missing in health care. In the late 1960s I realized what it was. Health. Health was already on the decline. Crazy as it seemed to me at the time, the US continued to destroy the health of it citizenry while claiming it was numeral Uno in the world.

It is very hard to lead people down the path to global destruction if they are healthy and control the means to that health. So what is surprising to me is that people could get sucked into this nonsense. I would really like to understand that. Then I can generate deeper compassion and perhaps gain insight into ways of helping people return to health.

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Thanks for posting!

The book can also be read here for free: https://archive.org/details/racketeering-in-medicine/mode/2up

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Wowed let the truth be told !!!


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I broke my left wrist 2 weeks ago, a simple break, and the bones didn't shift. The first thing the Ortho said was we need to do surgery, screws, and a plate. I said NO. The ER had splinted it. And as long as I don't fall or damage it, the bones will knit back together in 6-8 weeks sans the surgery. The Right thumb surgery taught me not to let them mess with my hands. The hard cast damaged the wrist nerves. carpal tunnel-like neuropathy set in. I can live with the splint. Medicare/Tricare Life would have covered it 100% Including Physio. Nor was I driving 50 miles round trip for that, when a good one is 2 miles from the house.

I'm a Dr. Jon Pol Vet fan, he does this with many of the animals he treats, Only sending them to surgeons if it is necessary.

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Thank you.

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Thank you!!! Well said👏🏼

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I was a heart patient in 2008 , had angina in my early 60s . Shoveling snow one day . I had very bad pain in my chest . All the EKGs found nothing , but a ultrasound finally did with my running on a tread mill. So to the big out of state hospital I went for a stint . Got a so called experiment medicated one put in . Asked the doctor that checked on me if there was a way to reverse hardening of the arteries. He told me ,”the short answer is Yes , but he had limited time and I looked like a intelligent guy and if I did some research online I could get the long answer to my question. Well I did just that . I found EDTA chelation and bought some online and 90 days later I felt better . I was taking L-Arginine to dilate my arteries before that and after I did Serrapeptase for 90 days I didn’t need Ace-inhibitors anymore or the L-arginine. Noticed the floaters in my eyes were gone too .

I got quite weak a few years later in 2012 . Got driven to a big hospital as I wasn’t interested in getting a second opinion to just wind up in a big hospital later . Turns out as I’m being checked out . They find my red blood count is critically low . I’m rushed into some room and they started a blood infusion. Week later I’m still in the hospital and they are doing tubes up my posterior and down my throat. Swallowing capsule cameras .Got talked into a pneumonia shot as that was what my roommate was coughing all day , next day I have a heart attack and I’m rushed down the halls to a clinic that looks like a oil change garage and because I was in so much pain I got morphine. So I was awake during the groin in to the arteries procedure to clear a blood clot from the old stint . I asked the tech if the other side needed a stint while they were under the hood so to speak . And he says no both sides are clear no hardening of the arteries. Now before I took any EDTA or Serrapeptase my stint side was 95% blocked and the other 75%. So my science experiment on myself for hardening of the arteries was a success.

The intestines finally got fixed by a super long spiraling interoperable tube that had a camera and a burning tool . The problem with my intestines was better . But I cured it completely by eating a total carnivore diet. I haven’t taken any heart Px drugs since 2013 I had arthritis and did prednisone until I when carnivore and sun bathed . So now totally off all drugs for 4 years

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Re: "Healthy, Unhealthy and Dead. Only one version is profitable.

A minor correction. Healthy, diseased, or dead. Modern medicine doesn't care a but about healthy nor unhealthy - they have a monopoly on "disease" and on patents for diseases.

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